Radar! How many on YOUR server are using it? Details inside!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Saw a post where the creator of one of those radar programs posted info about the usage of his program on US servers. So I asked him to post the same info for our european servers. Here's what I got. (thanks Capnbry)

The data below is regarding all servers in Europe (not going to post the name of the program unless a mod says it's ok). It shows how many people have used it by server and how large percentage of those users belonged to a certain realm.

It should be noted that there are several programs of this kind and this is only data from one of them. Also I only listed prydwen, excalibur and Camlann. I don't know what the other IPs are.

Report generated on: 2004-Feb-02 (115) Albion: 37% Midgard: 25% Hibernia: 37% ( 91) Albion: 14% Midgard: 40% Hibernia: 45% ( 98) Albion: 47% Midgard: 27% Hibernia: 24% (199) Albion: 28% Midgard: 29% Hibernia: 41% Excalibur (177) Albion: 36% Midgard: 35% Hibernia: 28% (122) Albion: 41% Midgard: 27% Hibernia: 30% Prydwen (106) Albion: 23% Midgard: 38% Hibernia: 37% (115) Albion: 37% Midgard: 31% Hibernia: 31% Camlann ( 23) Albion: 43% Midgard: 47% Hibernia: 8% ( 49) Albion: 42% Midgard: 20% Hibernia: 36% ( 21) Albion: 14% Midgard: 61% Hibernia: 23% ( 39) Albion: 30% Midgard: 28% Hibernia: 41%

Usage data based on DDS map downloads of Camelot Hills,
Vale of Mularn, Connacht.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Heh, nice figures

And what tools who use radar, and don't realise there's a backdoor, sending thier usage to the creator.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
from those figures we can see that hib/exc most likely has alts in alb/pryd, or the other way around :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
SilverHood said:
Heh, nice figures

And what tools who use radar, and don't realise there's a backdoor, sending thier usage to the creator.

Haha yup I hope he did more than just send usage data. Hellfish ask him how we feck their pc's up lol j/k or am I :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Hmm, I wonder if the usage is the only info being sent.

I have seen lots and lots of screenshots of this app running, you are able to "cache" character login's.

Just look at all the "I have been hacked, honest!!!1" posts that we see, the app is probably sending the user/pass as well.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I would love it if he could name and shame these people.
I am assuming this is the Xunleashed program, as that is by far an away the most widespread, and does connect to a central server each time it operated, allowing this sort of information gathering possible.

(No, I dont use it, but I like to keep informed about what hacks are out there and what us honest players are up against).

As Xunleashed is a subscription based program, made possible by this central server authentication, this person will never ever publish a list of names as it will destory his revenue stream.

Have to say this is very sad, probably about 5-10% of the prydwen population are using it. A great shame.
After seeing this, who can say with certainly that your own alliances or even guilds are clean?

And it's especially sad to see it so prevelant in my own realm. As mentioned above, most of the l33t kiddie guilds in albion/prydwen tend to play hib/excal as well. Surprise surprise hib/excal has a very high figure too.

The other aspect I find utterly shameful, is that when compared to the server population the two English servers has the highest prevelance of radar abuse when compared to the french or german ones. Truly sad.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
mts said:
so 200 people on excal are using radar?

Yes, 199 people have connected to the radar program's server and then connected to Excalibur during the course of today.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
It's not Xunleashed...

And the numbers show how many people have used it (different IPs), not just today. I would assume in the last few months or so, but he didn't mention the time frame specifically. Could be since it went live.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Smurflord said:
As mentioned above, most of the l33t kiddie guilds in Hib/Excal tend to play Alb/prydwen as well. Surprise surprise Alb/prydwen has a very high figure too.

that looks better.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry it gave the impression it was today's figures. Statistics without context are of little use :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
wow.. am i the only one that didnt realise quite how widespread this is lol.. i just thought it was maybe 5% avg


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
hellfish said:
Saw a post where the creator of one of those radar programs posted info about the usage of his program on US servers. So I asked him to post the same info for our european servers. Here's what I got. (thanks Capnbry)


and btw.... thanks? the guy invented a radar prog ffs lol... i wouldnt be surprised if he decided to WtfPwnjoorst00ffortehwin on ur PC or something as payment for the request ^^


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Bishibosh said:
wow.. am i the only one that didnt realise quite how widespread this is lol.. i just thought it was maybe 5% avg
Um you seem to misunderstand the figures above.

That is NOT suggesting that 30-40% of users are using these pathetic radar programs. Its showing the people using it (totals in brackets in second column) and what percentage were requesting maps for each realm.

Rather strange to see (on Excal) that Hibernia has the highest number of users of this particular program and yet has the smallest number of players by quite a long way. (See this Duskwave page for details of number of accounts/players/characters etc per realm)

The numbers are rather meaningless though - we've no idea if these numbers show the total number of user accounts (199 for Excal) running the radar software or whether its counting the same user multiple times.

Does this cover 1 day? 1 week? The year so far? Or since the 'radar server' started keeping track?

Pretty pathetic really, Mythic could prevent these radar programs working VERY easily if they bothered to try.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bishibosh said:
and btw.... thanks? the guy invented a radar prog ffs lol... i wouldnt be surprised if he decided to WtfPwnjoorst00ffortehwin on ur PC or something as payment for the request ^^

I asked him to send me the info and he was nice enough to gather it and send it to me. He didn't have to do it, but did it anyway. So I said thanks which I usually do when someone does something for me. (I gave him the link to these boards) Wasn't thanking him for making a cheating program for daoc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Draylor said:
Um you seem to misunderstand the figures above.

