Racism in DAoC and Forums

  • Thread starter Roo Stercogburn
  • Start date


I could not care less if sosmeone is black , white , yellow or even green ( I might move out of puke range on the last one thou ) and if they jewish , christians or muslims.. BUT religious fanatics..no matter what religion I CANT STAND , religion is no free card to hating who ever is not the same religion as you , maybe its because I DONT belive in god


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
I could not care less if sosmeone is black , white , yellow or even green ( I might move out of puke range on the last one thou ) and if they jewish , christians or muslims.. BUT religious fanatics..no matter what religion I CANT STAND , religion is no free card to hating who ever is not the same religion as you , maybe its because I DONT belive in god

So you hate religious fanatics because they hate people who dont believe in the same things as them?

Are you a non religious fanatic?

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Rubric
So you hate religious fanatics because they hate people who dont believe in the same things as them?

Are you a non religious fanatic?

No hes not if you read it.


On this subject have you noticed how none of the races in DAOC are black.


Originally posted by Rubric
On this subject have you noticed how none of the races in DAOC are black.
Well maybe cause there are not so many black heroes in our mythology, But perhaps ChuChulainn was from Africa and Arthur from India? What about the saracen? Are the not arabs?


Originally posted by Rubric
So you hate religious fanatics because they hate people who dont believe in the same things as them?

Are you a non religious fanatic?

Are you a fool ???

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Rubric
On this subject have you noticed how none of the races in DAOC are black.

If you think logicly and go back in time to when Dark age of Camelot is set, there were not many Blacks in Ireland (hib). England (alb) or sacandanavia (spelling rocks & mid)

The main mix was when the industrial revolution happened, and many blacks came over as slaves, now this was WAY after king arthers time as you should know.


"Racism" per se isn't a dictionary definition of inter - country differences.... I say let's have a inter realm love in :)


I find people with the attitudes like this annoying, not because what they are actually saying, but because they are so clueless to the reasons there is hatred. I bet this guy doesnt even know why there is a British Irish problem.

From the signature of hercules-df
"The only good thing about the Irish is they are further away from the french than we are"

Im ignoring the french part of this comment because half of this forum constantly whines about french people, not that i agree with that but it seems to be one of these "+1" trends going around that all the fools join.

Im not that interested in racial politics, but one thing i am REALLY interested in is Irish history, in daoc i find alot of (well i wouldnt call it racism towards irish) but a kind of mocking. Im not sure if they do but if they dont, i think Irish history should be taught in english schools because lets face it, Ireland was under control of the crown until the early 1900's

[edit] typos


> The only good thing about the Irish is they are further away from the french

That reminds me of an old joke about a polish fisherman who fished out a strange bottle one day and guess what - out of it flies a genie sho promptly grants the fisherman 3 wishes.

Fisherman thinks awhile, then says: "my 1st wish is that poland would get attacked by china, my 2nd wish is the poland would get attacked by china again and my 3rd wish is that poland would get attacked by china a 3rd time"

Now, genie is a bit confused. Fishermans sees it and explains: "see - to attack us 3 times, the chinese would have to go over the bloody russians 6 times!"




The majority of racism is caused by ignorance and fear; neither of which themselves are repugnant emotions.Ignorance is a natural state, we cannot know everything, and who would criticise a child for being ignorant?

Only through a process of learning can we become less ignorant

Fear is more difficult to explain; one person is fearful of spiders, others the dark. I cannot begin to understand why, and if I could, I'd be presenting a TV show or be well on my way to producing fantastic drugs of some sort ;)

BUT the original premise of this thread was why many people who are not ignorant, or have a reason to be fearful, make racist remarks without even thinking.

Well, the reason that I took a bury-my-head in the sand approach on my previous post was that it's far too big a problem to tackle for these or any forums.

If I was to take a (drunken) guess at it, it's because we cannot truely trust anyone who is not ourselves. To make a terrible anology of the Scots; who would fight the English if they could, but themselves if no-one else was around.

Likewise "It would be great if Aliens invaded, because we'd all get along" but surely that is just transferring our hatred to some other group.


I read something yesterday about a pretty new organisation growing in the US, Wotansvolk. Racsist using the norsemythology to give their hatered a meain.

First i find this pretty funny since there are no evidence to that the vikings hated other people, they just killed alot of them. And 2nd the vikings where firstly merchants, secondly they went on their raids when there where bad times in their homecountries or just wanted to expand their territory due to population growth.

And the Sultan or what you called him in Istanbul, only wanted viking bodyguards cause he could trust them. They where called Väringar in swedish.

It pisses me off when i see skinheads, and other racists use the norsemythology to give their hatred a meaning.


The problem with Raceism, and these are purely my own opinions (however right or wrong) is its no so much the 'Whites' causing it.

