RvR sunday and monday 19 and 20


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Bracken is just on a personal quest against ppl that wants to play it different them him. Ignore him and he will eventually dissapear.

Wrong. I'm letting you know we aren't going to put up with your tantrums any more. It's actually irrelevant how you choose to play the game yourself. And no, I won't disappear :) . I and others have had enough of this great game being ruined because people can't act in a decent way to each other.

xxManiacxx said:
You have every right to play the game as solo,duo,fg,1,5fg etc etc and you have no right to abuse them about it either.

Exactly. Let's keep between the Agramon mg's for fg, and accept that outside of it people have a right to play the game in the "traditional" way without getting shit for it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Scrounging Bastard Join Date: 7th Jan 2004
Location: Worcester, UK
Posts: 0

Originally Posted by Haggus
and YES there are unwritten rules of engagement. But if you didn't add then you would gain respect from us and we wouldn't had said insults to you to piss you off.

YOU have decided you want to play without adding. Unfortunately for you the game was developed, marketed and sold as realm versus realm - fg action and non-adding is what some have chosen to make it for themselves. So if people choose to play it as realm v realm they have every right to do so. You do not have the right to abuse them for that and that's what you have to understand. In the past you (maybe not you personally but people who say they want to play for fg fights) have gotten away with abusing and belittling people who are playing the game in the way it was designed, and you've done it without consequences. That is what is going to change. We're simply letting you know that whereas we will respect your wishes within the mgs of Agramon (an easily defined area), once you step outside of that anything with a red name is fair game - because that is why the vast majority bought the game in the first place. If your community can't change it's attitude and how it treats people then it will directly impact your own game experience. You have a choice as to how we'll all get along.

Beautifully put
If any of us add on your groups in the Mg area we deserve all the abuse you throw at us.
We are happy with those definitions of "unwritten rules"


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
same could be said about rather a lot of people in the 8v8 scene. Unfortunately you've all yet to disappear ;) hence Bracken's new little plan:

Whine at someone for adding outside of the agramon playpen and he'll get himself a zerg and trample around on agramon while yer having your 8v8's.

Stick to agramon, or at least don't whine outside of it if someone should happen on your fight and everyone gets along :) no adding for you in agramon, no whining for us outside it.

I guess you didnt read my post in the insults thread? I wrote everything about fg´s trying to move away from the others and play their kind of game they like away from keeps/towers etc where the war is taken place.

I said that if ppl go to the towers/keeps/iRvR they can expect to be added on and have no reason to whine about it.

And what does Bracken do? Trying to get a "crusade" going or somthing when all the real fg vs fg players are trying to move away from them so that they can have their fun without us being there.

For the groups that go to iRvR and "farm" the zergs I have only one thing to say. let them have it and zerg them good.

But incase you missed it I will post it all again just for you Flim.

xxManiacxx said:
But in the end there will always be 2 sides. let´s call them the "adding" side and the "leet" side.

Adding side want´s to kill everyone and everything right?
Leet side wants to have their fg or 1on1´s right?

Adding side says it´s all about war versus 3 realms but yet you don´t see alot of massive siege fights, taking relics and keeps. That would in my oppinion be what a real war is about. To take control of enemy lands.

Leet side says they only want their fg vs fg and 1on1´s. Ofc they can´t have this if they stay around the area where the adding side tries to play the game (bridges,docks,towers,keeps). So what do they do? They try and get the ppl with the same mind to roam a certain area so that they can get those said fights they are looking for.

So now we have the leet side trying to get the gaming fun they want in a small specifik area away from the adding side that wants to play different then them but yet you always see those people coming to that area. Aren´t they deliberatly(spelling sucks I know) trying to ruin the leet side´s gaming experience?

The same goes the other way around ofc. If the adder side decide to do a keep siege to get their real realm vs realm experience and the leet side comes only to farm they are indeed ruining the adder side´s gaming experience(unless ofc they think that is fun but what I have seen most ppl get pretty frustrated with the gank groups coming only to farm some and don´t care about the siege itself).

The frontier is large to play in. I am sure that those ppl that really want to play fg vs fg for the thrill of it can find a place to do it without having their fun spoiled right? Just like the ppl that want to do massive realm vs realm can do it in alot of different places.

