Setgroup movie, Silvermane Aug healer POV


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Theres always gonna be an argument but it should more of a comparesen. Let's just look at some classes in fg rvr

When + where is 1 whine post about an alb caster after ToA (apart from sorc cos it's fixed now)

Pets that can interupt. Argument: It's very OP and the caster can still nuke for 500-600dmg with caped resists without a debuff !

Comparesen: Alb do not have a pet that can interupt. And what class can nuke for 500-600 without debuff (firewiz I here you say? LOTS of UI on them chars and not worth being put into fg rvr untill rr10. Then they hit for 700 ;))

Hib tanks Argument: They are very efficient and have both side and back stun which they get in there main line(alb case DW)

Comparasen: Alb tanks. They have no stuns in dw line apart from parry chain (what caster is really gonna turn round and try and hit you till you parry ? )

BD Argument: Insta life tap ? healing pets ? Only class in game that has a insta life tap and insta body debuff. They get BL line and able to get twf...

Comparasen: You can't compare a BD to ANY other class in game...

Lets just look how many tanks mid get, Savage. Zerker and Warrior.
Lets look at albs, Merc, Arms, paladin. Lets compare. Say merc-savage, zerker-arms and warr-pala.

Savages get self buff improvements and a back stun (not very often a caster turns round and faces a savage and says "Lets go bitch")

Zerker get hamster mode... hardly comparable to a Armsman which main thing is a pole arm and it brings hardly any UI to the group.

Warr at rr5 LOL ! yeah lets leave it at that.

Mids also get alot more damage output than alb and can most of the time afford to run 3-4 tanks. (alb can only do 3 MAX)

Ok so it's easy to get a warrior away from a BG'd target. But only thing that gets FZ in alb thats viable in a group is a mincer. and tbh... thats about all he can. Maybe SoS but not really great dmg output and no insta interupts.

I think i've blagged onabit... lol... :E

Thats just SOME to compare


Jun 9, 2005
Dorin said:
amaaaagad it is!!!!!1111111 :puke: :wanker: :flame:

on a slightly more intelligent platform:

until you have played against bds-sm's-warcocks-shamans-healers you are not enlightened :D



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
well zerks are kinda gimped, seems most use em mainly for someone to interrupt caster/support, and having extra banelord.. dmg output with no abilitys used kinda suck :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
atos said:
I like that KN host... 4600kb/s xD

Its on a 100MBit/s line afaik. :D Shame thou that my upload is only 16Kbits/s... takes ages to upload stuff to it.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Septina said:
Funny how you left out the parts about mids having 'extremely overpowered classes' etc in the Urbandictionary quote about Midgard ^^

Plz tell me which one is overpowered so we can change setup ;((


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
lol @ Haggus, strong bullshit post xd

mincers have no insta interupt m8s! :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Chamie said:
Plz tell me which one is overpowered so we can change setup ;(( said:
3 . Midgard
One of the three realms in Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot. Midgard is made up of extremely overpowered classes. 3 out of 4 Midgard casters have a 'lifetap' ability, that makes them extremely effective in 1 vs 1 combat. They are often extremely reclusive in nature preferring to stay on their own continent instead of waging a war against the other two realms.

A survey recently conducted suggest that 95% of all Midgard has never ventured past the North Sea, preferring instead to stay around the Bledmeer Bridge region. The other 5% has been reported to take advantage of the fact that Midgard has extremely overpowered classes and form very deadly l33t 8 man gank groups. Despite the fact that they're highly overpowered, the majority of people do not play Midgard. The land is very bleak and they have small huts that appear to be made of straw and sticks. Also the races are very ugly, infact the only one that looks cool is the Norseman.

Even though I'd like to play Midgard and whip everyones ass, I can't

There you go :)

Just found it funny that he took the exact quotes from the page about Hib and Alb but left out all the parts about mid being overpowered etc from the mid quote. :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
i played 3 realms and i admit MIDGARD is easy mode, Hibernia normal mode and alb hard mode.

