Patch 1.110

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Making a comparison between the two is rediculous.

Bonedancer has 4 pets, you only have to drop a blue con to kill all of the pets which takes 3/4 nukes when buffed, when unbuffed 2/3. 1500 range. They go for random targets so you risk them breaking CC. They die you have to spend 15-20 seconds getting them back up which is a hell of a long time in a fight.

Thuerg has as many pets as they want, spammed from 2200 range, pets that last for 60 seconds / chain stun / snare from range which go to the target you specify not completely random

You obviously haven't played anything else but albion if you think that the Thuerg doesn't need a massive nerf. They nerfed the BD pets because people cant figure out to nuke the commander 3/4 times. How many nukes does it take to clear pets when a thuerg MoCs or gets 10 seconds free? A hell of a lot more

Albion needed a nerf to minstrels, thuergs
Hibernia needed to be given interupt love
Midgard needed, i dunno!

But mythic is trying to balance this not upsetting the fotm rolling albion kiddies by giving Hibernia random love but not what they need in interupts so this doesn't help 8v8 whatsoever and nerfing Midgard so that those fotm easymode albion stick groups can now win some more fights, no matter how poorly they play.

I understand you're obviously upset since your main is a BD, and your getting the nerf stick. Yes it might take 2-3 nukes, to kill the commander, but if all your casters are permanently locked down by 1 bonedancer then you have problems (referring to an 8v8). In a perfect paper scenario you're right, its probably easy to kill the bd commander, however with all the adding, "ass jamming", jumps, adds which go on, your casters are not always able to do this, as if you're pets lock on their will perma interrupt. I'm not saying the Theurg isn't overpowered and has been overdue a nerf as well, (in situations), but they also have their weaknesses, and as i said before, they shouldn't nerf one without the other.

I think it all depends on situations of how the fight started, if theirs any adds etc. And yes, I've played hib most of my daoc time, so i'm aware of both their strengths and weaknesses.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Why not just make BD's in to theurgs? Throw away bone pets!

I think it would work better if the BD became a combat summoner. The problem is that they can interrupt too quickly after a fight starts and then once someone figures it out, kills the commander...they're pretty shit.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Yeah a BD hovering in the back with his pet for the first 10s of the fight can be a pain. Good healers will throw in a group heal from time to time aswell.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
You can control all four minions.. Just have to take off assist, press attack every time you change targets and the pets won't go random all over the place


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I understand you're obviously upset since your main is a BD, and your getting the nerf stick. Yes it might take 2-3 nukes, to kill the commander, but if all your casters are permanently locked down by 1 bonedancer then you have problems (referring to an 8v8). In a perfect paper scenario you're right, its probably easy to kill the bd commander, however with all the adding, "ass jamming", jumps, adds which go on, your casters are not always able to do this, as if you're pets lock on their will perma interrupt. I'm not saying the Theurg isn't overpowered and has been overdue a nerf as well, (in situations), but they also have their weaknesses, and as i said before, they shouldn't nerf one without the other.

I think it all depends on situations of how the fight started, if theirs any adds etc. And yes, I've played hib most of my daoc time, so i'm aware of both their strengths and weaknesses.

What weakness does a theurg have? A rr5 that completely burns charge tanks as well as sick interupting pets? :p

MOC and you're casting completely through the interupt, if you don't have moc as a theurg imo you're letting your group down.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
What weakness does a theurg have? A rr5 that completely burns charge tanks as well as sick interupting pets? :p

MOC and you're casting completely through the interupt, if you don't have moc as a theurg imo you're letting your group down.

Conc is/was a better option for a good theurg than moc. Especially when you consider the duration of non-earth pets.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
You can control all four minions.. Just have to take off assist, press attack every time you change targets and the pets won't go random all over the place



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Like putting the 4 pets on 4 different players?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Yepp thats why bd was so goodie in fg's, but now (soon) with nerf whats the point have a bd in grp? Bonearmy seems pretty pimp cuz of the charge/dmg add, but dark bd will be pointless when no split assist


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
they should just leave bd's alone tbh, if anything they should look at theurgs they're much more overpowered as far as interupting goes.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Jezus. That's just OPness on a whole new level.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
IT went live today, logged on and saw about 20 players in the spot you logon as a fresh character, made me smile :p was 60 level 1-10's on ! :p quest hubs are nice from what I have seen so far!

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