rofl how the fuck?



I occastionally overtake people in the middle lane, tend to go up to about 80, carry on till I've overtaken, slip back in there.

Sometimes I see some twat roar up behind me, flashing lights, no space for me to move out of the way so they're basically expecting me to speed up and get out of their way.

So I slow down and do 70mph precisely untill there is plenty of room to move out the way. They get so frustrated, and I laugh lots. It's a fun time.


Originally posted by nath

Sometimes I see some twat roar up behind me, flashing lights, no space for me to move out of the way so they're basically expecting me to speed up and get out of their way.

thats bodhi and exor in that car :-]
I love doing the same :-]


Originally posted by ECA
thats bodhi and exor in that car :-]
I love doing the same :-]

It's quite funny until you realise how many accidents frustration can cause. And over a course of a 3 hour journey, twats who behave like that can contribute an awful lot of frustration. I'm just glad that when it does happen, it's normally spastics like you who get killed in the resulting pile-up.

but they are incredibly easy to annoy back. Once you have got past, pull in front of them, do 60. When they try to overtake, accelerate up to 70 again, so the middle lane crawler ends up looking like a fag. Repeat until crap driver gives up.


I have to admit to the fact that if someone comes along behind me, flashing and riding my bumper, with nowhere for me to go, expecting me to move over then theyre gonna get real frustrated, cos I will occasionally slow down to 70, just to really piss them off. As soon as there's a gap, I'll move, but if there isnt one, tough shit.

Riding my bumper, hooting and flashng isnt going to help anything.


I think you missed my point, I'll only annoy the fuck out of a fuckwit, if he's being a fuckwit. If I'm overtaking someone at 80 odd on the inside lane, I'll carry on till I'm done. I'm not gunna speed up anymore becomes some twat in a beamer roars up behind me and wants to do 100.

Edit: Exactly, Will.


As I usually gravitate to the inside lane anyway, no matter what speed, I have no problem letting people past if they insist on going faster.

However, if there's a queue of traffic on all lanes, and I'm stuck on the outside doing whatever speed the guy in front of me is, as is indeed the entire queue for the next five miles, then I simply don't see the point in moving over, seeing as there is no room to anyway.

There are no hard and fast rules, but people get frustrated at situations when the reality is no-one is at fault, when it is just the road and traffic conditions interfering with their "style".

I still think inside overtaking is bloody dangerous, you are a moron for not realising you cannot be seen in the blind spot, and at 70mph that's not a good idea. Even more so when its usually followed by the overtaker cutting in front of you at a scary close distance.

BTW If anyone does want to tailgate me I need to sort out a small dent in my rear door, so a swift application of the brakes and I can get it from your insurance, after noting down your number of course, it only takes one time when I don't have any family in the car with me ... :).


I think you missed my point, I'll only annoy the fuck out of a fuckwit, if he's being a fuckwit. If I'm overtaking someone at 80 odd on the inside lane, I'll carry on till I'm done. I'm not gunna speed up anymore becomes some twat in a beamer roars up behind me and wants to do 100.

Exactly !!! Well said that man ;)

If you are coming up behind someone going at or above the speed limit and flashing like mad and getting angry they wont get out of your way then you are the one at fault, and the one who needs to look at your driving.

Another set of really annoying bastids --- when traffic is staionary and they think they can zoom up the hard shoulder and push their way in at the front ----- I just love the times ive seen people do this and then you see them all stopped by the police car set to catch fuckwits doing just that :)


They undertake in the US all the time, its quite legal, and there are no more accidents. Even with mirrors, I always look over my shoulder before changing lanes. Doesn't anybody else?

Oh and spot on with the comments about asians in BMWs (or any other car for that matter). They generally are oblivious to whats going on around them. And putting 7 people in a Datsun Cherry is just asking for trouble (and don't say I'm stereotying, cos you've all seen it)


Yeah. Fucking asians. They're all the same.

(you twats)


Originally posted by Tom[SHOTTEH]
They undertake in the US all the time, its quite legal, and there are no more accidents. Even with mirrors, I always look over my shoulder before changing lanes. Doesn't anybody else?

The US has a lower speed limit (65 or 55 depending) and it is _rigidly_ enforced, the consequence is everyone travels at the same speed over all lanes, overtaking is a minimum and chopping and changing lanes is not looked on favourably, as is tailgating (which in the US is less than 3 car lengths).