That is NOT suggesting that 30-40% of users are using these pathetic radar programs. Its showing the people using it (totals in brackets in second column) and what percentage were requesting maps for each realm.

Rather strange to see (on Excal) that Hibernia has the highest number of users of this particular program and yet has the smallest number of players by quite a long way. (See this Duskwave page for details of number of accounts/players/characters etc per realm)

The numbers are rather meaningless though - we've no idea if these numbers show the total number of user accounts (199 for Excal) running the radar software or whether its counting the same user multiple times.

Does this cover 1 day? 1 week? The year so far? Or since the 'radar server' started keeping track?

Pretty pathetic really, Mythic could prevent these radar programs working VERY easily if they bothered to try.

This cover all people who have used the program at least once. In the data about the US servers he said that it covered the last two months and I assume it's the same time frame here. I don't know how long this program has been out there. Also, he only counts users once which means that if you have used the program from your IP 500 times you're only counted once. If you have used it from another IP also you're counted twice.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
hellfish said:
I asked him to send me the info and he was nice enough to gather it and send it to me. He didn't have to do it, but did it anyway. So I said thanks which I usually do when someone does something for me. (I gave him the link to these boards) Wasn't thanking him for making a cheating program for daoc.

I know it was thanks for the info... just... well.... um... hes a bad man >:]


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Bishibosh said:
I know it was thanks for the info... just... well.... um... hes a bad man >:]

Hehe yea I know and I agree...just thought I'd clarify it anyway. Don't want ppl to think I love cheaters. I'm just posting the numbers. =p


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
hellfish said:
This cover all people who have used the program at least once. In the data about the US servers he said that it covered the last two months and I assume it's the same time frame here. I don't know how long this program has been out there. Also, he only counts users once which means that if you have used the program from your IP 500 times you're only counted once. If you have used it from another IP also you're counted twice.
Since I expect the vast majority of players have a dynamic IP address (changing every time they connect to their ISP, as almost every residential ISP does) this will be counting the same players multiple times.

If these 199 uses of the software (taking the Excalibur numbers) cover a 2 month period then this could be as few as 3 ACTUAL users if theyre using the software on a daily basis from a different IP address each time.

If it is counting the unique IP addresses using the software then the chance of this being 199 actual users is 0.

As for how long these radar programs have existed for - since very shortly after Mythic released DAoC - and from almost the very beginning of GOAs servers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Draylor said:
Since I expect the vast majority of players have a dynamic IP address (changing every time they connect to their ISP, as almost every residential ISP does) this will be counting the same players multiple times.

If these 199 uses of the software (taking the Excalibur numbers) cover a 2 month period then this could be as few as 3 ACTUAL users if theyre using the software on a daily basis from a different IP address each time.

If it is counting the unique IP addresses using the software then the chance of this being 199 actual users is 0.

As for how long these radar programs have existed for - since very shortly after Mythic released DAoC - and from almost the very beginning of GOAs servers.

You're right and I just noticed what I said isn't accurate.

"Usage data based on DDS map downloads of Camelot Hills,
Vale of Mularn, Connacht. "

That's the only thing he said. Don't know what that means. Check this link if you want more info on how he got his numbers. Poster's name is capnbry.



Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Ah cheers for that link.

The total (in brackets) refers to the total number of users. The percentages are only of a subset of players who enter 1 of 3 specific (inner realm PvE) zones to get an approximate breakdown by home realm.

This is actually referring to one of the free radar programs (rather than the XUnleashed software thats spammed all over the place at $20 or so) which will have no way of tracking users other than by IP address.

Therefore what I said regarding number of unique users probably being VERY low seems to be valid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Yes but I would think that a person competent enough to write this program would know better than to count all IP's as different users. Still don't know what "Usage data based on DDS map downloads of Camelot Hills, Vale of Mularn, Connacht." means. Do you connect to a server of his to dl one of these maps when you enter it? If that's the case then you'd only have to dl it once. The next time you use it (with a different IP) you wouldn't dl it and the the new IP wouldn't get counted again.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Its after 1am, Im really not going to look through the source code to find out ;)

It is available online for anyone that cares, the clues are in this thread already for those that want to look so theres no need for me to provide any additional hints, or any more text for moderators to remove.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Its showing the people using it (totals in brackets in second column) and what percentage were requesting maps for each realm.

If that's the case, then the figures will be totally skewed as the Hib frontiers are where most of the action is on excali.

Usage data based on DDS map downloads of Camelot Hills, Vale of Mularn, Connacht.

Connact actually reaches into the frontier for a small distance, he'd be better running the test on a different zone.

All being said thought, I'm sickened by how widespread this appears.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
These are just the numbers of a free radar prog. There is at least one other free and one 20$ version out there that I know of...
I think radar use is very widespread.

Can't remember how many times I've been in a group where someone would shout : LAG INC!! 10 sec later an enemy group would appear....


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Thats why its called inc lag I'd guess.

Radar doesn't bother me too much, if others want to cheat so they run into my FG faster then thats fine by me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Cyradix said:
Can't remember how many times I've been in a group where someone would shout : LAG INC!! 10 sec later an enemy group would appear....
lol :)
this got nuffin to do with radar what so ever
just ppl using outdated pcs

like me
or in konahs case he just ld's as soon as there is 10fg close :D

anyway delete this thread allrdy
its just giving ppl bad ideas imho..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Can you people get a grip? These numbers are obviously showing the amount of people that has used the radar once or more. And I'm guessing 90% of them was a one-time only to see what they are up against. And 7% of the rest has quit or taken suicide. And that leaves us with 3% of those numbers witch is about 2 per realm :p

I hate radar almost as much as I hate savages :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
Grats to spoilt little script kiddies like him ruining the game for all the honest players.

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