Say goodbye to SB's and stealth wars.



Patch 1.62 going ahead regardless of the effect on SB's. In just a few short weeks SB's will no longer stand a chance against Infils and NS's.

For those that want to stay and play a critblade, make sure you buy shadowrun, that will be your only means of escape once you spot an enemy stealther.

And since I'm sure many will stick it out. Prepare to whine more all you alb and hib casters, as all SB's will become kamikaze caster killers as you will really be the only target available to them. :p

Thank god I got a decent choice of chars to play so never get fed up of any one in particular.


the SB's are only the beginning.
soon Infi's and Nightshades will be shot light the pigs they are as well...

or not, ofcourse.....but one can hope :)


atleast i`ll get chance to take my respecced Savage out for a spin before biting the bullet and taking my SB out to emain to see just how nurfed it really is :/

ahh well bring on 1.63 i say..

/em prays for an uber middy love patch

ohh and while they buff up mid chars, nurf infils and chanters

Brannor McThife

It's about time INVISIBLE characters got slapped hard. They've had the run of the show in DAoC for far too long.




archers are getting a boost. So I dont think everyone is that safe from stealthers :p. But I do agree that NS and infils will get their nerf, if mythic looks at population imbalance (realm wide). Because with sb's nerfed, there will be more infils and ns's as they can kill easier then. So more infils and ns's means imbalance, which leads to a possible nerf. So the infils and ns's are cheering now, but in 4 or 5 months they might not be so happy anymore...


Strong Whine :sleeping:

SB's won't be so bad. Sure you wont be able to unstealth and kill anything that comes your way with LA. You may need to use Skill's etc (Most SB's don't know the meaning of this word.) Note all the SB's whining about how they will quit etc because they are no longer an overpowerd killing class. pfft. Maybe you'll die to tank's etc, but that won't stop quite a few of you grabing a buffbot and pwn'ing us unbuffed lot. :great:


Oh do stop whining, this is exactly like the smite nerf a while back except it effects more people, its coming, live with it.


It's not only non-albs that say this, but the smite nerf probably did more good then bad for albion

how often did you get to hear "dont have power to heal, i'm smiting" and "i don't heal im a smiter" when you had a cleric in your team?


I'm not going to get into this argument again because its been done way too many times before and after the nerf.

Clerics could heal from fairly good to excellent depending on their spec, just they turned out too powerful than originally intended.

The same is happening now, Mythic realised that too much damage was being done, so they reduced it, simple.

The spec line isnt being removed, its having its damage lowered, the class' will still go on, but there may not be as many, as it is with smite clerics now.


infs and NS are already nerfed with the introduction of savages and bonedancers :)



50 thrust for an i-win button for infs and like all the hibs some nice i-win ra's on the ns


you mean you'll actually have to spec your class defining line?

omg NO WAY!!!


lol i honestly can't wait to see your faces (infils/shades) when you kill SZ`s without them even touching you.. just to give you an idea..

any zerks/sb`s that wish to find out roughly how much damage they will be doing in 1.62.. use ravager instead of snowblind/doublefrost..

ravager in this patch 1.60 does the same damage give or take a few points as doublefrost does in 1.62.

just hope you dont suffer from any heart conditions cos you will be shocked when you see the damage you do.

but never mind things change. and this nurf not only destroys LA as a spec line it completely gutts SB`s that have specced it. and zerkers well what is there left to spec.. 40% damage reduction yet still the same end costs for the styles. just pray that you can drop a caster before they start to laugh at you and your poor damage.

old.Gombur Glodson

Somehow the reminds me of all the US minstrels reaction on See Hidden ^^


If I could have one wish granted in DAOC, it would be the removal of stealth, it ruins the game, the enjoyment of battle, the buzz of coming across the enemy and deciding your tactics is spoilt by stealth, if feel every fight with any character wether I get owned or not, is fair, every time a stealther takes me out, I feel completley cheated.


Bye Bye sb's and 500 dmg every 2 and half seconds :)


Stealthers are ok, they should just not be albe to take out tanks, but against support classes and casters they should be Kings.

But stealthers was made wrong in the beginning, hard to change to much for a class that 50% of all lvl 50 people have as either main or atleast a alt :p


woot, shadowzerkers won't outdamage me anymore :p

(that's before you factor in the poisons... or the from-stealth styles...)


No matter hwat happens to the class i'll still be making, as a next char, a 2h axe wielding(yeah axhe!) shadowblade. Funk CS, funk envenom, wepskill stealth and that's it. I'll gimp myself to oblivion and own a mansion in RvR :p

Just to show i can.


Hehe, I dont imagine any of the Alb/Hib whiners have bothered to find out WHY it is Shadowblades are gonna be buggered in a big way.

Its recently been discovered (very simple plain to see infallable tests done by a IGN Dev Board user) that for LA at least, Dual Wielding not only reduces the base damage to 60% + 0.5% per spec point in LA, but it lowers the base damage CAPS. Only by speccing in LA can you get your base damage caps anywhere near the caps you see for non dual wielders, and this requires a high LA spec.

