Relic Raid / ML3 Raid


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
amadon, dry your eyes. go play beyblades on the game boy if you cant handle a 11 yo plus game like daoc.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
censi said:
ifinkzther4zIiz. Please get a grip, mr international man of mystery
pissed off because you don't have access to a fop-bot anymore mr international man of duality?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
The real funny thing is how many of you behaving like arse holes towards him this thread he has done massive favours for, like power levelling, ML item help and even the loan of an account. You know who you are, go maybe you should chill on the vitriol.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
pissed off because you don't have access to a fop-bot anymore mr international man of duality?

I would be if it was the only fop bot i had access to

try again.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
How about replying to my post now, as this thread was aimed at me initially, I guess.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Think its about time the subject was dropped, it isnt getting anyone anywhere. Adari cant be blaimed for us losing the relics, the blame lies with all of Hib because we didnt take scath back and didnt react fast enough today. There was a time when scath would never be left over night in the hands of mids or albs, seems we got shown why.

We will only get the relic back if the bickering stops and we start working together.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Raven said:
yet another clever post by you..tell me whats your reason for for living?

this aint the time or the place for this mate, these guys are trying to have a serious debate and you come with some random off-topic question like that, ffs.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway, back on topic, answer adari's question.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Adari said:
Stop bringing up Xfear and his raids, what he does on his raids and who joins his raids is beside the point.
It's more valid proof than the conjecture you provide. The experience of other raids where leaders have suicided to defend relics is that the people on the raid subsequently go defend too, albeit after some complaining.
The people I had in my group leaders cg alone were able to take over and finish the ML, and would have done so.
You say they would, I say they wouldn't. History is on my side, personal knowledge of whoever you think would've is on your side.
Killing Medusa is the easiest part and considering TOA has been out quite a while, this will not have been the first time of doing ML for lots of people on that raid.
kinda irrelevant but don't you find questionable that people won't delay the easiest step for a threat to relics?
Also, I find it funny how you say that everything everyone does influences everyone else, seeing as you, with no doubt, have ranted to not only me in pm, but in Saadyst's bg, guild chat and god knows where else also, without me having the opportunity to defend myself, means that I've lost respect from more people than you alone.
The post on FH is the only public mention I made of your name. The rant in Saadyst's bg was a general rant at the apathy of Hibernia. You weren't mentioned. I said on /as sarcastically that ML3 was more important than relics, but I did not mention you, and you're in the alliance yourself so had ample opportunity to defend yourself (which I must admit, I never saw you do...)

Anyway, I apologise to you for mentioning your name on the Midgard Relic Raid thread, I also apologise for the pm.

I think you made a bad choice, but in hindsight I don't think the 60 hibs on the ML3 raid would've mattered.

I think you've over estimated my influence on people's opinions and respect for you.

P.S. everything everyone does has some influence or other on everything else, but for the majority of situations the influence is negligible to the extent of being for modelling purposes nonexistant. The part about it being a matter of degree was there for a reason, not just to use up space.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I can't imagine adari had much control over who stayed on his raid or left to fight for their realm. People must've made their own conscious decisions, so blaming adari is at best, lame. I think the bigger boys stealing your stick must've been a bit too much for you, so i'd go and grab some wet wipes, hot milk, and an early night.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
In my opinion this arguing is all a waste of time. I don’t think anyone should be criticising or judging how others choose to play the game. If 80 level 50 Hibs didn’t turn up to defend, they may have had good reasons like it was already too late (as some found out who did suicide to defend), they felt their ml was more important or they just couldn’t be arsed. Some people may of even arranged rl around these raids after reading about them here a week ago and may of worried that it may be weeks before another ml3 was organised. All these are valid reasons and no one should get flamed for making their choice.

I’m absolutely for people who are passionate about keeping the relics and defending our realm, but has it occurred to them when they slag off others that it’s the damn add on toa that has ruined the community, not laziness, or lack of realm pride? People are being forced to do these infuriatingly boring master levels and artefact hunts in an attempt to keep up in RvR (and even PvE – FOP anyone?).

I wasn’t on the ml3 raid, but was doing the group steps of ml 5 and we had 1 more encounter to finish. For me, at this moment in time getting ml’s is more important that Defence of the relics. I’m sorry if that sounds bad, but it’s the way I feel atm. I do really care about the relics, but after taking a break with frustration from Hib/Exc a few weeks after TOA was released, I now find that I’m way behind many others with Artefacts and ml’s. Trying to get even random groups in dl now and occasionally being told I’m gimping the group because I don’t have ml8 is very frustrating and only makes me want to get on with finishing these damn ml’s. I’m sure there are many other people who have been told that lvl 50 and rr5+ is still not enough for RvR and you can bet that they too feel that getting ml’s is more important than realm defence atm.

I take my hat of to Adari for organising these ml’s and really hope he doesn’t stop leading them. I for one am relying on ppl like Adari to help me through the pain of ml’s.

