PvE > RvR



1)adding during fight spoils the fun for those running single FGs and having most fun from FGvs.FG fights, the reason for adding doesnt matter.
2)lvl a healer urself or ask a friend to lvl one and provide CC for ur groups.


maybe people just want to run with the guys they know and are guilded with - i rarely ever go into random groups (havent done it since i came back). Mainly because i want to be able to kill stuff, not just zerg it and get 1 rps each kill....

Face it, theres no other endgame than rvr in daoc. And im not satisfied getting 200 rps from a 5fg vs 5fg fight...

STILL - I want to group and hang out with my friends, and they arent playing in random groups. Mainly because all the "old" ppl on the server is sticking together and arent doing those groups.


Originally posted by zapzap

Think u lost it.

Well explain why you think i lost it instead of some inane post without a point.

Its a discussion forum isn't it ... your post doesn't discuss anything


Originally posted by old.moriath
but ofc ppl can group how they want .. im not saying they cant but if a group has 3 healers in it why cant other groups 'add' as you put it and take advantage of your cc ?

You mean add and break our CC? nothing more lovley then a solo rm running in and doing teh spears on a nicly mezzed group. And

You said aswell
"You get a 'uber balanced' group running around with a skald minstrel"

In a opted mid group there aint no skald. Its healer+sprint that is used


Originally posted by Cush
In a opted mid group there aint no skald. Its healer+sprint that is used
I disagree, opted mid melee=3healers, sham, skald, 3savages/2savages, 1warrOo


Theres good people in other guilds as well you know


2 points i guess

my rm is dark spec'd and aint got no spears.

And im talking generally about RvR no specific cases.

But if you are in RvR as Realm vs Realm it could happen.

But imo that would lead to more tension / less controlled fights which would be more enjoyable to everyone ( opposition as well as your realm) as one group wont stand there like statues not able to do anything for 90% of the encounter.

ATM its not skill its who gets the element of suprise on the others and gets mezz/stun/root off first.

Running round 'owning' groups / solo's time after time is no fun imo just the same thing over and over


Originally posted by old.moriath
Running round 'owning' groups / solo's time after time is no fun imo just the same thing over and over
A fight is never the same, doesnt matter of what scale, the smaller the scale, the more detailed it is.


healer insta mezz

group attack a target thats mezzed

healer stuns

target dies

rinse and repeat till all mezzed are dead


run a bit find another group

goto 10


Originally posted by old.moriath
healer insta mezz

group attack a target thats mezzed

healer stuns

target dies

rinse and repeat till all mezzed are dead


run a bit find another group

goto 10
Easy to see that u dont have much FGvs.FG experience:)


Ofc cause you try getting into a group with a Hunter or a RM

Hunters easier with stealth and you join the stealth sub game .. which is much more fun imo

But with RM its different it used to be every one wanted an rm with bt in group now we just stack the group with seers and hope that we can cc / spread heal 4tehwin instead of preventing damage

So it kinda excludes those people who dont just lvl fotm classes dont you think which leads to a split in the community and therefore a less nice place to play .. more people leave and the game dies


just end up with mid full of bd's savages healers and shammy bots

viva le differance


Originally posted by old.moriath
All this fg vs fg elitism is alienating 3/4 of the server population who like to RvR on a infrequent basis or as the poster about says if you only have a few hours in the evening or something.

When did this term 'adds' come in.

This is after all a Realm Vs Realm game not 8 vs 8 like SoF or CS or something.

All these 1337 guilds seeking to make the optimum group. Which tbh is not possible as the optimum group will change from situation to situation.

And getting groups running around with 3 healers is just denying another group or maybe 2 to have any form of decent CC.

Of course where ever you go in Emain, Odins, HW there are going to be these so called adds .. even in sauvage and to a lesser extent gorge. People will be playing their game and if they see invaders try to kill them quick smart. What other reason is there for being in the frontier.

You get a 'uber balanced' group running around with a skald minstrel etc ofc they are gonna get to the fight quicker, you can't expect the group that is only running RM speed to not wade in when it comes up 2 mins after u encounter. If they didn't 'help' (because help is what it is as said before its RvR) they would never get realm points as everyone would be engaged before they got there.

If you want to run round in a group and cant put up with adds go play camlann its got a low enough population for adds not to matter.

As for mg camping well afaik thats why mythic put them in the game. Its not supposed to be easy to get into an opposing realm. You should have to fight yr way thro a mg. Its called defending your realm.

Try to remember this is a RvR based game not PvP or FG vs FG and your enemy should do all he can to beat you and you do all u can to beat your enemy.

Basically all you are doing by saying you should only bring 1fg and not get more if you get beaten just come back try again is a glorified version of rp farming and not in the spirit of the game which is we are at war and should 'win at all costs' and do what ever it take to beat the opposition.

Im sure in WW2 or something if a unit was in a fight and friendlies came over the hill they didn't yell at them for wading in to finish the enemy off.