I can only speak for myself but if I am in a RvR group and we happen to decide to run near a bridge or a tower/keep I expect to get added on because we are running around in the area where those kind of ppl like to play. I do not whine/qq or whatever word u wanna use when that happens.

Although I get frustrated and sometimes angry when we move away from all the ppl to get good fights only to see the adding side coming there to ruin it.

I am sure both sides are able to play the same game without getting on eachothers nerves all the time. Perhaps Agramon aint the best place even though it´s as far away from any towers/keeps/bridges/docks and has nothing to do really with the war going on between the realms.

So basicly what I am saying is if the leet side tries to stay away so that they can have their kind of fun will the other side let them? And the other way around will the leet side let the other side have their sieges consider you don´t like that game anyways?

prob got alittle long but it will be the last I have to say about this.

The only thing Bracken is trying to do here is just make things worse. FG ppl (the real fg ppl not the rp farmers) are trying to move away and he tries to ruin it for them.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bracken said:
Wrong. I'm letting you know we aren't going to put up with your tantrums any more. It's actually irrelevant how you choose to play the game yourself. And no, I won't disappear :) . I and others have had enough of this great game being ruined because people can't act in a decent way to each other.

Exactly. Let's keep between the Agramon mg's for fg, and accept that outside of it people have a right to play the game in the "traditional" way without getting shit for it ;)

So by coming to Agramon where the FGs are trying to stay away from your type of gameplay you are making the game better and acting in a decent way?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
Originally Posted by xxManiacxx
But in the end there will always be 2 sides. let´s call them the "adding" side and the "leet" side.

Adding side want´s to kill everyone and everything right?
Leet side wants to have their fg or 1on1´s right?

Adding side says it´s all about war versus 3 realms but yet you don´t see alot of massive siege fights, taking relics and keeps. That would in my oppinion

Got board at this point - opinions and assholes and all that :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
I guess you didnt read my post in the insults thread? I wrote everything about fg´s trying to move away from the others and play their kind of game they like away from keeps/towers etc where the war is taken place.

I said that if ppl go to the towers/keeps/iRvR they can expect to be added on and have no reason to whine about it.

And what does Bracken do? Trying to get a "crusade" going or somthing when all the real fg vs fg players are trying to move away from them so that they can have their fun without us being there.

For the groups that go to iRvR and "farm" the zergs I have only one thing to say. let them have it and zerg them good.

But incase you missed it I will post it all again just for you Flim.

Thing is - the fg's don't do that - they come down to the Irvr keep, join the bg and hurl abuse at the people leading the retake because they're "ruining RvR".

They'll /send piles of abuse at groups that run past them at beno docks.

This is not going to agramon and getting abused for picking on people's fights, all of this abuse has happened well outside agramon, in the towers/keeps/iRvR places - and absolutely none of it is acceptable.

Now you yourself might not have done that, and I imagine most of the people in the 8v8 crowd don't. However there's a very very vocal bunch of complete tosspots who do and since you run with them/chat with them/whatever you get associated with them. They might not be "real" 8v8 players that are doing the insulting but they're in your groups and on your irc channels.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Bracken, you are making me want to renew my subs!!! God id love to see the whines. Take some screenies and email them to me, i need a good laugh!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
While I do agree with Bracken and Flim that no one should whined at because they happen to add etc, it's piss easy to avoid/ignore those pricks, there are both built in commands in daoc and the forums. And I would really like to see a screenshot of someone these days namecalling the other person if he/she happens to add.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Thing is - the fg's don't do that - they come down to the Irvr keep, join the bg and hurl abuse at the people leading the retake because they're "ruining RvR".

They'll /send piles of abuse at groups that run past them at beno docks.

This is not going to agramon and getting abused for picking on people's fights, all of this abuse has happened well outside agramon, in the towers/keeps/iRvR places - and absolutely none of it is acceptable.

Now you yourself might not have done that, and I imagine most of the people in the 8v8 crowd don't. However there's a very very vocal bunch of complete tosspots who do and since you run with them/chat with them/whatever you get associated with them. They might not be "real" 8v8 players that are doing the insulting but they're in your groups and on your irc channels.