Just make summary about overpowereds things on typicals setups
Midgard :

Healer- mezz and stun to CC, also instant mezzes/stun and can SH
shaman- MOC1, ubber rr5 ra( ubber pow regen)
bd- BL , can interrupt whole battle just running like a noob with lifedrain,twf
SM-MOC3 LIFETAB / hard to kill melee with PET plus ML9
WL-Instant insane dmg
zerker- A zerker with vendo ,RAT mode will out dmg any bm/merc
warrior- rr5 unkillable melee while caster nukes you (bg hi )


Casted stun eld-chan/menta
Bainshee - Taunt each 3 secs ( the DD of bainshe is 5% better than eld/menta spec DD so not overpowered since shees has no stun)
warden garantee twf/sist/bg


moc lifetab from casters
Range of theur petting
sorc range ae mess

I think these are the most overpowered things u can see in normal setups and its obvius midgard has- is- Will be easymode. Go blame the yanks about do midgard easymode to try to compensate the low population on midgards servers on US


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Slitzzz said:
[Teamspeak] INC !! SOS RunawaY mates!
[Teamspeak] All in Possition?
[Teamspeak all] YEs!
Druid: BG on me pls !!
Banshee nuke nuke nuke ! im so uber assist me banshee nr2
Banshee assist assist !! hehe got that tank with 2800hp in 2 nukes
Warden: Fo im bging banshees!
Bard : Im interupting all on banshees
BM : Doh
Enchanter : Hey guys u stealing all the deathblows!!
Hero/champion ´:Stunning all on banshees mates!'

Must be hard to play ...:twak:

So frigging true :eek:, before hibs got the banshee sure could whine how much they like but this SoS, kiteback and 2 banshee assist FOTM? don't really understand how u can call other realms easy mode doing that it's just way retarded ;/.
I don't really see how u can whine on healers either ok celerity is a bit gay sure but they got crap dex (337 with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap) and ye the paccer can stun but got nothing like 3 instas that they can spam to interupt either so.
You forgot about the rr 5 ability for healers also, rezz yourself after 30 sec with 10 % hp 0% energy and must be used just before dying to work.
Also u whine on warriors... Yes testudo is good but that and shamans rr 5 are like only good rr 5 abilitys mids have.
The warden can heal and keep up 6 sec pbt while doing the bg job tbh if I would choose I wouldn't choose the warrior for my bodyguard :eek:.
If I would make a mixrealm group it would prolly be smth like...

Bard, mendpac healer, druid, 2x banshees, lighteld or caba, warden, bm.

that grp is kinda empty on albs yes but Iam not rly saying that alb is sucky realm :eek: I think albs have advantage in many long ranged spells and lots of pets.
I usally don't whine in public on other realms being OP though but well all realms are good at one way imo mid is the best mix tank / caster grps realm but hib caster grps and alb caster grps are way better than mid caster grps imo.

But its same in every game with realms / races being different you dont whine on that your own realm / race is too good u whine on the opponents race being to good.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Chamie said:
So frigging true :eek:, before hibs got the banshee sure could whine how much they like but this SoS, kiteback and 2 banshee assist FOTM? don't really understand how u can call other realms easy mode doing that it's just way retarded ;/.
I don't really see how u can whine on healers either ok celerity is a bit gay sure but they got crap dex (337 with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap) and ye the paccer can stun but got nothing like 3 instas that they can spam to interupt either so.
You forgot about the rr 5 ability for healers also, rezz yourself after 30 sec with 10 % hp 0% energy and must be used just before dying to work.
Also u whine on warriors... Yes testudo is good but that and shamans rr 5 are like only good rr 5 abilitys mids have.
The warden can heal and keep up 6 sec pbt while doing the bg job tbh if I would choose I wouldn't choose the warrior for my bodyguard :eek:.
If I would make a mixrealm group it would prolly be smth like...

Bard, mendpac healer, druid, 2x banshees, lighteld or caba, warden, bm.

that grp is kinda empty on albs yes but Iam not rly saying that alb is sucky realm :eek: I think albs have advantage in many long ranged spells and lots of pets.
I usally don't whine in public on other realms being OP though but well all realms are good at one way imo mid is the best mix tank / caster grps realm but hib caster grps and alb caster grps are way better than mid caster grps imo.

