Rewarding Work

Benefit capping, how do you feel about this?

  • Total voters


Bringer of Code
Dec 22, 2003
They may lose legitimacy morally but they don't give a fuck about that. I would rather see 60% of the population voting for nobody than people winning with as little as 20% of the vote (or whatever it was)

UK has 65% voter turnout ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Which is a terrible figure, read my post(s) again.

I would like to see 100% turnout, even if it means 60% of people vote for nobody.

Rather than 65% of people turning up and the winning party winning because 20% (or whatever) wanted them to win.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Arbitrary caps are not the answer.

I think there needs to be more oversight, better policing of the system would be cost more but I feel would save more in catching out the scroungers.

Give the lazy fucks the basics they need to survive and maybe £20 a week spending money and leave it at that. Give them vouchers for food (can't be used for booze) and pay for their rent, gas, elec and whatever for them. Make it so they can subsist but not have luxuries. That would shake things up I think, just subsisting without their precious iphone and big screen TV might knock some heads together.

And have a system (as someone else said in this very thread) that fucking CATCHES people when they worked all there life and suddenly things turn to shit, not throws them into poverty as those who are bone bloody idle sit around with a better quality of life.

I love how the government refuses to pay (or even LOAN you the money) to you retrain for another skill in later life if the one you are trained in becomes non-viable or non existent. "One skill should last a lifetime", what utter fucking bollocks is that, the world constantly changes and by forcing a once self supporting person onto min wage window cleaning or government assistance is only shooting the treasury in the foot in regards to potential tax income.

Based on my experience of the benefits system (admittedly not much) and that of my friends (most of my mates are "lower socio-economic backround" types), the entire system seems geared NOT to help people who want to get on, and put up barriers that should not exist, the job center is a bit of a joke if I am honest.

My ex was a single mum, she got a job to help support herself and feel like she was paying her way, she made £150 a month. The gubmint decided to stop £250 of her benefits as she was working. Thus making her job too costly to continue doing, forcing her to quit to keep her head above water. A TINY FUCKING BIT OF OVERSIGHT AND FLEXIBILITY IN THE SYSTEM could have avoided that and reduced the overall cost to the taxpayer.

Oh yes and just the other day the jobcentre pretty much discouraged my mate from applying for one job a day and to aim for three a week or something.

Fucking madness.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Oh yes and just the other day the jobcentre pretty much discouraged my mate from applying for one job a day and to aim for three a week or something.

Fucking madness.

The job centre staff just seem to like to push paper around. If they made an actual effort to find people jobs they'd probably end up being out of work.

I don't think it's the claimers of benefits that needs shaking up, I think it's just they need to cut their staff who give themselves less and less work to do and just push paper. Give the people who are looking for work actual help (not just money, education, bonuses for passing courses etc) rather than sending them on CV writing courses and other pointless shit that wastes peoples time just so they can get a stamp in their book.

I'm very lucky, i've never actually been unemployed. But generally from my friends who have, the system sounds ridiculous.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I was reading about that McBudget thing. It's like they actually think people are that dumb :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
It's like they actually think people are that dumb :(

We (all) are. Or we'd get together and do something about it instead of jumping all over people who might have the temerity to point out that the rich have life easy in every way imaginable - and more importantly at the necessary cost of having "the masses" in poverty.

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