Quit smoking!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Repent Reloaded said:
bollox, the majority of ppl smoke because they want to "fit in" and "be cool"

You are in a different situation maybe, or you might want to start an argument whichever, fact is most ppl got into smoking because their friends did or they wanted to feel "more grown up" if u think thats wrong then u need to take that dirty dildo out of ur arse.

Dirty dildo? What the fuck.....?

It's perfectly clean but thanks for the mighty fine advice!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Big grattis fluffeh etc :O

(I learned that gratis means smt like free earlier so that sucks :<)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Repent Reloaded said:
I cant see the reason for smoking, it tastes horrid, it leaves yellow shit all over you and it gives you *cancer*

the only ppl who smoke are the people who have an image problem. Only two reasons:

1. I want to look cool.
2.All my friends do it so I will too, because im a sheep....and they'll think im cool too (see above)

so infact we find ourselfs that all smokers in the world are twats, gratz for quitting, ere' have a pale ale, its on me. :drink:

Well I smoke and seeing as you decided to call me a twat here goes:

I smoke for none of the reasons you have stated above. I dont smoke cos I think its cool and i never started because of peer pressure(friends) or because i thought it was cool. I suggest that next time you make a broad sweeping generalisation you actually get your facts right and not just be offensive to people.

I fully accept that people dont like it and I will accommadate that. I will go outside and have a smoke at my parents/when at a meal etc. I dont shove my smoking down other peoples throats and i expect the same respect from those that dont smoke.

So its a bit unfair to call us all twats.Smoking is one of the hardest habits to give up. You can do it in public and people dont generally complain. Its freely available for people to purchase. I fully understand the risks involved with smoking the same as I understand the health risks involved with drinking.

You are either a reformed smoker or someone who dosent understand the nature of addiction/smoking.

Chronick Wind

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
ok...here is the run down...

People smoke because they choose too at first. Nothing cool about looking like a fucking bonfire and smelling like stale ashtrays...but its a drug and its hard.

The nobs who say all that shit about being cool yet have never smoked etc etc....your opinions are all speculative and worth fuck all merit. You dont know, and you dont understand. So calling people twats is bullshit. There are many many reasons why people start smoking, and you people saying all this shit are just shallow minded spoon fed fucktards. I started when i was 21, already had my quota of mates, of which one smoked, and had long left school. Which once again makes these petty arguments invalid.

Over and out.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Tilda said:
Why do you smoke then?
i assume thats for me

My father was a heavy smoker (30-40 a day) I was generally in close confinement to him, car, the living room, He gave up, and he did very well all credit to him. He still dosent smoke now.
However he gave up, i used to wake up and reach for my cigs, i didint smoke!! i was a passive smoker and addicted.

How i started smoking: friend who smoked, had no cash so l gave them a little money to get cigs, they out of guilt offered me one. Ironic thing is thats exactly same way my father started smoking.

Why do i smoke? I suppose in a way i enjoy it. I hate it as well, i know its not good for me, makes my breath smell, clothes stink, causes cancer etc. Its a drug tho and is addictive. An addict is never going to give a reasoned response about thier addiction


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Repent Reloaded said:
I cant see the reason for smoking, it tastes horrid, it leaves yellow shit all over you and it gives you *cancer*

the only ppl who smoke are the people who have an image problem. Only two reasons:

1. I want to look cool.
2.All my friends do it so I will too, because im a sheep....and they'll think im cool too (see above)

so infact we find ourselfs that all smokers in the world are twats, gratz for quitting, ere' have a pale ale, its on me. :drink:

i would rather smoke and be stupid on purpose than to be the kind of half wit that says this kinda shit ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Tilda said:
Good job Ala :)
I nagged a DAoC'er (hug Beeks :D) into quitting :)
Tis a vile habit


Urm Andy smokes more than the amount that comes out of Ironfart's arse.

He tried to give up and failed.

Hi andy :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Now a proper post. I find the whole discussion about smoking very interesting. I believe that peer pressure and upbringing are the major factors influencing the choice of smoking/not smoking. I’ll take myself as an example.

Firstly, my parents don’t smoke, and never did while I was brought up. They’re well off, and I grew up in a large house in the middle of the Kent countryside. I consider myself an intelligent, independent person. We were taught the wrongs of smoking from an early age at Primary school. Most the kids came from stable families – I think about one of my classmates’ parents were divorced, most were fairly or very well off. We were taught about smoking at about age 9-10, through videos and PSHE (personal social health education) lessons. At the time, cigarettes were similar to girls for most – “yuk”. I’m almost certain that by the time we left the school at age 11, not one kid in my class had tried a cigarette.

