Savages nerfed finaly?



sure, make our CC class a chain wearer and we are ok


remove all insta CC
all CC in chain
all CC ranged to 1500
remove mez duration thingy
remove aoe stun

lets see who is happier in the end

when savages are brought back to earth you can start whine about bof / sos again


Originally posted by zapzap
Iam all for putting damage on same table in all realms.
But then RAs need a serious remaking.
If mids suppose to do samage damage in mele as other realms then why dont mids get nice RA like BOF SOS BAOD and GP all coz we have aoe stun that last 5 sec on none tanks ?


yes, I would also welcome a change like that.

Zaps, a 5s stun kills my druid. 2-3 Savages finish me in 1-2 rounds=3-5s. A stun on a caster kills him in 1s. A stun on a tank dont really matter much. Although, a slam does pretty much the same thing if I dont have a guarder :p I would rather see it this way, it aint stun in itself that is powerful, its stun with the tremendous damage tanks can deal that is redicolous (sp?). The situation would be similar for every realm that had access to Stun like mids do, I dont count casters here since they simply are crap atm.

pachealer /assist MA... aint very hard

BoF is silly atm since most RVRgrps focus on melee since casters are poo in comparison. The skill-lvl on a castergrp have to be _extreme_ to even have a shot at beating a decent tankgrp, kinda unfair.

SoS is nearly as silly, but combined with BoF.. errrk.

BAoD.. chanters in a good RVRteam? Helooo? where are they? :p

GP is nice, have always been nice and will always be nice. I would rather have BoF or SoS though.

atm albs have the best of everything I would say,

the best stealthers in mincer+infs etc

clerics enhanced AFbuffs do make a change, especially with platewearing tanks with skyhigh AF already. (read buffbot here), its a free AP1 or so.

the best speedprovider, mincers change to ablasong, can chaininterrupt support and is an excellent casterkiller and assist well in tankgrps. Their ability to stealth should be removed totally imo. Else, give hibs and mids a tank that can stealth, stun, mach5, mez etc etc etc...

paladins is among the hardest damn tanks to kill, silly defense with a nice set of chants for a grp and FH. And they carry endregen where mids have it as a buff (which imo is even better tho) and bards have it as a song which can be easily interrupted by farting on the bard. Paladins also assist well in tankgrps and almost every pally have slam.

chainwearing light tanks with excellent damage (chain>evade3 anyday in my book, would you really wanna see rangers in chain?^^ I think not.)

the casters can be debated, although they really aint a big part of RVR anymore. People prefer tankgroups and both mid and alb beat hib here with ease.

Overall, albs have gotten it their way, I really wonder why though, maybe Mythic listen too much to the crybabies on VN.

Basically, Mythic has screwed up daoc pretty bad now tbh, its not a game where most classes are viable anymore, most hybrids suck since they lack det, casters isnt even fun anymore, support die in 1-2 rounds to assisting tanks.. list can be made quite long. I do hope they sort this out and do it soon.


IMO, mids should get the good RAs on the less popular chars, not a class mids have 3-4 of in a group atm.


Originally posted by Xeanor
IMO, mids should get the good RAs on the less popular chars, not a class mids have 3-4 of in a group atm.

I kinda dont agree, I would rather see that the good RAs got a big fat nurf tbh. Atm they play a too big part in a battle.


This thread is turning more into a realm-balance issue, but I might as well give you my 2 cents. Let me shed some light on some of Albion's problems.

Every RvR group you put together needs certain abilities. Endregen, mach 5, power regen, crowd control and heal and buffs.

For Albion to put this together we need 2 clerics (to buff a full group), 1 paladin, 1 minstrel, 1 sorcerer. That's 5 classes.

For Hibernia to do this they need 1 Bard 1 Druid. Thats 2 classes.

For Midgard to do this they need 1 pac healer 1 mend healer 1 shaman 1 skald. Thats 4 classes.

Ok, then we got our basic needs settled. Lets look at what the realms got in ADDITION to those main abilities from their classes:

Cleric x2: BOF, elsewise not much more than buffs + heals.
Minstrel: SOS, some weak CC/interrupt and some melee damage.
Paladin: Some melee damage, and shield-spec.
Sorcerer: Mez-reduction (but no insta-mezz), cloth wearing caster with mediocre DDs.

