SPAM random annoying things


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
yeah sorry. actually, I have been looking for evidence of compulsory general liability in the NL and am shocked to find that it's not: UNI of Leiden says in last paragraph:

Although not required by Dutch law, we strongly advise you to take out third-party liability insurance to cover any accidental damage or harm you may cause to other persons or property during your stay.

frankly I am shocked it's not compulsory (health insurance IS, for example). I've had general liability since I was 18 years old and imho anyone who doesn't is a rampant idiot.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
yeah sorry. actually, I have been looking for evidence of compulsory general liability in the NL and am shocked to find that it's not: UNI of Leiden says in last paragraph:

frankly I am shocked it's not compulsory (health insurance IS, for example). I've had general liability since I was 18 years old and imho anyone who doesn't is a rampant idiot.

Having a look around and it looks to me like general liability insurance for individuals isn't even an option in Ireland. The only insurer that I can find in Ireland that even mentions it is Zurich, and even then they say "call", as its not a standard insurance type. Interestingly, I can't find a cycle insurance option on any of the mainstream insurers' sites either; the top ranking in Google is a bikes-only specialist (, and they only offer public liability as an extra cost option...


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
aha there is an insurance called WA (wettelijke aansprakelijkheid) that is compulsory. this is Dutch general liability which covers the individual. The insurances which cover a person against claims from others on the other hand is not compulsory. Odd.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
So i think that cyclists should have id numbers like cars and motor bikes and insurance so they take more responsibility on the roads in the uk.

That way there would be less antagonism between cars and bikes because at the moment cyclists can get away with a lot of shit that cars cant


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
OT: in the workies canteen I can buy 6 junk-food things for the price of a single bowl of salad. WTF man :(


Mar 11, 2004
Was out on a site visit today.

Stopped in the car park after my visit to nom some lunch. Woman gets into the drivers side of the people carrier next to me. Another woman moves to the back passenger side door opens it, smacks straight into my car, she looks at my car angrilly, smacks the door into my car again.

I get out and say "what are you doing?" her response "your car is in the way".

Now i'm perfectly within the white lines, infact i'm closer to the other side of the bay than her side. The driver of the people carrier is just staring at me, this woman is yelling how its my fault. Goes to slam the door again, i stop it with my foot (putting the foot up against my car so she slams it into my foot, rather than me kicking her door), she yelps, jumps in the car and locks the door. I go around the driver, who just stares at me flat faced, woman in the back is screaming assault, rape, murder...interspersed with telling the other woman to just "go, he'll get out of the way", suddenly starts the engine are almost drives over this tattoo'd guy and his daughter, hes now pissed and we are both running down the road after this woman, she gets onto the main road and is gone.

Go back to my car, not really any damage to it, just a small mark behind the indicator light. The guy is incensed however, give him my number and the womans number plate if he wants to take it further.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Nah, just sounds like a hysterical weirdo. I would report the stupid bitch to the police, myself.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Was out on a site visit today.

Stopped in the car park after my visit to nom some lunch. Woman gets into the drivers side of the people carrier next to me. Another woman moves to the back passenger side door opens it, smacks straight into my car, she looks at my car angrilly, smacks the door into my car again.

I get out and say "what are you doing?" her response "your car is in the way".

Now i'm perfectly within the white lines, infact i'm closer to the other side of the bay than her side. The driver of the people carrier is just staring at me, this woman is yelling how its my fault. Goes to slam the door again, i stop it with my foot (putting the foot up against my car so she slams it into my foot, rather than me kicking her door), she yelps, jumps in the car and locks the door. I go around the driver, who just stares at me flat faced, woman in the back is screaming assault, rape, murder...interspersed with telling the other woman to just "go, he'll get out of the way", suddenly starts the engine are almost drives over this tattoo'd guy and his daughter, hes now pissed and we are both running down the road after this woman, she gets onto the main road and is gone.

Go back to my car, not really any damage to it, just a small mark behind the indicator light. The guy is incensed however, give him my number and the womans number plate if he wants to take it further.
bitches be crazy, yo.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Was out on a site visit today.

