SPAM random annoying things


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
But you don't get stop signs as much as you do in the states in my opinion.


No you don't. The whole point of roundabouts is to smooth traffic flow so usually they don't have stop signs unless there's a blind camber or really heavy traffic (which would usually mean traffic lights instead of a stop sign). But, if you were to be hit from the right on a roundabout the insurance company would regard you as at fault, so you can't blame people for caution.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Isn't that like what you're meant to do? I mean, don't they purposely block your sight so you stop?

no your supposed to be looking ahead and working out whats a threat and whats good so you can continue smoothly on your way

They've started redesigning roundabouts with deliberate barriers to sight so you can't do the sensible thing that Moriath says.

Apparently we all have to stop at roundabouts now. Because we're fucking thick.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
They've started redesigning roundabouts with deliberate barriers to sight so you can't do the sensible thing that Moriath says.

Apparently we all have to stop at roundabouts now. Because we're fucking thick.
I am not sure I agree honestly. Every time I nearly crash at a roundabout and everyone I know who has crashed at one has been because they are doing the sensible thing but the fucker in front stops at the roundabout for no reason. If I can't see well in advance that it is clear I will be paying attention the the idiot in front who stops regardless. It could stop accidents.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I am not sure I agree honestly. Every time I nearly crash at a roundabout and everyone I know who has crashed at one has been because they are doing the sensible thing but the fucker in front stops at the roundabout for no reason.

So - you admit you can't drive and that you don't keep enough distance to the car in front at roundabouts.

I got hit in the ass by someone like that. Really annoys me - because driving is so easy.

Paying attention so you don't hit people in the arse when they suddenly break (for whatever reason) is YOUR job. Keeping enough distance to compensate for everyone else - including the other driver's emergency stops - is the first thing you learn to do.

Seems I was bob-on:
Apparently we all have to stop at roundabouts now. Because we're fucking thick.


(I'm sure you're not in every part of your life @soze ;))


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
So - you admit you can't drive and that you don't keep enough distance to the car in front at roundabouts.

I got hit in the ass by someone like that. Really annoys me - because driving is so easy.

Paying attention so you don't hit people in the arse when they suddenly break (for whatever reason) is YOUR job. Keeping enough distance to compensate for everyone else - including the other driver's emergency stops - is the first thing you learn to do.

Seems I was bob-on:


(I'm sure you're not in every part of your life @soze ;))
Notice I said nearly crash as in I do leave enough space and do always notice and stop. Before going into a fucking rage at the thunder cunt that stopped for no reason. So no I do not admit any of that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You come across as a right dick sometimes, Scouse. :)

Besides, soze is only an Arsenal fan. You're crediting him with far too much intelligence.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
In sweden (and i guess most other places) we have a special sign if you have to stop/slow down before a roundabout :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
In sweden (and i guess most other places) we have a special sign if you have to stop/slow down before a roundabout :p

Yeah, you mean that road-sign that mostly never exists, but when it does, you never really guess what it's for, also, every person with half a braincell slows down before a roundabout as well so it isn't really needed.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
on a related note to the roundabouts, i believe in some parts of France they have the system whereby in the quiet period between midnight and 5am (or something) the traffic lights are all set to orange so as not to hold people up when there is no traffic around


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You come across as a right dick sometimes, Scouse. :)

To be fair, I was just back from the pub and pretty wasted and just wanted to say "rah rah rah rah idiot drivers hit people in the ass" at @soze :)

On a more serious note, however, roundabouts in the UK are having visual restrictions built in - which is insulting and annoying. It artificially slows traffic up even when there's no need to and it doesn't stop dicks. All it does is pander to the incompetent IMO.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
On a more serious note, however, roundabouts in the UK are having visual restrictions built in - which is insulting and annoying. It artificially slows traffic up even when there's no need to and it doesn't stop dicks. All it does is pander to the incompetent IMO.

Something like this would never be accepted in Sweden. Instead, we make a half-assed sign for it and put up. Also, the general speed limit was (were?, goddamn will never learn) by 10 to 15 km/h on most roads, that is how we roll. But, recent legislations and decision-making by your government that I've seen you guys rant about, only seem to be dick-moves. What are their motives and agenda? Why are they being fucking retarded?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I would bet money it is pressure from insurance companies. No matter what the perfect @Scouse says more than just morons have accidents at roundabouts. I have some beautifully open roundabouts on my way home and you have so much visibility you almost never need to break. Now the problem comes with the fact they have added zebra crossings to the roundabout. So now you are looking at the open roundabout the car in front of you and you need to look across your field of view to check for people crossing. Forcing the traffic to slow down here is no bad thing. Road laws are not made for the best drivers or even the middle of the road drivers they are made with the utter shit drivers in mind.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Just watching Se7en with Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman. First time I've seen it in 1080p. It's a very good movie.



