Setgroup movie, Silvermane Aug healer POV


Part of the furniture
Jan 15, 2004
Dallas said:
druid rr5 lasts 5 seconds or so, eld has self sos rr5, granted abit overpowered..
bm rr5 is just silly vs tanks..

on the other hand, albs have friar rr5, drop ST on top of that too :)
Sorc rr5, cleric rr5, and cabby rr5 is quite the nuisance too..

Mids dont have too much to offer in rr5 departement in normal fg, except the shammy rr5 wich is pretty much uber in long fights..

Then again a soj ml9 healer is pretty much the same as druid rr5, except you get to move while being immune, for double duration :)

Give bd rr5 to chanters please ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
druid rr5 ra is 5 secs , just stop hit him when he fire it and kill him 5 secs later, Druids armor is s h it vs zerkers. if bm uses rr5 ra he cant attack if didnt n notice, i used it 15 times since NF... eld sos rr5 is BROKE vs speedwarp.

U CANT compare rr5 shaman vs any hib rr5 ra. Just because that ubber heal/end/pow regen for ALL the grp its too much op
Just because you don't find a use for the bm rr5 doesn't mean it's bad. Just because druids got slash vurneable armour they don't deserve a better rr5 than others. All 3 of those rr5's are good. I've been saved countless amount of times by my rr5 eld ra.

It's like with mids, you don't really have a view of it before you've played against it. Judging by your sig you havn't.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Eva said:
Just because you don't find a use for the bm rr5 doesn't mean it's bad. Just because druids got slash vurneable armour they don't deserve a better rr5 than others. All 3 of those rr5's are good. I've been saved countless amount of times by my rr5 eld ra.

It's like with mids, you don't really have a view of it before you've played against it. Judging by your sig you havn't.

my sig is from pryd rvr and i played during 3 years: excal mid , excal alb, deria/mid and cammlan so inform yourself

rr5 bm is ok but is not overpowered , i think the other tanks are not stupids going for bms as main target, maybe you played vs gimps player.... about you leet eld rr5 but generally here in this server most of ppl the first thing they do on INC is put a sw to nerf all the type of Sos.. Another player playing US ? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Dallas said:
on the other hand, albs have friar rr5, drop ST on top of that too :)
Sorc rr5, cleric rr5, and cabby rr5 is quite the nuisance too..

Agreed, alb got lots of good rr5 RAs. But cleric one isnt one of them actually. Moksi killed me solo the other day without getting stunned once (well, killing blow stunned him) even though it just recently got love. It's not completely useless like healers rr5 RA but its not as good people think either.

And yes, I played BM/savage versus cleric rr5 to.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
some ppl here have real e-peen (or whatever it's called) issues. i have only played mid in RvR (unless joining the excalalbzerg with a lvl35 cleric counts:)), so i haven't got any experience with facing mids, but i do take some kind of hint that the only ppl defending the ''mids aren't op:ed''-theory is the ppl that only played mid.

i'm not that good of a player but i can kinda figure out that BL on a caster with pets, access to PD5 and 2 (right?) instantspells on a short timer (don't know the timer of the body debuff (cause that interrupts, right?)) isn't excatly balanced and shouldn't really be that hard. and if played well, i'm guessing it's not fun at all to meet.

i have no experience with the SM pet either (well, not much at least) but at one time charmangle (playing the suppSM ulas) got jumped by 2 night shades while being AFK. they beated on the pet for 2-3 minutes until he came back, then he PBAoE:ed them down do 40% so they fled. so i'm guessing the pet is kinda op as well =)

the thing with midgard is (imo and all that) that many of the abilities are spaced into a small amount of classes, like having only 2 supportclasses for example. it makes it easier to build balanced grps.

but since i'm just playing mid i guess i will continue with whineing about thurgpets, banshiees, grapplebots, alb casters, BM stun styles, etc :)

Xxcalibur said:
i played 3 realms and i admit MIDGARD is easy mode, Hibernia normal mode and alb hard mode.

Just make summary about overpowereds things on typicals setups
Midgard :

Healer- mezz and stun to CC, also instant mezzes/stun and can SH

instant mez is overpowerd? :)

Xxcalibur said:
if bm uses rr5 ra he cant attack if didnt n notice, i used it 15 times since NF...

have you noticed that it's kinda good if the meleeMA go for you?

and just one more thing about the op:ed discussion? why even bother? can't we just play for fun? every realm has it's perks, just midgard has abit more.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
pjuppe said:
instant mez is overpowerd? :)

have you noticed that it's kinda good if the meleeMA go for you?

and just one more thing about the op:ed discussion? why even bother? can't we just play for fun? every realm has it's perks, just midgard has abit more.

if you can cast mess / stun / root and plus have acces to instants mezz ae and normal, instant stun etc... Yes its overpowered, i played one 50 on excal and was easy mode.

about if meleeMA goes for bm first..... gl m8.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
about if meleeMA goes for bm first..... gl m8.

The groups I'm in mostly go for tanks first, for the simple fact that we kite back and they are oor for heals. Then they use their rr5 and just run back since you can parry from behind aswell. I find it slightly op that you can parry from behind when you use it, other than that it isen't too bad.

