SPAM random annoying things


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
so the question was more "how precise are you in defining the colours you see in *the image*?", or did I miss something? I don't believe people would see completely different colours (or lack thereof), unless they were colourblind. Since a large portion of the populus actually has some form of colourblindness to a greater or lesser extent, and the colours of the dress are fairly clear, when I first saw it, I thought it was either some kind of trick image (like some dude in the background having his cock out, or whatever), or that it was a real world capture of some of the famous optical illusions that are known, like the Cornsweet Illusion.

If you want to find out if you're affected by colourblindness, and how much it potentially changes your views of colour, get yourself an Ishihara test. I had one when I was 18 and had been called up to get tested by the military (and I aced it), but I looked at a couple images just now online, and I seem to have developed small problems with my oranges over the past 12 years :-/


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I loaded the dress into photoshop and fixed the original which is a) woefully overexposed b) has white balance all over the place due to tungsten lighting (as you would expect indoors) and look what happened:

View attachment 23324

The blue looks off-white or "pale lilac" in the original due to being about 2 stops overexposed and the black looks gold for the same reasons. The black would have looked grey under white light, but the tungsten light has given it a gold appearance. The interpretation from "same screen" situations will be to do with how they interpreted it as accurately, or over exposed. We know it was black/blue, that ultimately wasn't the issue. Three of us were looking at in my office on the same screen and seeing different colours looking at in my PC at the same time. I saw white/gold all day and suddenly it switched; on this very monitor on this very forum. No-one changed the picture, my brain just flipped a switch. That was the interesting part about the debate, not what a fuckup the photographer made.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
When it's explained it people, it's obvious that it's not white / lilac and gold. To say "I saw white and gold! now I see black and blue!" is just utter bollocks, nothing changed except the suggested perception based on the understanding of the image.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
. No-one changed the picture, my brain just flipped a switch.

ah, but that is also a known illusion. in fact, there are loads of examples. tbh I agree with the bored to death media people simply checking facebook and twitter for anything that will get them through the day hypothesis. I mean, why do your job when millions of uneducated, talentless monkies can do it for you? Also, I think Southpark covered the whole hashtag trending thing a million years ago.

btw, by uneducated, talentless monkies I obv don't mean you. I mean the people who forward this to their million close, personal friends shouting ZOMG MI MYND IS BLOWED!!!11231


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
When it's explained it people, it's obvious that it's not white / lilac and gold. To say "I saw white and gold! now I see black and blue!" is just utter bollocks, nothing changed except the suggested perception based on the understanding of the image.
I still see it as gold and white even after explaining the picture.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
12,481 We know it was black/blue, that ultimately wasn't the issue. Three of us were looking at in my office on the same screen and seeing different colours looking at in my PC at the same time. I saw white/gold all day and suddenly it switched; on this very monitor on this very forum. No-one changed the picture, my brain just flipped a switch. That was the interesting part about the debate, not what a fuckup the photographer made.
We secretly swapped out the pic for another just to fuck with your mind, because, you know, evil mods, etc.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
so do I Mori. although at a pinch I would go as far as to say the light coloured area is a very pale blue. the other area is tan.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I still see it as gold and white even after explaining the picture.

The original picture still indeed looks like a dirty gold / lilac (the specular highlights on the dirty gold bits add to the gold illusion), but because I know it's overexposed, I see it as a "washed out blue / black". Correction in photoshop confirms this.

Can I also just add that your eye automatically has built in white balance adjustment, so depending on whether you view the image in a bright cool kelvin room (such as a room filled with sunlight) or you're sitting in a warm kelvin environment (such as an indoors, heavy "tungsten" room) will vastly alter your interpretation of the colour of the dress on your screen. It's like looking into someone's house at night, the room looks very very orange from the outside but once you're sitting in the room you adjust and it looks reasonably normal again.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
yeah, what Big G said. also, it's very handy to remember that the thing that people generally consider as being their vision is actually something that your brain is deciding, based on several sets of data amongst others -but certainly not limited to- data that is coming in through your eyes. your brain is constantly processing this data, looking for faces (humans loooooove faces and the brain gives them special priority), things you like, things you're scared of, things in your memory, movement, direction of said movement, and also stuff like colour. The colour you're seeing isn't the actual colour that is exposed to you, it's what your brain is deciding based on the sum of the imputs it's getting. Check out the link to the illusion I posted earlier, and you'll immediately get the latter.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Working on the feedback on my approach plan. I wonder if the assessors know how demoralizing processing feedback is :(


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
or in other words....

what I thought I created:


What the assessor saw:


The feedback:



Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
GF's phone broke so she is currently without her most trusted companion for at least a week. I let her use mine while I was getting up and getting ready with our son at 6am this morning, so she could browse about while waking up. She hands it back and there are 41 tabs open in Chrome. 41!? I go nuts is have three or more open at the same time!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I was in the Apple store at the weekend.

I love the iPhone 6 plus.

I'm annoyed at myself, I feel cheap and dirty, like a fat ugly businessman crying whilst staring at a picture of his wife and kids in a hotel room after fucking a cheap hooker.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was in the Apple store at the weekend.

I love the iPhone 6 plus.

I'm annoyed at myself, I feel cheap and dirty, like a fat ugly businessman crying whilst staring at a picture of his wife and kids in a hotel room after fucking a cheap hooker.
It is nice. But there are nicer out there


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003

I saw an ad the other night asking for donations for warm clothes for kids in Syria so texted them to donate £3 or something and have done so a few times before for various campaigns for various charities, a fiver here and there.

This time though they just wont leave me alone, constant phone calls (3-4 a day) asking for more money, its basically put me off donating now.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
son was messing about with a bb gun in his bedroom last night and shot his pc monitor at near point blank range.

well its dead, well done you knobhead.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003

I saw an ad the other night asking for donations for warm clothes for kids in Syria so texted them to donate £3 or something and have done so a few times before for various campaigns for various charities, a fiver here and there.

This time though they just wont leave me alone, constant phone calls (3-4 a day) asking for more money, its basically put me off donating now.
Aye charities these days won't just leave you to donate what you want they are all about maximising the wallet.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
son was messing about with a bb gun in his bedroom last night and shot his pc monitor at near point blank range.

well its dead, well done you knobhead.

I hope you called your son a knobhead.

I really do.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

Previously intelligent mates who immediately become fucking idiot inconsiderate blinkered dumb bitches the second they get a girlfriend. :eek:

I know it's a pet hate of @Big G's too. :(


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I was in the Apple store at the weekend.

I love the iPhone 6 plus.

I'm annoyed at myself, I feel cheap and dirty, like a fat ugly businessman crying whilst staring at a picture of his wife and kids in a hotel room after fucking a cheap hooker.

Best review to date. Getting one!

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