The bottom line for me is, it is futile arguing amongst ourselves. I’ve always found Hib/Excal to be a very quarrelsome place, full or rivalry, superiority and jealousy. We should accept that we lost the relic now and move on together. We are all on the same team after all and our enemies are the Mids and Albs, not Hibs. We have many great leaders in Hib who I’m sure are already planning on a retake and if I am informed on a time or date will do my best to help in any way I can………providing there isn’t a ml raid on ofc (well, what use would I be without bodyguard eh? ;)).

Anyway, I’m rambling now. Just to clear up, I’m not having a go at Amadon and I admire his desire to defend the relics, I’m just trying to give a point of view for the people that didn’t turn up to defend.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
i wrote that speech in 2 lines 1 post ago mate :/


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
aye.... we were on a ML3 raid... we can't be of use w/o grapple and bodyguard (as everyone wants one to join a rvr group these days)...

Adari gj with the ML3 raid it was flawless :D (nurf Atlantean swords imo tho ;p)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
I didn't want to take this out on /as, and everyone pretty much knew who was leading ML3 or who you meant anyway, not like not naming my name would have mattered.

kinda irrelevant but don't you find questionable that people won't delay the easiest step for a threat to relics?

Dunno. If it's the easiest step it could mean you might as well do it now and get it over with or come back later to do it.

ps: Using long words might impress or confuse others, but not me.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 7, 2004
amadon is a great guy, i value his opinion and help a lot, i can understand he is pissed, and so was i to begin with, but to be honest, mids did a login raid (small technicalities like they transferred there, same shit) with 150 ending up hitting dagda, and around 100+ taking keeps.. thats greater than our entire population of lvl 50s online at the time, there was no way we really could have defended that fast.. faultfinder fucks the game for lower pop realms as rams are no longer needed, and more population on a raid > faster doors go down > faster escape.. exact opposite from the 3 ram cap from before.. i disagree with blaming adari, tho i do agree he should have ditched the raid, if they wanted to continue, so be it, it IS the principle..

but <3 for adari because he is doin raids and stuff, and still a funny dood.

break the hate, i love both of these people.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Amadon said:
I am passionate about whatever I commit myself to at the time. I find life is dull if you're not passionate about whatever you're doing. It's pointless to do something if you don't care about it.
Some are passionate about ML3, some about relics. What makes your choice the correct one?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Tzeentch said:
amadon is a great guy, i value his opinion and help a lot, i can understand he is pissed, and so was i to begin with, but to be honest, mids did a login raid (small technicalities like they transferred there, same shit) with 150 ending up hitting dagda, and around 100+ taking keeps.. thats greater than our entire population of lvl 50s online at the time, there was no way we really could have defended that fast.. faultfinder fucks the game for lower pop realms as rams are no longer needed, and more population on a raid > faster doors go down > faster escape.. exact opposite from the 3 ram cap from before.. i disagree with blaming adari, tho i do agree he should have ditched the raid, if they wanted to continue, so be it, it IS the principle..

but <3 for adari because he is doin raids and stuff, and still a funny dood.

break the hate, i love both of these people.
aye h8 mids
<3 albs :) or?!?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
For those that suicided out of the ML3 raid, especially Amadon. how many where at Dagda when the relic was taken ?

Strange but I suspect that none of you actually made it to Dagda in time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I suicided on the raid and released about 10 seconds after Ama suicided and released. Logged on to my brother's ranger on the same account, who was logged at Dagda.
Got transfered back to DL on log in, stood on the pad for 30 seconds, realised Glasny wasn't comming. Suicided off the walls, released to Housing and took a porter to Cain. Did my self buffs and stealthed out the door.
I didn't take the shortest route to dagda, but I was 1 minute away from dagda when the Relic went neutral.

If enough had been at Cain to move out, most of the ppl that suicided from ToT would have been at Dagda when the Relic went neutral.
They would have been dead with all the SM's there but they would have made it there.

The way FF works atm, you cant hesistate and discuss things before reacting.
You act right the moment you get notice that ppl are on the Relics doors or you will be too late as was proven yesterday.
If the opposing organistion is good with enough FF's, you will be too late anyway no matter how fast you react.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Amadon I so agree with u. I think it was a Ml4 raid last week , albs where trying to take our relic , the raid went to defend , cuz the leader wanted too. So if u see it on the edge it was Adari lack of intrest to keep the relics in the home of Hibernia.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Adari said:
You make it look like I control people.

Also, there were people there from LA & other guilds that were capable of leading ML3 and _desperately_ needed the encounter because they got tired of not finishing ML3. One of them would of taken over had I left, no doubt.

Apologies are not what I am looking for, basically I lost the respect and better rep I got from leading a few ML's I didn't even need, partly due to myself, but mostly due to people stirring up shit with idiotic comments.

That I can never regain.

too sad that there where ppl from LA there. If I had known I would get fucking pissed. And for my last post , I apoligse Adari :x I dident mean it that harsh :< I know u want the best for hib. etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
First of all thanks to Saadyst for coordinating everything, even though we lost.

Amadon has a fair point tbh. When it was announced on /as that mids we're on second door, only 80joined bg i think. I wouldn't blame Adari directly, wasn't in his power. But imo ppl from ML3 raid should have come.
Ofcourse just my opinion but relics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ML3

And we're still after all a realm :fluffle:

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