serious post of the month :> TOA


Garbannoch Nox

well if the quests are fun and not only repetitive mob bashing and travel from point A to B, B to C and then back to A which takes 1 hour irl time I got no problem with it.
PvE as it is atm is just plain boring though and I rather shoot myself than do some PvE in the current version. Maybe, or rather hopefully, ToA will change this.
But I am very much looking forward to RvR in ToA; not because it will be better or worse (noone knows yet really) but at least it will be different.


Originally posted by old.Zanaa
Personally I enjoy pve when things are new and there are important things to achieve, because I force myself to have an open mind instead of absorbing all prejudices from the leet rvr-4thewin-pve-is-for-roleplayers community. I am sure many people say they hate all pve only cause of group pressure.

PvE is fun if done correctly and mythic make the effort to set the mood. RvR is too, but for the normal people meeting the "overbalanced" fotm grps 24/7 that aint as fun as it could be. Of course the fotm grp will insist that it all down to individual grp skill and not the fact thier grp uses as many win buttons as poss.

Im glad to see that some people are looking forward to TOA and not just whining because they cant do the endless cycle of porting, killing then whining about zerg at amg. Hopefully TOA will do some much needed filtering of players

p.s. yes i know i have a savage, dont care if thier nerfed soon


Originally posted by old.Zanaa
I think TOA will be great!:) It will take a couple months before all bugs and the stupidly overpowered stuff that is surely gonna slip through is fixed, but all in all it brings many new aspects to game. Personally I enjoy pve when things are new and there are important things to achieve, because I force myself to have an open mind instead of absorbing all prejudices from the leet rvr-4thewin-pve-is-for-roleplayers community. I am sure many people say they hate all pve only cause of group pressure.


TOA:s pve stuff, places and mobs and such look pretty nice and it could be fun to explore all the new zones. But... it seems its totally gonna fuck up rvr, the 25% casting speed and melee speed are just crazy and abilities like grapple.. :puke:

Also what is probably gonna happen is that the 1337 guilds get to ML9 fast and they can kill huge amounts of people with 1fg so im not quite sure about the "balancing" either cause some may not be able to complete that stuff quick.

Anyway, haven't read much about TOA so what i said above can (i hope) be bs, prove me wrong please ;x


Originally posted by Zordo
TOA:s pve stuff, places and mobs and such look pretty nice and it could be fun to explore all the new zones. But... it seems its totally gonna fuck up rvr, the 25% casting speed and melee speed are just crazy and abilities like grapple.. :puke:

Also what is probably gonna happen is that the 1337 guilds get to ML9 fast and they can kill huge amounts of people with 1fg so im not quite sure about the "balancing" either cause some may not be able to complete that stuff quick.

Anyway, haven't read much about TOA so what i said above can (i hope) be bs, prove me wrong please ;x

I hope someone proves you wrong... But mythic has a way of fucking things up, when the game was starting to get a bit balanced they released SI, Hi savages!


I dont like the idea of bolt range insta cc :(

but wait I will have nearsight range mezz mmmmm :)


tbh, its sad anticipating something that will probably make u quit the game. sometimes i really wonder if the developing companies even give a shit about what gamers think.....

i guess they want to make the game newbie friendly , which would increase profits, since n00bs > old hardcore gamers

my thoughts about it?
screw TOA, enjoy the game while u can, and when it starts sucking, just quit. not much we can do i guess, but change to another mmorg...


ToA is gonna be nice .. dont think im gonna go get ml 9 on every char il got thou ;)


Im looking forward to ToA - it will finally bring something interesting to the game instead of the best FOTMs win...


and aye, i feel sorry for all those PL'ed geeks who got their sc and lvl 50 in 2 days, amagaaad real pve INC !!


imo try it b4 puke on it...

will be lots different...


I hate PVE with a passion you can only dream of - always have done since I levelled Bene the hard way - I suspect many of the pve-haters are those that did the trees/gobboes <insert pointless pve here> treadmill.

TOA looks nice but from the US boards (I know - dont trust them ;) ) they aren't happy about it - timesink inc

The only thing Im looking forward to is a PLed Half Ogre merc/tank :twak:


Originally posted by zoia
I'm glad i only have one lv 50 now. I would hate to get all the MLs on several chars

:uhoh: :scared:



Originally posted by Drum'N'Base
this shit add'on will bring much fore zergs, those who cba pve will have to make XX fg's zergs to have a chance getting a single rp.

Oh my god...are you saying that Midgard and Hibernia will turn into Albion? :)


Gonna love ToA!, more pve!!11 YEAH!!!. And is there anything more better in daoc than PVE?!, wooohooo - guess all the fucktard warders will get ml9 and wtfpwn in rvr.. shrug

Bure Ygg

I think ToA will be great but it will take time to get all my 50's up in ML but thats nice then you have something to do :) and nobody say you need to get all to ML9 in 1 month:)


i like PvE, i like quests, i like RvR (when it's fair numbers)...

