Realm inbalance?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
FFS this is the 3rd time the fucking forums have lost my reply.

Basic gist: cabalists are good, but their best abilities are on different speclines - you can't get high dot and a good disease as they are on different lines. Shammies however can get reasonable DoTs and good buffs pretty easily - either getting the level 46 DoT and having blue con spec buffs (end-regen 3) or the level 36 DoT and having yellow con buffs - also get pbae insta disease and ae root on the same line. AE disease is baseline. Also shammies find it much easier getting groups as end-regen + ae disease no matter what their spec is pretty much (unless they're a cave/mend shammy :rolleyes: )

Having played a cabby a fair bit (played Case's cabby) and levelled a shammy to 42, I'd still say that shammies get a better deal.

Jareth Spellfire

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Thank you for all your replies people :) Some were really helpfull in understanding your realm's opinion better, some were just utter whine and will be not accounted in forming mine :p

I think that indeed it's the realm abilities that have to be revised, Savages indeed needed a nerf and hibernia seems pretty balanced as it is.

The fotm groups of the mids will be completely overrun if they dont use other classes. (i think most likely it will be berserkers/warriors that will make a comeback) Since the savage buffs will take too much life to be effectively kept alive in a long combat. Not even with 3 healers who indeed (thank you zapsi) do not do damage and have no pets or other ways like quickcasting to make a difference. We will see what frontiers brings.

Btw my apologies for posting a thread that has been posted many times before, but there's no harm in asking if you have never seen such a thread aye? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I agree Mid is very savage/healer obsessed as a bonedancer i find it very difficult to find a pickup RvR groups because people just think since we bring nothing but an ABS buff to the party were not helpful and ignore the facts.

1) Main attack is a body based lifedrain uninteruptable shout which does between 250-390 damage + crits every 4 seconds.

2) With WildPower and other damage enhancing RA's our base line nuke still hits for 250+ with crits and its castable over the LD on a 2.5 second recast.

3) Properly specced Suppression BD has a 15% body debuff uninteruptable shoutwhich is castable over Nukes + LD (this also interupts :D )

4) We have a very high surviability due to our LD and two personal healer pets.

5) Our Melee commander is very good in interupting healers and casters.

6) We are virtually unbeatable 1v1 so its sucide for a single alb/hib to peel off onto us.

So in theory we can cast 3 LD and 3 Nukes in 8 seconds so adveraging out we do 320+230+320+230+230+320 = 1650 damage in 8 seconds minus crits.

Ive been in 3 Bonedancer 1 Pac healer 1 Skald 1 Shammy 2 Zerker group and totally owned since the skald/zerkers MA on tanks and the BD's MA on support classes which meant Clerics/Friars/Caster = dead in under 4-5 seconds and the melee cant peel to help them only draw back is poor CC but with Insta's and pets BD's can do a good job of interupting.

Yet BoneDancers are still seen by the mass on Mid RvR'ers as ungroupable, im rr5 now and most of that ive soloed :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fun thread this - I've written about 5 times more in it than I have on my dissertation that has to be handed in on Friday ;)

Wish I could do a degree in DAoC :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Littles said:
Omg! So many mids crying cos there savages get a slight nerf.

My advice is to get yourself a skald and follow radarlast round for an hour and learn from them. Key role being the "navigator" who must locate a hill the albs go over and time it so the mid group gos over at same time. Insta mezz, gank the sorcerer, game over. If the sorcerer gets rezzed, gank him again. :clap:

Setup a /laugh macro if the minstrel starts to mezz and spam it.

Every realm has there advantages and disadvantages. Just get on with what you got or change realms if you feel that hard done by.

dont give XXXXX to savage nerf, dont play savage so dont hit me. zerk nerf was "tough" piece to me (btw its really good pl char to my bot :) ).

after read this topic and how some "smart" kids come here and start "/laugh" other realms class who get nerfed, dont look from my side "nice", expesially when this realm have 3 relic, and realm what class get nerfed have 0.

reaver + 1k dmg, its possible, not happend 1% time but its possible :)
just sidenote, savage swing both hand in comabat average ~1.5 time, this is even less what merc/bm average swing in both hand.
its easy to remember big hits (quads) but how many remember low?

btw dont use /laugh macro like you give advice :)

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