FH is my second home
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- Dec 22, 2003
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At least Oedipus had the excuse of not knowing it was his mother. 
At least Oedipus had the excuse of not knowing it was his mother.![]()
Pregnant women shouldn't be in a special station regarding crime and punishment.
If people don't want the police using Taser and Lasers ect I would like to know the alternative. You got some steroid head off his face and feeling no pain how would a police officer take him down without a Taser or CS Spray? A baton to the side of the heard is surely worse? More on topic look at the London riots the only way the police could of regained control would of been steaming in which would of lead to injuries and the Police being called heavy handed. What is the solution?
I've seen so called 'peaceful' protesters goading and insulting police officers who had done nothing but stand their looking aimlessly at the crowd.
I agree with this.
Nobody should be treated like a criminal and kettled on the off chance a tiny number of people may be violent.
The policy of kettling doesn't seem to have cut down on the violence to me. If anything I think over time it's likely to increase the possibilities...
So while i don't condone of holding people without cause, i do think questioning etc is fine.
Harsh words, right? Goading and insulting is illegal now?
The real problem is that kettling is often used as a standard measure, apparently to PREVENT violence. I've been kettled MANY times, where the only act of "violence" had been chanting rather loudly. Just a week ago me and a few hundred people were kettled for 5 hours in the freezing cold and rain. Now, I'm not saying this is always the case, I've also been in kettle's which has been a bloody good thing due to dickheads in baclavas causing chaos, but that is by far a minority to the pointless time's i've been made to sit on the pavement for hours for being an active citizenI always though kettling was used after trouble had kicked off already at which point its acceptable as why should they let another 5000 people walk into a trouble area? I very much doubt they just pick random people and lock them in a car park while the protest is going on peacefully. And i ask again, when it has kicked off and groups of protesters are breaking into buildings and destroying private property what should the police do to stop them and to stop more people joining the trouble?
Makes me laugh that you are all saying don't punish everyone for the actions of a few people yet you'll hate on all cops due to the illegitimate actions of a few cops.
Dont put words in my mouth Mey, where do I hate on any police? I dont feel any hate towards the police at all, other than when I'm being kettled, which is perfectly normal. I'm just stating what have happened to me, facts from my perspective. And I hope the decision to kettle big crowds is not up to a few policemen, on the spot.Makes me laugh that you are all saying don't punish everyone for the actions of a few people yet you'll hate on all cops due to the illegitimate actions of a few cops.
They're not normal members of the public - they have a higher standard to set. Period.
"Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence."
Whats the viable alternative then?!
Quote the government's PR if you must, but they lead by example.
There were riots when the police force was incepted...