News Police to blind protesters with lasers!


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Sanctimonious much? Who said I was badly informed? As it happens, I was told by a CPSO to avoid Regent Street and take a alternative route; which led me basically into a trap. Who said I flew off the handle? I very rarely show my annoyance in public (apart from behind the wheel - like everybody else), and I was pretty patient for the first 45 minutes or so. When I realised the fuckers had no intention of letting us go anywhere, or even tell us what was going on, that's when I got annoyed. We were about 50 feet from the the Tube station. A sensible policy would have been to filter people out in groups, but noo, that would have been PROACTIVE, and that only matters if you give a rat's arse about public opinion. The police rely on the support of the public, so it makes very little sense to make large swathes of them sympathise with a bunch of hippies.

As in reply to your last post, I guess you were just really unlucky dude, it sucks to be stuck like that.

I think if you protest you should be given some sort of badge or something on the day, so the public don't get kettled etc.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Sometimes I wonder how many people here have even been to a normal demonstration, to see how police sometime's react to loud people. I'm all for the police rights to keep it civilized, but the number of times the police have been the REASON for violence keep on piling up.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Honestly you puzzle me.
Alright, the police shot him, a mistake yes because he wasn't a terrorist, but excuse me if you're running away when ordered to stop with a huge back pack on that could potentially be full of explosives, you can't complain when you're shot at.

Obviously you believe EVERYTHING you read in the paper and only see that side, what if the guy who was pushed over wanted to be mouthy? I don't know the whole story but he just shouldn't be there in the first place.

Lulz Himse. You're funny on a stick :)

Edit: I type that then read this!:
I think if you protest you should be given some sort of badge or something on the day, so the public don't get kettled etc.

Fucking lol-o-matic! Badges! We don't need no steenking badges! :D

Seriously Himse, what fucking planet do you live on?!

/shouts: Oi Deebs! Where's fucking :eek7: when you need it? I really miss it!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Sometimes I wonder how many people here have even been to a normal demonstration, to see how police sometime's react to loud people. I'm all for the police rights to keep it civilized, but the number of times the police have been the REASON for violence keep on piling up.

Went to an anti-government demonstration in Thailand whilst on holiday there. By "anti-government" I mean the Thai's were pro-government, but the western corporations were litterally trucking their employees to the demonstration so they'd look bigger on TV for the western audiences. They were falling out of the backs of lorries in 40 degree heat (packed like sardines) with Siemens t-shirts on, given alternative clothes and instructed to join the throng.

Never believe what the news says eh?


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Lulz Himse. You're funny on a stick :)

Edit: I type that then read this!:

Fucking lol-o-matic! Badges! We don't need no steenking badges! :D

Seriously Himse, what fucking planet do you live on?!

/shouts: Oi Deebs! Where's fucking :eek7: when you need it? I really miss it!

I didn't mean specifically a 'badge' you moron, you once again took things to literally.

You should be able to be identified as part of a protest or not, so the police can move people as required.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I have been "kettled" before during football. And i blamed the idiot fans causing trouble rather than the police trying to restore order. I sometimes wonder what people expect from the police. If they don't stop the trouble there is millions if not billions of damage done to the city. What if the protesters smashed up a tube train or Liverpool Street and stopped all the trains. You don't get kettled but you cant go anywhere would that be the protesters fault or the Polices fault for not stopping the trouble.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
When iwas kettled in and searching for a place to piss, went down an alley and there was about 8 mothers with their prams, they'd got stuck like everyone else and the police didn't give a fuck :(


Dec 26, 2003
Honestly you puzzle me.
Alright, the police shot him, a mistake yes because he wasn't a terrorist, but excuse me if you're running away when ordered to stop with a huge back pack on that could potentially be full of explosives, you can't complain when you're shot at.

Are you really this stupid or are you being ironic?

All that shit about him running through with a backpack was utter lies put out by the Met as part of their dis information campaign. The bloke walked through the station normally - sat on the tube and was then pounced on by policemen who held him while the others executed him.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You should be able to be identified as part of a protest or not, so the police can move people as required.

This is why I laughed at you Himse - you've failed to recognise that this would require co-operation from the public.

The people who would cause trouble would never volunteer for identification - and the government is physically unable to force them to volunteer for it. Those who volunteered would never cause trouble in the first place.

Easy, eh?

Do you see how just a *little* thought about the practicalities of a situation make what you said seem totally ridiculous?

THINK. I know we're not encouraged to, but you really should try :(

Are you really this stupid or are you being ironic?

I've no doubt he's got the capacity for intelligence, but he's not received the proper training :(


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
This is why I laughed at you Himse - you've failed to recognise that this would require co-operation from the public.

The people who would cause trouble would never volunteer for identification - and the government is physically unable to force them to volunteer for it. Those who volunteered would never cause trouble in the first place.

Easy, eh?

Do you see how just a *little* thought about the practicalities of a situation make what you said seem totally ridiculous?

THINK. I know we're not encouraged to, but you really should try :(

I've no doubt he's got the capacity for intelligence, but he's not received the proper training :(

That's my point in a nut shell in a way, you're identified as a protester, but it would mean people in future demonstrations wouldn't get put down by just being a bunch of thugs out to cause trouble which they currently are.

I am thinking, I'm trying to benefit people who peacefully protest, not go out to wreck areas. Because at the moment, anyone could be part of that crowd, or anyone could be a hooligan, there's no way for the police to tell and then the demonstrators and the police end up getting into shit both ways.

Are you really this stupid or are you being ironic?

All that shit about him running through with a backpack was utter lies put out by the Met as part of their dis information campaign. The bloke walked through the station normally - sat on the tube and was then pounced on by policemen who held him while the others executed him.