I see plenty of groups staying in Agramon for the entire evenings, even when there is not much to fight at the time being. The groups you probably see are those that I call rp farmers and not to be mistaken as a true FG vs FG group.

Edit: And those groups should just have it all thats coming for them


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Now you yourself might not have done that, and I imagine most of the people in the 8v8 crowd don't. However there's a very very vocal bunch of complete tosspots who do and since you run with them/chat with them/whatever you get associated with them. They might not be "real" 8v8 players that are doing the insulting but they're in your groups and on your irc channels.

So, the vast majority of these "real 8v8 players" gets to suffer for what a few vocal childish pricks do? The black pedagogy strikes again.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
So by coming to Agramon where the FGs are trying to stay away from your type of gameplay you are making the game better and acting in a decent way?

It's a case of giving you notice of how things will be from now on. The fg community has shown they can organise themselves - all I (and others) are saying is that it needs to extend to the attitudes within it. You need to be making it clear to those who you play alongside that the shit has to stop. I know there will always be some muppets, as there are on both sides of the fence (I know many think that of me :p ) and nothing on these boards will ever change that. I'm just letting you know we've had enough, we're serious about what we say and we want how people are treated to change. If that happens then there won't be a problem and we'll all be happy.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Thing is - the fg's don't do that - they come down to the Irvr keep, join the bg and hurl abuse at the people leading the retake because they're "ruining RvR".

They'll /send piles of abuse at groups that run past them at beno docks.

This is not going to agramon and getting abused for picking on people's fights, all of this abuse has happened well outside agramon, in the towers/keeps/iRvR places - and absolutely none of it is acceptable.

Now you yourself might not have done that, and I imagine most of the people in the 8v8 crowd don't. However there's a very very vocal bunch of complete tosspots who do and since you run with them/chat with them/whatever you get associated with them. They might not be "real" 8v8 players that are doing the insulting but they're in your groups and on your irc channels.
but my point is, by coming agramon you arent hurting the grps that are whining. You are resulting in ruining the game for the people who you cant even contact in game i.e the other realms.
So in fact you are ruining it for the groups who stay in agramon
In reality if you wanted to be a nuisance for the groups who annoy you in your realm you would let the enemy drop one of your towers/log on a different realm and take a tower at each portal keep so they have to run all the way to agramon :p

But on a side note, i've never been/seen people yell abuse in a insta rvr bg in mid so cant really relate


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Phake used to make me laugh. He used to hurl insults and cry if you came within clip range of him. He is daoc's version of cartman.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
You gotta have some rules in these "unwritten rules"
Specific areas to be precise - mg's in Agramon
If not the boundaries are to vague
"The tower was in clip so I added why did you abuse me?"
If all the full group fights take place in Agramon, which was specifically designed for them, they can make their own rules.
Like - it's ok to add on other realms fights or not.
or you gotta wait til we're fully rested before you engage
or stop a sec the cleric's gone ld
As soon as this add/don’t add unwritten rule has its own perimeter on the map we can put this argument to rest.
And go back to abusing the other realms for being OP


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Chronictank said:
but my point is, by coming agramon you arent hurting the grps that are whining. You are resulting in ruining the game for the people who you cant even contact in game i.e the other realms.
So in fact you are ruining it for the groups who stay in agramon
In reality if you wanted to be a nuisance for the groups who annoy you in your realm you would let the enemy drop one of your towers/log on a different realm and take a tower at each portal keep so they have to run all the way to agramon :p

But on a side note, i've never been/seen people yell abuse in a insta rvr bg in mid so cant really relate

Don´t bother tbh Chronic. They don´t understand that they are only ruining it for the real fg players and not the fg rp farmers that usually are those that whine. They are having their crusade and nothing can stop them!

All I have to say about those are :puke:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bracken said:
It's a case of giving you notice of how things will be from now on. The fg community has shown they can organise themselves - all I (and others) are saying is that it needs to extend to the attitudes within it. You need to be making it clear to those who you play alongside that the shit has to stop. I know there will always be some muppets, as there are on both sides of the fence (I know many think that of me :p ) and nothing on these boards will ever change that. I'm just letting you know we've had enough, we're serious about what we say and we want how people are treated to change. If that happens then there won't be a problem and we'll all be happy.

