SPAM random annoying things


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I was actually waiting for a quip re a guy in womans shoes fondling my "package" but hey ho reality bites, @Raven :(


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
What i'd do, personal idea/opinion, no real training in the field, younger kids might need a different curriculum yadayada(usual disclaimer bull :p);

Make school days as per work, 9-5 what have you.
Don't give homework, give assignments. Such as with jobs, "we need this paper by friday". Kids can then choose to do it at home to save time.
Give some time during the day for "personal work hours". Kids can use it as they see fit, with same pressure as with homework(but kept in school), as in your parents will smack you if you don't get it done.
Could also segment this time so that other classes are being taught while other kids do their work. Less students in class, more allocated teacher/kid time.
Give ideas for home, not work. Such as "Here's a paper on how to build a volcano, might want to try it out." Again, choice then to do so if it interests the kid.
Added to above; try to steer the kids to what they seem good at. If they don't "get" biology, or don't seem interested, don't waste time trying t force it on them. Use the time on other things they seem interested in, hell, doubletime in chemistry class.
Hometime is hometime. For siblings, parents, hobbies, what have you.

Just a rough top of head thing i wrote, but youg et the idea.

That's what College starts to do though really, you have like 15 hours a week but to do well you need to put in like 3/4x of your own hours in.

Unfortunate thing is that because colleges are now compulsory in the UK they're starting to control kids again so they don't ruin their exam results, because that's all that really matters, and its that mentality that has to change, there needs to be a closer more regular inspection of all aspects of school, not just 'Are they succeeding?'

Schools are truely measured by the results they receive and most believe you achieve this by giving them and absolute fuck load of homework.

I don't think a school day should be 9-5 though if anything id move it to 11-5 for the more rural schools especially.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Having to eat the company Thanksgiving Dinner in the car park of our new building, organised by people that should be put in charge of jack shit!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
5 minutes in my company IRL is like 3 years as a billionaire's hooker-tester ;)
You get to briefly play with high class pussy, but then you go home to watch Eastenders and do your tax forms, while some asshole gets to bang that pussy up like a pneumatic hammer, on his yacht, parked next to his tropical island, while coked up, setting fire to 100squid notes and laughing at the pain of the proles?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
...while some asshole gets to bang that pussy up like a pneumatic hammer, on his yacht, parked next to his tropical island, while coked up, setting fire to 100squid notes and laughing at the pain of the proles?

*pitches script for next Euronillions ad campaign*


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003

I'm brilliant, me. I should take pain pills more often :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Having to eat the company Thanksgiving Dinner in the car park of our new building, organised by people that should be put in charge of jack shit!
Why a car park? And why thanks giving dinner in Dubai ? I worked for an American company for the last 16 years and they never forced it on us as eu didn't want to give us the vacation day I guess lol


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Why a car park? And why thanks giving dinner in Dubai ? I worked for an American company for the last 16 years and they never forced it on us as eu didn't want to give us the vacation day I guess lol
New building which is not finished, old building too small and an HR dept that is fucking mental. Indians Regional Dir who thinks it will make him look good to US bosses.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
New building which is not finished, old building too small and an HR dept that is fucking mental. Indians Regional Dir who thinks it will make him look good to US bosses.
Bit warm outside for Turkey dinner in Dubai I imagine


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It was the basement underground car park under the building. Still very warm and hardly an appropriate venue :)
Ooo carbon monoxide and particulates from all the exhaust fumes make your turkey taste yummy. Hehe


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Time to motorboat those healthy jubblies like there is no tomorrow!!

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