Saturday Sidi Raid Thread



ofc theres a difference, means i can just edit post, we dont havto have new post new flames every weeks and keeps things much simpler


Originally posted by Fagane
Tell me where is the difrence between A and B:

a: Can I do a Sidi Raid next suterday or any other date?

b: Can I, me as a low life, get the honor of doing maybe if it is permited by your wisdom a Sidi Raid at a conviniant time for you?

Come on, you not that stuppid, are you? We need to ask you, thats way to much, and AGAINST GOA code of conduct.

Do not be afraid, keep this up! And expect from me every saturday a mini sidi raid, at this moment I already need to turn people down who want to join me.


I hope you get 200 people in there Fagane, I honestly do, cause they all have their own mind, try their best not to listen, and will go afk nonstop. But offcourse, you think it is all easy, leading a raid, just cause you're a noob.

But what you are planning basically is to ruin the fun and chances the 150 people might have, that tend to turn up for these sidi raids every saturday, from small and big guilds?

What you will make happen is just that the better guilds team up, do the raid themselves, leaving rejects like you without any uber items.

But I guess your shit for brain is clouding your view.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
But I guess your shit for brain is clouding your view.
Regards, Glottis

You are already giving me your left over dung becouse you can not handle the quantity of dung you eat from the elephants ass? Oof, never expected so little of you.



Originally posted by Fagane
You are already giving me your left over dung becouse you can not handle the quantity of dung you eat from the elephants ass? Oof, never expected so little of you.


Ok, I will leave the insults away..
So you want to fuck over 150 random Albs by screwing about with the saturday raids?


Regards, Glottis


Didn't know there was rules in the CoC about entering Caer Sidi Glottis.

And this is the Albion forum. No need to flame here.


Originally posted by Ekydus
Didn't know there was rules in the CoC about entering Caer Sidi Glottis.

And this is the Albion forum. No need to flame here.

Hardly a flame, just the truth :(
Fagane is screwing over everybody just cause he has some mental issues.
But it does not state anything about that in CoC.
They even let pricks like Fagane play this game :(
Regards, Glottis


Erm there are alliance raids etc that don't make BW in Caer Sidi, yet nobody complains.


btw Fagane dont bother coming sidi with me, cuz u wont be lottoing after this sort of crap...not only does it screw me it screws every other person there, its most pathetic things ive seen yet, worse than skile


Originally posted by Falcor
btw Fagane dont bother coming sidi with me, cuz u wont be lottoing after this sort of crap...not only does it screw me it screws every other person there, its most pathetic things ive seen yet, worse than skile

Do you really worry I will be joining a raid with you? You must be sad to consider that even an option. You just deserved a place in the Retard Club.

/em welcomes Falcor in the Retard Club with open arms.

I got 2 isues with you, and you even mix them up, 1 is with your Sidi RR5 rules, wont join as long as they exist. 2e with your claim you own Sidi, and so I ignore the claim and do as I wish.

In the last 20 posts you did not make any sense in any post, except "it saves a lot of work/flames". Orgonizing a Sidi raid means some work/flames. Live with it, deal with it or stop with it.

But we all know how you orgonize them now, just claim sidi and show up on saturday to "lead" it. Been there a couple of times, and you can be happy a lot of strong group leaders where there, and people with patience. Becouse your leadership is bad.

Been on Algiro's raids also, its much better, maybe takes longer, but he is less pushy, not an ego tripper, and actualy works for it.

Posts like this makes you look stuppid, becouse everybody with a bit of brains already knows I would never again attend your raids. Keep that bit respect I have for you intact, before I (like a lot of others) put you in the same catogorie like Glottis and krane.



Fagane u just another random noob who is seeking attention..

Go back and play CS or something...

U wont achieve anything here anyway..

besides...who gives a flying fuck what you think and whom u put in your club?

ps.: make sure u turn your filter on or the word F U C K will get you a punishment from mummy...


I'm still trying to work out if krane is trying to help or hinder Falcor's cause.


Originally posted by old.krane
Fagane u just another random noob who is seeking attention..

Go back and play CS or something...

U wont achieve anything here anyway..

besides...who gives a flying fuck what you think and whom u put in your club?

ps.: make sure u turn your filter on or the word F U C K will get you a punishment from mummy...

/flame farm


In my opinion, Falcor is doing a good job with his raids (I have barely participated in a single one lately, however, due to RL concerns). It's a lot of work, extremely stressful, and involves putting yourself in a very flammable position. ;)

However, there are some disturbing trends to be seen. First of all, Falcor overthrew Aligro from the Sidi Raid Throne mainly because Aligro was preclaiming a drop and Falcor was not (and even condemned this). Yet, now, having become an established Sidi raider, Falcor has taken to pre-claiming a special sword he wants (don't bother calling it anything else than a pre-claim). And secondly, the new RR5+ rule for Apoc weapons introduces a new kind of division that does not really go hand in hand with the "for the good of Albion" motto the raids are supposed to represent.

