Qatar Wins!!


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
It sounded like a rant at capitalism to me Toht.

As someone said before and rightly so: it's supply and demand subject to constraints.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
And i'm saying it's not, end of story.(rant on cap that is)

It just shows that no one here(especially Thorwyn and Raven) shouldn't complain on anything being overpriced, reality TVs, justin bieper etc etc.

But will they? Ofcourse they will if they find something is unacceptable to them.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It just shows that no one here(especially Thorwyn and Raven) shouldn't complain on anything being overpriced, reality TVs, justin bieper etc etc.

But will they? Ofcourse they will if they find something is unacceptable to them.

No, I won´t. Because I don´t give a shit about what other people are spending their money on, unlike you.

I think it´s hipociritcal to post here and complain about people´s hipocrisy while YOU claim the right to do what you want with YOUR money and YOUR time. So unless you decide to spend just the minimum money you need to survive and give away the leftover money for charity or social projects.. or whatever you consider "important", you´re in absolutely no position to hand out advices.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No, I won´t. Because I don´t give a shit about what other people are spending their money on, unlike you.

I think it´s hipociritcal to post here and complain about people´s hipocrisy while YOU claim the right to do what you want with YOUR money and YOUR time. So unless you decide to spend just the minimum money you need to survive and give away the leftover money for charity or social projects.. or whatever you consider "important", you´re in absolutely no position to hand out advices.

I don't give a crap about what people spend their money on, never claimed it either. Never claimed i have a right to do what i want with my money either, it's ofcourse true, but that's true of every individual.

I did claim that i find it silly how much xyz makes and it was a commentary on humanity, importance etc.

You can't seriously claim that footballers are more important then nurses for example. Or that politicians are more important then firemen?

But i'll try to remember that you don't complain about anything money related.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You can't seriously claim that footballers are more important then nurses for example. Or that politicians are more important then firemen?

I'd rather put out fires with politicians instead of firemen :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Politicians are more important than firemen. If we didn't have the politicians, we wouldn't have the firemen.

Also politicians aren't overpaid.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'd rather put out fires with politicians instead of firemen :)

Touché :D

The funny thing here is though, if i had made a thread saying "I find it stupid how much reality tv makes money and the saddest part is that people fall for the sh*t", how do you think it would've went down? Quite nicely i believe, with people going on rants about how relity tv is the bane of tv etc.

Politicians are more important than firemen. If we didn't have the politicians, we wouldn't have the firemen.

Rather speculative i think.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
I'd like to see a politician put out a fire.
"Yes, it was strange that the fire started in my expenses file"


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
And i'm saying it's not, end of story.(rant on cap that is)

It just shows that no one here(especially Thorwyn and Raven) shouldn't complain on anything being overpriced, reality TVs, justin bieper etc etc.

But will they? Ofcourse they will if they find something is unacceptable to them.

Erm...Here is that reading problem of yours again.

I didn't complain they were overpaid, you did. If there is a demand then there will be a supply to meet that demand at whatever is an acceptable price, be it an actor, sportsman, musician or whatever.

If anything musicians are underpaid with too much money going to managers and record labels.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Stupid because?

A country that has fuck all population, with a searing heat and is known for being ridiculously expensive. At least Brazil and Russia will be of some use for the country, Qatar is just oil money lining Fifa's pockets tbfh.

Place like Saudi Arabia or such would have made much more sense.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It just goes to show that football these days has fuck all to do with football, its just about money and advertising.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
To be honest, Russia one I can see being hugely positive for the country, and it makes sense to me for it to over there. A country of huge divides there, but Qatar just annoys me, should have gone to Australia, a nation which is beginning to embrace Football, not some two-bit arab nation that won't give a shit.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
I blame James Blunt.

If that cnut had followed orders attacking the Russians at Pristina airport during the Kosovo conflict this shit would never have happened! We would have been at war with Russia, nuked the snot out of them and hosted the World Cup bt default!

Fucking Blunt! /shakes fist


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
A country that has fuck all population, with a searing heat and is known for being ridiculously expensive. At least Brazil and Russia will be of some use for the country, Qatar is just oil money lining Fifa's pockets tbfh.

Place like Saudi Arabia or such would have made much more sense.

LOL what does having a big population have to do with hosting a World Cup? I didnt realise that it was a pre-requiste for hosting one.

As for the searing heat, the entire bid was /has been designed with this issue in mind. If you actually know anything about the bid you would know this. They bid to host the Summer Olympics for 2016 and failed due to the fact that they didnt not provide workable solutions for this.

The 2022 WC bid on the other hand has covered this issue extensively and the solutions provided are workable and realistic. I am sure that nobody had any issues with the temperature when the Olympics went to Greece, which experiences very hot summers with temperatures hitting highs that are not far off what is experienced here in Qatar.

As for expensive, sorry but Qatar is not as expensive as England or most other countries in Europe to live /work in.

What did people expect when 3 days before the decision is made you get a programme on television and stories in the newspapers basically calling all the decision makers in FIFA a bunch of corrupt crooks? Thats a real winning move, real smart.

Idiotic if you ask me and all the shit talking since is just absurd and as i said sounds like a severe case of sour grapes. We bid, we lost, game over and move on. Just because you bid doesnt mean you have some sort of right to host it and as in life its not always the best that wins.

