PvE > RvR



Originally posted by zapzap
What i said never had 3 savages + skald :p

What i said, skalds are useless if you have an aughealer + permasprint, i am not sure why i quoted you tho :p


good alb tank group have no change against mid tank group...maybe if albs have sos ready... :)


Originally posted by dumdidum
good alb tank group have no change against mid tank group...maybe if albs have sos ready... :)

Still think a Alb Tank group with skilled players will kill a Mid tank group with less skilled players.


Originally posted by Artemls
Still think a Alb Tank group with skilled players will kill a Mid tank group with less skilled players.

find me mids who aren't skilled and put up a mid tank group with 3 healers


Originally posted by Xeanor
find me mids who aren't skilled and put up a mid tank group with 3 healers

Don't think they would like to group up if I ask "Hi, you aren't very skilled want to make a group?" :p

Just find it fun to see people saying that DAoC takes no skill at all. I'm far from a very skilled player but find it a slap in the face to players that are and know what they doing in RvR.


Hmm, I never said I'm skilled. The very fact that I've been RR5 for what, half, deapite this being my main char? lol.

Furthermore Artemis, I'm not criticising mids for the fotm setup to beat the alb tank group fotm setup - tbh, if my main was one of the more useful RvR classes I'd sure as hell either be in one or start one myself.

All I'm saying is that its a sad state this game is in such that you need the same routine group setup, the same routine assisting/killing order etc, it just isn't like the old days. Oh, I forget, you can't remember those days cos you were in your fotm YMCA gang, then moved over to Mid to make ur fotm chars there an soak up the glory of routine killing :x


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
Oh, I forget, you can't remember those days cos you were in your fotm YMCA gang, then moved over to Mid to make ur fotm chars there an soak up the glory of routine killing :x

wtfpwned :clap:


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
you can't remember those days cos you were in your fotm YMCA gang

You wanna pick a fight? :(


Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
£10 on a schoolgirl versus Derric :)

2 schoolgirls pulling eachothers hair is fun fight.


So what have I done to offend you Gelid?
Since you talk about the petty,fotm YMCA crew and all...


Originally posted by lissandra
I find it so funny that "hardcore" ppl stop rvr:ing when they dont own every other fg anymore. Guess they only wanna play when they win all easily.
I find it so funny that the person that posted this is a buffbot using newb prick.
Hi der m8?! Wanna duel?!
But .. I'll use a buffbot and ip and you can't k m8?!


Originally posted by Flesh
I find it so funny that the person that posted this is a buffbot using newb prick.
Hi der m8?! Wanna duel?!
But .. I'll use a buffbot and ip and you can't k m8?!

Someone got owned!


Originally posted by Flesh
I find it so funny that the person that posted this is a buffbot using newb prick.
Hi der m8?! Wanna duel?!
But .. I'll use a buffbot and ip and you can't k m8?!

Guess you got owned, but i must say to my defence, i have never told anyone they cant use bb, but i have no fun when i solo unbuffed since there are so many buffed infs everywhere.


Originally posted by Artemls
Feel free to call me names but no need to call Derric, Niar, Jadow and Camillo petty.

but but but...

Derric is petty? oh so pretty, oh so pretty and witty and gaaaay!!!!

ehum yea.. <coughs> nothing to see here, keep on moving :p

(>>>Disclaimer<<<no I am not a racist, no I dont hate gays, etc etc etc.)


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey

Today RvR is a far cry from this, with groups simply comprising mindless tanks that do nothing other than assist the MA , stick the target and spam styles routinely to beat the enemy. You barely even need to lift your eyes up to watch the computer screen to spam an /assist macro, stick and any anyimr taunt or whatever. Same old same old. Going to emain to get killed by the same 3 assisting savages all day isn't my idea of fun.

/whine out

Will probably soon be mindless nukers assisting the wiz/rm/eld MA considering the way this game swings in turn of balance.

The savage 'balancing' is on its way. Pretty much confirmed by the comment from Mythic that the s/d/t/q rates will be adjusted as part of the 1.65 savage changes.

My hope for the future of the game is that a way is found to make all classes viable and to make everyone competitive. It is crazy that for some people competitive RvR just isn't possible. I am fortunate to be in a good position Guild wise on both Pryd and Excal, but for some players taking several hours to build an optimum group when they work and only have a few hours to play means that zerging is their only chance. Either that, or roll one of the 'wanted' classes to try reduce the wait for a group.

Mythic have to act faster when a class is perceived as being an above average performer to prevent these fotm classes and groups.


All this fg vs fg elitism is alienating 3/4 of the server population who like to RvR on a infrequent basis or as the poster about says if you only have a few hours in the evening or something.

When did this term 'adds' come in.

This is after all a Realm Vs Realm game not 8 vs 8 like SoF or CS or something.

All these 1337 guilds seeking to make the optimum group. Which tbh is not possible as the optimum group will change from situation to situation.

And getting groups running around with 3 healers is just denying another group or maybe 2 to have any form of decent CC.

Of course where ever you go in Emain, Odins, HW there are going to be these so called adds .. even in sauvage and to a lesser extent gorge. People will be playing their game and if they see invaders try to kill them quick smart. What other reason is there for being in the frontier.

You get a 'uber balanced' group running around with a skald minstrel etc ofc they are gonna get to the fight quicker, you can't expect the group that is only running RM speed to not wade in when it comes up 2 mins after u encounter. If they didn't 'help' (because help is what it is as said before its RvR) they would never get realm points as everyone would be engaged before they got there.

If you want to run round in a group and cant put up with adds go play camlann its got a low enough population for adds not to matter.

As for mg camping well afaik thats why mythic put them in the game. Its not supposed to be easy to get into an opposing realm. You should have to fight yr way thro a mg. Its called defending your realm.

Try to remember this is a RvR based game not PvP or FG vs FG and your enemy should do all he can to beat you and you do all u can to beat your enemy.

Basically all you are doing by saying you should only bring 1fg and not get more if you get beaten just come back try again is a glorified version of rp farming and not in the spirit of the game which is we are at war and should 'win at all costs' and do what ever it take to beat the opposition.

Im sure in WW2 or something if a unit was in a fight and friendlies came over the hill they didn't yell at them for wading in to finish the enemy off.

Same should apply here.


Originally posted by old.moriath

And getting groups running around with 3 healers is just denying another group or maybe 2 to have any form of decent CC.


Think u lost it.


Originally posted by old.moriath
And getting groups running around with 3 healers is just denying another group or maybe 2 to have any form of decent CC.

FYI.. when having 3 healers in the group 90% of the time only one of them are high enough speced in Pac to have any usefull form of decent CC so that you are saying aint true. The other 2 are main specced in Mend/Aug and Mend/Pac. But the Mend/Pac healer got to low Pac for it to be realy usefull. If you think its wrong of them to group with the people they like why dont you make a healer and group with those that aint got one?


heehe out of the whole post u pick that .. why not address the issue that the post was addressing instead trying to pick the examples apart.

And yes it is denying other groups that ... but ofc ppl can group how they want .. im not saying they cant but if a group has 3 healers in it why cant other groups 'add' as you put it and take advantage of your cc ?

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