The lanes are a lot wider and the roads a lot straighter, you need to travel quite a way before you cut into the next lane, even in a giant SUV.

The most important thing is if you try cutting someone up they may have an Uzi in the glovebox for just such eventualities, so you don't do it when there's a chance you may piss someone off.


Aye, it's their god given right to pepper someones car with bullets if they get cut up.

Actually, that's a pretty good idea.


Originally posted by xane
The US has a lower speed limit (65 or 55 depending) and it is _rigidly_ enforced,


When I was last there, nobody in LA paid any attention to speed limits. You had gigantic pickups roaring up the middle lane at 90mph, and all manner of cars following them.


Originally posted by *Exor*
...flash them and toot them for 10 minutes and they will not fucking move, and they'll be totally oblivious to it

Your wrong there not oblivious they know you are right behind them and they are laughing at you and resisting the urge to slam on the breaks so they can see your and your car really close up.

I do this on one of the roads home from work, I have someone right on my bumper you can't even see their bonet and you then just slow down a bit and if they don't back off you slow down some more and stop to let the people out the turning on the road then when you come to the traffic lights and they are green you slow down until your right on them then as they go amber you go through and they have to stop, I can almost feel their anger :D


Originally posted by PR.
Your wrong there not oblivious they know you are right behind them and they are laughing at you and resisting the urge to slam on the breaks so they can see your and your car really close up.

I do this on one of the roads home from work, I have someone right on my bumper you can't even see their bonet and you then just slow down a bit and if they don't back off you slow down some more and stop to let the people out the turning on the road then when you come to the traffic lights and they are green you slow down until your right on them then as they go amber you go through and they have to stop, I can almost feel their anger :D

Better one than that although similar, you approach lights at red then pretend to stall like twice or something then soon as they turn amber go :-]


Wtf is it with the criticism of asians?

Half wits. Honestly.

After reading these posts i'd be more worried about meeting exor on the motorway.


I hate driving on the motorway but do generally bomb down the fast lane about 100. If its for work then I have a driver so we end up in the slow lane doing 70 as he won't go nuts :/


Basically it comes down to people in slow cars get in the way because their cars are shit (points at nath), AND they're shit drivers cos they've never experienced anything decent (points at nath). I have a sexy fast car, so you should DEFINATELY get out of my way. I'm better than you, jealousy makes you get in the way.

Oh and nath, if you've never seen the appalling asian drivers on our roads, you've got your head up your arse, they're EVERYWHERE.


Xtro has a driver!!

Come on Xtro, you're not James Bond are you, you're M!!

BTW. Let Trem drive for you instead. He will get you there. But obviously if your car has a selection of guided missiles it may not be wise to show him the button.


I have a quite considerably less shit car than I used to Paul. The mondeo (granted, it's nothing special) can go a lot faster than 80. I just choose not to. I'm a good enough driver to drive fast, safely. I just choose not to. Jealousy has absolutely didly fuck to do with it. I just enjoy getting on the nerves of obnoxious pricks. If an elise roars up behind me, then slows down, keeps a decent distance from me, doesn't flash, doesn't act like a complete fucktard, I do my best to get out the way whenever possible.

If they act like turds, I fuck with them.


I also do that.

If someone chooses to drive so close to me I can see the colour of their eyes I slow right down...just to piss them off!!


That doesn't really bother me, I'll just undertake. Simple.


Originally posted by *Exor*
That doesn't really bother me, I'll just undertake. Simple.

I speed up then and move over into the other lane!!



I somehow don't think your car will be fast enough to out manouvre an elise :) I'll be past you before you've even realised.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm far too scared of motorways now :/

If I tell you all when I'm next going to be on a motorway will you all avoid that area please?


Originally posted by *Exor*
That doesn't really bother me, I'll just undertake. Simple.

Well then paul, you obviously missed my point.

I was saying if I was in the inside lane, overtaking a string of traffic on the inside lane and someone comes up right behind me acting like a turd, *then* I'll annoy them.

If someone comes racing up behind me while I'm on the inside lane and the middle lane is free, I'll move there.


Anyone else agree with me that exor is a complete cock?



Originally posted by ECA
Anyone else agree with me that exor is a complete cock?

Incomplete cock, which is why he needs the "sexy fast car" ;)

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