Before i emergrated from the UK i was horrified by the attitudes and opinions of the 'non whites' (various nationalities, religions and ethnic groups.. not just one)

Now im not saying its all them, not at all, there are bad apples in every barrel, but these ethnic groups seemed intent on causing Racial trouble for other people, maybe they were doing it because they knew that if it came down to authorities the white guy would be branded as racist and get into all the shit... maybe they were doing it as retaliation for the harsh treatment some of the english gave them... i dont know the answer to that one, but all i know is the most raceist people i have ever met in my well travelled life are the 'blacks'

To clear up a few other points as well...
The French and English have more or less hated each other since year dot. Just deal with it. Its not raceism, its just we dont get on too well as nations. Does that mean that the guy sat next to me in the office, if i dont like him i'm raceist because hes not white? Bullshit. The English dont like the french too much and the French dont like the english much... its just a simple fact of life, its not raceism at all (arent most french and english people white?)

Iraq, we "invaded" Iraq to remove an evil dictator, to liberate the people of Iraq, Saddass Hussain killed thousands of his own people, some in Chemical weapon tests, some because they spoke out against him or did something he didnt like. He lived in palaces of gold and marble, eating the finest foods and drinkign the finest wines whilst his very own countrymen died (penniless) of disease, hunger and by Sadam's very own hands. The US had other agendas, for sure.. Oil being the main one, The English and US governments took the flimiest excuse (Weapons of mass destruction) to send the troops in against a very real threat. Thats not raceism, that makeing the world just that little bit safer. As soon as the Iraq people can manage their own country, and turn it into something the troops will withdraw and stability will return. Its got a big fat SOD ALL to do with raceism.

Whilst were talking about wars, nearly every war/conflict in the world is religion motivated, Religion has caused more death and suffering in this world than every single soldier alive today. Its a nasty dark and somewhat sad fact.. but its true.
Raceism and religion? well im no bible basher, i read it once - i didnt like the story, but wasnt there a shed load of raceism in that, persecution of the Jews etc?

Raceism is a fickle beast, we are surrounded by many types of raceism, from many different people, at the end of the day.. we all bleed the same colour and we all came from Apes.

I now live in a country thats taken raceism to a new level, as a "farang" (forigner) in this country i'm not well liked, none of us are. We dont suffer direct racism in the form of words and violence, we are robbed blind by everyday people, when ever i want to buy something it costs me twice as much as it would cost a local national to buy it. The local authorities see me as a way to extort cash. Its still a form of raceism, but its their country not mine, i just get on with it and i dont let it get it me.
The problem with England today is the "british white" people are slowly becoming the minority, in our own country. Now im not a raceist person, but it gets quite depressing when you walk down your road on a sunday morning and you have to look hard to find a "british national". Thats because the british government has a screwed up immagration policy. Its gets worse when you have to slave your bollox off 5-6 days a week to earn a crust and the "immagrant" next door is getting free private health care, free house, social security money and in some cases even a _CAR_ all paid for by the government (aka my taxes)
In a lot of cases (amongst the poorer classes) this puts these immagrents in a much wealther position. They come to our country and our government gives them everything they need, all because they were treated badly by their own country... the people who were born and bred here (whites or blacks) have to support these peopel by paying higher taxes, watchign these people sit on there asses all day talking swaheelie and getting fat...
Take this into mind and you can begin to understand why the english people harbour a little resentment (which is catagorised by other countries as raceism)

Its a difficult world in which we live in, and its never going to be perfect whilst the homo-sapiens walk it.
(apologies for my mindless drivvil, b'day yesterday and major hangover today)

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Falcon
Lurikeens always seem to pick on me because I'm an Elf, is that racism?

No its just elfs looking like pwicks :(

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Worm_th

some because they spoke out against him or did something he didnt like.

Sounds like cadire :p


Thank you for your formula reply.

Yes you did plenty I didn't agree with. You harassed another member (still are), you filled my inbox with kiddy whining and petulant arguments, you replied to my posts calling me a prick and a wanker, not to mention stating you'd be happy if I was dead. You took great exception to the way I privately warned another member about his behaviour, and filled my inbox with more childish comments. Any reply I sent you was reported to other moderators.... all in all you are one pretty dire specimen.

Of course I realise that you are a particularly immature individual, but even 'special' people like you over-step the mark.

As it happens I am no longer a moderator of this forum, and I have reported you in the hope that you get your long overdue ban.


Originally posted by Ottar
> The only good thing about the Irish is they are further away from the french

That reminds me of an old joke about a polish fisherman who fished out a strange bottle one day and guess what - out of it flies a genie sho promptly grants the fisherman 3 wishes.

Fisherman thinks awhile, then says: "my 1st wish is that poland would get attacked by china, my 2nd wish is the poland would get attacked by china again and my 3rd wish is that poland would get attacked by china a 3rd time"

Now, genie is a bit confused. Fishermans sees it and explains: "see - to attack us 3 times, the chinese would have to go over the bloody russians 6 times!"