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yeah, you mean that road-sign that mostly never exists, but when it does, you never really guess what it's for, also, every person with half a braincell slows down before a roundabout as well so it isn't really needed.

you have to be careful how you word things :)



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Something like this would never be accepted in Sweden. Instead, we make a half-assed sign for it and put up. Also, the general speed limit was (were?, goddamn will never learn) by 10 to 15 km/h on most roads, that is how we roll. But, recent legislations and decision-making by your government that I've seen you guys rant about, only seem to be dick-moves. What are their motives and agenda? Why are they being fucking retarded?

srsly though, the point as I see it is this: is the roundabout there to regulate traffic efficiently, or is the roundabout there to force you to slow down? By deliberately placing obstructions in people's line of sight, the roads authority is very likely hoping that people will slow in order to check they aren't going to mash their kiddie-filled SUV in to a bus. I feel that the argument of everyone (it seems) is that people scan the roundabout for danger well in advance of the place they're now forced to do so. Because the choice of place to scan the roundabout is now forced apon them, a) people regard it as annoying and b) people have to slow/stop because they don't know for a fact the roundabout is free, thereby inconveniencing themselves and other road users.

Very recently I saw the NL equivalence of a tricked out Nova cut across two lines of traffic and take a blind corner at speed on the wrong side of the road. Sadly my fervent wish that a bulldozer would magically appear at the corner to blindside the scumbags and remove them from the gene-pool did not come true that time. The point of this anecdote is that in the light of the roundabout story above the people whom the design is engineered to combat will not regard it as a trigger to slow down and take due care, but perhaps more a challenge to blast through as fast as they can.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Another annoying thing those huge great long picture posts in random spam thread that you have to scroll through from time to time. Can't they go in an attachment thing so you can expand them if you want.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Another annoying thing those huge great long picture posts in random spam thread that you have to scroll through from time to time. Can't they go in an attachment thing so you can expand them if you want.

They can if people spoiler tag them ;)

You know, effort, what we here in scandinavia are used to :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The point of this anecdote is that in the light of the roundabout story above the people whom the design is engineered to combat will not regard it as a trigger to slow down and take due care, but perhaps more a challenge to blast through as fast as they can.


It artificially slows up traffic and cunts and dicks don't stop.

The fact that zebra crossings are at some roundabouts would for the vast majority of drivers be a reason to slow down in itself @soze - but when I posted I was particularly thinking about the ones on motorway junction fly-overs - they put boards up to the right so you can't see what traffic is coming.

Utterly retarded.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
The general 'mum' populace on Facebook completely ruining businesses...

Yeah, I appreciate that the original review is pretty bad of them, but it doesn't mean that you should all go and also review the place as awful, because you simply haven't been there.

Also could be complete bullshit.

N0 way I'm ploughing through all that shit just to see what the original review was all about, something about an old lady with Alzheimers. If it (whatever "it" is) is true, well, that's the power of social media; it doesn't really matter if the review process is being abused, it an expression of the dangers from any serious customer service lapses in this day and age, which isn't such a bad thing. On the other hand, if it is bullshit, Facebook have a process for binning all this if the pub complains.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Trapping you finger between two industrial magnets that slam together. instant smashed nail and blood blister.

Still, impressive little things about the size of a beer mat each and about an inch thick. Massive sticking power. God botherers in days gone by would probably burn me as a witch.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
N0 way I'm ploughing through all that shit just to see what the original review was all about, something about an old lady with Alzheimers. If it (whatever "it" is) is true, well, that's the power of social media; it doesn't really matter if the review process is being abused, it an expression of the dangers from any serious customer service lapses in this day and age, which isn't such a bad thing. On the other hand, if it is bullshit, Facebook have a process for binning all this if the pub complains.
It was about the fact a mum was eating dinner with her hands, and the staff were laughing at her, then the family complained, then they were asked to leave, then they were waiting for 20 mins outside for a taxi to come, oh and they also had a person with downs syndrome with them.

People were sharing the original quote left and right on facebook, causing people to write reviews, prior to that, they only had around 100 reviews, which were pretty good, 4-5*


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Trapping you finger between two industrial magnets that slam together. instant smashed nail and blood blister.

Still, impressive little things about the size of a beer mat each and about an inch thick. Massive sticking power. God botherers in days gone by would probably burn me as a witch.
well you do wear a pointy hat


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It was about the fact a mum was eating dinner with her hands, and the staff were laughing at her, then the family complained, then they were asked to leave, then they were waiting for 20 mins outside for a taxi to come, oh and they also had a person with downs syndrome with them.

People were sharing the original quote left and right on facebook, causing people to write reviews, prior to that, they only had around 100 reviews, which were pretty good, 4-5*
I hate dissing by web. Should be your experience not on hearsay.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Yeah, you mean that road-sign that mostly never exists, but when it does, you never really guess what it's for, also, every person with half a braincell slows down before a roundabout as well so it isn't really needed.

I hope everyone with i license knows what stopplikt and väjningsplikt means...

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