Peaches geldof dead - 25


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Aren't they fairly sure it was a catastrophic event like a embolism?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That was beermat/paper talk. autopsy was inconclusive pending skag results.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
If it was an aneurysm then they would have found that in the cut and shut autopsy. If they didn't find that or a stroke ( kinda aneurysm ) or a blood clot stroke or heart damage. Then it's down to the tox screen


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
nothing to say that previous usage wouldn't cause a later aneurysm ....


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I'm assuming a burst aneurysm in the brain is fairly easy to spot by a trained pathologist. I think the hole in the artery and the bloody floating around in the brain is usually a clue.


FH is my second home
Apr 6, 2008
True. If it was heart related or blood clot , brain issue...surely the autopsy would have found anything like that?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Found next to the kid as well...that'll kill all that beautiful person bullshit.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I keep them in a special folder..its up to 6 bytes


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Found next to the kid as well...that'll kill all that beautiful person bullshit.

Assuming it really was heroin that's exactly what I've just said to my wife, I have zero sympathy for heroin users... brother was one and I know the sort of shit that goes through junkies minds.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
BloodOmen said:
Assuming it really was heroin that's exactly what I've just said to my wife, I have zero sympathy for heroin users... brother was one and I know the sort of shit that goes through junkies minds.

I feel horribly sorry for her children....


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I feel horribly sorry for her children....

Whats worse is they found no drug paraphernalia at the house (according to police reports) which means her family or a friend has tried to cover up the drug use/removed the paraphernalia (again if this is true, hasn't been 100% confirmed yet that it was heroin)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Maybe the kid cleaned up after her?

If not then surely that is a criminal offence to fiddle with a potential crime scene?


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Maybe the kid cleaned up after her?

If not then surely that is a criminal offence to fiddle with a potential crime scene?

I don't think the law would have been the first thing on someones mind who would do it tbh, I think more the "Must protect her public image" would be.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't.

It's just another retarded trolling post.

edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't.

It's just another retarded trolling post.

edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.
Being a beautiful person and being beautiful are not the same. And yes drug addicts are looked down on. And yes one that takes a fatal overdose while home alone with a young child is deplorable.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
leggy said:
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't. It's just another retarded trolling post. edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.

It must be my week of agreeing with Leggy.... Addiction of any kind is difficult and soul destroying.... Some survive, some self destruct.... She couldn't get over her addiction, I just hope that this tragedy doesn't repeat itself I the next generation.

As for some of the comments here, I find some of them completely shocking and a little disappointing.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't.

It's just another retarded trolling post.

edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.

Leggy, she set herself up as this perfect parent figure, advocating "attachment parenting" (on any media outlet that would listen), which basically means having your kids hanging off you for the first five years or so; and was quite happy to cultivate this image that she was no longer the wild child and now she was just the caring wife and mum. So shooting up around your two-year old is pretty fucking horrific anyway, just in this case it has a nice-added layer of hypocrisy (assuming there's no foul play...)

NB. Philip Seymour Hoffman? I have to admit when I heard that he'd left young kids behind, I did think he was a pretty shitty person. What you do to yourself when you have no responsibilities is no-one else's business, but its different when you do (and I know that's a lot easier said than done, but in Hoffman's case he actually took up heroin after he had a family, which is a bit fucked up).


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You choose your addictions, it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, but it's your own choice. Addicts get 0 sympathy for their addiction from me, they get 0 judgement as well, but the same bottom line; it's your choice.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't.

It's just another retarded trolling post.

edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.

No, you can't be a patronising hypocrite and use herion...well you can but it makes you a spaz.

Plus all the false grief for her death by people who don't know her, just her brand. The type of bullshit you see on Facebook "Oh noes, perfect mother dies in tragic accident or brain explosion" No, junkie is shooting up in front of her young kids then ODs" perfect parenting!

People wouldn't give a rats arse if some random girl died but because they have been told to like this person they think they ought to show some sort of emotional response when she dies.

Hoffman was far from perfect but he didn't build a Heat magazine, famous for the sake of it career around telling people how to live their lives.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Her kids now have 2 generations of suicide / overdose to contend with when they get older. I wish them well and hope they manage to grow up and somehow deal with all this when they become old enough to understand.

Its a shame that she died of an overdose, seems she'd never beaten the addiction. Her friends and family would have been better to help her beat it than to help her conceal it. Maybe a whistleblower before she OD'd could have turned the course of her life. Speculation of course. I'm not informed enough to say for sure how it might work out. I didn't know the person and I don't follow the media enough to say whether her behaviour was hateful or this or that or whatever. I'd prefer to see a positive outcome for people than this sort of ending at 25 for someone.

Plus all the false grief for her death by people who don't know her, just her brand. The type of bullshit you see on Facebook "Oh noes, perfect mother dies in tragic accident or brain explosion" No, junkie is shooting up in front of her young kids then ODs" perfect parenting!

People wouldn't give a rats arse if some random girl died but because they have been told to like this person they think they ought to show some sort of emotional response when she dies.

Don't need to go over the top for the camera but empathy is something most humans have in varying degrees. The amount of publicity attached to a death does not affect it and you can't empathise over something of which you're not aware. Its not about giving a rats ass, if you don't know about it you're not going to empathise over it. Yeh of course there will the the occasional publicity hound, I don't agree with any type of ambulance chasing.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Dry your eyes leggy, you'd think we'd insulted you personally.

It's sad when someone dies, especially so young, but I don't have a load of fake sympathy for skag users, gorgeous or not.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
So you can't be beautiful and use heroin? What a crock of fucking shit. We'll be classing alcoholics and other people afflicted by addictions as shitty people too at this rate? So I understand, does heroin use make Philip Seymour Hoffman a shitty person too? No it fucking doesn't.

It's just another retarded trolling post.

edit: I see he got 4 agrees from that comment... how short sighted.

No, it doesn't make you a bad person but it generally makes you make very silly choices.. in peaches case looking after a young child while actually on heroin or are you saying its ok for heroin addicts to look after children now? maybe peaches was a really nice person, maybe she was an utter bitch and it was all an act for the cameras, we'll never know and frankly I couldn't give 2 hoots. Bottom line is she was using heroin (confirmed now by the police) and a child was found next to her body, anything could have happened to that child before she was found, it could have choked on something, hit its head, anything, that doesn't make her a good person it makes her an incredibly dumb and selfish one.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Oh yes Jeffry Dalmer wasnt a bad person he just made bad choices...she got the heroin and took it alone (presumably) with her amount of cold turkey should stop you making provisions for the kid..she put herself first...equals bad person.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
@Big G - I'm honestly not insulted in any way. I was merely a little angry at the rash judgment of people who suffer with addiction.

@DaGaffer and Everyone Else: I know nothing about Peaches Geldof or Philip Seymour Hoffman and their demise makes no impact to my life whatsoever, but I am someone who has witnessed addiction first hand. These people don't make a rational choice to be shitty and destroy their lives with drugs, alcohol, gambling or any other vice we choose to judge from our sofas and desks. They struggle to cope with life in a way the rest of us can't understand and end up dead or worse (their families are destroyed) as a result. I have mostly ignore celebrity media coverage, especially that which focusses on do-nothing fame seekers so I wasn't aware that she may have been shooting up in front of her kids. I agree that is a really fucking awful thing to do and witness.... but I won't sit here and award her with shittest person of the year because of it. Mostly because I don't know the truth.

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