Oh, and as for Falcor moaning about people being ungrateful and why he should even bother organizing the raids, don't worry -- he has done this for every single PvE raid he has ever lead, including the old Legion raid days. :m00:


lol cant compare these to legion...all these threads flames and so on just stinks of ungratefulness tbh, its simply what it shows.

tbh u saying that belomar is a supprising sadly...i dont want praise, but a little understanding that i do things for a reason


Well....Fagane....what the hell are you drinking or smoking...nothing you have said makes any sence at all. I have not read anything about Falcor owning or running Sidi. All i can see is the idea of making this a sticky so he does not have to re-type week after week. If you want to do another raid all you have to do is pm him. So, he can let the rest of us know that we will be doing it later, or not at all. Not owning..passing on information. And as for you saying "I do not aknowledge your ownership" just showes you as being a troublemaker. Anybody can see the logic in sticking a post. Just because you do not agree with it does not make it wrong.

Also, i do not agree with the RR5+ ruke for drops. The preclaiming of a weapon...hmmmm....After the organisation that must go into this type of raid, and keeping control. I would say deserves some sort of thanks for it. If it is a weapon drop, so be it. But, not a drop week after week after week.
And as for your retard club, is all that about. Anyone with a view different from your is a retard ??...Also, just think what the word means. Work with some of the children that i have, Who ARE what people like you call retards and then see what your views are. Or are you a child yourself.???.
Anyway, i have written enough about this apart from one thing that shocks me...i agree with Glottis ((o:


Originally posted by Falcor
lol cant compare these to legion...this just stinks of ungratefulness tbh, its simply what it shows.
And here you go on again about "ungratefulness", again making a martyr out of yourself. It seems you think the entire realm is indebted to you. First of all, my initial standpoint was that you were doing a good job. Secondly, I see no reason why I, personally, should be grateful to you, since I have yet to participate in a single one of your Sidi raids (due to RL concerns, like I said above).

Why does every criticism, regardless of how constructive it is, boil down to how people are being "ungrateful" when they question certain aspects of your otherwise well-orchestrated raids?


Originally posted by Falcor
lol cant compare these to legion...this just stinks of ungratefulness tbh, its simply what it shows.

tbh u saying that belomar is a supprising sadly...
ungrateful... hmm, that means not appreciating the hard work and effort made by others right?
so why the hell do you exclude half the people who go on your raids from getting any reward from it?!?


Originally posted by Falcor
tbh u saying that belomar is a supprising sadly...

well....if even people stand up and criticise you, which you didnt expect to do so, cause they re well known and have a sensible and good reputation...then maybe its a good point in time to re-think about the whole situation, mate.

also with the poll going on atm about the RR5 story...majority is speaking.

anyway, dont loose your courage. there are more people around who like you then you think. dont get them wrong just because they dont agree with you or if they want to push you in another direction.


Originally posted by syri
ungrateful... hmm, that means not appreciating the hard work and effort made by others right?
so why the hell do you exclude half the people who go on your raids from getting any reward from it?!?

If your school offers it, take some math courses.
A normal sidi raid will give about 20-30 drops, one of those could be an Apoc only weapon drop, which will then be reserved for lotto for rr5+ only.
So 1 drop out of 25 cannot be won by a rr5< person. Hardly half now is it? Everybody (rr5< or rr5> can win the remaining 24 drops).
But lets blow it all out of proportion, and try to sabotage a very successfull raid like Fagane and Skile are trying to do :(
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Belomar
Why does every criticism, regardless of how constructive it is, boil down to how people are being "ungrateful" when they question certain aspects of your otherwise well-orchestrated raids?

Because of 2 things, and its not every criticism belomar, i just thought u may understand a little more than most, being a gm, and how long u been playing...

I see a lot of ppl comments as just down right nasty, ppl like skile fagane etc, who find fault whatever i do...

Then there are ppl who repeat themselves, 100 times, which is annoying to me, ofc i listen to ppl, or i wouldnt of brought in the r5 rule.

I dont want praise, i want ppl to think before they post crap, they need to think who i have to keep happy, why i do things.

The key word is constructive, a lot of posts on here are FAR from constructive, they r repetative whine, i want ppl to post good comments and input of ways to improve, but that is different from moaning about soemthing 100 times, ppl say "RR5 is BAAAAD" but do they give compromises or alternatives? no

btw belo, when i said it said it stinks of ungratefulness, i ment all these whines and threads in general i didnt mean your post m8


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
reserved for lotto for rr5+ only. So 1 drop out of 25 cannot be won by a rr5< person.

