Patch 1.110


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Well pet clearing can be difficult at the best of times, but the BD pets take the piss. They are caster pets so they have range (the green cons anyway). They can be healed, unlike theur pets, and tend to aggro all over the place (randomly). The theur also still needs to cast his pets. When he does he aint nuking the crap out of people or is moving anywhere.

The point is that your healers where screaming get this pet of me, while the nukers where busy looking for them. Makes sense to go for the BD or the commander pet, but that one tends to be a bit harder to take down. If you got a nuke or 2 of, don't be surprised if one or more of the caster pets nuked the caster so he was interrupted. Also if the BD has any brains he'll take care of his pets.

In short, theur pets dont last that long and go for 1 target. If you interrupt the theur, you stop the petspam (if he mocs well fk, but the timer on the pets goes down even more).

I'm not sure about the dynamics behind the BD pets. Perhaps Brite or some other monkey can tell.

I understand that, but now days a GOOD alb caster group will kill the pets instantly anyway, and there's nothing you can do about it since the whole group has at least one pet on them with the latest setups. Most theurgs will be charged and just rr5, stopping the light tanks, just proceeding to cast more, let alone being blown away by a train of casters.

I dunno I get your point but it's just frustrating even more trying to fight super extend groups while dealing with goblin and barguest pets along with the theurg pets.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Don't get me wrong. I totally agree with you that a good alb caster group rapes just about everything. It's just a lot easier to counter with running just a bit of a different setup/tactic.

Where as a mid group can be solid and throw in a bd for the fun of it. I'll also add that a caster could moc and take down the bd pets that way. But even then certain groups would pay so much attention that the damn thing got heals.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I wouldnt mind having stun on druids and insta aoe and single stun on the bard. But please don't.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2008
Oh and the theurg class, where a good theurg will lock down 4-5 people at once unless kept under wraps with blue con earth lords that last a fucking age without being killed.

Think the diffrence here is that where a good theug is damaging 2 bad bds where still alot more pain once their little pets all split assisted on your support and backline without the BD actually doing anything with intent.

Not taking away from the fact dealing with an alb extension group with 4-6 OJ pets once high rr and packing serious dps isn't frustrating but atleast their knowhow and "skill" affects the outcome. A bad bd was still fucking annoying since the pets just did their thing on their own.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Think the diffrence here is that where a good theug is damaging 2 bad bds where still alot more pain once their little pets all split assisted on your support and backline without the BD actually doing anything with intent.

Not taking away from the fact dealing with an alb extension group with 4-6 OJ pets once high rr and packing serious dps isn't frustrating but atleast their knowhow and "skill" affects the outcome. A bad bd was still fucking annoying since the pets just did their thing on their own.

You notice the difference between a good and a bad BD, even with the pets not assisting or whatever. To be honest I haven't played with somebody who is actually good at BD for a long time.

Still even a bad minstrel, or ml9 caba pet, all they have to do is target & attack, not exactly difficult either!


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Make things easy for bring the subs back.. me smart Mythic!


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Still even a bad minstrel, or ml9 caba pet, all they have to do is target & attack, not exactly difficult either!

Yes but it will stay on the target untill its master says otherwise (suppose you could set it on aggro). Unlike the BD pets. And it's still only 1 per player instead of 4.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Yes but it will stay on the target untill its master says otherwise (suppose you could set it on aggro). Unlike the BD pets. And it's still only 1 per player instead of 4.

But people set them to not assist?

So you get 1 green con skele on you or a blue con commander.

To be honest they might even be worse in the next patch, when bd pets assist they can do some pretty gnarly damage.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
But people set them to not assist?

So you get 1 green con skele on you or a blue con commander.

Which is the whole problem. All it has todo is to interrupt. You can emphasize the colours all you want, the green con is still a caster pet en wont get nuked down with one nuke. If it where melee you could bg or pboa the pet.

Chanters have a nuking pet aswell, as do the cabby and sm. Though they tend to go melee at some point and are not really a nuking pet. The chanter's zealot is, not sure about the companion. But still it's only 1 :p

To be honest they might even be worse in the next patch, when bd pets assist they can do some pretty gnarly damage.

Rather that then interrupting 2-3 players at the same time.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
They assist by default, the nerf wont effect BA bonedancers moreso darkness pets


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
yes but if you say "do not assist" on the /whisper menu thing, they don't assist - which every well played bd has a macro for!

if that bd change actually works bd's won't be half the problem they used to be


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
Bonedancers will be silly easy and not friendly for groups after this i imagine.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I'm away atm, but if this goes live you can bet your fucking life I'll have a purple con dragon/fin/levian/giant lusus/frost stallion stuck to my arse the next time I'm out in the frontier :D
No point in me resubbing now!!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Does this mean mids and albs will get a baseline caster stun perhaps!? Oh lawd!

Mids have baseline casting stun on healers, thats enough, alb has baseline casting stun on clerics! so everybody has the option for stun in a decent 8man nomatter what realm tho :)

ANd screw the BDs anyway.. silly class.. prefer the dps combo from a dark sm and a rc rm when they debuff for eachother :)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Mids have baseline casting stun on healers, thats enough, alb has baseline casting stun on clerics! so everybody has the option for stun in a decent 8man nomatter what realm tho :)

ANd screw the BDs anyway.. silly class.. prefer the dps combo from a dark sm and a rc rm when they debuff for eachother :)

The BD isn't intended to be a pure 'dps' class, it's a rupt class, much like a theurg.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Bd changes are pretty retarded, they took away our rupt ability with lifetap nerf but gave us rupts with pets which made up for it, now they have removed that the class is dead