Vs groups with 1 convoker sw isen't always up due to running from a zerg or something like that. Even when I played eld I got 1~ second mach 5 boost while the sw was up(the ones you get sometimes when you get sw'ed, or got) which is enough to get away imo. :p

I think hib got the best rr5's in a usual group setup, not sure bout mid/alb really. They got a few usefull rr5's but nothing like hib, imo.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
mmm tbh i dont know where you play but if u kite tanks with 1 sec boost from SoS ... does use the tanks on your server "charge" ? :eek: Here most fo the grps have 2 casters with sw rdy to use it on INC and nerf the SoS from bard/mincer/skald/eld


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
if you can cast mess / stun / root and plus have acces to instants mezz ae and normal, instant stun etc... Yes its overpowered, i played one 50 on excal and was easy mode.

oh, i interpreted it like you where listing OP-abilities :) sorry about that

Xxcalibur said:
about if meleeMA goes for bm first..... gl m8.

if you can't imagine a using the tactic Eva described successfully against you i'm afraid you are just like all the mids that go ''we can't RvR without a bonedancer!'', ''we must have at least 2 banelords in the grp'', ''you can't have a skald that doesn't have FZ'', etc


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
pjuppe said:
oh, i interpreted it like you where listing OP-abilities :) sorry about that

if you can't imagine a using the tactic Eva described successfully against you i'm afraid you are just like all the mids that go ''we can't RvR without a bonedancer!'', ''we must have at least 2 banelords in the grp'', ''you can't have a skald that doesn't have FZ'', etc

i imagine and use Eva tactic, extend is very common lately, i dont go for 1 tank just beacuse i prefer use my bl stufff on their casters/healers. then come back with charge if is needed.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
just seems like a waste of charge to flee. but what do i know? i can't play casters or meleeclasses at all.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
mmm tbh i dont know where you play but if u kite tanks with 1 sec boost from SoS ... does use the tanks on your server "charge" ? :eek: Here most fo the grps have 2 casters with sw rdy to use it on INC and nerf the SoS from bard/mincer/skald/eld
Of course they use charge, however many use it on inc. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Eva said:

I think hib got the best rr5's in a usual group setup, not sure bout mid/alb really. They got a few usefull rr5's but nothing like hib, imo.

Nice post by pjuppe. I'm just curious what are these common uber rr5 abilities Hibs have? Tactics? Dreamweaver? Fury of Nature? Searing Pet? :p

All realms have sucky RR5s, maybe someone poll which is the best. ;)

I vote Testudo closely followed by Restorative Mind. Warrior Bg is a pivotal class that you cant indescriminantly just kill by f8 skillz, unlike its counterparts in the other two realms.

RR5s generally dont influence rvr much anyway.

Going back to the ezmode thing, yep Mids have it easiest, its really kind of obvious why that is, but sometimes player timing and luck play a factor as much as anything. Just get on with it mainly and have fun, win or lose, dont make you any better either way.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Tuorin said:
Nice post by pjuppe. I'm just curious what are these common uber rr5 abilities Hibs have? Tactics? Dreamweaver? Fury of Nature? Searing Pet? :p
Dreamweaver isen't bad at all, however I can see why you wouldn't wanna use it at the same time. :p

Bm rr5 is good, champ rr5 is godlike, eld rr5 is good. Druid rr5 is good. That's 6 out of 8 if you run a tank group(the setup we ran on avalon atleast).

Compare with for example mid that run bd, svg, zerk, sm, 3 heal, sham. Svg is usefull, bds and shamans is very good. Healers, zerks(I find it shit since it build up absorb, if you get assisted you need absorb insta, not after 20 secs) and sm's is quite shit.

That's my view on it atleast. :p


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Druid rr5 can be nice, or can be fatal tbh, good to use vs casters but sucks vs tanks because of stun timer removal.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2004
Haggus said:
Theres always gonna be an argument but it should more of a comparesen. Let's just look at some classes in fg rvr

When + where is 1 whine post about an alb caster after ToA (apart from sorc cos it's fixed now)

Pets that can interupt. Argument: It's very OP and the caster can still nuke for 500-600dmg with caped resists without a debuff !

Comparesen: Alb do not have a pet that can interupt. And what class can nuke for 500-600 without debuff (firewiz I here you say? LOTS of UI on them chars and not worth being put into fg rvr untill rr10. Then they hit for 700 ;))

Hib tanks Argument: They are very efficient and have both side and back stun which they get in there main line(alb case DW)

Comparasen: Alb tanks. They have no stuns in dw line apart from parry chain (what caster is really gonna turn round and try and hit you till you parry ? )

BD Argument: Insta life tap ? healing pets ? Only class in game that has a insta life tap and insta body debuff. They get BL line and able to get twf...

Comparasen: You can't compare a BD to ANY other class in game...

Lets just look how many tanks mid get, Savage. Zerker and Warrior.
Lets look at albs, Merc, Arms, paladin. Lets compare. Say merc-savage, zerker-arms and warr-pala.