Druid: Group purge and some extra CC.
Bard: Weak melee damage but good interrupter. Instamezz.

Pac healer: Best CC'er in game probably. Wears chain. Instamezz, instastun, good heals, can stun, mezz, root. PR.
Mend healer: PR, single mezz root and stun.
Shaman: AE Disease, PBAE instadisease, nice RA, wears chain, heals, bolts/DOTs.
Skald: Good melee damage, some extra CC.

Alb ends up with only 1 set of resists, Hibernia too, Midgards get both sets of resist. The only thing to counter the fact that Albion spends the most classes on the base of a good group and yet has least extra utility per class disregarding RA's must be taken into account before you start the BOF / SOS whine.


Whiner :)

Originally posted by GrivneKelmorian
Soo...when they making the friar and pala taunt chout a castable spell too?...

Yer good on ya :)

Pally's are too uber with their 350 Radius End Chant.



ilum its amazing how u make hib/alb look like mediocre realms but with mid everything is great.
Maybe im far off but to me it looks just like that.
Btw tought everyone agreed on that skalds melee dmg AINT good. frontload is up there but then it goes down to somewhere along the lines of healers or something.



Originally posted by chretien
Albion soak it (plate armour, a lot of healing spread across several classes including cloth casters).

you count the life-transfer thingy among heals?
Hib has mentalists that can do .. pretty much everything but
GtAoE. (Not whining just stating that the healing & soaking
thing does not really ring true for me)

PallyChant Heals are nice though.

<- Also trouble w soaking is the Sorc ..
Most obvious Worm of the match :) + cloth + no insta CC
.. not even PBAoE (CC that is) as last ditch defense.

Statement on the side :

For Balance issues it should - IMHO - not be necessary to
have any particular RA.

A balanced 'base' (wothout RA's) would be needed PLUS
balanced RA's later.

But pitting SOS/BoF against Quad Hits, interrupts, AoE insta
Diseases, instamezzes w ~300 range less than uber-useless-
in-most-situations-uber-bolt-range-castable .. :p no mates.
That's comparing pears to apples.


Anyone else think it funny that actually a healer has insta Mez
and a Sorcerer (who basically does NOTHING but *MEZ*) does
not? .. might as well give sorc an insta heal :) - not full health tho
say just 200hp .. 30sec timer. :p

Sorc spec in 'Mind Mastery' ... hmm they are pretty easy to
interrupt these days for that *smirk* ("dammit CONCENTRATE!")


Originally posted by Shike
yes, I would also welcome a change like that.

Zaps, a 5s stun kills my druid. 2-3 Savages finish me in 1-2 rounds=3-5s. A stun on a caster kills him in 1s. A stun on a tank dont really matter much. Although, a slam does pretty much the same thing if I dont have a guarder :p I would rather see it this way, it aint stun in itself that is powerful, its stun with the tremendous damage tanks can deal that is redicolous (sp?). The situation would be similar for every realm that had access to Stun like mids do, I dont count casters here since they simply are crap atm.

pachealer /assist MA... aint very hard

BoF is silly atm since most RVRgrps focus on melee since casters are poo in comparison. The skill-lvl on a castergrp have to be _extreme_ to even have a shot at beating a decent tankgrp, kinda unfair.

SoS is nearly as silly, but combined with BoF.. errrk.

BAoD.. chanters in a good RVRteam? Helooo? where are they? :p

GP is nice, have always been nice and will always be nice. I would rather have BoF or SoS though.

atm albs have the best of everything I would say,

the best stealthers in mincer+infs etc

clerics enhanced AFbuffs do make a change, especially with platewearing tanks with skyhigh AF already. (read buffbot here), its a free AP1 or so.

the best speedprovider, mincers change to ablasong, can chaininterrupt support and is an excellent casterkiller and assist well in tankgrps. Their ability to stealth should be removed totally imo. Else, give hibs and mids a tank that can stealth, stun, mach5, mez etc etc etc...

paladins is among the hardest damn tanks to kill, silly defense with a nice set of chants for a grp and FH. And they carry endregen where mids have it as a buff (which imo is even better tho) and bards have it as a song which can be easily interrupted by farting on the bard. Paladins also assist well in tankgrps and almost every pally have slam.

chainwearing light tanks with excellent damage (chain>evade3 anyday in my book, would you really wanna see rangers in chain?^^ I think not.)

the casters can be debated, although they really aint a big part of RVR anymore. People prefer tankgroups and both mid and alb beat hib here with ease.

