I know that several people playing DAoC have played TFC so I'm suprised that someone hasn't mentioned the infamous "Roaster John" wallhack sting there. Basically two well known members of the community wrote a wallhack/cheat program for TFC and distributed it anonymously through all the normal cheating/hacking channels. The difference with this program was that it logged a persons IP, name and unique WON id on a master server that was running (similar to this radar). After the cheat had been in use for a few months all of the logs and a large database of people it had caught was presented to league admins and got everyone who had been using it banned
There were loads of people who got caught by that, quite a lot of well known faces too.
PS. Roaster John is an anagram of Trojan Horse
PS. Roaster John is an anagram of Trojan Horse