Be interesting to see what they do. Microsoft have a really good pay monthly strategy that's very tempting but if Sony put their digital version right in the middle I don't see them losing any existing customers. Some of Microsoft's might be annoyed that the cheaper XBOX is pretty gimped as well. Sony might do well to do the subscription thing and undercut the high tier.Hay'up
PS5 price and release date officially revealed — everything you need to know
The PS5 finally has a price and a release date, directly from
Sony reduces its PlayStation 5 production forecast due to SoC issues |
An unknown issue in
Not convinced, £70 controllers, £70 games. I'm on PS4 right now and XBOX is starting to feel like the better option.Microsoft just got fucked as far as console wars go.
Not convinced, £70 controllers, £70 games. I'm on PS4 right now and XBOX is starting to feel like the better option.
Microsoft just got fucked as far as console wars go.
It's an artificial inflation though, a game is either fun or it's not. People are just being conned that "lulz, more $$$ for sup3r h1gh f1delity pl0x" makes sense. Plus everything now is rammed with micro-transactions.Third party developers are trying to push £70 price increase as well, it's not just a Sony thing. 2K Games is the main culprit, they were the ones that first came out with it awhile back.
As for the controllers, its not such a stretch, the ps4 controllers were £50 at one point and the PS5 ones have additional features.
I doubt it, it'll stay much the same.
This completely. Though for some resson i cant get my nephews to like play station. They say their friends are all on xboxSo, Microsoft fucked then(based on sales)
Kids make friendship groups based on that. I've always been PS so Matthew has a PS4. Hence his new best mate is one of the only kids who is also a PS4er. I think I've narrowed his social circle and he will probably end up being a serial killer.
Got to love the inflated prices people will pay.
I saw a thing where a bloke was so bitter he didn't get one, he made a bot that created ebay accounts and maxed out the bids with the intent of not actually paying for it.
Not all heroes wear capes.