Overall, albs have gotten it their way, I really wonder why though, maybe Mythic listen too much to the crybabies on VN.

Basically, Mythic has screwed up daoc pretty bad now tbh, its not a game where most classes are viable anymore, most hybrids suck since they lack det, casters isnt even fun anymore, support die in 1-2 rounds to assisting tanks.. list can be made quite long. I do hope they sort this out and do it soon.

Agree 100 % but u forget 2 other wery nice group RAs : Soldier's Barricade and Ameliorating Melodies both not close to sos bof pr ect but still no group ra to mids.



Originally posted by ilum
This thread is turning more into a realm-balance issue, but I might as well give you my 2 cents. Let me shed some light on some of Albion's problems.

Every RvR group you put together needs certain abilities. Endregen, mach 5, power regen, crowd control and heal and buffs.

For Albion to put this together we need 2 clerics (to buff a full group), 1 paladin, 1 minstrel, 1 sorcerer. That's 5 classes.

For Hibernia to do this they need 1 Bard 1 Druid. Thats 2 classes.

For Midgard to do this they need 1 pac healer 1 mend healer 1 shaman 1 skald. Thats 4 classes.

Ok, then we got our basic needs settled. Lets look at what the realms got in ADDITION to those main abilities from their classes:

Cleric x2: BOF, elsewise not much more than buffs + heals.
Minstrel: SOS, some weak CC/interrupt and some melee damage.
Paladin: Some melee damage, and shield-spec.
Sorcerer: Mez-reduction (but no insta-mezz), cloth wearing caster with mediocre DDs.

Druid: Group purge and some extra CC.
Bard: Weak melee damage but good interrupter. Instamezz.

Pac healer: Best CC'er in game probably. Wears chain. Instamezz, instastun, good heals, can stun, mezz, root. PR.
Mend healer: PR, single mezz root and stun.
Shaman: AE Disease, PBAE instadisease, nice RA, wears chain, heals, bolts/DOTs.
Skald: Good melee damage, some extra CC.

Alb ends up with only 1 set of resists, Hibernia too, Midgards get both sets of resist. The only thing to counter the fact that Albion spends the most classes on the base of a good group and yet has least extra utility per class disregarding RA's must be taken into account before you start the BOF / SOS whine.

You need 2 shaman to buff a group with specs and end regen.


Originally posted by Groborthir
Of course Midgard should have the same range of variable characters to choose from as Albion. It works both ways. Hibernia, who has 13 classes, should also have the same amount of choices that the other two realms have.

more classes mean skill are spread out more, mids 2 casters have to do pritty much the same as our 4 appart from a few abilites like DOT/Diseas (given to shamen on one line while albs have to spec 2 lines) and CC (2 froms of CC on one line while albs have to spec 2 lines).

My criticism wasn't on the fact that one realm should or shouldn't have more classes than another, my criticism was aimed at the separation of realms into "magic realm" and "melee realm", which will either make the third realm terribly mediocre or terribly overpowered. [/QUOTE]

they do seem to of abandoned that, even from from day one, Mids good at melee, weaker at magic, yet they have the most powerful caster, best CC etc. But they are missing thrusting weapon specs for. Hibs best magic, weaker at Combat although there main tank is probably better than the Armsmen. Albion were supose to site somewhere in the middle, although they get the best armour.

And thirdly, I don't know if you noticed, but more and more caster classes are becoming concerned with the way they are slowly being pushed out of the game due to the current resists situation, the tank RA's and the amount of instants a tank group can utilize. Throwing in another tank to the game, like the savage who can quad hit and I don't know what, only strengthens this concern amongst casters, because only tank groups can compete properly and on even terms with other tank groups. I think that's a sad development of the game. [/QUOTE]

Tanks are able to improve there magic defence yet caster cannot improve there melee. Tanks can easy get there magic defence up to 50% with RA and buffs yet only alb casers know what thats like with melee damage and then its only every 30min for 30sec. The balence needed here is over resists high vs CC ruling RvR. Diffent classes have different caps on there resists, tank classes being weaker than caster for magic based resists.

So that's why I want the savage on hybrid terms.

I guess we know where all the zerkers went after LA was nerfed.