Well it's lies in a police report, sorry if i'm mis-informed it was a long time ago. In fairness, none of us were there, nobody truely knows what happened apart from the offending police men. I'm sure there's CCTV of him running through the station? Correct me if i'm wrong its what I remember of a news broadcast..


Dec 26, 2003
Well it's lies in a police report, sorry if i'm mis-informed it was a long time ago. In fairness, none of us were there, nobody truely knows what happened apart from the offending police men. I'm sure there's CCTV of him running through the station? Correct me if i'm wrong its what I remember of a news broadcast..

<sigh> it was never in a police report your just repeating some spin the Met put out to the press after they realised how stupid they had been.

You never saw any footage of him running through the station because A. he didnt do that and B all the footage the police collected mysteriously dis-appeared.

There was an inquest it was big news but clearly you were living in a cave for those weeks - you see there was a whole carriage full of inconvenient witnesses who actually saw exactly what happened so the truth is a matter of public record.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
<sigh> it was never in a police report your just repeating some spin the Met put out to the press after they realised how stupid they had been.

You never saw any footage of him running through the station because A. he didnt do that and B all the footage the police collected mysteriously dis-appeared.

There was an inquest it was big news but clearly you were living in a cave for those weeks - you see there was a whole carriage full of inconvenient witnesses who actually saw exactly what happened so the truth is a matter of public record.

Thanks for being a prick about it.

You don't have to sigh about it, I clearly said I wasn't sure. I realised now I am thinking of the 7/11 attacks where the guys were running through the station, was two people not just the singular.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Honestly, some of you people.

I've never in my life been searched, questioned or otherwise inconvenienced by the police. Ever. I think a patrol might have stopped me for my papers late at night, but that's to be expected.

You know why? because I mind my own fucking business, and i know what is sensible to do or not.

Try that sometimes, and stop exaggerating about the police already. Your police is like kindergarden teachers compared to ours.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
The police cruiser rolled next to me and asked what the hell i was doing, while i was at the parking lot, with a flashlight, looking for a shirtpin thingy the motherunit dropped. For a good reason i felt :D

I'd rather the police inconvinience the public a bit, then let possible crimes go on.

And by inconvinience i mean stopå and question if they have a need for it.


Dec 26, 2003
Thanks for being a prick about it.

You don't have to sigh about it, I clearly said I wasn't sure. I realised now I am thinking of the 7/11 attacks where the guys were running through the station, was two people not just the singular.

Not really aimed at you but I find it annoying that the Met spin has managed to survive the inquest. I guess it shows that the first thing people are told tends to stick even when they are later told something else.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Not really aimed at you but I find it annoying that the Met spin has managed to survive the inquest. I guess it shows that the first thing people are told tends to stick even when they are later told something else.
Poor intelligence combined with the fact it was not the police who shot him (rumours are it was SAS due to the many bullets he took to the head which is not where police are trained to shoot) and the fact police radios do not work in the under ground caused this. Its a real tragedy but the simple fact is there is no one person who can take the blame.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Whut? They were Firearms Officers - heres the reconstruction the Beeb did based on the 2nd Inquest.
I have seen that, it set me right on a lot of things. After seeing a lot of other armed officers being named in court though and the fact the shot him in the head which is apparently not police training I believe the Conspiracy that the shooters were not police.


Dec 26, 2003
I have seen that, it set me right on a lot of things. After seeing a lot of other armed officers being named in court though and the fact the shot him in the head which is apparently not police training I believe the Conspiracy that the shooters were not police.

I think the more practical reason they shot him in the head is because a Police officer was laying accross De menezes chest to hold him down.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The de Menezes incident and kettling are not comparable ffs. Stop it. You people are very silly.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I should ask again, what if the alser causes permanent damage, or even blinds someone? Have they done intensive experiments o it, or is it just guessing that it's non-permanent?

Blinded for life for having a raurau seems a bit overboard.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I should ask again, what if the alser causes permanent damage, or even blinds someone? Have they done intensive experiments o it, or is it just guessing that it's non-permanent?

Blinded for life for having a raurau seems a bit overboard.
As I understand it this has been approved for testing by the home office, the police forces involved will now have to run tests on it before it is allowed anywhere near the real life situation.


Dec 26, 2003
I should ask again, what if the alser causes permanent damage, or even blinds someone? Have they done intensive experiments o it, or is it just guessing that it's non-permanent?

Blinded for life for having a raurau seems a bit overboard.

Some people would have a special sensitivity to the light that could cause particular individuals to sustain permanent damage - the police force will just pay compensation - it hasnt stopped them using tazers yet these kill a few people in the UK.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Who's comparing them?

The flow of conversation went peaceful protest - police kettling violence - police terrorist action. The last one has nothing to do with the origins of the thread, whether directly "compared" or not. It was brought into the discussion to try and enforce to point of police violence, but completely missed the point.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Some people would have a special sensitivity to the light that could cause particular individuals to sustain permanent damage - the police force will just pay compensation - it hasnt stopped them using tazers yet these kill a few people in the UK.
One thing to add might be how many lives have been saved by using the less lethal taser vs a rubber or real bullet? Will the laser replace a shield line or a water cannon ect.


Dec 26, 2003
One thing to add might be how many lives have been saved by using the less lethal taser vs a rubber or real bullet? Will the laser replace a shield line or a water cannon ect.

Water Cannon has never been used on the mainland - same for rubber bullets. The laser gives them a new capability - to blind people at half a kilometre - not sure how appropriate that is for urban riots though?

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
I imagine it will be just as effective. Lasers are as effective at point blank range as they are at half a kilometre.

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