But its same in every game with realms / races being different you dont whine on that your own realm / race is too good u whine on the opponents race being to good.

Afaik bodyguard drops if the warden casts a spell so i highly doubt you'd take a warden instead of a warr ^^


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Chamie said:
So frigging true :eek:, before hibs got the banshee sure could whine how much they like but this SoS, kiteback and 2 banshee assist FOTM? don't really understand how u can call other realms easy mode doing that it's just way retarded ;/.
I don't really see how u can whine on healers either ok celerity is a bit gay sure but they got crap dex (337 with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap) and ye the paccer can stun but got nothing like 3 instas that they can spam to interupt either so.
You forgot about the rr 5 ability for healers also, rezz yourself after 30 sec with 10 % hp 0% energy and must be used just before dying to work.
Also u whine on warriors... Yes testudo is good but that and shamans rr 5 are like only good rr 5 abilitys mids have.
The warden can heal and keep up 6 sec pbt while doing the bg job tbh if I would choose I wouldn't choose the warrior for my bodyguard :eek:.
If I would make a mixrealm group it would prolly be smth like...

Bard, mendpac healer, druid, 2x banshees, lighteld or caba, warden, bm.

that grp is kinda empty on albs yes but Iam not rly saying that alb is sucky realm :eek: I think albs have advantage in many long ranged spells and lots of pets.
I usally don't whine in public on other realms being OP though but well all realms are good at one way imo mid is the best mix tank / caster grps realm but hib caster grps and alb caster grps are way better than mid caster grps imo.

But its same in every game with realms / races being different you dont whine on that your own realm / race is too good u whine on the opponents race being to good.

there are lot of fails in your description:

1. Say hib grp must sos and bainshes run back to assist , is not an overpowered key. Its teamplay

2.about dex on healer 337 dex with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap increase is almost the same like celts/ britons , my bard with 26 dex cap have 320 so tbh Again this is not overpowered

3. about rr5 ras , which are the best rr5 ras for hibs ? i am still looking for one rr5 ra that works like shamy rr5 ra in ALL the grp. Totally overpowered rr5 ra

4. You are totally wrong about wardens. what septina said... ah and wardens dont heal generally , some have high parry to survive more.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Chamie said:
The warden can heal and keep up 6 sec pbt while doing the bg job tbh if I would choose I wouldn't choose the warrior for my bodyguard
Wardens can't cast, has less hits, no defence compared to warrior. The only plus a warden have is resist buffs and heals they can't use while bg'ing imho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
im a rm, fucked up rr5 ability, no lifetap, get raped in most 1vs1. GOGOGOOPMIDGARD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
remi said:
im a rm, fucked up rr5 ability, no lifetap, get raped in most 1vs1. GOGOGOOPMIDGARD

you deserve to be not overpowered after infiltrator and savage tho :D rm is the only mid caster which is not fucked up in one way or another xDDDD

and your rr5 still beats mine :\ infact i cant really tell any RR5 which is so useless as chanter one, even arms one is better xD


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Muchos whine on mid, and yea it's easy mode without a doubt, but it's not *that* bad, or *that* much better/easier, or maybe the mid grps running last cpl weeks just aren't that good :eek:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Edlina said:
Muchos whine on mid, and yea it's easy mode without a doubt, but it's not *that* bad, or *that* much better/easier, or maybe the mid grps running last cpl weeks just aren't that good :eek:

Try running an albgrp vs an opted high rr mid grp and you'll have a different opinion :]


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Septina said:
Try running an albgrp vs an opted high rr mid grp and you'll have a different opinion :]