Originally posted by ilum
This thread is turning more into a realm-balance issue, but I might as well give you my 2 cents. Let me shed some light on some of Albion's problems.

Every RvR group you put together needs certain abilities. Endregen, mach 5, power regen, crowd control and heal and buffs.

For Albion to put this together we need 2 clerics (to buff a full group), 1 paladin, 1 minstrel, 1 sorcerer. That's 5 classes.

For Hibernia to do this they need 1 Bard 1 Druid. Thats 2 classes.

For Midgard to do this they need 1 pac healer 1 mend healer 1 shaman 1 skald. Thats 4 classes.

Ok, then we got our basic needs settled. Lets look at what the realms got in ADDITION to those main abilities from their classes:

Cleric x2: BOF, elsewise not much more than buffs + heals.
Minstrel: SOS, some weak CC/interrupt and some melee damage.
Paladin: Some melee damage, and shield-spec.
Sorcerer: Mez-reduction (but no insta-mezz), cloth wearing caster with mediocre DDs.

Druid: Group purge and some extra CC.
Bard: Weak melee damage but good interrupter. Instamezz.

Pac healer: Best CC'er in game probably. Wears chain. Instamezz, instastun, good heals, can stun, mezz, root. PR.
Mend healer: PR, single mezz root and stun.
Shaman: AE Disease, PBAE instadisease, nice RA, wears chain, heals, bolts/DOTs.
Skald: Good melee damage, some extra CC.

Alb ends up with only 1 set of resists, Hibernia too, Midgards get both sets of resist. The only thing to counter the fact that Albion spends the most classes on the base of a good group and yet has least extra utility per class disregarding RA's must be taken into account before you start the BOF / SOS whine.

You really should try the other realms, you obviously dont know what you're talking about.


Originally posted by scarffs
You really should try the other realms, you obviously dont know what you're talking about.

Care to make a point?


Originally posted by ilum
This thread is turning more into a realm-balance issue, but I might as well give you my 2 cents. Let me shed some light on some of Albion's problems.

Every RvR group you put together needs certain abilities. Endregen, mach 5, power regen, crowd control and heal and buffs.

For Albion to put this together we need 2 clerics (to buff a full group), 1 paladin, 1 minstrel, 1 sorcerer. That's 5 classes.

For Hibernia to do this they need 1 Bard 1 Druid. Thats 2 classes.

no, we need bard and 2 druids to fully buff a group, one druid is not enough to speccbuff a FG.

Originally posted by ilum For Midgard to do this they need 1 pac healer 1 mend healer 1 shaman 1 skald. Thats 4 classes.

same here, mid need 2 speccbuffers=2 shamans

Originally posted by ilum Ok, then we got our basic needs settled. Lets look at what the realms got in ADDITION to those main abilities from their classes:

Cleric x2: BOF, elsewise not much more than buffs + heals.
Minstrel: SOS, some weak CC/interrupt and some melee damage.
Paladin: Some melee damage, and shield-spec.
Sorcerer: Mez-reduction (but no insta-mezz), cloth wearing caster with mediocre DDs.

oh so the stun that clerics can assist MA with is useless, their PBAoEmez is useless.. not much more than buffs+heals.. ok. I would like to have that healprocc they have aswell btw, or at least something more in my nurtureline on my druid.
Mincers CC is _not_ weak when they do what they are supposed to do, a well placed stun is deadly on a supportclass when an MA have that support targetted. A stun also negates a healers ability to mocheal/rez. They can also interrupt healers on the fly with DDs while assisting on another target. I wouldnt exactly call that weak CC/interrupt. Mincer is a highly annoying and terrible enemie in the hands of a skilled player and is very valuable in a group, I see you also forgot to mention the ablative song...
Paladins can deal out damage, (2xx in melee aint exactly poo imo for a onehander), they have slam, have endregen as a goddamn chant, can twist chants that are highly usable to a group, they have extreme AF and are a pain in the arse to kill, Faith heal is another nice neat RA alb have access to in this class. Some melee damage and a shield-spec huh?
Sorcerers are a pain to play, its that simple. They are powerful if they are allowed to play out so naturally they often go down, and fast. If sorc was more powerful, alb would totally dominate everything I believe.

Originally posted by ilum Hibernia:
Druid: Group purge and some extra CC.
Bard: Weak melee damage but good interrupter. Instamezz.

