PvE > RvR



Originally posted by Derric
Is Laga still half naked?

I have seen the eiffeltower, have you?

/steals Derrics DvDcollection while he is thinking a minute to answer^^



Laga can't stand out. She gets to much unwanted attention....but I will make an exception if I meet u. /kiss

Aule Valar

will try and remember to wave next time we meet puppet :)

hmg odins is very rarely camped when we've been there, yesterday we did get bo adds once, but then they sucided, and we had been getting hib adds repreatedly all afternoon, one decent fg, and another in epic
oh and we prefer a bd over one of the savages, to use slightly different fotms :p


not at all, when compared to my Grandma så det så!


If its 2fg rr1-3 who never played in any good group ever. Then perhaps we would win 9 out of 10 times.

If its 2fg of average mids. rr5'ish. Pretty balanced groups we would win maybe 1 out of 3.

If its 2fg of balanced guild groups we would win about 0 of 100

This is vs mids. Easier vs hibs of course


Originally posted by faderullan
98 of 100 vs 2fg? That i cant do.

U forgot the part that says UNBALANCED.

Unbalanced group mezz last 40 sec less hp ect and u see 5 of them sticking the Troll savage 4 afk 5 on stick 2 runing the wrong way. As I said if not for milegates always harder fighting 2fg when ½ of them are upwall and u have to pass.



All unbalanced groups doesnt have to have shit players though.

Sometimes its fun move out with a non opted setup. We sometimes move out without any crowd control at all. (minstrel mez dont count) I admit that most of those times is when we actually cant find a sorc anywhere.


Originally posted by Shike
is 2FG unbalanced groups a too tough match for a balanced FG or is it even then?

Yeah , because the 16 players can just spam ae spells and interupt the 3/4 casting classes in the FG.

This is especially annoying in the best hib fg setup , where 7/8 are casters.


Originally posted by Aule Valar
will try and remember to wave next time we meet puppet :)

hmg odins is very rarely camped when we've been there, yesterday we did get bo adds once, but then they sucided, and we had been getting hib adds repreatedly all afternoon, one decent fg, and another in epic
oh and we prefer a bd over one of the savages, to use slightly different fotms :p

ah, Aule here too ;)

Well my druid is Puppethealer, not easy to miss out :p

Hope to get some nice fights with you

P.S. Abandonded theurg for a while too? I respecced her, but still not playing her very much.. Been on the same RP more or less for 3 months now :/


the day i deliberatly have to make a non-optimal group to improve morale and give the enemy a chance, it's time to play another game

nobody likes to lose


Originally posted by klavrynd
the day i deliberatly have to make a non-optimal group to improve morale and give the enemy a chance, it's time to play another game

nobody likes to lose
QQ more Klav



I often lose on purpose to small children for them to be happy. In yatzy, armswrestling or whatever.

In daoc however, i do wanna win, even though my ultimate goal is not to win at all times. Because if i would always win then i wouldnt see the fun in playing. My goal is to have fun while playing. And without the challenge i dont see the fun. And to win everytime is not fun at all. And lose always is very boring also, as some people do.

Its like when i armswrestle with a little child. I lose for its more fun for me, because the result of that is one happy child.

Sometimes people have to make sacrifices for all to get along.


Originally posted by faderullan

I often lose on purpose to small children for them to be happy. In yatzy, armswrestling or whatever.

In daoc however, i do wanna win, even though my ultimate goal is not to win at all times. Because if i would always win then i wouldnt see the fun in playing. My goal is to have fun while playing. And without the challenge i dont see the fun. And to win everytime is not fun at all. And lose always is very boring also, as some people do.

Its like when i armswrestle with a little child. I lose for its more fun for me, because the result of that is one happy child.

Sometimes people have to make sacrifices for all to get along.

Nicely put.


Hehe lots here to answer :)

Sad that Marracus aint playing his cleric anymore, but that shouldnt stop you from getting a new cleric and run with him. Allways had nice fights with PE even if we sometimes got owned bad and sometimes won :) (and the whine from both teams was pretty entertaining many times) ;)

The adding thing, we really try to get fg fights but in emain its very hard because there are usually so many mids around, with 90 mids in emain there is bound to come adds 90% of the times which is really sad. Thats when we try to change frontier or go to ligen for some fun with hibs, not much rp since most as resill but can be really fun figths. (and bleh dont start zerging there now mids!!!11)

Hibbis had their days when they could own alot with their pbae groups but imo i think more middis play better now along with some strong classes which makes pbae groups not work as well as before for hibbis, and because of that they might die to the first fg they meet and have to run back all the way again, and i bet thats boring. And next time maybe get add and then someone logs etc. Wish there was a rvr frontier that all had easy access to and dont have to run forever just to get some fights and withouth bottlenecks like milegates. Thats what i hope from rvr expansion atleast.