Savages get self buff improvements and a back stun (not very often a caster turns round and faces a savage and says "Lets go bitch")

Zerker get hamster mode... hardly comparable to a Armsman which main thing is a pole arm and it brings hardly any UI to the group.

Warr at rr5 LOL ! yeah lets leave it at that.

Mids also get alot more damage output than alb and can most of the time afford to run 3-4 tanks. (alb can only do 3 MAX)

Ok so it's easy to get a warrior away from a BG'd target. But only thing that gets FZ in alb thats viable in a group is a mincer. and tbh... thats about all he can. Maybe SoS but not really great dmg output and no insta interupts.

I think i've blagged onabit... lol... :E

Thats just SOME to compare

riiight... reaver isnt a tank? or do you just not find it good (which it is) in rvr grps?

I can easily keep 2 support classes interrupted all the time as minstrel, and i can keep 3 interrupted with just a few spells casted now and then, only problem is if i get assisted or nuked down
<3 4 insta interrupt+melee+fz+sos

and its not like a minstrel is supposed to do dmg, the whole mincer class was made for grps, and so would i say all song classes are (notice how I say "made for" not "best in" im just thinking of how its set up with group abilities) even though people use 2/3 for soloing (givf 2h/DW on minstrel)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
druid/bm rr5 rox imo :> makes mid tank grps alot crappier then before as u pretty much need to take down every member in a hib tank grp twice :mad:

i guess its only me that thinks hib has gotten alot stronger lately with vamps/bainshees/bugged dps debuff on chanters, so to me the skillgard whine feels abit old.

not much to say about the movie i just wonder how u ever get a spell off with a aug healer positioning urself like that with no moc, if u were to meet a good hib grp :sex:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Dorin said:
compared to your new grps player base, there wasnt that good mid grp out tbh or is it just me ?:p

Well run a quite not fotm setup tho (no bainshees or vamps) so should get owned anyway :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Tuorin said:
Nice post by pjuppe. I'm just curious what are these common uber rr5 abilities Hibs have? Tactics? Dreamweaver? Fury of Nature? Searing Pet? :p

All realms have sucky RR5s, maybe someone poll which is the best. ;)

Rofl. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 10, 2004
Ibilic said:
i guess its only me that thinks hib has gotten alot stronger lately with vamps/bainshees/bugged dps debuff on chanters, so to me the skillgard whine feels abit old
what line is the broken dps debuff in?


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ibilic said:
druid/bm rr5 rox imo :> makes mid tank grps alot crappier then before as u pretty much need to take down every member in a hib tank grp twice :mad:

Druid RR5 RA is quite crappy comparing to a Phaseshifting healer for example. Yes druid one heals, but healer is 15 secs immune while he can still move (very important). Druid one also resets stun immunity so unless you got a Zerk-only assist-train, you can immediatly restun the druid. Valk, Thane, Savage or Warrior in assist-train makes this feature deadly. Its a no-use against any good tank-train tbh. BM RR5 RA is very nice, but once again its a ghetto Testudo - as nukes have no effect. BM can run on normal speed tho.

i guess its only me that thinks hib has gotten alot stronger lately with vamps/bainshees/bugged dps debuff on chanters, so to me the skillgard whine feels abit old.

Replace Vamp with Zerk/Savage and u got more dps - less annoying utility but more so deadly utility. Backstun? Side-stun ? Vamps dont even have Determination, so after Charge they quite easy to pin down for a while. Bugged dps debuff on chanter is annoying to deal with, but nothing a MOC1-shaman or a Bonedancer-straight-out can't do (and Warlock, but bleh). Bainshee is nice, but requires constant attention from the BG/Grappler. I rather take abit lower DPS, but more survivability (Dark SM) - especially when it comes down to MOC + lifetap = dead anything and no way of stopping by melee or even casters unless nearsighted and no good NS-curers. Once again Midgard has perfect NS-cure on shaman who can cure fine during MOC1.

not much to say about the movie i just wonder how u ever get a spell off with a aug healer positioning urself like that with no moc, if u were to meet a good hib grp :sex:

Movie aint exactly representative - fighting alot of randoms, and as said multiple times in the thread the positioning and playstyle aint 'that good' :<


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
hmm good feedback on my playing peeps, but for some defance from me.. =)

since the patch i havent redone all my 4 quickbinds as seen in the movie, but its done now =)
hmm the celerity part and positioning (in fight 1 had wrong qb up when i pressed 1 so i casted a SH =) ) in a setup with 2 healers its kinda hard to get good positions unless its a flawless fight.. only 2 cm and 1 1/2 healer so the nice hideng part goes away, and im also main CM so i must be hmm around all 7 all the time.. then the celerity its uber if you have a 3 healer setup so the auger can heal and cast celerity and position/hide now its more like heal, CM and singel CC first and celerity last.. and if i gonna use celerity, i have to go in where all the action is.. not even sure i get the spell off.. not good to leave the paccie on his own then.. but still i have more to learn and noone gets uber in 2 runs...

now gifv internet (lame BBB) so i can rog play my healer

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