Druid is one of hibbs best classes no doubt, good solid healer and normally lack any form of instantCC if goin the regr/nurt-route. Thats one minus I have found so far on my maincharacter, the other is our terrible heavy armor, scale just suck compared to Chain, I would trade my scale for clerics or healers chain hands down. Beeing slashvulneralbe practically make me vulnerable to the most common weapontype in daoc, thats bad. Our pet is good and handy now and then aswell.
Bards only good ability is the instalul, 2.3k range on an instant is very handy when it comes to win a CCwar... but when mezz is casted, what can they do then? They have _no_ access to a secondary CC at all like healers and sorc's do. They have endregen as a song which is terribly easy to interrupt for any class with some sort of insta which interrupts, fyi, thats pretty many classes, or anyone can equip a charged DoT and use it against the bard. Weak meleedamage? Are you kidding me? When was the last time you saw a bard that wasnt chased by tanks and equipped his weapon and shield INSTEAD of trying to play endregen which is vital to all hibgroups? Instamez sure is nice btw.. on rr1 groups.

Originally posted by ilum Midgard:
Pac healer: Best CC'er in game probably. Wears chain. Instamezz, instastun, good heals, can stun, mezz, root. PR.
Mend healer: PR, single mezz root and stun.
Shaman: AE Disease, PBAE instadisease, nice RA, wears chain, heals, bolts/DOTs.
Skald: Good melee damage, some extra CC.

Pachealers are daocs best CCer, yep. Instamez is still shait, instastun however is another story, can be pretty deadly as any stun can be. (imo this is the best class in daoc and the one I fear the most in the hands of a competent player)
Mendhealer is also a solid class, good armor and some basic CC aswell. Not much different from druids actually. Clerics still have the edge since they have access to something to guard themselves with in BoF.
Shaman, they are oke, they wear chain and have a nice set of utility, their endregenbuffs make them a primary target however which can make it troublesome for them, their mendline could use some love aswell imo (which most secondary healers do).
Skalds need some love imo, they are only in groups due to their speed and nothing else and thats poo.

Originally posted by ilum Alb ends up with only 1 set of resists, Hibernia too, Midgards get both sets of resist. The only thing to counter the fact that Albion spends the most classes on the base of a good group and yet has least extra utility per class disregarding RA's must be taken into account before you start the BOF / SOS whine.

So albion have the least extra utility per class.. dude, wake up and smell the coffe and realize how much candy Mythic actually have given you. Albion in itself can put up the most competative group there is today I believe when you get a hold of all the classes you guys need to function well, hands down, the odds for this is very very high since you tend to crowd every server. Savages make mid function as it is now but it is yet to be seen how much the nerf of them affect mid as a whole, mids are usually clever and will probably come up with something though. Hib is just out of the game for now since we have to be more skilled and play better than both mid and alb to win a battle. I have only commented on the classes you brought up Ilum. Cba to make an essae here.


Originally posted by Shanaia
Blabla a bd goes down easily against a fullgroup when you mezz their pets... if the fg is unlucky the BD actually takes one down with him before getting ganked. Where is the balance when a single class can take on any other class and win 9 out of 10 times.

Infils? :rolleyes:


Fact remains:

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

If Midgard needs 2 shamans to spec buff and Hibernia need 2 druids, then Albion needs 3 clerics. Remember we dont have any other basebuffer but our cleric.


any sensible way of making comparisons would use the same standards:

Spec buffs
Resist buffs


Hibbies need:
5 slots

Albies need:
3 slots

Midgard needs:
Pac healer
Aug healer (like thats gonna happen)
Mend healer/shammie
4 slots

most decent RvR groups have buff bots anyway, so only need to run with 1 spec buffer, tho hibbies have loads of space, so they can easily get another druid, or warden for 3 sec pbt, etc

If the hibbies started owning emain again, then the midgard nerfs crys would subside.

Grass is always greener on the other side.


Originally posted by ilum

If Midgard needs 2 shamans to spec buff and Hibernia need 2 druids, then Albion needs 3 clerics. Remember we dont have any other basebuffer but our cleric.

Then it must be a dream that my friar has basebuffs, right?



Originally posted by Cathul
Then it must be a dream that my friar has basebuffs, right?


Ah ok, then I get it.

