RIP Robin Williams


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Depression is fairly close to my heart unfortunately and I hate to see this.

The more ignorant of us will never understand how hard it is to battle and the way a sufferer sees suicide as their only option. Education on mental health has always been desperately needed for the general public and even health professionals. I heard a GP once say 'stop watching TV and go for a walk' to someone who was suicidal.

You can't educate everyone and you'll inevitably have to battle the fools.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
fascist mod alert. I made some things go away. if you want to discuss (treatment of \\ opinions on) suicidal people, please do that in a dedicated thread or privately.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
fascist mod alert. I made some things go away. if you want to discuss (treatment of \\ opinions on) suicidal people, please do that in a dedicated thread or privately.

Meh. Punt it in here for the standard toht derailment action.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
How long before someone states the bleedin obvious...he talked at 200mph because he was cracked to the roof on cocaine...I sound like Robin Williams when I'm on beak.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
How long before someone states the bleedin obvious...he talked at 200mph because he was cracked to the roof on cocaine...

He binned the coke off in the 80's. He was very open about what he was on...


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
He binned the coke off in the 80's. He was very open about what he was on...

He used it whilst doing Mork & Mindy, as you state dropped in the 80's and even used the experience in his stand up routines. Still, a comic genius and so much of his work was ad lib unscripted, Good Morning Vietnam was full of it.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
At the point of suicide it's pretty obvious that it's the final part of a gradual shutdown of all your normal mental don't think about the pain it will think you are doing everyone a favour and I believe so many are based on our societys obsession with success..even Robin Williams was finally taken out by losing his millions and his creative influence..which is beyond ridiculous looking from the outside..but in his own mind and peers it was probably the final straw


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Fine I`ll have to suit myself if Russia starts launching missiles and I completely miss this due to being too to lazy to scroll past Robin Williams.
If Russia actually does start flinging missiles our way i promise you that i'll try my hardest to stand right at the center of the first impact. :)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
How long before someone states the bleedin obvious...he talked at 200mph because he was cracked to the roof on cocaine...I sound like Robin Williams when I'm on beak.

At the point of suicide it's pretty obvious that it's the final part of a gradual shutdown of all your normal mental don't think about the pain it will think you are doing everyone a favour and I believe so many are based on our societys obsession with success..even Robin Williams was finally taken out by losing his millions and his creative influence..which is beyond ridiculous looking from the outside..but in his own mind and peers it was probably the final straw

All speculation. I wasn't aware he'd "lost" his millions, and he was still making films (apparently there are four in the can). Manic Depression would seem like a fair bet, but that's speculation too.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
He binned the coke off in the 80's. He was very open about what he was on...
Yeah, and you'll be believing his publicists that he just went to rehab on a regular basis since then to catch up with old friends or whatever their bat shit crazy excuse was.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, and you'll be believing his publicists that he just went to rehab on a regular basis since then to catch up with old friends or whatever their bat shit crazy excuse was.

He binned off the coke - but he openly admitted alcoholism. Started again a few years back.

He didn't see any need to lie about it. Why would he? He had nothing to hide - in fact talking about his substance abuse helped make him the act he was...


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Angels was alright but all his other stuff was shite and the guy was an utter bell end, I am ashamed to say I am from Stoke like him.


RIP R.W Another dead hero.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Coke is the nearest thing I know to that pill from Limitless..when I'm on it I think so clearly and fast..memories and observations just flood out of my mind all mixed with a euphoria..luckily I take it less than two or three times a year..I'm sorry but he's on coke in every interview and standup.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Coke is the nearest thing I know to that pill from Limitless..when I'm on it I think so clearly and fast..memories and observations just flood out of my mind all mixed with a euphoria..luckily I take it less than two or three times a year..I'm sorry but he's on coke in every interview and standup.
That's what you think at least, everyone else around you thinks you're a total bell I bet. I can't stand being around people on coke.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
All speculation. I wasn't aware he'd "lost" his millions, and he was still making films (apparently there are four in the can). Manic Depression would seem like a fair bet, but that's speculation too.
His money problems were seemingly sorted. He was not cash rich after two divorces but he sold a $30m home to get some cash. He recently went back to rehab but did not stick it out. It sounds like his mind was made up. One of the people who saw the body said he slit his wrists then hung himself. I do not not like suicide and understand it even less with someone with his support structure and the fact he can afford any help he wanted. But reading all the peoples who's life he touch telling their stories he seems like such a genuine nice guy.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Thats what I mean..if he was in a party and not famous everyone would think he was an annoying cock.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
someone with his support structure and the fact he can afford any help he wanted.

External factors (like wealth or a support structure or whatever) don't make a difference.

When I was 10ish my best friend's mum hung herself and it was him that found her hanging in the garage in the morning. It utterly broke him and I despised suiciders for a long time after that but having had some recent brushes with depression and depressed people it has completely changed my view.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
exactly what Callous says, when your down there you dont look to others for support because you see no value in yourself so don't understand why anyone else would put value in you. your extraneous, worthless, not worth bothering with, something to be "tidied up" as that would make life better for everyone.

people saying depressed (or whatever other mental illness has brought you to this point) people who kill themselves deserve no respect etc. are part of the problem with mental illness in society today. People suffering from mental illness get labelled as not trying, giving up etc, its really sad and it needs to stop before mental illness can be treated in the same way as physical illness.

my wife is mad (easiest way to explain it) and her family and mine, just ignore it, its like the elephant in the room, they cant understand it, they don't want to deal with it so they pretend its not there and I'm the only one there to help her when she needs me. If a persons own family cant understand how to deal with something like this, what hope have the majority of people in these situations got?


