Philomophicical discussion again.(personal opinion)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Is there really such a thing as a personal opinion?

If we consider something simple, like an orange, you pretty much either like it or hate it. Maybe indifferent, or a couple of levels inbetween. Now, that's your opinion, but it's quite obvious that someone else will share that opinion.

So, the opinion isn't your opinion alone, and as such it can't really be as personal as the shape of your arse, or your character traits.

Ofcourse the aformentioned personal aspects, also are shared by other people(since there's a few humans around this globe).

So, is there really anything personal outside memories?(which, again, rarely are unique ;)).

Is "personal x" only limited to a certain group of people, the ones you perhaps know, or even in a smaller scale?

Is a personal thing only there to re-enforce a dilusion of individuality?

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Beliefs are practiced thoughts.

Most beliefs are 'second hand', ie we learned them from someone else.

Opinions are thoughts which are based on our beliefs.

Occasionally, someone thinks for themselves and produces a new thought pattern or belief system. Note that by belief system here I do not necessarily mean religion or ideas of nationality. It can be anything.

Then you'll get a lot of opinions based on how congruent that new thought is with a person's belief systems or how threatened they feel by the new thought.

Yes, you can have new opinions. Most will not be original.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So would you agree that the only way to have a really personal opinion, is to think up something new(which is rare) and not share it, hoping that noone else has thought of it either?

That ofcourse can't be proven by any way, since once you share the thought, it becomes non-personal, which in many circles could be considered "non existent" ;)


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
A personal opinion means an opinion that you hold not an opinion that is unique. Other people sharing it is irrelevant, if you have an opinion on something then that is your personal opinion regardless of any other factors. I don't really understand where the issue in this discussion is.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
A personal opinion means an opinion that you hold not an opinion that is unique. Other people sharing it is irrelevant, if you have an opinion on something then that is your personal opinion regardless of any other factors. I don't really understand where the issue in this discussion is.

Perhaps it's nmore towards the delusion of individuality, or perhaps it's a matter of personal opinion on defining personal opinion ;)


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
for that to be possible you have to assume that the people with the same personal opinion have the same perception of every bit of information about every bit of thing possible.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
So would you agree that the only way to have a really personal opinion, is to think up something new(which is rare) and not share it, hoping that noone else has thought of it either?

That ofcourse can't be proven by any way, since once you share the thought, it becomes non-personal, which in many circles could be considered "non existent" ;)

Its still a personal opinion even if shared. If you are more scared of having others choose to echo your opinion then keep it to yourself, sure. This can be important of course if its a business idea or invention or something your livelihood may depend on.

Even if others subsequently copy your original thought, if you thought of it first, its still your original thought. I suppose you have to work out how much it matters that someone else may take credit.

And just because you think you thought of it first, doesn't mean you did ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ofcourse, most likely everything thought, has been thought of ;)

But where's the difference in a personal opinion and an opinion then? If the opinion is used to describe your opinion?

"My personal opinion is..."
"My opinion is..."

If the personal opinion is a opinion you hold, but others can hold too, and holds no individuality, then surely it's an opinion and the personal bit becomes either useless, or the aformentioned delusion of individuality :D

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
If you represent a community or organisation, your opinion can be taken to mean that of all those you represent. If saying personal opinion, you're only clarifying you only speak for yourself on whatever topic it is.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
If you represent a community or organisation, your opinion can be taken to mean that of all those you represent. If saying personal opinion, you're only clarifying you only speak for yourself on whatever topic it is.

Well talking for a community or organisation is a bit beyond internet forums and the kind of discussion included in "everyday chittychatty" ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Got that much :D

And yes it's a good point.

Maybe i should've spesified that a difference on a personal level.

Since, if there is none, then surely all opinions are personal opiniopns and personal opinion is moot.

Grr *shakes fist* I'm gonna get that "personal" yet!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ooh, maybe it's like a "personal matter".

"Wanna talk about it?"
"It's personal."

So, if that's the definition and someone has a personal opinion...

...keep it to your f*cking self :D


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
Ofcourse, most likely everything thought, has been thought of ;)

But where's the difference in a personal opinion and an opinion then? If the opinion is used to describe your opinion?

"My personal opinion is..."
"My opinion is..."

If the personal opinion is a opinion you hold, but others can hold too, and holds no individuality, then surely it's an opinion and the personal bit becomes either useless, or the aformentioned delusion of individuality :D
its really an opinion :)

seriously tho, if 1 person says "its my personal opinion..." and another person says "its my opinion..." there doesnt need to be 2 degrees of opinions. There will have to be 2 degrees if its the same person who says both quotes.

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