Darkness seems a pointless choice now if the pets dont interupt seperate targets and suppression, well its pretty poor

if you are having trouble dealing with bd pets in 8v8 you are seriously shit, the commander is easy to drop, especially compared to a buffed charmed yellow to red pet. pets did need a nerf, minstrel pets and thuerg pets because they are beyond a joke, it didnt need adding to mentalist, they have been given enough love. cant say im surprised, albion is where mythic gets the majority of its subscribers so they are always going to get whatever they want


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
if you are having trouble dealing with bd pets in 8v8 you are seriously shit, the commander is easy to drop

I beg to differ Brite. I'm pretty sure the moment you start nuking the commander one of its greencon pets will start to nuke you (or atleast I've seen it happen). But yes you both have a point in the bd beeing an interrupt class without interrupts atm. The problem with the lifetap is that it gets overpowered in 1vs1 if it gets back to the old timer (for classes without the access to desease).​

Suppose you could consider me seriously shit, but then problem remains because the majority of DAoC players is seriously shit.​


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Bd changes are pretty retarded, they took away our rupt ability with lifetap nerf but gave us rupts with pets which made up for it, now they have removed that the class is dead

Darkness seems a pointless choice now if the pets dont interupt seperate targets and suppression, well its pretty poor

if you are having trouble dealing with bd pets in 8v8 you are seriously shit, the commander is easy to drop, especially compared to a buffed charmed yellow to red pet. pets did need a nerf, minstrel pets and thuerg pets because they are beyond a joke, it didnt need adding to mentalist, they have been given enough love. cant say im surprised, albion is where mythic gets the majority of its subscribers so they are always going to get whatever they want

Agree, that's the exact point. How can you not nerf any alb toons when they get access to 6 pet classes, mid are lucky to fit 1 into a group really.

I beg to differ Brite. I'm pretty sure the moment you start nuking the commander one of its greencon pets will start to nuke you (or atleast I've seen it happen). But yes you both have a point in the bd beeing an interrupt class without interrupts atm. The problem with the lifetap is that it gets overpowered in 1vs1 if it gets back to the old timer (for classes without the access to desease).​

Suppose you could consider me seriously shit, but then problem remains because the majority of DAoC players is seriously shit.​

Honestly, most of the daoc population still after 10 years aren't good at all. But if you're playing alb caster group and can't qcast to 1shot a green pet, then you're dumb or just super bad. Or even have someone kill a green pet for you!

The problem is when you try to CC a red con pet, that just can't be CC'd, along with being spammed by 5 other pets (yellow/blue) or close to, it gets kinda dumb.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Agree, that's the exact point. How can you not nerf any alb toons when they get access to 6 pet classes, mid are lucky to fit 1 into a group really.

Honestly, most of the daoc population still after 10 years aren't good at all. But if you're playing alb caster group and can't qcast to 1shot a green pet, then you're dumb or just super bad. Or even have someone kill a green pet for you!

The problem is when you try to CC a red con pet, that just can't be CC'd, along with being spammed by 5 other pets (yellow/blue) or close to, it gets kinda dumb.

The same argument resides on the both sides of the coin .. if you can't kill or interupt a therg then you're just superbad. The problem is nerfing 1 but not the other, which I don't think is fair.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
1 shot a greencon pet (perhaps if you're lucky with a crit)? What about the other 3? Anyways kinda tired of going over this again. Anyone who played against it knows what we're on about. Yes you should just take down the commander/bd itself, but it's paper DAoC.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
The same argument resides on the both sides of the coin .. if you can't kill or interupt a therg then you're just superbad. The problem is nerfing 1 but not the other, which I don't think is fair.

I don't doubt that, I didn't say a theurg doesn't die, it's when you have 6 high dps casters going at it with 6 pets interupting your back field.. it's not always that simple, you can kill theurg on inc but it's minstrels, cabs, sorcs etc that ruin it.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
The same argument resides on the both sides of the coin .. if you can't kill or interupt a therg then you're just superbad. The problem is nerfing 1 but not the other, which I don't think is fair.



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Well you talk about an interrupt class, but where's the hib interrupt class? Animist. chanter? :O

From a hib point of view those melee pets you can deal with pboa'ing. Get an WL and/or SM in your group and deal with them.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Well you talk about an interrupt class, but where's the hib interrupt class? Animist. chanter? :O

From a hib point of view those melee pets you can deal with pboa'ing. Get an WL and/or SM in your group and deal with them.

But mages are there to dps not to pet clear (unless you're a hib ofc).

{note: sarcasm is on at this point}


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
The same argument resides on the both sides of the coin .. if you can't kill or interupt a therg then you're just superbad. The problem is nerfing 1 but not the other, which I don't think is fair.

Making a comparison between the two is rediculous.

Bonedancer has 4 pets, you only have to drop a blue con to kill all of the pets which takes 3/4 nukes when buffed, when unbuffed 2/3. 1500 range. They go for random targets so you risk them breaking CC. They die you have to spend 15-20 seconds getting them back up which is a hell of a long time in a fight.

Thuerg has as many pets as they want, spammed from 2200 range, pets that last for 60 seconds / chain stun / snare from range which go to the target you specify not completely random

You obviously haven't played anything else but albion if you think that the Thuerg doesn't need a massive nerf. They nerfed the BD pets because people cant figure out to nuke the commander 3/4 times. How many nukes does it take to clear pets when a thuerg MoCs or gets 10 seconds free? A hell of a lot more

Albion needed a nerf to minstrels, thuergs
Hibernia needed to be given interupt love
Midgard needed, i dunno!

But mythic is trying to balance this not upsetting the fotm rolling albion kiddies by giving Hibernia random love but not what they need in interupts so this doesn't help 8v8 whatsoever and nerfing Midgard so that those fotm easymode albion stick groups can now win some more fights, no matter how poorly they play.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I secretly always thought Brite found a way to control all 4 of his pets. :(

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