News Paris Attack


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Just a small revision :).
I've been reading quite a lot of it for my thesis, it's pretty bat shit cray.

There's a funny story (Which I have no idea is true) about a Christian guy in Palestine who gets stopped by a IS member, and he's asked if he's Muslim, he replies yes, so he's told to recite a piece from the Koran, so he recited a piece of the old testament, the IS guy let him go.

Wife went ballistic saying you just risked our lives, guy responds with 'lol, that's the only part he knows.'


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
interesting, seems they are deliberately trying to provoke a western reaction against migration as a recruitment policy.
Said no-one ever.

If anyone wants to do some grovelling, I'll be in my office planning our socialist utopia.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Said no-one ever.

If anyone wants to do some grovelling, I'll be in my office planning our socialist utopia.

you mean you are in your student digs, overcooking pot noodles and making badly worded placards? :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It doesn't even need to be a complex nuclear device.
Any amount of plutonium/etc ( of which tens of kilos are "missing" worldwide ), in a carbomb - would blanket an area in radiation that'd last decades and essentially render a portion of a city into a nogo zone.
Doesn't have to have any complexity beyond their existing capabilities.

No, it wouldn't. It'd be gone after only a few days of rain.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
you mean you are in your student digs, overcooking pot noodles and making badly worded placards? :)

Hey, I'm making a Rogan Josh, actually, and I'm in my bedroom with like 300 pairs of earphones on my desk, I'm good at collecting, m'kay.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003

That interview gave me AIDS.

Reza makes perfectly valid points (the interviewers were awful) - not all Muslims are violent, not all of them stone women, but that doesn't change the written text that represents Islam which is utterly vile and full of barbaric passages as does most religion. But we're not talking about Jews or Christians, we're talking about a substantial subset of Muslims that take the Quran for it's very word and are prepared to blew themselves to bits in the name of it.

Does Islam promote violence? Yes it does, in spades. Does that mean every muslim is violent? Of course not.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Accidentally. The first intentional area bombing was carried out by the RAF. But it doesn't matter; the RAF always knew which way the bombing campaign was going to go, and we know this because they'd already commissioned the Short Stirling (a four-engined strategic bomber, rather than the tactical bombers the Germans flew) and the first prototype flew six months before the War even started. "Gentlemen's Agreements" were a political fiction (It was actually a call by FDR to restrict bombing that the British agreed to, rather than a direct agreement with Germany), which people like Portal and Harris knew were unworkable. It suits the narrative that Britain was only responding to German escalation; but it really doesn't bear close scrutiny; the RAF were more than ready to take the war to the German population even before Coventry and the Blitz, they just needed the right casus belli
Agree 99%, although:

1. The RAF actually thought it was illegal to bomb civilian targets and it was not until the London incident and Churchill's direct order that changed it.
2. In fairness the Germans did the same, maybe not with large bombers but they put their efforts heavily into the rocket programs. The V1 & V2 projects which resulted were used to great effect. Highly inaccurate and the V1 (Doodlebug? sp) used to cause widespread panic due to the noise and way it fell circling downward. Yes I did know it was supposed to be a fighter jet and proved too dangerous so they converted it to a rocket bomb. V2 was designed specifically as rocket bomb. Hitler wanted to rain them down on London but the production was severely hampered by the bombing of industrial targets!

Totally agree that Britain were preparing for the carpet bombing of civilian targets long before but then I think they knew it was the only way they would win. They were against a better, bigger and more advanced war machine. Germany had a huge head start when it came to ground mobilized weaponry and troops. Whitehall had ignored or brushed off the massive build up under the assumption that they would never take us on. Even with the US (PAID FOR!) help, which cost Britain a third of its entire wealth, we were still at a disadvantage. Luckily Hitler's decision to fight eastward proved to be too much.

Suppose we should get back on topic really :)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
The only people that can stop this ideology are the muslim's themselves. It has to come within and they have to drown out the negatives with the positives of their religion. They have to stop Imam's preaching hatred and provide proper leadership and guidance for their religion and that can only come from the Mufti's and heads of religion in each country. I'm personally fed up with hearing Islam is the religion of peace. It obviously is not but then neither is Christianity with its long history of ideological wars and genocide. As Queen Noor recently stated Muslim's have to take back the message, they have to get on social media and counter the backward thinking elements that are tarnishing their ideology.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Seems to be an awful lot of hand wringing to determine if bombing them will make the situation worse, when if you look at it, we aren't even their main targets.

I suspect whilst ISIS sympathisers may not be too impressed, there are a whole load of other people in the area who are awaiting us laying the smack down.

I reckon we get started, personally.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


While people may not like it in reality the fight with ISIS will require its total destruction, there isn't room for a peace table in this one since the actions they've take and the beliefs they have rule it out. Once it has been largely destroyed there is no doubt the west and other areas will still have to accept the odd Paris style event.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
I think the issue now is not about if we should totally destroy them, its about how we do it


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I've been reading quite a lot of it for my thesis, it's pretty bat shit cray.

There's a funny story (Which I have no idea is true) about a Christian guy in Palestine who gets stopped by a IS member, and he's asked if he's Muslim, he replies yes, so he's told to recite a piece from the Koran, so he recited a piece of the old testament, the IS guy let him go.

Wife went ballistic saying you just risked our lives, guy responds with 'lol, that's the only part he knows.'
That's not how it goes though. He is told to recite a part of the quran but recites a part of the old testimony. The IS member nods and let's him through. Wide goes crazy and he is like "lol, if he was Muslim he'd know the quran, but clearly he isn't "

At least that's how I heard it. Urban myth probably


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
I think the issue now is not about if we should totally destroy them, its about how we do it
But its a never ending circle, wiping them out totally is impossible. They have support all around the world. Subjecting them to such barbarity will only garner them even more support and regrowth. Playing the persecuted card is all too easy.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
That's the big dilemma we been going around in circles about all day, how to tackle an enemy that thrives on violence against it due to various reasons


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Now the Russians have accepted that their air disaster was a bomb looks like there maybe a combined European solution. For once I have to agree with the American strategy of stumping their money flow by hitting the flow of oil.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Russians would be happy to decrease middle east oil production, means their economy might bounce back a little


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Biggest misconception ever.

Germany strategically bombed us, they hit factories and such, sure some bombs missed.

When we bombed them we targeted entire cities, in fact, we killed more people in a single bombing run than the Germans did over the entire course of the Blitz.

Because we targeted civilians intentionally in order to strike fear and get them to give up quicker.

So if anything, we're ISIS in your analogy.
25 Thousand - 2 days.
40 Thousand - 8 months.

Let's learn from history eh? Rather than trying to re write it to suit out own skewered agenda.

Applying street fighting logic to this situation is retarded as fuck.
Strategically for a few months till they decided it wasnt working then they hit the centres of population like london. Instead of the air fields.

Doodlebugs werent aimed at industrial centres nor we v2


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I have @DaGaffer for this one, I win. ;)

@Poag - Propaganda.

It's like saying during the Blitz London was all happy and united, not the truth, at all.

Robberies, Rape, Muggings all went through the roof.
It wasnt before the germans stopped going after the airfields and such in 1940 after the battle of britain though


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Was catching up with posts and posted as i found you were talking shit. My points kinda mirror what gaf and hawk said. So go facepalm youself in your hoodie


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Can't be arsed to respond properly if I'm honest, we've gone through this, usually, if the conversation has moved on, people tend not to reply from earlier messages.

Unless it's a direct message to them which they haven't had time to reply yet.

You could learn stuff.

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