We need 1 Friar to base buff

And 2 Clerics for spec - just like Mid needs 2 Shammies and Hib needs 2 Druids....

Still 3 did that help? I meant ofc that Albion didnt have base buffs on any of the other essential classes - i.e. hib gets it on bard, Mid gets it on healer.


Originally posted by ilum
Fact remains:

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*
* Insert Nice Class*

If Midgard needs 2 shamans to spec buff and Hibernia need 2 druids, then Albion needs 3 clerics. Remember we dont have any other basebuffer but our cleric.

Would u swap u minstrell for skald ?
2 clerics for 2 healers ?
pally for shammy ?
then i take the sorz for CC

Who would be better of ?


Originally posted by ilum
Ah ok, then I get it.

We need 1 Friar to base buff

And 2 Clerics for spec - just like Mid needs 2 Shammies and Hib needs 2 Druids....

Almost every gank-group has buffbots at their respective portal/border keep. It's not uncommon that the shaman in Midgard gankgroups only buffs endurance-buffs and rest comes from buffbots at mpk.
One Shaman isn't able to speccbuff his entire group with topend speccbuffs _and_ endurance.

And in fact, buffbots at border/portal keep are possible and not uncommon in Albion, too.

Still 3 did that help? I meant ofc that Albion didnt have base buffs on any of the other essential classes - i.e. hib gets it on bard, Mid gets it on healer.

And Midgard and Hibernia don't get all necessary speccbuffs on one shaman or druid, so what was your argument here?

When it comes to buffing i see no disparity between either realm. If you don't have enough buffers in your group chances are good that someone has a buffbot standing around somewhere.

Btw. speccbuffs >>> basebuffs.



If I got to chose from Alb/Mid classes I would go for the following:

Speed - Minstrel - SoS does make a big difference
CC - Pac Healer - Sturdy and can heal well
Healer - Cleric - A bit worse than Healer but BoF is great RA
Healer - Cleric - Same
End regen - Shaman - Very high utility and brings loads to a group.
Light tank - Savage - Easily the strongest light tank available
Light tank - Savage - Same
Light tank - Savage - Same


Some people here really underate hib tank group.... trust me it's good in rvr but ra's can screw them over.Imagine 3 pierce bms hitting you at 1.5 spd with no damage loss hardly.... and add 4 healing classes to that it can be decent although the bard's end regen isn't the best it still can be a fairly good group.

Having played all 3 realms i would say the game is fairly balanced more now than it's ever been, alb's bof and mids pr may cause hibs to lose in some cases but when they do not have them it's very even.Midgard may seem overpowered to a lot of people, but 4 classes are(yeah i know hib and alb have some too :p), whereas the rest of the realm isn't, it's below hib/alb standards when you compare the other classes which really hurts the realm.

One good thing to sort the game out at the moment would be to remove all resists buffs, at least all caster classes in all realms then will have some decent magic damage once more.

Make of it what you will, every realm has a strong group you can make, you get good players who know each other's play style, you will make a lot of group's lives hell and that's all it is really.The game is like streetfighter was, most people only picked a few chars :/ mythic isn't giving everyone the full beneift of the game no more.


Originally posted by ilum
If I got to chose from Alb/Mid classes I would go for the following:

Speed - Minstrel - SoS does make a big difference
CC - Pac Healer - Sturdy and can heal well
Healer - Cleric - A bit worse than Healer but BoF is great RA
Healer - Cleric - Same
End regen - Shaman - Very high utility and brings loads to a group.
Light tank - Savage - Easily the strongest light tank available
Light tank - Savage - Same
Light tank - Savage - Same

pac healer
Pally bring more to a group as a slammer and end stays with tanks
BM i want 1 with PF as MA


if i had a choice i would always go for a pally over a shaman for end buff.


Both Shaman and Paladins do their main job(give end) pretty good. I would personally pick shaman but that might be because of "greener grass on the other side".

As i see it.

Mez paladin = no end
Stun paladin = no end

Remember that paladin dont got determination.

Sure slam is useful sometimes. But not often when tanks have pf. Twisting for extra chants are good and the extra damage a paladin deal is better then none.

Shaman got disease. Its better then some seem to think. And the ae root is also very useful. And not like many go for shaman when its healers to kill.

Endurance isnt that often a problem in albion and midgard though. Hibernia have the real problem here.

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