Sad day



Originally posted by Nos-
Capital punishment is not a deterrant simply because the people who commit these sort of crimes care nothing about the consequences of their actions.

With respect i dont think anyone really knows that do they ? Not always anyhow.
God I better go hide before the BW post-school "moral high ground gang" come after me :D


Look, it's simple.

If someone wants to commit a crime, they'll do it.


Because they think that they can get away with it.

Be it murder/theft/taking without consent/whatever it doesn't matter.

The only solution is to make them not want to do it in the first place, and that comes through the persons upbringing.

Prevention, as always, is better than cure.


That arguement has been put forward now ever since capital punishment was stopped, but with little effect Im afraid.
As I said in an earlier post Im not completely decided one way or the other, but it does seem we've tried all this stuff.


In my opinion capital punishment should be brought back, it should have never been abolished in the first place. I understand that some people have mental problems (which doesnt excuse any crime) however, many ppl claim to be mentally unstable nowadays in order to get a reduced sentence. Just take the caretaker/murderer in the Holly and Jessica case, he was perfectly fine in all the tv interviews previous to his arrest, what happened then Ooops he became mentally unstable, drooling at the mouth, unfit to appear in court etc. All too convenient in my opinion, but this country being what it is will protect him...WHY ???

As stated in previous posts the technology/forensics nowadays is so advanced that it would be almost impossible to convict the wrong person. I know ppl will pick on the 'almost' word here but if you think back to the days when capital punishment did exist crime was so much lower plus statistics will clearly show I'm sure that the majority, dare I say 99.9% of ppl who were killed via the death penalty were guilty. And 100% of thos ppl never offended again <g>

Last but not least, why should I as a tax payer have to pay to keep scum like that in prison. They get pretty much whatever they want, they can work, take exams, play pool, watch tv, have a variety of personal possesions in their cell etc we even pay their mortgage for them so when they get out of prison they have a nice house to go to, the list is endless. Not exactly a deterrent is it !!!!!!


What do you mean 'little effect'? That's the way it is for fucks sake.

There is NO, repeat NO logical argument for bringing back capital punishment.

End of.


Originally posted by Sar
Capital Punishment, unfortunately, is not a deterrant. It also makes no difference to the amount of prisoners being held in jail at the taxpayer's expense - look at the US's Death Row. There's plenty of ppl in there who've been there for over 5 years, and quite a lot who've been there for 10, 20+ years.

Also, look at the general crime rate - it's fucking sky high there compared to here. So you lot tell me how it's in any way deterring criminals - because after all that is its main purpose.

What kind of an idiot are you? I may have to change my sig because if you're going use comparisons like that then it means nothing.
How big is America, and how big is Britain? Can you legally buy guns in America, can you legally buy guns in Britain? How far away is the drugs capital of the world from America, and how far is it from Britain? Do you see where I'm going with this. America and Britain are too different countries, you cannot compare them.
TBH there is no way they should or could bring back the death penalty because at the moment the whole legal system is a farce. The judges are old and unbelievably stupid and ignorant of modern day life, sentances are either ridiculously long or short, the laws reguarding peoadophiles are a joke, cops have too much paper work to do, the list goes on. As someone mentioned earllier this government is a bunch of sort girlies who don't want to upset the do-gooders, its just a shame there are no other political leaders who aren't a soft girly and could turn things around.
What annoys me most is that the prisoners of today lead quite a good life, with TVs, videos, CD players, pool tables all at our expense. I know people who are too poor to own a CD player. There is no bummings in the shower anymore they get seperate cubicles, and apart from raising their voice the guards can't do much more unless they are attacked, so life isn't as bad as it should be for them. When Staz gets back I'm sure he can tell you some stories about prison life.


Pippa666, you have absolutely no fucking idea as to the mental state of the caretaker. In fact, I'd wager you know fuck all about mental health in general. Hence you have been relegated to status of scared, ignorant housewife/mother who would see fit to disembowel a pediatrician because the word resembles paedophile.

Kindly shut the fuck up with your incessant ramblings.


Well nath...After that so polite response from you....NOT !!!! If all you can do is flame me for voicing my opinion I can only imagine that you come under the category of one of those neanderthal paedophiles.

I just wonder whether you're a criminal yourself to provoke such a reply ??


Well naturally, it stands to reason.

Again, proving my point that you're nothing more than a stupid housewife, you believe that anyone who is not on the side of killing paedophiles must be one.

You probably thought the brass eye special was promoting child sex.

p.s. I think you'll find that it's the mob of people rushing to kill them are the neanderthals, the paedophiles themselves are simply extremely disturbed products of modern society.


Because I am female u naturally assume I am nothing more than a 'stupid housewife' ??? Have you met me ? do u know anything about me ?? do u know what I do for a living ??
I'd say the answer is NO to all of the above

p.s. I think you'll find that it's the mob of people rushing to kill them are the neanderthals, the paedophiles themselves are simply extremely disturbed products of modern society.

Does this mean they have your approval ??


I never even assumed you were female. I simply made the comparison to the angry housewife because they are the morons that tote their kids along with t-shirts saying 'Protect me!'.