Reminds me of a similar Belgian joke:

"A Belgian, a Turk and a Morrocan guy are roaming the beach in Belgium while all of a sudden one of them notices a similar bottle. They rub it, and out come's a ghost who allows each of them to pronounce 1 wish. The Turkish guy goes first: "Well he says, I really dislike the fact that so many of my fellow Turkish inhabitants leave the country and immigrate to Belgium & other European countries. So my wish is this: return every citizen with Turkish roots in Belgium back to Turkey, and make them stay there." Very well, says the ghost, and the wish is made real. Next comes the Morrocan guy, and he wishes exactly the same as the Turkish guy, the only difference being he wishes this for all citizens with Morroccan roots. Very well, says the ghost again, and the wish is made real as well. That leaves us with the Belgian guy. "What may your wish be my friend?", asks the ghost. "Hmmm, lemme think..." replies the Belgian guy. "All Turkish people out of Belgium" he says, "and all Morroccan people out of Belgium too", he continues, "just gimme a Coke please."

While some people may call this racist too, imo everyone should try not to be so narrow-minded and be able to laugh with these kind of jokes ;)


Reminds me of a joke i heard once ( remember its a joke so just laugh)

Three guys, an Englishman, a Frenchman and an American are out walking along the beach together one day. They come across a lantern and a genie pops out of it. "I will give you each one wish, " says the genie. The American says, "I am a farmer, my dad was a farmer, and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in America." With a blink of the genie's eye, 'FOOM' - the land in America was forever made fertile for farming. The Frenchman was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around France, so that no one can come into our precious country." Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye, 'POOF' - there was a huge wall around France. The Englishman asks, "I'm very curious. Please tell me more about this wall. The Genie explains, "Well, it's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick and nothing can get in or out." The Englishman says, "Fill it up with water."

Repent Reloaded

I once heard someone define a racist as someone who when they see a person enter a room notices if they are black. I disagree with this because it is human nature to focus on any difference in an area. So if you have a bowl filled with green apples and there is one red apple you tend to notice the red apple. However it did make me think long and hard about the subject and it made me wonder about people unknowingly being racist.

I agree on that, btw Saultymcpepper is a racist.

someone from caribean is still from africa? Some black coloured person came from africa to the caribean and then to the states (atleast usually). So why call black coloured people from caribean actually different, as their origine is the same. But instead of going to the states they staid on the caribeans? But they prolly have a different name than afro american though

Afro Caribean is a black person from the caribean, ie Jamaca, Jamaca .... Africa .... doesnt sound the same to me.

old.Trine Aquavit

The only group of people I dislike are bigots.


Originally posted by Cadire
Thank you for your formula reply.

Yes you did plenty I didn't agree with. You harassed another member (still are), you filled my inbox with kiddy whining and petulant arguments, you replied to my posts calling me a prick and a wanker, not to mention stating you'd be happy if I was dead. You took great exception to the way I privately warned another member about his behaviour, and filled my inbox with more childish comments. Any reply I sent you was reported to other moderators.... all in all you are one pretty dire specimen.

Of course I realise that you are a particularly immature individual, but even 'special' people like you over-step the mark.

As it happens I am no longer a moderator of this forum, and I have reported you in the hope that you get your long overdue ban.


Now get your mod shoes back on and start stomping these forums again.


Krypt has been banned. It's my day, my graduation, and I don't have the time to go into the depths of it all. If you want to contact me Krypt, e-mail me.


> The only group of people I dislike are bigots.

There still are people in the world who dont like their fellow human beings.. and I HATE people like that! ;)



Originally posted by calif
Reminds me of a joke i heard once ( remember its a joke so just laugh)

Three guys, an Englishman, a Frenchman and an American are out walking along the beach together one day. They come across a lantern and a genie pops out of it. "I will give you each one wish, " says the genie. The American says, "I am a farmer, my dad was a farmer, and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in America." With a blink of the genie's eye, 'FOOM' - the land in America was forever made fertile for farming. The Frenchman was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around France, so that no one can come into our precious country." Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye, 'POOF' - there was a huge wall around France. The Englishman asks, "I'm very curious. Please tell me more about this wall. The Genie explains, "Well, it's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick and nothing can get in or out." The Englishman says, "Fill it up with water."

hahaha. that was funny, or atleast was funny when im at work :p


only people i hate on default are those russian motherfuckers


We have a very low tolerance for racism in DAoC, so if you are thinking about something not-too-clever to answer to that guy who just insulted you or killed you (camlann), think again and as some guy in West Side Story said:

Please make trolls stop say d0rfs are too small, then i'll stop say trolls are too stupid :p

(edit: typo)


I didnt realise racism existed any more until i moved into a split asian area.

Then I experienced it first hand - the best example was during the petrol crisis and some garage would only sell his fuel to his fellow asians. Top drawer that one.

Its a 2 way thing this getting on lark...and theres bad apples in every orchard.

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