Shame on you Tilda

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There is only 1 person whining and it isn't me.

I really cba carrying on this with you, believe what you want and carry on doing whatever you do in rl, but please don't try and be "clever" with your quotations etc you don't quite pull it off!

I hope you carry on enjoying your stay in DAOC and BW I love being enlightened by one such as you!!


Firstly, Tilda, It DOES NOT matter how many people have done this before. Maybe I'm being naive, but this is the first instance of what I've heard of about this sort of behaivour. I'd expect all similar behaivour to be treated similar, name and shame etc. It pisses me off this type of thing is going on behind our backs. You are one of the least likely to get away with it too! Naming all your characters with "Tild" in them isn't going to go in your favour here. On top of this you are a Moderator here for fuck sake. You are here to represent as a role model to other people on these boards. You have a title which means you are the righter of wrongs, basically the law here. People don't tolerate corruption anywhere, especially in the police force. Fuck knows what you were thinking. Don't expect sympathy because you posted... You owed that to the people here atleast. Your actions were shitty and small minded. So much for the honest players here in DAoC. It's actions like this which send the game and social life down into the gutter. 1 person's selfish actions upset much more, but no you weren't thinking about them, becuase you were in it for yourself. You have lost whatever little respect you had in most people for yourself. That will not come back soon, anytime soon.

This does effect his Moderator status. He is a moderator on the DAoC forums. He is a well known figure and he is meant to think with clear judgement and do the right thing. This does not reflect well on you at all, and any words said from now on are more than likely to be a hot steamy pile of contradictory crap. Repent all you like but you're not getting sympathy from me and I hope something is done about your title. No - Don't get me wrong, you're a nice guy ingame or what have you, from atleast where I have PM'd you etc, but this event is going to stick out in people's mids for a long time. It doesn't look well if we have a role model for the DAoC community going in with corrupt affairs. Just because a guy who ran over someone with his car admits he did so and was in the wrong in court, does not mean his sentence will disappear.

As for Gunz, yeah you may know Tilda ingame, TBH I don't fucking care. You are obviously post farming here and you can't even call HIM a HE. He is not fucking female.


Just to add,Whilst it's good that you've had the balls to put your hands up and admit it I find this comment you made a bit silly,

Originally posted by Tilda

I, personally know of around 10 people who tried what I did, and suceeded, No im not going to name them, but as chipper said, it has happened before and people have got away with it.

Why not name and shame them? If it was a drop that I had lost to one of these ****s I would not of been a happy chappy.


I read all 16 pages...

its amusing.. but i would like to say my bit.. Tilda i exped with before either off us had lvl 50's at tangles AOE group.. those was the days.... he/she seams ok np from me, i dont chat with tilda much now..
Yes i agree Theft is a henious crime be it a game or other wise (this is an Online life as such) and how ever a joke can go badly wrong too.. Tilda admited fault knowing the he/she could be banded from sidi raids by any that run, also knowing that some are unlikely to use the crafter he/she has, and maybe even risk the guild colours he/she wears..
But people now know to make there own minds up...

Some defended tilda through think and thin and still do... I would do for my best mate or brother its what real friend do... how ever i bet you those people have said to tilda.. 'mate WTF you do that for etc.....

basicly what im saying is cant we cut the BS and make our own minds up about this and how each off us will aproach Tilda, and who ever else is involved in this raid..

and point to note agilro is far from inocent when it comes to fairness and drops.. i know from experiance


tilda was forced into admitting it btw otherwise i doubt he would have, if he hadnt his BW status would have been at a much higher risk then if he had denied it, therefor being even more untruthful and unfair.


for all you people who are defending tilda that was sarcastic.


Originally posted by lac_desariel
basicly what im saying is cant we cut the BS and make our own minds up about this and how each off us will aproach Tilda, and who ever else is involved in this raid..

No because he's a mod. Someone who admits to cheating and lying and admits that he knows other ppl who get away with it is supposed to moderate us? Sure, it's only an online forum for a game, but even an online forum for a game has to have some standards. No cheating and no lying are pretty basic standards.

Would love to hear from a mod other than Tilda as to why he's still a mod at all.


Originally posted by yog-hurt
tilda was forced into admitting it btw otherwise i doubt he would have, if he hadnt his BW status would have been at a much higher risk then if he had denied it, therefor being even more untruthful and unfair.


for all you people who are defending tilda that was sarcastic.

First we need to start respecting those whom are never dis-honest before we respect Tilda. Well, are we?


Where is Tilda anyway? I don't like Tilda beeing so mean. I liked him before. Yes. Now only Outlaw is likeable. And many others. But I like him the most. Oh yes. Indeed. Indeed oh yes..




Originally posted by Asha
No because he's a mod. Someone who admits to cheating and lying and admits that he knows other ppl who get away with it is supposed to moderate us? Sure, it's only an online forum for a game, but even an online forum for a game has to have some standards. No cheating and no lying are pretty basic standards.

Would love to hear from a mod other than Tilda as to why he's still a mod at all.
I asked that question like a month ago and it turned into some massive flame war resulting in a couple of people getting banned and me very close to a ban. No surprises there then. Was quite funny that all the mods came to defend him though. All of them. Brinx, Damini, Belsameth...:eek:


all i have to say is that tilda's most likely the opposite of what you think of him, i cant say i know him btu when we did a dragon raid together i at least had fun

it takes a lot to truely get to know some1, hence judging some1 when you havent even talked more to that person than 30 secs is really easy ><


Originally posted by adari
it takes a lot to truely get to know some1, hence judging some1 when you havent even talked more to that person than 30 secs is really easy ><
Actions speak louder than words...


Originally posted by Coim-
Pfft. Amateur thread tbh. :p

Jesus! - lighting fingers!!

took 0.01 of a second for you to quote and reply :D

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Perhaps Tilda is a saint when you get to know the real him. From what I have seen of his behaviour and elitist, arrogant attitude in game I would have to dig pretty fucking deep to find something in him that I could say was a positive attribute. I wonder if the other mods have as many problems with people as he does...? Aside from a few (and I do mean FEW) friends from his guild he has feck all support on this forum. Bels, Damini and Brinx are all pretty well liked and their actions are more often than not respected.

Anyways, I guess this thread is dying off now. I will add to my favourites though so I can relive it during the tedium of crafting. Best thread in months. :)


the view count on this post has sky rocket in the last 24 hours =/


all that could've said is said, so it seems quite enough. only postfarmers left now :)
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