This was something the infamous Wyrd overlooked, or rather didnt figure out when applying his wrongly formulated Style Growth formula for LA.

I highly doubt even Mythic understand how LA works and the fact that Wyrd's formula for LA was simply INCORRECT.

This is a new discovery, coming in the last hours prior to patch but its a significant one, esp for SB who cannot get LA beyond the mid 30's without sacrificing their other lines.

Effectively means the Shadowzerks will lose straigh up damage (44/44 speccing SB) but the 5 specs, critblades and any variant with mid spec LA will suffer mores so.

I dont fully understand what a lower base damage for both axes means but I will keep up to date with the thread, hopefully Mythic can do some internal testing to clarify, but it wont come before the patch now, so the US SB at least will have to suffer it out


Hah, so many glaringly stupid albs posting crap about shadowblades in this post :) Lets start with Asmo I think he was most retarded

"SB's won't be so bad. Sure you wont be able to unstealth and kill anything that comes your way with LA. You may need to use Skill's etc (Most SB's don't know the meaning of this word.)"

Hmm..can I be bothered repeating myself for the 100th time? lets just say a few words...friars..paladins...mercs...I guess your highly qualified opinion comes from having played a shadowblade in level 50 rvr? ;) (If I were to pick on any tank...and it's unlikely in itself, it would only be a pole armsman cos they are so slow) Why don't we compare how often our sb's kill your paladins to how often, ooo...your infils kill our thanes? or how about how often our sb's kill your friars compared to how ofen your infils kill our shaman.

Right moving on...Jiggs popped his little head out of the stupid box next

"you mean you'll actually have to spec your class defining line?"

Woah what a fountain of knowledge you are my friend. If you knew anything you would know that 90% of shadowblades with LA are 5spec, meaning a minimum of 34 CS for the perforate artory style. You would also know that the only stun style is at 39 LA whereas your infiltrators get "IWIN" in their thrust line. Tell you what, how about we move dragonfang to 39 spec duel wield and make it 2nd in a chain? I'm not even going to go into the area of duel wielding while crit specced, la penalties etc..its been said too many times and it seems you are too thick to understand it.

I'm sure Downanael is just taking the piss ;) If not feel free you can loan my shadowblade and go hit a tank for 120 damage.

And sure you wouldn't have the removal of buffbots as your one wish? I know I would, its where 99% of these damn misconceptions about sb's come from



We will all get nerfed in the end and do max 1(+3) damage to the other realms thus hugely prolonging the RvR battles and increasing the joy of RvR yada yada

go play commander keen, no nerfing there.


so glad a deleted my sb when he was lvl34 and didnt go anyhigher, if i did by now i would have 4 lvl50s and 4gimps(by next patch anyway), In comparison with hib/alb i dont think there is ever 4gimped classes between them tbh, but mids gets them all ;/, kinda gay. If mid dont get any luvin by 1.63 mostly in the group RA area i dont think ill be play much longer, so tired of loseing fights which should be won easy just because some cleric/mincer fires off bof+sos makeing them impossible to kill 90% of the time.

Roo Stercogburn

Not meaning to pour fuel on the fire but...

Stealth should never have equalled complete invisibility with impunity anyway.

For a good implementation of stealth, check Planetside. My first impression is they got it pretty much spot on:

You are invisible if standing still, but as soon as you move, you appear like the 'Predator' with the background behind you distorting slightly. The faster you move, the more pronounced the effect.

Can't comment on axe changes, as I decided I'd never play a stealther even though on Day 1 of purchase I nearly did since I loved the idea of being able to commando-style attack a keep.

I feel sorry for anyone who has their favourite class nerfed: its frustrating as hell to see one of your favoured classes/abilites reduced to worthlessness and thus have the quality of your online enjoyment reduced. In this case though it is tinged by a little cynisism as I know for a fact many people simply make SBs for 'Ownage' because its a very powerful class.

One question I do have though: is the nerf on zerks purely because its assumed they'll have end regen all the time? If this is the case, then it really does suck, as end regen is getting nerfed as well. Would be interested if someone can answer this for me :)


I expect most of the changes mythic makes are based on a fully buffed character, yes. especially in an age where buffbots are norm, not exeption...

and I agree on stealth, but I guess that was already obvious....


Hey there,

While it seems that Shadowblades will be taking a fairly big whack in damage from some of the logs that have been bandied about, I think you would be foolish to delete your characters based on the snowballing opinions of a few whining VN boarders. I would at least wait to try it out myself and form your own opinions. opionion :p (not a particularly coherant one I admit)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
One question I do have though: is the nerf on zerks purely because its assumed they'll have end regen all the time? If this is the case, then it really does suck, as end regen is getting nerfed as well. Would be interested if someone can answer this for me :)

one thousand points of damage in 3 seconds says its not.

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