Dunno how well you do against mael/groove? But we been doing fine, except y-day which was 2-1 to them, we've won more than lost. But I dunno why it's so much worse as alb than hib to fight them, but wtf do I know, I only play hib :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Edlina said:
Muchos whine on mid, and yea it's easy mode without a doubt, but it's not *that* bad, or *that* much better/easier, or maybe the mid grps running last cpl weeks just aren't that good :eek:

compared to your new grps player base, there wasnt that good mid grp out tbh or is it just me ?:p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Chamie said:
So frigging true :eek:, before hibs got the banshee sure could whine how much they like but this SoS, kiteback and 2 banshee assist FOTM? don't really understand how u can call other realms easy mode doing that it's just way retarded ;/.
I don't really see how u can whine on healers either ok celerity is a bit gay sure but they got crap dex (337 with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap) and ye the paccer can stun but got nothing like 3 instas that they can spam to interupt either so.
You forgot about the rr 5 ability for healers also, rezz yourself after 30 sec with 10 % hp 0% energy and must be used just before dying to work.
Also u whine on warriors... Yes testudo is good but that and shamans rr 5 are like only good rr 5 abilitys mids have.
The warden can heal and keep up 6 sec pbt while doing the bg job tbh if I would choose I wouldn't choose the warrior for my bodyguard :eek:.
If I would make a mixrealm group it would prolly be smth like...

Bard, mendpac healer, druid, 2x banshees, lighteld or caba, warden, bm.

that grp is kinda empty on albs yes but Iam not rly saying that alb is sucky realm :eek: I think albs have advantage in many long ranged spells and lots of pets.
I usally don't whine in public on other realms being OP though but well all realms are good at one way imo mid is the best mix tank / caster grps realm but hib caster grps and alb caster grps are way better than mid caster grps imo.

But its same in every game with realms / races being different you dont whine on that your own realm / race is too good u whine on the opponents race being to good.

Judging by your signature you havent played other realms. So clearly your point of view / arguments will naturally be biased AND will lack knowledge.
I think some points of view have been fairly put in here, namely sepTITinas (xDD) and puppet's, and even mine xD. You will never say mid is op'd till you have played both other realms. It's pathetic. We all know why they're op'd. Reason why you lose is because there are clearly better-playing groups in the different realms. Personally the past few months before cluster came in the only mid group that gave us a proper fight (and I mean really proper) was mael, and I appreciate coo coo's effort and BaF when they came out and stuff and play grp vs grp, though they were in no way as challenging as mael.
We all know shaman shouldnt be able to moc1 shear basically being an interrupt char(should add some script in like to sorcs cant SoI+moc), that bd shouldnt have banelord, that the SM pet shouldnt intercept, so forth.
I really dont care about people that only play midgard and go on about "Oh we're not easymode", that's just bullshit and shows total lack of knowledge and bias beyond measure, not to mention making a fool out of yourself.


Jun 9, 2005
Chamie said:
So frigging true :eek:, before hibs got the banshee sure could whine how much they like but this SoS, kiteback and 2 banshee assist FOTM? don't really understand how u can call other realms easy mode doing that it's just way retarded ;/.

thats how casters need to play without perma bg pet :p and I can think of more retarded things, 2-3 moc sms and a bd maybe :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
tru dat, an eld might have extremely str0ng stun and debuffs and ns and nukes but that wont do him much good with a bd spamming skilltap or body debuff :<<<<<<<<<<<


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2005
Stop the fooking QQ about banshee being overpowerd, thats just bullshit.
A banshee ain't more op'ed then hibs light-eld. Sure the ablative and taunt is nice but the banshee lacks stun,nearsight and shit load of debuffs etc etc.

Not going to compare it with:
-A lifetaping sm with debuffs and intercept pet(sm also okey if the pet wouldn't intercept as much as it does).
-BD with banelord,twf,insta-lifetap and only two healing pets :< ( should remove bl and a healing pet and it would be more blance)
-Sorc with lifetap,charm,debuffs,aoe-root,aoe mezz(bolt-range),soi


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
haha.. bainshee not beeing op? riiight

I play hib and alb btw..