And no, of course they don't have my approval. I simply disagree with the idea that they should be strung up.


With a name like Pippa (female name) and an avatar of a female, plus ur housewife comment, you never assumed I was female ???? strange that eh !!!! lol

And no, of course they don't have my approval. I simply disagree with the idea that they should be strung up.

Fair enough you disagree, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but that is no excuse for the abuse that you dished out to me.


Yes it is, because you're a fucking retard.

Plus, I never assumed you were female because I never assume that on the internet. Besides, lots of the ment on these forums have a picture of a woman on their avatar. Plus, I explained my housewife comment.


because you're a fucking retard.
I think you've just summed up your own mentality there. I am no longer interested in keeping up this type of 'discussion' with you. If I need to discuss this any further with anyone then I will make sure it is with somebody of higher intellect than you. :)

You are the weakest link....Goodbye!


Nath, who gives a fuck about the mental state of that twat caretaker, he's evil he deserves a crap life or death not luxury. What do you think we should ave done to Hitler if we'd caught him, or Bin Laden? Put them in a nice cell with everything you want? Nope, executuion. why? because they are evil and deserve punishment, and no amount of time behind bars would be equal? Why do you people insist on giving rights to those who took other people's away? The man killed two inocent young girls and don't think he should hang? why? please explain to me coz I just can't figure it out?

Scooba Da Bass

Originally posted by Pippa666

I just wonder whether you're a criminal yourself to provoke such a reply ??

Originally posted by Pippa666

Does this mean they have your approval ??

Nath is right, you're a fucking retard. It is possible to not want to string paedophiles up, AND at the same time, not agree with them, or be a criminal.

Please keep your tub thumping vitriol to the places it belongs; ie the tabloids.

I'm sure I'll see you on the front page taken part in paedogeddon.


It's not punishment they deserve, it's gunishment.

And ignus, you ignorant spack. There's a difference between evil and whacko.


NO no no no no! people who don't want action to be taken but still don't approve of whats going on are the people who stick their heads in the sand and hope it'll all go away. They live in their little student worlds and think that debate solves problems. People who take action are sinners and should burn in hell for eternity.
Someone earlier said that I have a mob mentality, good, at least a mob gets things done. I fear for the future of this country when its populated by computer programers and students and nothing more.
As I said before, the legal system needs to be reviewed and altered before any capital punishment comes into effect, but then again even if may not even be needed if the current legal system resembled a fair legal system.
And stop picking on the girls, we need more female posters in BW.


Originally posted by nath
And ignus, you ignorant spack. There's a difference between evil and whacko.

Ok I'll remain ignorant and you can explain to me the difference


I'm not picking on the girls, I'm picking on the obtuse. One of whom happens to be a girl. I never said I don't want action to be taken, I simply said I don't think criminals should be strung up.

Don't get me wrong, I've wanted to kill people before. Hell, my car got broken in to today and I wouldn't mind kicking seven shades of shit out of the perp's, but there's a difference between that reaction and the way things SHOULD be done. Unfortunately not many people can see that, hence try to act on pure emotional rage.

edit: I don't actually know the difference between evil and whacko, which is why I leave that to the proffesionals. People who actually know what they are talking about. The thing that seperates me from the mob is that I know there IS a difference.


Unfortunately the way things SHOULD be done differ in the eyes of many people.


here is a compromise: string em up by the balls till their nackers drop off then bury them up to their necks in shit cover them with honey and let ants eat their eyeballs


The problem lies in the fact that often people don't see the dividing line between their emotions, and a will to do what's right. Acting on pure emotion is obviously wrong as emotions are, by nature, irrational.


I believe the difference between Evil and Whacko is if you're Whacko you don't know what you're doing but if you're Evil you plan it all out and enjoy doing horrible things.

I think.

I just wonder whether you're a criminal yourself to provoke such a reply ??

Pippa, you are officially the dumbest person i've ever seen making a comment like that.

On the law, I think if it is premeditated murder the person should be killed. A life for a life. Dunno about the rest, haven't bothered thinking about it.


These threads always end up "you're a fucking idiot" "no you're a fucking idiot". Sad really. An exchange of views would be so much more interesting.


Personally, I think 'an eye for an eye' is an incredibly unenlightened attitude to life.



In my opinion capital punishment should be brought back, it should have never been abolished in the first place. I understand that some people have mental problems (which doesnt excuse any crime)

That's strike one!

Well nath...After that so polite response from you....NOT !!!! If all you can do is flame me for voicing my opinion I can only imagine that you come under the category of one of those neanderthal paedophiles.

Strike two!

<nath>p.s. I think you'll find that it's the mob of people rushing to kill them are the neanderthals, the paedophiles themselves are simply extremely disturbed products of modern society.</nath>

Does this mean they have your approval ??

Strike three! You're outta there!


Originally posted by old.ignus

Someone earlier said that I have a mob mentality, good, at least a mob gets things done. I fear for the future of this country when its populated by computer programers and students and nothing more.
Ironically, many of us [the populace] fear for the future of this country given its continued social acceptance of mob mentality and the ilk.

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