RIP Nelson Mandela


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Over a 1000 people were 'necklaced' by the ANC

Winnie Mandela was convicted of killing a 12 year old boy, she has never served a day.

The Church Street attack on May 20, 1983 killed 19 and injured more than 200 people when a car with 40kg of explosives was detonated outside the SAAF headquarters. Two MK cadres, who were in the car at the time, were also killed because the bomb exploded two minutes early.

“A huge pall of smoke rose hundreds of feet into the air as debris and bodies were strewn around the scene of the explosion. It exploded at the height of the city’s rush-hour as hundreds of people were leaving work for the weekend. Glass and metal were catapulted into the air as shop-fronts and windows were blown out. Many passers-by had limbs amputated by the flying debris. Others bled to death.

“In his book Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela wrote that as a leading member of the ANC’s executive committee, he had ‘personally signed off’ in approving these acts of terrorism. This is the horror which Mandela had ‘signed off’ for while he was in prison – convicted for other acts of terrorism after the Rivonia trial. The late SA president PW Botha told Mandela in 1985 that he could be a free man as long as he did just one thing: ‘publicly renounce violence’. Mandela refused.”

Despite being synonymous with freedom and democracy, Mandela was never afraid to glad hand the thugs and tyrants of the international arena. General Sani Abacha seized power in Nigeria in a military coup in November 1993. From the start of his presidency, in May 1994, Nelson Mandela refrained from publicly condemning Abacha’s actions. Up until the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in November 1995 the ANC government vigorously opposed the imposition of sanctions against Nigeria…

“Two of the ANC’s biggest donors, in the 1990s, were Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and President Suharto of Indonesia. Not only did Mandela refrain from criticising their lamentable human rights records but he interceded diplomatically on their behalf, and awarded them South Africa’s highest honour. Suharto was awarded a state visit, a 21-gun salute, and The Order of Good Hope (gold class).”

South Africa today is the murder capital of the world, a nation where a woman is raped every 30 seconds. Liberated South Africa is one of those epic messes the left created and promptly forgot about.”


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It really is a shame that the whites in South Africa got more or less removed from their positions of power completely, it would've been far better if they'd given equality a lot sooner so there was no party based on race, because look at the ANC, they're in power because of the party's legacy, but look at Zuma (I just looked up on about myself) the shit he's done in recent years is crazy.

Hopefully South Africa will turn into a better nation once all of the freedom fighters have died out and you need to vote for people because of their policies rather because 'they fought for you.'

Edit:- Just looked at elections and stuff, the Democratic Alliance seems to look like a silver lining.


Dec 26, 2003
The ANC new blood think Mandela compromised too much - they don't really think white South Africans are South Africans and will continue to rabble rouse based on perceived inequalities until they can turn SA into Zim.

Hopefully the people of SA will give the ANC the heave ho now that Mandela's dead and dumbass zuma is in control.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
If you watched any of the memorial.and didnt see it as a farcical photo op then you must be living in an alternative was only two thirds full and empty by the end...OK it was raining...the hype started to crumble on that day...hopefully the truth will reveal itself.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Lol..turns out the deaf interpreter on stage was fake and was just waving his arms randomnly.


Regular Freddie
Jul 27, 2013
I've already pointed out the Gandhi approach wouldn't have worked in Apartheid SA. People tend to forget that Gandhi was pushing at an open door in 1946. The British were exhausted, demoralised and very reluctant to shoot anyone (post-Amritsar, the heavy hand didn't play well back home anyway). Most of them just wanted to go home with the least amount of fuss and take a look at their shiny new Welfare State.
And still Gandhi's approach only worked once he got more lenient towards violence. His first big non-violent campaign achieved nothing because he called it off at the first incident of violence (Chauri Chaura). He only succeeded after he vowed to continue the protests even if people committed violent acts. Sure, he didn't endorse or commit violence, but you can't look at Gandhi's peaceful actions without taking into account the full (and sometimes violent) context. Same thing for MLK and the Black Panther Party.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
“In his book Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela wrote that as a leading member of the ANC’s executive committee, he had ‘personally signed off’ in approving these acts of terrorism. This is the horror which Mandela had ‘signed off’ for while he was in prison – convicted for other acts of terrorism after the Rivonia trial. The late SA president PW Botha told Mandela in 1985 that he could be a free man as long as he did just one thing: ‘publicly renounce violence’. Mandela refused.”

Tell you what Job, if you can show me you've actually read Long Walk To Freedom, rather than cutting and pasting from some nutjob site with an axe to grind; I'll believe this paragraph. However, here's the problem; I don't think you'll find Mandela says this anywhere. Always worth going to the actual source. The book is available freely; get reading.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
There's a fairly good eulogy at frontpage mag.

South Africa is rapidly going the way of Zimbabwe. I'm sure we've all heard the horror stories. The girl I sat next to for 2 years at college was South African.... she was on her way home from school with her mum when someone tried to rob the gas station they had stopped at. At the same time, another gang turned up, wanting to rob it too. A shoot out ensued. They called the cops while hiding in the bottom of their car. They got told they were on their own, too dangerous. They were on a flight to the UK 3 days later. This was 15 yeas ago, and it's not gotten better.

I can't remember where I read it, maybe Economist or Forbes, but there was an article about the white's in SA. Back in the apartheid era, there was a lot of nepotism, which resulted in lots of inefficiencies, deadbeats being appointed into managerial positions in government,etc. Now that the white's can't rely on that, they are having to educate themselves better, and fend for themselves. As a result, as a per capita basis, non farming whites are improving quicker than any other segment of the population, to the point where their percentage contribution of the economy will soon overtake the percentage at the height of apartheid.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
If South Africa had taken a more staged long term approach to the handover of power they would not be in the mess they are in now. Unfortunately there was a huge gap in the education between white and black schools. Some of the laws passed to make some jobs black only were just plain stupid. They effectively alienated the educated whites that wanted to stay and put people into jobs they could not do. A racists power switch rather than the harmony they try so desperately to show the world. Even forcing the national sports teams to take players that were not the best choice (Springboks). The countries decline is speeding up according to many of the SA's I speak to, three of those black.


Dec 26, 2003
A racists power switch rather than the harmony they try so desperately to show the world.

That's how you ended up with a Black interpreter who doesn't know sign language - apparently the ANC have been using him for years and the deaf community have repeatedly complained about him but they are ignored.


Dec 26, 2003

I like the spin - "Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu apologised to the deaf community for the poor quality of interpretation given by Thamsanqa Dyantyi from SA Interpreters.

"He is Xhosa speaking. The English was a bit too much for him," she said!"

It was nothing to do with his English - that would have meant he would sign stuff that didn't match the words but in reality none of it was sign language.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Lets not beat around the bush here...Mandela wanted concilliation with the whites because firstly they would win a civil war and secondly if they all left the place would be fucked in a year.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Lets not beat around the bush here...Mandela wanted concilliation with the whites because firstly they would win a civil war and secondly if they all left the place would be fucked in a year.

The Rhodesian security forces fought for 15 years against the Chinese / Russian / European funded "liberation armies". They held on for an impressive amount of time, and likely would have won if it hadn't been for the the enormous political pressure applied against South Africa to prevent them aiding them. In the end, African's breadbasket and one of the richest countries in Africa, is now the world's among the world's poorest.

The government of South Africa recognized that the game was up. If they had fought, it would have required ethnic cleansing on a massive scale to succeed, would have made Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like naughty school children in comparison. While they tried, and to a certain extent succeeded, in provoking black on black violence, it would never have prevented the end of apartheid.

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