Qatar Wins!!


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Most of the players who will grace the tournament are probably still in junior school. Good motivation for them to get their atlases out in geography.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hell, football moneys in itself is ridiciloius in a world where nurses get minimum oay, firemen risk their lives for pennies and cops get paid jacksh*t.

Pay the players a nifty 100k/year and use the rest of the money on something important.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Hell, football moneys in itself is ridiciloius in a world where nurses get minimum oay,


My Girlfriend, in her very first job in her very first year out of nursing school is getting about 55 thousand not all nurses :p


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Yeah I do think she is ridiculously overpaid for working 3 days a week


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Hell, football moneys in itself is ridiciloius in a world where nurses get minimum oay, firemen risk their lives for pennies and cops get paid jacksh*t.

Pay the players a nifty 100k/year and use the rest of the money on something important.
As long as people are paying thousands of $$$ for a bottle of champagne, or a pair of shoes, or millions of $$$ for a painting, I don´t see anything wrong with money in sports. At the end of the day, people can do whatever they want with their money. And as soon as you come up with moral perspectives (as in "something important"), you need to look at yourself first and find out wheterh or not you are acting accordingly.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
As long as people are paying thousands of $$$ for a bottle of champagne, or a pair of shoes, or millions of $$$ for a painting, I don´t see anything wrong with money in sports. At the end of the day, people can do whatever they want with their money. And as soon as you come up with moral perspectives (as in "something important"), you need to look at yourself first and find out wheterh or not you are acting accordingly.

Has nothing to do with what i said. It's silly how much people get paid for hobbies. That is all. Can keep the moral mumbo out of it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Has nothing to do with what i said. It's silly how much people get paid for hobbies. That is all. Can keep the moral mumbo out of it.

Has a lot to do with what you said, because you said "...for something important", which implies, that sport isn´t important, despite the fact that, for example, there is an entire industry behind it, with millions of jobs that would probably be gone when they would cut the top of the sport people. The importance of things is relative, just like the importance of money to some people. You might as well say, that musicians are overpayed. Or politicians. Or bankers. It´s all a matter of perspective and what people are willing to pay.
And as long as they do pay, there´s nothing to complain about.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Supply and demand tbh. If hundreds of millions of people didn't consume football then the players wouldn't get paid as much.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
They look pretty there, as you would expect. But what is the rather small population going to do with such big stadiums once the world cup is over?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
They look pretty there, as you would expect. But what is the rather small population going to do with such big stadiums once the world cup is over?

Apparently they're gonna cut them into little pieces, ship them to third world countries and reassemble them.

No. I'm serious. Really.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Apparently they're gonna cut them into little pieces, ship them to third world countries and reassemble them.

No. I'm serious. Really.

These guys are the masters at pissing money up the wall :worthy:


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
They look pretty there, as you would expect. But what is the rather small population going to do with such big stadiums once the world cup is over?

Mosques, Can never have too many Mosques.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Has a lot to do with what you said, because you said "...for something important", which implies, that sport isn´t important, despite the fact that, for example, there is an entire industry behind it, with millions of jobs that would probably be gone when they would cut the top of the sport people. The importance of things is relative, just like the importance of money to some people. You might as well say, that musicians are overpayed. Or politicians. Or bankers. It´s all a matter of perspective and what people are willing to pay.
And as long as they do pay, there´s nothing to complain about.

Since you insist on this rambling, irrelevant as is, fine;

Ofcourse there is, if a world is willing to accept that kids kicking a leather ball aroiund is worth paying them millions, and don't think people saving lives should.

Politicians especially are overpayed(especially as their pay comes from the same pot as the medical staff). Show me a politician or a sports person, who would do the job witht he same pay as a nurse, and i'll show you someone who should be doing it.

And no, sport isn't important, if any form of species interest is at hand.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The same could be said for musicians and actors.

Welcome to the world of capitalism, get used to it.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The same could be said for musicians and actors.


It IS silly how much actors and musicians are paid, exception with musicians ofcourse getting the cash for actually creating something that is bought. But actors? Overpaid for certain. That cash should, if anything, go for the creator/writer(no idea of the dividence there).

It's a whole different ballpark with politicians since it's the same pot.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
All new stadiums will be air conditioned, as will the training facilities and the fan areas. The games will be the first that are going to be carbon neutral as the plan is to have all the stadiums powered by solar energy.

The stadiums will be built using a modular design and as such can then be taken apart and sent to countries that ahve poor football infrastructure.

The size of the country will also mean that all the games will be held within a 50 km radius and as such you will be able to watch two games a day if you want.

The spending plans that are being bandied about are nothing new in Qatar and have been in the pipeline for a number of years, the only major difference now is that there is a fixed date that ALL of it needs to be ready by.

They ahve already started talking about having alchol completely open for the period of the WC and special areas designated for it to be consumed openly nd in public.

Clearly money is not an object and i do not understand what all the fuss is about and quite frankly all the crap i have been reading from certain segments of the press just sounds like really sour grapes.

Countries like China have raised the bar in terms of providing events of a global nature and i honestly do not think that England will be able to host a WC in 2018 which would be worth talking about and i dread to think what kind of Olympics we are going to get come 2012.


As for the people going on about 4 shit WC's in a row, what a load of bollocks. I ahve enjoyed every world cup since i started watching them way back in 1982, including the last one and i am 100% sure that subsquent ones will be just as good if not better.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Toht, go live in a communist country, come back and tell us how much better things are in a fair system.

Tierk - it's a stupid place to host the world cup, whatever you say. That feeling is not going to go away because you point out how much money they have to waste.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Toht, go live in a communist country, come back and tell us how much better things are in a fair system.

Tierk - it's a stupid place to host the world cup, whatever you say. That feeling is not going to go away because you point out how much money they have to waste.

Stupid because?


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Since you insist on this rambling, irrelevant as is, fine;

Ofcourse there is, if a world is willing to accept that kids kicking a leather ball aroiund is worth paying them millions, and don't think people saving lives should.

Politicians especially are overpayed(especially as their pay comes from the same pot as the medical staff). Show me a politician or a sports person, who would do the job witht he same pay as a nurse, and i'll show you someone who should be doing it.

And no, sport isn't important, if any form of species interest is at hand.

Politians actually get paid very little. The Prime Minister is only on something like £65k or something small like that


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Politians actually get paid very little. The Prime Minister is only on something like £65k or something small like that

Not around here, could be better in your parts then ;)

Ch3t, that makes no sense at all. Not that you're a fan of sense :p


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
You are ripping into capitalism, the fact you can't see that is remarkable. Go live in a communist country if you want things different.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Nah, not really. Just because you think i'm doing something, doesn't make it so.

You'd make a great religious bullsh*tter :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yes, well done. You're missing a couple of go-to replies, but otherwise you're acting as per usual.

You see, i don't care much discussing things with you since you're posting with a preposition that's so deeply imued into your mind that it'd take a couple of chaps from chile to get it out.

FYI; i wasn't ripping into capitalism, i actually think it's very nice, i was ripping into the very hypocricy of humanity when they try to "save the world" and "act shcoked" when there's people in need, but find millions and millions, even billiosn, of expenditure on something like sports ok.

But hey, don't let things like people knowing better what they are saying stop you from making silly comments like that :fluffle:

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