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
My grandfather committed suicide when my mum was 11 years old.

He was a manic depressive ( bi-polar now) he had a successful business and a delightful family and he was a pillar of the community. In those days suicide was viewed as the lowest of the low and very cowardly. The family were ridiculed and he was not allowed to be buried in the family grave yard. My granny had a nervous breakdown at the stress of it all.

He knew that this would happen to her and he loved her greatly, but he was in so much pain that he just couldn't carry on living. My granny has said that the doctors tried everything from electric shock treatment to total sedation but he had episodes of manic craziness followed by catatonic depression and it just couldn't be controlled. I'm sure that if he had access to cocaine, he would have been self medicating .

What upsets me is that 50 years down the line we don't seem to be very much further in both the attitude of society, and the understanding of how to manage these disorders.

Extreme pain is still extreme pain be it physical or mental and nobody should have to live with it day in and day out until they just can't bear it any more.


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
My mum is also a bit mental and when I was 12 she had a rough time and ranted about ending it all. I got scared so I called The Samaritans and they said that people who go on about suicide usually do so for effect.
The really serious ones plan it meticiuosly and quietly, where there is no possibility of it not working or of them being found in the nick of time.
When I heard Robin Williams had slit his wrists and hung himself I was reminded of that phone call.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm reminded of NYC spending the best part of $50m on a bridge fence on George Washington bridge to prevent jumpers (and over $70m going on a similar project on the Golden Gate). It's getting lots of opposition but clever people think it actually will make a massive difference. People think that if somebody is going to kill themselves and they can't because there's a fence there then they will just go somewhere else but there's two very different types of suicidal people. People who plan it meticulously and will do it one way or another and impulsive types who temporarily exceed a stress level (while standing on a bridge for example). The bridge fences will reduce the latter tremendously. Also it's a very painful way to die and the few people that have survived have said that they changed their minds a split second after jumping.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
That's what you think at least, everyone else around you thinks you're a total bell I bet. I can't stand being around people on coke.


Folks on coke are total cunts who talk shit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
They put lights and personal stories on one dropped the suicide rate hugely because the jumpers felt like they were intruding on someone else's space


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I was/am bi-polar, I am on big, fat pills, have been since I was 15. Thought about it when I was younger but not thought about it since I have been with my wife (suicide that is), and it is a thought that terrifies me now I have kids, the thought of ever leaving them fills me with the biggest fear I have ever known.

Drugs - apart from the legal kind I have only ever had marijuana which I did try again a few months back and to try and help me sleep, fucking never again, I obviously had too much and lay in bed until 4am waiting for the room to stop spinning. Never had cocaine or anything like that. I am a fan of codeine though, prescribed for migraines decades ago (funny really seeing as codeine can cause headaches) and still prescribed it albeit in the 30/500 paracetamol form. It really does relax you though :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
people who kill themselves deserve no respect etc. are part of the problem with mental illness in society today.

There's ofcourse the fact that rarely anyone will actually offer any info, just examples, so no one really -can- learn anything about things. Then if someone says something, they get ripped apart by people because the one sayig it didn't honestly know about XYZ.

I for one didn't know something about depression(even with friends who suffer from it) before Yoni told me about it, which easily changed my mind on certain suicides.

How many here know that diabetics have a higher chance of suffering from depression and people with depression have a higher chance to get type 2 diabetes? We can't know everything, so talk about it.


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
I was/am bi-polar, I am on big, fat pills, have been since I was 15. Thought about it when I was younger but not thought about it since I have been with my wife :D

Do the big fat pills help? How? Does it stop the extreme behaviour?


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Do the big fat pills help? How? Does it stop the extreme behaviour?

They make me grumpy all the time :D seriously, they make me more level, I am more predictable. I still have day's where for maybe an hour I am really fun then the next hour I am the most miserable shit ever but before I would have 2 weeks where I was manic and then two weeks where I wouldn't leave my room, go to work, answer the phone (I still hate phones though), if I did leave the house it was like I was looking at myself walking the streets looking at people looking at me and if I tried to do something that involved concentration it was like my hands weren't mine. I was at one point diagnosed with M.E, this was before manic depression (or bi-polar as it's called now) was seen as a condition I guess, then I was offered that electro therapy thing that I declined. It has took 20 years to get me straight though Russ, 20 years of different pills, some made me worse and some made me see things that weren't there. It is a horrible fucking thing that can destroy *everything*

Edit - Can I just add, there has been a couple of times in recent years where I have felt the *tingle* of it creeping, like a fog falling very slowly and I get angry about it and tell myself I'm tougher than that, I get really fucking annoyed that myself is doing that to myself again and that does help. I know some people can't do that but that did seem to work for me, you know, fighting it. But I am in a position to fight it, I have love in my life..........I think.
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