yeah if you wanna stick your thing in a wizard's sleeve
well yes ok...but there comes a time in every woman's life when...well you know...where at 50+ do you draw the line? 60? 70? Jane Fonda? Sure she looks great for 70+ but really? would you? I suppose if you're nearer that age, then fine (you're not gonna pull a 23 yr old when your 68 unless you're loaded)
Every fucking Friday, without fail on Facebook:
"It's Friday! Yay!"
Then on Monday morning:
"Monday, meh"
Always women I might add, but then I'm a Facebook misogynist.
Ch3tan said:AS I've said many times, your social experience, on or offline, is dictated by those you associate with. If you don't like what they have to say, facebook gives you multiple ways to silence them.
It's not that simple. "in real life", friends behave with decorum, however put a keyboard in front of them and they literally type what they think giving the impression that they are complete cunts. Those that have been raised on a diet of Internet forums know how to behave, but most of my 'friends' are what we'd describe as noobs. I can't bloke them all, and I can't defriend them, so I have to put up with their pish.
It's still not quite right, I missed my mate's bird's baby announcement because of my settings (...and I looked a bit of a tit not replying...). She's an irritating passive-aggressive type that uses subtle clock n dagger status updates to bitch and whine about her boyfriend.
When my fish randomly die :<
Plus side is that I can then get new fishies! Also just got a new aquarium todayYou'd think keeping fish was easy..
old.Tohtori said:not a really important birthday if it's just announced on FB now is it![]()
Yeah didn't mean to diss the delivery method, just that is it really the main noticeboard for people these days, and not say, cards or even a text?
No wait, it's FB, ofcourse i meant to diss the delivery method![]()