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Xxcalibur said:
there are lot of fails in your description:

1. Say hib grp must sos and bainshes run back to assist , is not an overpowered key. Its teamplay

2.about dex on healer 337 dex with aug dex 3 and 25 dex cap increase is almost the same like celts/ britons , my bard with 26 dex cap have 320 so tbh Again this is not overpowered

3. about rr5 ras , which are the best rr5 ras for hibs ? i am still looking for one rr5 ra that works like shamy rr5 ra in ALL the grp. Totally overpowered rr5 ra

4. You are totally wrong about wardens. what septina said... ah and wardens dont heal generally , some have high parry to survive more.

Lets see ! As i am MA in our grp atm and i go for any hib.. Druid get him down to 20% all other interupted pops rr5 i begin to heal the druid instead^^ go for caster cant fuck around at druid ..Go for enchanter wroooom bye mate cya later! ok hmm ahh lets kill the bm .. gets down to 10-20% wtf kan hit him he just specced 100 in parry so now hes on 100hp in 2secs ect

Summary: Every hib RA has a fuctional defence against assist trains and buys them time to repossition . Albs and mids just die to ma trains


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2005
Fuck sake ppl cut them some slack, they are actually running a quite hardmode setup compared to what some other mid groups do.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Slitzzz said:
Lets see ! As i am MA in our grp atm and i go for any hib.. Druid get him down to 20% all other interupted pops rr5 i begin to heal the druid instead^^ go for caster cant fuck around at druid ..Go for enchanter wroooom bye mate cya later! ok hmm ahh lets kill the bm .. gets down to 10-20% wtf kan hit him he just specced 100 in parry so now hes on 100hp in 2secs ect

Summary: Every hib RA has a fuctional defence against assist trains and buys them time to repossition . Albs and mids just die to ma trains

druid rr5 lasts 5 seconds or so, eld has self sos rr5, granted abit overpowered..
bm rr5 is just silly vs tanks..

on the other hand, albs have friar rr5, drop ST on top of that too :)
Sorc rr5, cleric rr5, and cabby rr5 is quite the nuisance too..

Mids dont have too much to offer in rr5 departement in normal fg, except the shammy rr5 wich is pretty much uber in long fights..

Then again a soj ml9 healer is pretty much the same as druid rr5, except you get to move while being immune, for double duration :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 16, 2004
Helstrom said:
Judging by your signature you havent played other realms. So clearly your point of view / arguments will naturally be biased AND will lack knowledge.
I think some points of view have been fairly put in here, namely sepTITinas (xDD) and puppet's, and even mine xD. You will never say mid is op'd till you have played both other realms. It's pathetic. We all know why they're op'd. Reason why you lose is because there are clearly better-playing groups in the different realms. Personally the past few months before cluster came in the only mid group that gave us a proper fight (and I mean really proper) was mael, and I appreciate coo coo's effort and BaF when they came out and stuff and play grp vs grp, though they were in no way as challenging as mael.
We all know shaman shouldnt be able to moc1 shear basically being an interrupt char(should add some script in like to sorcs cant SoI+moc), that bd shouldnt have banelord, that the SM pet shouldnt intercept, so forth.
I really dont care about people that only play midgard and go on about "Oh we're not easymode", that's just bullshit and shows total lack of knowledge and bias beyond measure, not to mention making a fool out of yourself.

Hi! <3


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
Slitzzz said:
Lets see ! As i am MA in our grp atm and i go for any hib.. Druid get him down to 20% all other interupted pops rr5 i begin to heal the druid instead^^ go for caster cant fuck around at druid ..Go for enchanter wroooom bye mate cya later! ok hmm ahh lets kill the bm .. gets down to 10-20% wtf kan hit him he just specced 100 in parry so now hes on 100hp in 2secs ect

Summary: Every hib RA has a fuctional defence against assist trains and buys them time to repossition . Albs and mids just die to ma trains

druid rr5 ra is 5 secs , just stop hit him when he fire it and kill him 5 secs later, Druids armor is s h it vs zerkers. if bm uses rr5 ra he cant attack if didnt n notice, i used it 15 times since NF... eld sos rr5 is BROKE vs speedwarp.

U CANT compare rr5 shaman vs any hib rr5 ra. Just because that ubber heal/end/pow regen for ALL the grp its too much op

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