Stopped in the car park after my visit to nom some lunch. Woman gets into the drivers side of the people carrier next to me. Another woman moves to the back passenger side door opens it, smacks straight into my car, she looks at my car angrilly, smacks the door into my car again.

I get out and say "what are you doing?" her response "your car is in the way".

Now i'm perfectly within the white lines, infact i'm closer to the other side of the bay than her side. The driver of the people carrier is just staring at me, this woman is yelling how its my fault. Goes to slam the door again, i stop it with my foot (putting the foot up against my car so she slams it into my foot, rather than me kicking her door), she yelps, jumps in the car and locks the door. I go around the driver, who just stares at me flat faced, woman in the back is screaming assault, rape, murder...interspersed with telling the other woman to just "go, he'll get out of the way", suddenly starts the engine are almost drives over this tattoo'd guy and his daughter, hes now pissed and we are both running down the road after this woman, she gets onto the main road and is gone.

Go back to my car, not really any damage to it, just a small mark behind the indicator light. The guy is incensed however, give him my number and the womans number plate if he wants to take it further.

imo she was being an idiot, didn't realize you were in the car and then tried to blab her way out of a bad situation. omg I hope that never happens to me I'd find it pretty hard to stay calm 0o

that said, the drivers side of my GT looks like a mine field, so many retards have slammed their doors in to my car's side it's unreal :-( why can't people just fucking be careful of things that belong to others :-(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
We need parking spaces the size of American ones rather than the euro just big enough to get yr car in but not open the doors jobbies


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Student Finance; Useless, Just have what Denmark has, pay people to go to Uni, and then you can just stop having a useless bunch of thAQTHQATHERKS


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Political Correctness gone mad like this. Unless the student carries round a sign saying I am a Muslim the lunch lady would need to racially profile the kid to decide they can't eat pork. This is all over the news at the moment and all of the people saying she should be fired are all well spoken white and English. It is like the country breaks its own back to not offend and all they have done is give the EDL another story to really people behind.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Student Finance; Useless, Just have what Denmark has, pay people to go to Uni, and then you can just stop having a useless bunch of thAQTHQATHERKS
I still think funding should be different. Study for a job like Doctors and Nurses and you go for free but you have to work for the NHS for the first 10 years. But courses like Media Studies should be charged in full.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
TdC said:
why? were you driving abnormally?

No...but cyclists were coming from all directions. I drive in central London maybe once a year so not really used to bikes weaving this wsy and that all over the road.

Proper cycling lanes are needed so they don't have to swerve around stopped cars and busses etc. Or drive down the centre of the road between the two lanes of traffic.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
lies. (good) cycle paths are a godsend as they get you away from the cars :-P


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I mean in the UK. The ones near my work are very nearly as good as the ones I saw in the Netherlands, they are spotless, full tarmac, two lanes...basically a separate road network for bikes. Never see cyclists on them though, they would rather play chicken with HGVs.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
IMO, you should be interviewed by a potential employer before going to University, then have all your fees paid for.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I mean in the UK. The ones near my work are very nearly as good as the ones I saw in the Netherlands, they are spotless, full tarmac, two lanes...basically a separate road network for bikes. Never see cyclists on them though, they would rather play chicken with HGVs.

heh then I'd happily bike there. good quality bike paths and no bikers on them? bliss!


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
The fact computers spaz out when you try to alt-tab during a loading screen.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
Because Marmite is the food of kings..?

Kings eat swan and drink expensive wine
Kings get their servants to smear marmite on the Royal Corgis bottoms. Thats why you never see any royal mutts photographed sniffing another of its brethren's assholes.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
wait...a cycling event WITHOUT careful road closures and you lot turn in to a bunch of moaning grumpy-gutses....a cycling event WITH careful road closures and you lot turn in to a bunch of moaning grumpy-gutses.



Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
wait...a cycling event WITHOUT careful road closures and you lot turn in to a bunch of moaning grumpy-gutses....a cycling event WITH careful road closures and you lot turn in to a bunch of moaning grumpy-gutses.

A cycling event that closes a majority of the Thames bridges in London for most of a day is not worth doing.

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