So you sugest that RR5+ can only lotto for the Apok weapons? And all none RR5+ can lotto for the other stuff?

I agre with you on this one Glottis



Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
If your school offers it, take some math courses.
A normal sidi raid will give about 20-30 drops, one of those could be an Apoc only weapon drop, which will then be reserved for lotto for rr5+ only.
So 1 drop out of 25 cannot be won by a rr5< person. Hardly half now is it? Everybody (rr5< or rr5> can win the remaining 24 drops).
But lets blow it all out of proportion, and try to sabotage a very successfull raid like Fagane and Skile are trying to do :(
Regards, Glottis
if your school offers it, take up an english course, or just look up the word "exaggeration"...
And please, try to look back at the times when you were not a rr5+ uber-elite pwnsyourass guy, and try to remember that there are still some people in that situation. not everyone's rr5, everyone has the potential to be, so i don't see why any of these potentials should be excluded. that's like saying that only the people currently rr5 are allowed to get better, everyone else has to just sit and leech rps with their df swords...


Originally posted by Falcor
but do they give compromises or alternatives?

The difrence is, that all attending (level 45+) already did an compromise. You just crossed the line. At some point, there is no room, the room was already there when you did steep up the lotto rules. Only difrence is, you keep doing it.



Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
A normal sidi raid will give about 20-30 drops, one of those could be an Apoc only weapon drop, which will then be reserved for lotto for rr5+ only.

Well the simple chance of perhaps getting one of those rare weapons might lure many poor souls to join that raid, but then again If you are rr5+ you dont see it that way, you just see more competitors for yoursel.

However I do agree that wanting to sabotage a raid is wrong.

Sidi Blows hard by the way, 6 hours+ of just walking around hearing people scream aint my ideaof a nice sunday in the realm of Albion.


Originally posted by Fagane
So you sugest that RR5+ can only lotto for the Apok weapons? And all none RR5+ can lotto for the other stuff?
I agre with you on this one Glottis

Read what I posted...

Originally posted by Glottis
So 1 drop out of 25 cannot be won by a rr5< person. Hardly half now is it? Everybody (rr5< or rr5> can win the remaining 24 drops).

Tought job right?
Go think up your next brilliant scheme to sabotage Falcor's Sidi Raid...
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Falcor
btw belo, when i said it said it stinks of ungratefulness, i ment all these whines and threads in general i didnt mean your post m8
All right, fair points. I do appreciate the work involved in managing a raid like this, including the stress and the flames you have to endure. Hopefully you will continue doing them in the future too (so I finally get the time to participate in one). :)


Why all this talk about compromises? The people have spoken, adjust or step off.


For what it's worth, the genuinely fairest way to do the lotto would be as follows.....

1) Auction all items to the highest bidder attending the raid (or possibly even the highest bidder on BW).
2) Split money raised between attendees.

I'm not suggesting anyone does this due to the fact it would be a bloody nightmare to organise, but it would be fairer in theory than any of the messing about suggested above.


Ok when i first started attending sidi raids they were 45+ for drops i think that was on aligros raids and yea he pre clamied a item which people kinda got mad at and thats why his raids stoped.

Then i attended falcors i think they started off 48+ to lotto for drops which was fine for most people.

Then fal ASKS to keep a sword if it drops which yes some people were mad at because any kind of askin or pre claming by aligro got him flamed and he stoped raids over that.

yea fal has killed apoc often and has not clamied a drop every raid or anything like that but yes some people have a problem with it due to aligro thing and yes i think most understand its under different circumstances.

Then raid rules changed so it was level 50 only lotto. Most people were fine with it.

Then the rr5 rule for apoc weapons comes up and all hell seems to have broke loose.

Reason for rule being was rr5 deserve it more cuz they get more gain out of there slower speed and higher dps right?

If that is the case you could also say someone with a higher weapon spec derserves that weapon more could you not.
So lets say a palladin 1 hand slash droped off apoc would you say only them specced 44 slash instaed of 39 slash can lotto?

no one would agree with that kind of rule would they?

Just seems like the rules keep changing so less and less people can lotto for drops which ant exactly for the good of anyone except the elite in albion.

can anyone honestly say a apoc drop going to a level 50 at rr4 or less is a waste to them when they can become rr5 in time. A apoc weapon is a big improvement to any level 50 rr5 or not thats a fact and if its a matter of how much it helps a person then you could argue that you dont lotto at all and just give it to the best specced highest rr level 50 there.

why not say give apoc weapons to the highest realm ranked character who is specced in it and use it because that is the way things may aswell go.

As far as i see it anyone who helped on the raid should be able to lotto for there class and spec on whatever item droped from whatever mob that is fair this rr5 rule ant.

shouldent be bothering posting this will only cause me grife but what the hell....

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