I'm looking forward to ToA, BUT i'm not looking forward to the overpowering items that it brings with it :( or the fact that most mobs are set to mezz=no confuse=no


well rather than getting x-char to 50 and wtfpwning with 1 button for the win you will have to work a bit harder, daoc is a pve AND pvp game, those that just play for the rvr should maybe consider playing counter strike. Those of us who actually enjoy doing quests and pve raids will enjoy it. ofc there will be bugs and stupidly over powered items/skills, this wouldnt be daoc if they didnt just throw some random crap in and say "working as intended" then realise they are very wrong.

Instead of jumping on the band wagon why dont you actually wait, try it, then decide if its any good. instead of listening to a bunch of half witted Americans, lets face it from the video's we have seen of them playing they dont have a clue.


DAoC definately needs more PvE content, and ToA looks promising, and i totaly agree with Raven DAoC was intented from the start to be a PvE and RvR game so at some point both aspects of the game need to expand and those that think that one can or should be independent from the other are talking shit.

And to those that think that they own the game and that it should only advance, change, expand only in the way they like to play all i can say is that in reality you are not the center of the world so if you can't accept things that will make others happy too fo and don't leave the door hit you on your way out.

Players that didn't like to RvR 24/7 but wanted something more from the game now can actually combine their PvE and RvR time into some quality gaming, you will find that not very far in the future those that will take it easy and RvR or PvE depending on how they feel like doing at that moment will enjoy the game immensly more than those that will rush and hit all ML9's they think they need in a month or so.

Personaly i like beeing in the frontiers finding fights with people almost every day, but now when i just don't feel like it i don't really have something to do and just farm money or play a lowbie a bit but i don't really enjoy it, ToA will bring something new to do once or twice a week when i dont feel like RvR'ng or when my friends that don't enjoy RvR as much as i log in i can join them doing something together.

So all in all i hope it's a good change, and after that frontiers i hope will be a good change too and whatever comes after that i hope will also be good, if they stop working on the game or if they fuck up on one of these expansions people will just jump game and with the new titles coming out it will be very hard to keep people in one game.


Im dreading TOA

I think its going to be endless hours of shitty and annoying PvE/Quests to gain the masterlevels you'll need to compete in RvR which in the end are in themselves going to ruin RvR anyway and kill of what little solo rvr there is.

Which in turn will be followed by endless whines of how overpowered/useless certain ML's are.

And thats before we even get onto the rediculous items theres going to be popping up which will spoil our perfectly and lovingly tailored SC templates all over again. So we'll end up having to pve all over again to fund new outfits.

Personally i'd rather they ditched TOA and just gave us the RvR expansion.


ToA will be a lot of PvE, I'm going to read a lot up on whats any good and if its worth the trouble...

Some of the quests (normal ones) and artifacts are well worth the effort though...


toa will mean endless of pve to get the uber stuff again

+ endless farming to buy new sc

+ back to the same old routine of wajning that ppl zerg or are overpowered


Re: Re: serious post of the month :> TOA

Originally posted by Rg.Roller
I wont mind it at all, infact im actually looking forward to it :D from what i gather from all the info riddles, quest items, artifacts and masterlevels "could" be some fun and break up the mindless fotm fg's running in emain 24/7 for atleast a while.

Bring on TOA :clap:

and will bring thousands of hours to get / exp to lvl10 killing No iq mobs?
even the low iq rr1 albion player can do better than a bounch of if then commands....and this commands are stupid

if <mob> goes 10% life then
<mob> run like a dick back so you give exp faster
if <grp members> > 3 then
<mob> call 2 more <mobs>
if <spawn> contain no more <like you>
then go alone {it doesn't matter after all you are/were dead anyway}

toa it is another managment (sp?) trick from mythic me thinks....
you have to play xxx more hours to take xxx things in order to compete the yyy player that has the xxx items and can wtfpwned you this means you gona pay mythic xxx more months in order to have your account open to do all that...until you will found a zzz player that has PPP items that are >>>> your items wtfpwnz you cause he has time to farm xxxX5 time from you.....
zzzzz all this calculations make me sick :puke:
already lost my interest to this fucking game cause of the mg 10h is fucking annoying......maybe now i feel how mids feel when alb camp the mmg in emain for endless i get the point :(
the hint question is if we gonna buy toa or not....
the bad answer is yes..why?
cause we gonna see with our eyes this pile of crap....
and yes i am gonna buy it....and i am 90% sure that this do not gonna give me anymore fact i think i will quit it for good

god bless powergamers...casual gamers do not exist....anymore


maybe nobody should buy it then we dont have to live with it?


Originally posted by rg-zorena
How many think toa is just crap and really is dreading it because you know you have to pve to stay ontop rvr to get mls and artifacts etc, and how many are thinking its great because you can quest alot.
(Im sure this is gonna be abit biased cus im posting in rvr forums.)
:wall: PVE sux

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