All you are gonna do is making more "randoms" quit after the FG ppl gets fed up and perma chain every random they see. That is what you are gonna do. Make the FG ppl stop with their fg vs fg action and just insta kill everyone. Even team up against them and we both now that set RvR groups >>>> random zergs.

So please come to Agramon and try to "ruin" our fun and you will see what happens when the randoms gets fed up being insta killed everytime they set foot in NF and rather PvE or quit. Will be no more sieges and "Realm vs Realm" fights because they don´t want to get insta killed all the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Might have read it wrong but both Baron and Bracken are saying fight fg in Agra and thats fine and outside of there its open season. Seems fine to me, actually seems a hell of a lot better than complete no care. As fg no matter who you are, you can't expect no adds in IRvR zones or near any keep. Yes if all thats there is the fg type crowd but it isnt.

Shame agramon is so laggy and shite los and stupid 40 foot trees, but....!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
All you are gonna do is making more "randoms" quit after the FG ppl gets fed up and perma chain every random they see. That is what you are gonna do. Make the FG ppl stop with their fg vs fg action and just insta kill everyone. Even team up against them and we both now that set RvR groups >>>> random zergs.

So please come to Agramon and try to "ruin" our fun and you will see what happens when the randoms gets fed up being insta killed everytime they set foot in NF and rather PvE or quit. Will be no more sieges and "Realm vs Realm" fights because they don´t want to get insta killed all the time.

This exactly problem we had in OF, randoms could not move into emain without being farmed by a gank group. Surely everyone should be interested in letting the gank groups go in agramon for them self, and then let those wanna do large scale rvr do it around the keeps or in the open of the 3 realm islands.

Ofcourse all this relie on people being able to agree that agramon should be for fg vs fg fights, which once again may state that we "fg peeps" just wanna take over everything and have it our way, but it is really just us trying to find a way to let us have our fun, and the people who like another playstyle, have their fun :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Too much qq on this forum about where to fight and how to fight.

Just play the way you want and if you're not satisfied with others send your whine in PMs to Cuddlebunny.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Tuorin said:
Might have read it wrong but both Baron and Bracken are saying fight fg in Agra and thats fine and outside of there its open season. Seems fine to me, actually seems a hell of a lot better than complete no care. As fg no matter who you are, you can't expect no adds in IRvR zones or near any keep. Yes if all thats there is the fg type crowd but it isnt.

Shame agramon is so laggy and shite los and stupid 40 foot trees, but....!
you read wrong

Flimgoblin said:
Whine at someone for adding outside of the agramon playpen and he'll get himself a zerg and trample around on agramon while yer having your 8v8's.

They will inevitably get someone whine at them for adding, you cant stop it.. they will anyway. So the "zerg" will come agramon and ruin it for the rest

Oh well said my piece, we see what happens.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
Graendel said:
Too much qq on this forum about where to fight and how to fight.

Just play the way you want and if you're not satisfied with others send your whine in PMs to Cuddlebunny.

Or perhaps try to conversate with the people that like to play the exact same game as you, and figure out of a solution so everyone can have their kind of fun?

It dont always help not giving a shite about everyone else and just do it your way...


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Hrymf said:
Or perhaps try to conversate with the people that like to play the exact same game as you, and figure out of a solution so everyone can have their kind of fun?

It dont always help not giving a shite about everyone else and just do it your way...

Good luck making everyone happy then! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tuorin said:
fight fg in Agra and thats fine and outside of there its open season.

You read it right - with the proviso that if we keep getting abuse outside Agramon we will bring the zerg there (though we'll apply common sense - one random person gobbing off won't necessarily do it, but if general attitudes don't change we will) :)

Chronictank said:
They will inevitably get someone whine at them for adding, you cant stop it.. they will anyway. So the "zerg" will come agramon and ruin it for the rest

This idea that it's "not real fg'ers" that dish out the crap is nonsense. And the reason we're going for the response that we are is because it's the only way the fg community will take any notice. We've tried reasoning, explaining, ignoring but it doesn't work. The only way people will get it is when their gaming experience is directly affected on a regular basis.