I have to say that i never thought that we had the best bid in the first place. The only people saying that are the people that prepared our bid and clearly nobody else thought so either.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
In all honesty I have no issue with Qatar, I think at some point it needed to be held in a muslim country and they had by far the most credible chance of any country in that region. There are technical issues to overcome but it could be a good choice if they plan it properly.

Russia is good for the growth of the game but the racial, security and travel issues are a bit of a concern. Also organised crime in Russia is dominant so there is bound to be a really unsavoury element to that tournament.

Still, good luck to them both, wish we could have won but our media knew what they were doing and I can't really blame them for exposing corruption even if the timing was rotten.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
LOL what does having a big population have to do with hosting a World Cup? I didnt realise that it was a pre-requiste for hosting one.

As for the searing heat, the entire bid was /has been designed with this issue in mind. If you actually know anything about the bid you would know this. They bid to host the Summer Olympics for 2016 and failed due to the fact that they didnt not provide workable solutions for this.

The 2022 WC bid on the other hand has covered this issue extensively and the solutions provided are workable and realistic. I am sure that nobody had any issues with the temperature when the Olympics went to Greece, which experiences very hot summers with temperatures hitting highs that are not far off what is experienced here in Qatar.

As for expensive, sorry but Qatar is not as expensive as England or most other countries in Europe to live /work in.

What did people expect when 3 days before the decision is made you get a programme on television and stories in the newspapers basically calling all the decision makers in FIFA a bunch of corrupt crooks? Thats a real winning move, real smart.

Idiotic if you ask me and all the shit talking since is just absurd and as i said sounds like a severe case of sour grapes. We bid, we lost, game over and move on. Just because you bid doesnt mean you have some sort of right to host it and as in life its not always the best that wins.

I have to say that i never thought that we had the best bid in the first place. The only people saying that are the people that prepared our bid and clearly nobody else thought so either.

Who cares about the England bid? We lost to Russia, I would have 'sour grapes' with them if anything else. I just find it pointless going to a country that has never made a world cup, where the national team is made up on Brazilians/Nigerians and Argentinians who've been given passports.

What will bringing a World Cup to Qatar do for the country? Everyone there is already filthy stinking rich, it'll be a hype for a couple weeks before then they'll move on to building there rocket ships or whatever again. A country like Australia would be hugely beneficial for them, there league is of a good standard, pretty solid stadia, and a hugely successful track record of hosting some of the best tournaments in recent history (Olympics 2000, Rugby WC 2003), where football is growing.

If they wanted something in the middle-east surely they could have gone elsewhere.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Forget Qatar, think of what it does for football in the middle east. 100's of millions of people who will be more interested in a World Cup that is being held in thier own backyard.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Agreeable on that, brilliant move for the Middle East, but surely a more-less privlegded country would have been beneficial for this 'lasting' effect that FIFA wanted?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Saudi-Arabia, the Emirates, fuck me even Iran could be a shout hah.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Agreeable on that, brilliant move for the Middle East, but surely a more-less privlegded country would have been beneficial for this 'lasting' effect that FIFA wanted?

That was the tradeoff, the other options either couldn't afford the bid, didn't have the stadia/infrastructure/security to deal with 1 million foreign visitors. People have said Saudi Arabia but that will never happen, it is much less foreigner friendly than Qatar.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
The good thing about Qatar is you know they'll spend the money to make it good at the very least.

I will say though there's 2 sides to a World Cup - economic boost economy wise and some cultural zeitgeist as it were. People coming to gether loving football. On both of these Qatar seems a nonsense choice; the money isn't needed and they don't seem the most passionate football fans.

That said, fair play to them for getting the bid won. Can I crash over at yours tierk for the games?? :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
That said, fair play to them for getting the bid won. Can I crash over at yours tierk for the games?? :D

Fk that! He has already allocated me 4 sq feet in the corner of the garage! Get your own!


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Maybe we do an FH WC meetup and hopefully by then i will be living in a Palace and can host you all :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Maybe we do an FH WC meetup and hopefully by then i will be living in a Palace and can host you all :)

Yep but if you are still in the same place then it is just you and me, old buddy, old chum! :D ;) :p


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Everz the lasting effect is known as Legacy and that is also covered in the Qatar bid, which i am assuming you know nothing about because they dont print it in the gutter press in England.

As for Saudi :lol: Yea that will work real well. The country that gave us :Al Qaida, 17 out of 19 hijackers (911), doesnt allow drinking at all, no Jews allowed period and Non Muslims not allowed in certain places either. Yea that will work a treat.

If you knew anything about Qatar and its recent history regarding sporting events maybe you wouldnt sound so daft.

As for Iran, i think we all know that will never happen for political reasons as well as Iran probably never wanting to host it anyway. (Iran had been awarded the 1984 Olympics btw but due to the Islamic Revolution it was moved to LA).

The USA had no league you could speak of prior to being awarded the 1994 WC yet still managed to get it. The people in Qatar and the region are fanatical about football, though this doesnt have any bearing for me either.

Anyway all i can say is Cry More Noob!! :p


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Yep but if you are still in the same place then it is just you and me, old buddy, old chum! :D ;) :p

If i am in the same place even for another 2 years i think i will suicide!! ;)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
If i am in the same place even for another 2 years i think i will suicide!! ;)

Awesome, just make sure you have enough money in the bank to pay the rent until 2023 please bud! With you out of the way I can bring all my friends and family, we will live like gypsies in your home! :D

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