It just shows that no one here(especially Thorwyn and Raven) shouldn't complain on anything being overpriced, reality TVs, justin bieper etc etc.
But will they? Ofcourse they will if they find something is unacceptable to them.
No, I won´t. Because I don´t give a shit about what other people are spending their money on, unlike you.
I think it´s hipociritcal to post here and complain about people´s hipocrisy while YOU claim the right to do what you want with YOUR money and YOUR time. So unless you decide to spend just the minimum money you need to survive and give away the leftover money for charity or social projects.. or whatever you consider "important", you´re in absolutely no position to hand out advices.
You can't seriously claim that footballers are more important then nurses for example. Or that politicians are more important then firemen?
I'd rather put out fires with politicians instead of firemen![]()
Politicians are more important than firemen. If we didn't have the politicians, we wouldn't have the firemen.
And i'm saying it's not, end of story.(rant on cap that is)
It just shows that no one here(especially Thorwyn and Raven) shouldn't complain on anything being overpriced, reality TVs, justin bieper etc etc.
But will they? Ofcourse they will if they find something is unacceptable to them.
Stupid because?
A country that has fuck all population, with a searing heat and is known for being ridiculously expensive. At least Brazil and Russia will be of some use for the country, Qatar is just oil money lining Fifa's pockets tbfh.
Place like Saudi Arabia or such would have made much more sense.
LOL what does having a big population have to do with hosting a World Cup? I didnt realise that it was a pre-requiste for hosting one.
As for the searing heat, the entire bid was /has been designed with this issue in mind. If you actually know anything about the bid you would know this. They bid to host the Summer Olympics for 2016 and failed due to the fact that they didnt not provide workable solutions for this.
The 2022 WC bid on the other hand has covered this issue extensively and the solutions provided are workable and realistic. I am sure that nobody had any issues with the temperature when the Olympics went to Greece, which experiences very hot summers with temperatures hitting highs that are not far off what is experienced here in Qatar.
As for expensive, sorry but Qatar is not as expensive as England or most other countries in Europe to live /work in.
What did people expect when 3 days before the decision is made you get a programme on television and stories in the newspapers basically calling all the decision makers in FIFA a bunch of corrupt crooks? Thats a real winning move, real smart.
Idiotic if you ask me and all the shit talking since is just absurd and as i said sounds like a severe case of sour grapes. We bid, we lost, game over and move on. Just because you bid doesnt mean you have some sort of right to host it and as in life its not always the best that wins.
I have to say that i never thought that we had the best bid in the first place. The only people saying that are the people that prepared our bid and clearly nobody else thought so either.
Agreeable on that, brilliant move for the Middle East, but surely a more-less privlegded country would have been beneficial for this 'lasting' effect that FIFA wanted?
That said, fair play to them for getting the bid won. Can I crash over at yours tierk for the games??![]()
Fk that! He has already allocated me 4 sq feet in the corner of the garage! Get your own!
Oh come on we could make it high rise - I'll take the top bunk![]()
Maybe we do an FH WC meetup and hopefully by then i will be living in a Palace and can host you all![]()
If i am in the same place even for another 2 years i think i will suicide!!![]()