I moved onto a boys’ grammar school (sigh), and stayed there for 5 years until my GCSEs were complete. Again it was a fairly decent school (on paper). High grades, decent attendance, not one single school shooting (joke). Smoking was never even an issue, or considered by anyone in my form. I never mixed with the “wrong” crowd – in fact that didn’t exist until year 11 to my knowledge. From that age, 15-16 or so, smoking was noticeable. From one or two kids, it spread, mainly due to peer-pressure, rebelling against the teachers/school I guess. People closer to me started smoking. I’ve never been one to follow suit or fashion of people around me. I like to lay my own style, and I’m proud of that. So I never even tried smoking at that age. By the end of GCSEs, I estimate about 10 people smoked out of 120 in the year. These 10 almost perfectly corresponded to those doing least-well in their exams. Still a very small amount based on today’s “standards”.

I moved to a mixed-sex private school for 6th form on a music scholarship. Obviously most of the kids here were from very well off families. In my year there were about 50 kids. We were given much more freedom in this environment, encouraged to speak our minds, act (within reason) on a social level with the teachers. From my experience here, there is a VERY distinct relationship between the kids that were smoking, and the kids that were towards the lower end of the class in terms of academic performance, and/or those who had troubles at home and/or came from a single-parent family.

As soon as we finished school, smoking became MUCH more prevalent amongst friends. People who had never smoked before instantly started taking up smoking, particularly while at university. Almost all of my friends now have at least tried weed, and I’d say about a third smoke regularly.

My girlfriend smokes, about 5-10 a day now. It does bother me, only from a cosmetic point of view (ie half the time her breath stinks of shit). However, I wouldn’t go as far as to call people “twats” for smoking. I respect anyone’s personal opinions, and it’s a choice they have to make. I would however call those forcing others into smoking by peer pressure “twats”.

I’m sure there are loads of studies out considering the relationships between upbringing/academia and smoking.

Personally, I’ve never smoked a whole cigarette in my life.

Repent Reloaded

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Buffer said:
Well I smoke and seeing as you decided to call me a twat here goes:

I smoke for none of the reasons you have stated above. I dont smoke cos I think its cool and i never started because of peer pressure(friends) or because i thought it was cool. I suggest that next time you make a broad sweeping generalisation you actually get your facts right and not just be offensive to people.

I fully accept that people dont like it and I will accommadate that. I will go outside and have a smoke at my parents/when at a meal etc. I dont shove my smoking down other peoples throats and i expect the same respect from those that dont smoke.

So its a bit unfair to call us all twats.Smoking is one of the hardest habits to give up. You can do it in public and people dont generally complain. Its freely available for people to purchase. I fully understand the risks involved with smoking the same as I understand the health risks involved with drinking.

You are either a reformed smoker or someone who dosent understand the nature of addiction/smoking.

If you learnt how to read you'd see where it says "The Majority".
That means that the larger amount of people smoke for that/those reason(s), I dont care what reason you smoke for, I dont care about you smoking and I dont care about you in general.
I dont know what gave you the idea that I'd like to hear your "I smoke because" story.
And dont even get me started on the "twat" thing, I've been sayin that since u was suckin on ur mum's nipples... "what, you still do that ? oh"
and you dont see anybody else moanin about it, you little wuss.
So in future, dont bother even talking to me unless you are Barry's world old skool.
Fucking Freddy's finger noob!

........nice weather today isnt it?

Repent Reloaded

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bloodaxe_Springskalle said:
i would rather smoke and be stupid on purpose than to be the kind of half wit that says this kinda shit ^^

You saying you're stupid and would rather smoke then being a half wit ?
Being stupid and being a half wit are the same thing you twat.

Suck a dick and think about what ur sayin, hippy.

Chronick Wind

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 2, 2004
actually, if i may, i'd just like to butt in here...

There is actually a scale of stupidity, measured on the base IQ one has. For example Idiot is the lowest form of stupidity that you can be. Amongst others, before this comes other tags of stupidness such as imbecile, cretin , fool, dense, dopey and moron. Half witted is also among these, so saying Supid and Half witted are the same thing, is correct in a very broad sense of the meaning. However, on a scale of things, Stupid is far higher on the stupid meter than a half wit.

So in conclusion, being half witted and stupis are not REALLY the same thing.

Mange Tout.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Chronick Wind said:
actually, if i may, i'd just like to butt in here...

There is actually a scale of stupidity, measured on the base IQ one has. For example Idiot is the lowest form of stupidity that you can be. Amongst others, before this comes other tags of stupidness such as imbecile, cretin , fool, dense, dopey and moron. Half witted is also among these, so saying Supid and Half witted are the same thing, is correct in a very broad sense of the meaning. However, on a scale of things, Stupid is far higher on the stupid meter than a half wit.

So in conclusion, being half witted and stupis are not REALLY the same thing.