The fg'ers are well able to organise themselves and put pressure on the muppets among them. They've done it through getting Agramon organised and they've done it through getting your non-add understandings going. Just extend it to changing attitudes.

Nothing's going to happen straight away. We'll see how it goes, but we've given fair notice now that the shit has to stop.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
"Baldgrim's Bad Boys"(*) will be out on Saturday and Sunday!

(* = the group insists on calling themselves members of SC, DC and TR, but we all know BBB is our true identity!)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004

What happened to the nice thread where people say when/who is coming!

Everyone in this thread are saying there's no point in arguing coz people play the game differently etc etc and sht, so why are you writing it. I think people have pretty much understood by now that some people (like myself) enjoy fg vs fg in agramon, with no adding, not even on "3-way fights". Some likes to add on 3-way fights, and some likes to add on everything. And some likes to zerg whereever the zerg-action is.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Bracken said:
You read it right - with the proviso that if we keep getting abuse outside Agramon we will bring the zerg there (though we'll apply common sense - one random person gobbing off won't necessarily do it, but if general attitudes don't change we will) :)

This idea that it's "not real fg'ers" that dish out the crap is nonsense. And the reason we're going for the response that we are is because it's the only way the fg community will take any notice. We've tried reasoning, explaining, ignoring but it doesn't work. The only way people will get it is when their gaming experience is directly affected on a regular basis.

The fg'ers are well able to organise themselves and put pressure on the muppets among them. They've done it through getting Agramon organised and they've done it through getting your non-add understandings going. Just extend it to changing attitudes.

Nothing's going to happen straight away. We'll see how it goes, but we've given fair notice now that the shit has to stop.
you didnt even read my posts,
regardless who says it to you IN YOUR REALM, the result will be you ruining a nights rvr for all those people IN OTHER REALMS who you cant even communicate with in game, who cant communicate with said "muppet" in game and who have nothing to do with your campaign.

When gank grps get tierd of you and begin running 3-4 opted groups who you cant kill (which they will just look at OF when Outlaw ran his zerg for arthur campaign) and people start quitting because they are perma-steamrolled. Remember you are to blame for starting this in the first place


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Thing is - the fg's don't do that - they come down to the Irvr keep, join the bg and hurl abuse at the people leading the retake because they're "ruining RvR".

They'll /send piles of abuse at groups that run past them at beno docks.

This is not going to agramon and getting abused for picking on people's fights, all of this abuse has happened well outside agramon, in the towers/keeps/iRvR places - and absolutely none of it is acceptable.

Now you yourself might not have done that, and I imagine most of the people in the 8v8 crowd don't. However there's a very very vocal bunch of complete tosspots who do and since you run with them/chat with them/whatever you get associated with them. They might not be "real" 8v8 players that are doing the insulting but they're in your groups and on your irc channels.
Who excactly are these people though? I suppose this was somehow triggered by last nights IRvR in HW with mid port and some fg coming there, getting zerged between beno bridge and the villa, and then hurling abuse. 99,9% of the fg vs fg are perfectly fine with just going to Agramon and staying there whole night, like the people I've played with for a looong time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
you didnt even read my posts,
regardless who says it to you IN YOUR REALM, the result will be you ruining a nights rvr for all those people IN OTHER REALMS who you cant even communicate with in game, who cant communcate with said "muppet" in game

I did read your posts :) I'm saying you are well able to organise yourselves as a fg community. You've shown it by how things have developed on Agramon. Extend this to changing people's attitudes. The only way these people will listen is if the fg community puts pressures on them. They don't listen to us plebs ;) I know it seems rough on the decent fg'ers but that's really how fed up the rest of us are with it. It might be that in practice if it's just one person gobbing off we follow them round screwing their fights for an evening. We'll see.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Eleasias said:
Who excactly are these people though? I suppose this was somehow triggered by last nights IRvR in HW with mid port and some fg coming there, getting zerged between beno bridge and the villa, and then hurling abuse. 99,9% of the fg vs fg are perfectly fine with just going to Agramon and staying there whole night, like the people I've played with for a looong time.

this wasn't last night :) this has been for the past year or so ;)

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