One thing i would support is for hibs to make zerg and wipe emain and then split up in fg:s (and not camp milegate because then mids would only zerg back with the hivementality all realms have) :) Dunno if that would help but anything to get more hibs to emain, if more hibs and albs go there they will kill off more mids and mids wont zerg as much is my belief atleast.

Well i dunno if i make any sence but atleast i tried :)


We trying swap zone as soon as there more then +50 mids in Emain and go to Hadrian's or Odin's. Tbh HW far more fun Zone then Emain if MMG not uber camped.


Problem is that its usually like 20 ppl in hw and 10 ppl in odins allready or more :/


The problem is the imbalance as ppl said between realms, classes and RA's. Its especially sad when you can predict exactly how a battle will occur, the order targets are killed etc. its nothing about skill. a 3 healer shammy skald 3 savage group kills a group thru routine, not skill.


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
The problem is the imbalance as ppl said between realms, classes and RA's. Its especially sad when you can predict exactly how a battle will occur, the order targets are killed etc. its nothing about skill. a 3 healer shammy skald 3 savage group kills a group thru routine, not skill.

Never had a 3 savages + skald 4 seer group.



Originally posted by zapzap
Never had a 3 savages + skald 4 seer group.


pft, why use a skald anyway..

aug healer speed and permasprint is the way!


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
The problem is the imbalance as ppl said between realms, classes and RA's. Its especially sad when you can predict exactly how a battle will occur, the order targets are killed etc. its nothing about skill. a 3 healer shammy skald 3 savage group kills a group thru routine, not skill.

So what's skill then?


Originally posted by Cami
pft, why use a skald anyway..

aug healer speed and permasprint is the way!

What i said never had 3 savages + skald :p


Originally posted by Shianna
Well, I always wondered (just to throw this in):

Hib is underpopulated (this seems to be right, yes) - but why is it, that 95% of the time you run into a fg of Hibs RR7+ ?

If you are so weak in RvR, how come that you have such a high RR ? Isnt that a contradiction ? *g*

Shi. - gimped friar

erm ... less people to distribute rps (and some can go out there and win, not my point)... nope, not a contradiction :p
Some people don't like using their brains do they ;)

little J/K of course


Artemis... skill was back in the old days, when Warders and SoTL were the main RvR guilds, when the ability of the group depended on the skill of the players - two synced runies (Hi Jenna and Thina!) debuff nuking, Walker and Sami blasting away all in their path, Klavarynd running riot amongst the suport of the enemy etc. There was no such thing as /assist and groups weren't necessarily optimal.

Today RvR is a far cry from this, with groups simply comprising mindless tanks that do nothing other than assist the MA , stick the target and spam styles routinely to beat the enemy. You barely even need to lift your eyes up to watch the computer screen to spam an /assist macro, stick and any anyimr taunt or whatever. Same old same old. Going to emain to get killed by the same 3 assisting savages all day isn't my idea of fun.

/whine out


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
Artemis... skill was back in the old days, when Warders and SoTL were the main RvR guilds, when the ability of the group depended on the skill of the players - two synced runies (Hi Jenna and Thina!) debuff nuking, Walker and Sami blasting away all in their path, Klavarynd running riot amongst the suport of the enemy etc. There was no such thing as /assist and groups weren't necessarily optimal.

Today RvR is a far cry from this, with groups simply comprising mindless tanks that do nothing other than assist the MA , stick the target and spam styles routinely to beat the enemy. You barely even need to lift your eyes up to watch the computer screen to spam an /assist macro, stick and any anyimr taunt or whatever. Same old same old. Going to emain to get killed by the same 3 assisting savages all day isn't my idea of fun.

/whine out

Try that agaist an good Alb group like PE and FL or Hibs Eclipse and NP and you last about 10sec.

What about the skill of the Bards, Sorc, Clerics, Healers, Shamans and Druids? That also a walk in the park just pushing 1 button and watching TV?

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