Mange Tout.
What an interesting piece of information.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Fools actually taking what Repent says seriously. Just tell him to fuck off and be done with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Repent Reloaded said:
I cant see the reason for smoking, it tastes horrid, it leaves yellow shit all over you and it gives you *cancer*

the only ppl who smoke are the people who have an image problem. Only two reasons:

1. I want to look cool.
2.All my friends do it so I will too, because im a sheep....and they'll think im cool too (see above)

so infact we find ourselfs that all smokers in the world are twats, gratz for quitting, ere' have a pale ale, its on me. :drink:

I dont see the word MAJORITY anywhere in the above text.
You can make sweeping comments about people and decide that they smoke for whatever reason and post about it, but clearly you havent a clue what you are talking about.
I made a comment and contributed my view/experience to an online community. A positive one which was open to discussion. Good for the initial poster they have given up.
You may not like smoking, i can live with that but dont shove your hatred down other peoples throat.
whats this thing about twats/nipples how bloody old are you? 13? 14?
grow up son
I was posting on barrysworld probably before you started playing daoc so dont get all superior/arrogant with me

Repent Reloaded

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Buffer said:
I dont see the word MAJORITY anywhere in the above text.
You can make sweeping comments about people and decide that they smoke for whatever reason and post about it, but clearly you havent a clue what you are talking about.
I made a comment and contributed my view/experience to an online community. A positive one which was open to discussion. Good for the initial poster they have given up.
You may not like smoking, i can live with that but dont shove your hatred down other peoples throat.
whats this thing about twats/nipples how bloody old are you? 13? 14?
grow up son
I was posting on barrysworld probably before you started playing daoc so dont get all superior/arrogant with me

Dont go tellin me what I can and cant do mate and if u read my "2nd" post you will see I say majority so shut it.

Like I said be4 dont talk to me unless you are old skool, Im not going thru the "i dont act like this irl" stage again.
I'm actually a nice person who has asked to be situated in Sudan to stop the genocide going on there within the national Muslim community. (when the Uk chooses to take action)

"so dont get all superior/arrogant with me" "i can live with that but dont shove your hatred down other peoples throat."

Mate, get some fucking balls. Jesus christ.

This is a forum, take what I say with a pinch of Sault or tongue in cheek ... or just stop moaning like a little school girl, which ever.

Repent Reloaded

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dillinja said:
Fools actually taking what Repent says seriously. Just tell him to fuck off and be done with it.

.....Yeah, Dill knows what Im on about is utter bull shit most of the time, "Fuck Off" is an ok reply, instead of ur BITCH ass complaints and pathetic efforts to defend yourselfs.

Cheers Dill, all these new freddy members are crying little whores, why cant we have BW back like it was in the old days ? :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Dont go tellin me what I can and cant do mate and if u read my "2nd" post you will see I say majority so shut it.

Like I said be4 dont talk to me unless you are old skool, Im not going thru the "i dont act like this irl" stage again.
I'm actually a nice person who has asked to be situated in Sudan to stop the genocide going on there within the national Muslim community. (when the Uk chooses to take action)

"so dont get all superior/arrogant with me" "i can live with that but dont shove your hatred down other peoples throat."

Mate, get some fucking balls. Jesus christ.

This is a forum, take what I say with a pinch of Sault or tongue in cheek ... or just stop moaning like a little school girl, which ever.
You are are a troll or a forum warrior. I have met your sort before, you will freely insult people on the internet. Then its omg is x coming to the guild/club meeting ?
and you piss your pants, because u hide behind the internet and think you are safe. disgusts me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Buffer said:
You are are a troll or a forum warrior. I have met your sort before, you will freely insult people on the internet. Then its omg is x coming to the guild/club meeting ?
and you piss your pants, because u hide behind the internet and think you are safe. disgusts me.
What the fuck?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Buffer said:
You are are a troll or a forum warrior. I have met your sort before, you will freely insult people on the internet. Then its omg is x coming to the guild/club meeting ?
and you piss your pants, because u hide behind the internet and think you are safe. disgusts me.

Watch out! He is a scally and, apparently, in the army!! Oooo...be afraid! Be very afraid!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Repent Reloaded said:
You saying you're stupid and would rather smoke then being a half wit ?
Being stupid and being a half wit are the same thing you twat.

Suck a dick and think about what ur sayin, hippy.

I (as in me) would rather smoke and be stupid on purpose than to be the kind of half wit (YOU!) that says this kinda shit ^^

- cos you obviously cant help your low intelligence while I on the other hand act stupid on purpose ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Repent Reloaded said:
.....Yeah, Dill knows what Im on about is utter bull shit most of the time, "Fuck Off" is an ok reply, instead of ur BITCH ass complaints and pathetic efforts to defend yourselfs.

Cheers Dill, all these new freddy members are crying little whores, why cant we have BW back like it was in the old days ? :(

well, FUCK YOU then :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Repent Reloaded said:
I'm actually a nice person who has asked to be situated in Sudan to stop the genocide going on there within the national Muslim community. (when the Uk chooses to take action)
You should be in the US army, they beleived they were helping by being in Vietnam too...and Iraq....and Afganastan... notice how the ppl dont want them or the British there? (reading that you are a squaddy)

BTW, dont come back on that, yes Im ex forces too, but I could see who we were really helping (cough oil cough).

Oh, and Im with the fuck off lot too. Smoking is an addiction, you benefit from it because we pay shit loads into the tax system, so without us your taxes go up. Then qq more!

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