Same should apply here.

teh overlord has spoken!
But what do you mean with 'And getting groups running around with 3 healers is just denying another group or maybe 2 to have any form of decent CC.'?


bah already covered that earlier ... am not an overlord pffft

just saying that RvR is becoming more and more inaccessible for people that arn't in these 'uber' guilds or don't have a fotm char to run with

and what do i mean by the healer thing well if every group took 3 healers we sure would run out of healers for RvR groups fast.

But you can group how you want, but i don't see why you complain about adds when adds (as they seems to be refered to) are a part of the game and how it has been designed to play.


Originally posted by old.moriath
i know shammies arnt all bots but a lot are

Well thanks to mythic there is 2 shamans needed for a group atleast. 1 in the group and 1 outside providing buffs since the one in the group aint able to buff a group.


Originally posted by old.moriath
just saying that RvR is becoming more and more inaccessible for people that arn't in these 'uber' guilds or don't have a fotm char to run with

and what do i mean by the healer thing well if every group took 3 healers we sure would run out of healers for RvR groups fast.

You are speaking as if healer are some kind of item. When we group we have most of the time healers only from inside the guild, people that has leveled them so we can run with 3 healers. If other people wish to do that aswell its free to do so.


bah quote me out of context and leave the bit out i said that people are free to group how they like just to fit you


Originally posted by old.moriath
bah quote me out of context and leave the bit out i said that people are free to group how they like just to fit you

You are still whining about the fact that we run with 3 healers. I find i have the right to defend it ;)

If you dont like it do something about it insted of whine ?


Originally posted by Cush
Well thanks to mythic there is 2 shamans needed for a group atleast. 1 in the group and 1 outside providing buffs since the one in the group aint able to buff a group.

Jezz you can't even make a true statement without causing someone to whine..

Yes its true you have less buffs with a shammy now if you end buff everyone.

Shammy cant end buff and spec buff str/con dex/qui a whole group

did it take you an hour and a calculator to work out that fact ?

Or did you run out of fingers ..

I mean its obvious and completely irrelavent to what we are talking about


Originally posted by Cush
You are still whining about the fact that we run with 3 healers. I find i have the right to defend it ;)

If you dont like it do something about it insted of whine ?

roflmao you used to be soo nice when you started playing eroa what changed ?

I said that we would run out of healers fast if everyone ran 3 in a group but people can group how they like.

It was a statement of fact

fact one

Limited supply of healers

fact 2

If there are 3 to a group we run out fast

Fact 3

People can group how they want

No whine there .... mmmkay ?

perhaps next time i should try words of one syllable

The point i'm trying to make and what you 'uber leet' people seem not to be able to grasp is that what you are trying to do by trying to shame 'adds' is restricting RvR to the few. This is both unreasonable and unacceptable. As i said before if you want to play 8 vs 8 go play a game that caters for it or don't moan when people try to help out in the frontiers.


Not our fault random ppl rather play a wtfpwn nuker/assasin/tank then a support char


They pay their money they play what they want.

You lvl'd Eroa when hunters were kings and queens of the frontier then they got nerf'd and ooops she dissapeared.

Wouldn't DAOC be boring if everyone played healers and savages and BD

If you want to be uber and leet go ahead i can't stop you but don't try to add rules like:

Don't add when we are having a fg vs fg fight

Into it when its obviously uninforcable and just makes people that do it look stupid and inconsiderate as they are trying to make the game 'rules' up for them selves and not what everyone else is playing with


Never said they cant play what they want. Just not to whine becourse we run with 3 healers.

Stoped playing Eroa when i got a PA in the face when i took 2 steps down from mpk. Kinda stoped beeing fun then for me

Cant care less what other people play tbh.

Im not trying to be leet or something all i want is to be able to play the game as i want (as you prolly do aswell)

And please find a post where i have whined about people adding


'Adds' are part of the game design.

This isn't a Guild vs Guild game. That is called Shadowbane, and it is crap.

This game is rvr and you can't criticize players for rvr'ing.

I really think some people bought the game in error, and make the same mistake every time subs are due.


Originally posted by Cush
Never said they cant play what they want. Just not to whine becourse we run with 3 healers.

Stoped playing Eroa when i got a PA in the face when i took 2 steps down from mpk. Kinda stoped beeing fun then for me

Cant care less what other people play tbh.

Im not trying to be leet or something all i want is to be able to play the game as i want (as you prolly do aswell)

And please find a post where i have whined about people adding

Buts thats what my post was about and what this whole thread is about 'adds' in RvR


Originally posted by old.moriath
Buts thats what my post was about and what this whole thread is about 'adds' in RvR

And? You said things in your posts that i didnt agree with so i said what i tought about them. Not like first time a thread has gone off subject on BW?


And i disagreed with your disagreement and so the circle continues

ad infinitum

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