Osama dead


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
10 years, 2 wars, 919,967 innocent iraqis and Afghans murdered by Team America, thousands of brave soldiers killed in the process and $1,188,263,000,000 (interest and inflation not included) later,to kill Bin Laden.

Sounds like a job well done to me. High Fives, Hoo-Rahs and Whoop Whoops all round.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
So the picture of Bin Laden that has been released is a fake. This just gets better


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That one from a couple of years ago is aye.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
So the picture of Bin Laden that has been released is a fake. This just gets better

that one's been around for ages, dont think anythings been released by the US from abbotatatotatobad yet.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Nah been reading around the picture was basically just used by newspapers that are desperate to sell (hi thar dailymail) the USA identified Bin Laden via DNA (They had DNA from his now deceased sisters brain apparently, she died of cancer I assume she was living in the USA) I doubt any pictures will be released tbh and if they are it'll most likely be by wikileaks.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Osama is sunbathing and having Mojitos in some beach of Cuba along with Elvis, Michael J and the BigFoot.


Apr 20, 2011
People say the that America should not have gone to war yet I don't see how they could let 9/11 pass. If they had done nothing do you think al-Qaeda would have become bored and stopped? They want to destroy the west. I can understand people's indignation when they read unconfirmed figures for civilian casualties - but what kind of world would we live in had America and its allies not done anything? What kind of world would we live in if the callous, unprovoked murder of civilians went unpunished?

I am pretty sure that America cannot win these days. If they had done something differently, or nothing at all as some people suggest, then people would be outraged. Now they kill Bin Laden and people still feel they need to complain. America is the stalwart of the free world, and if we wish to be a part of the free world then I think we should show some respect.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Given their foreign policy and attitude towards the rest of the world do you really think they could live in peace with anyone?
Even to get Osama they essentially murdered (assumably) Pakistani citizens, stepped into a foreign country with violent intent and invaded their air space
It would have been hilarious if they had scrambled fighter jets and shot all their choppers down, no doubt the US would have cried out at how unjustified it all would have been.

But hey, lets be honest the pretense of 'doing the right thing' was left at the door a long time ago


Apr 20, 2011
So they should not have killed Osama Bin Laden because they were 'invading air space'? And they do not 'murder' citizens - that is an over-reaction. Citizens are killed in cross-fire and drone raids, these things happen in wars. How many German citizens died in the bombings of Dresden? Should we hate the British for it?

This is war. War is not nice, but it is war nonetheless, and it is a conflict that America did not chose to fight.

The world is a harsh place, people die unjustly every single day - at the hands of all nations, of all peoples. But it would be much worse if we did not have the freedom and democracy that America so valiantly defends.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
So they should not have killed Osama Bin Laden because they were 'invading air space'?
They should have consulted the country they were entering, even if it was covertly. It was a response to 'America can't do right', the reality is they don't care what enemies they make while they stomp around taking control of their interests, so why should anyone be friendly towards them?
And it is rather convenient to forget it was the CIA who essentially created Al-Qaeda

And they do not 'murder' citizens - that is an over-reaction.
They murdered them because they had no right to be there, not because they were in the cross-fire

This is war. War is not nice, but it is war nonetheless, and it is a conflict that America did not chose to fight.

The world is a harsh place, people die unjustly every single day - at the hands of all nations, of all peoples. But it would be much worse if we did not have the freedom and democracy that America so valiantly defends.
'freedom' so long as it panders to the American view
'democracy' so long as they vote for the people who support American interests

I find the whole Islamist movement deplorable, but in recent times i find the 'west' to be no better


Apr 20, 2011
'freedom' so long as it panders to the American view
'democracy' so long as they vote for the people who support American interests

And it all boils down to that. al-Qaeda have their own definition of freedom, as do many other countries. But I am a westener, and America's definition of freedom and democracy is what I believe is right, and therefore I will support them in whatever they do. The freedom that 'panders to the American view' is the kind of freedom that you enjoy every single day, it is the kind of freedom that allows you to say what you think and be what you want to be. Are you not grateful for that?

The world is lucky to have a country like America that defends its values and defends others, even when it sometimes does not concern them. The world is also lucky that generally America does not care what people think, unlike nothing-countries such as Switzerland, who couldn't care about anyone else but themselves, who aren't prepared to sacrifice anything for their values and the protection of their people.

I just think it is a bit naive to be complaining about all of this. The world needs countries like America; derided and hated, but will save us whatever happens. And that is something that gives me great comfort.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
As I said before, America's definition of "freedom and democracy" shifts by the day, and they by no means actually support it - the patriot act rail-roaded within days of 9/11 proves that, or the fact that normal people just lost the ability to join class action suits against corporations for wrongdoing and have to be proven on individual basis now.

The truth is, we wouldn't be fighting this Islamic threat if it wasn't for the US, Britain and France intentionally antagonising them. Can you really blame their population for being pissed off when we install puppet dictators? Invade without any cause? Help maintain regimes that benefit us at the cost of every single person living in that country except the oil princes? Because I sure can't, if anything they've showed remarkable restraint in my opinion - we deserve far worse for what we've done, and continue to do.

You honestly have to realise that they are not doing this for any values whatsoever, in fact their constant interventions since World War 2 has promoted exactly the opposite of what they preach. They're doing it to open up markets for US exploitation, for access to natural resources, and to funnel taxmoney into defence contractors. That's all there is, they aren't some kind of Batman - that's what you like to think they are, but the truth is that if they can get away with it they're going to re-arrange whatever country they please to suit their interest, against the wishes of it's citizens and the majority of the international world - because they can.

edit: Just to give an example, how about that democracy and freedom they've promoted in Iraq huh? a 3000 men American embassy just screams democracy and not shadow government. Or how about them dismissing the Palestinian election, every single other organisation in the world deemed lawful because the wrong party won?


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
And it all boils down to that. al-Qaeda have their own definition of freedom, as do many other countries. But I am a westener, and America's definition of freedom and democracy is what I believe is right, and therefore I will support them in whatever they do.
Many other countries are happy with the freedoms they have, who are you (or America, or even the 'west') to judge what is right for them?
The system is certainly no less corrupt, we (the west) are just better at hiding what we do

The freedom that 'panders to the American view' is the kind of freedom that you enjoy every single day, it is the kind of freedom that allows you to say what you think and be what you want to be. Are you not grateful for that?
Making emotive rhetoric doesn't make your viewpoint any stronger,
I don't enjoy 'American' freedom, i enjoy British freedom (which is sadly being eroded by the current administrations)

The world is lucky to have a country like America that defends its values and defends others, even when it sometimes does not concern them. The world is also lucky that generally America does not care what people think, unlike nothing-countries such as Switzerland, who couldn't care about anyone else but themselves, who aren't prepared to sacrifice anything for their values and the protection of their people.

I just think it is a bit naive to be complaining about all of this. The world needs countries like America; derided and hated, but will save us whatever happens. And that is something that gives me great comfort.

The irony of the above statement is so heavy that i am not even sure whether you are being serious or just posting for a laugh :confused:


Apr 20, 2011
Well we should respect other people's opinions, it is what I believe, if I am wrong then let me live in ignorance, I am contempt with that. I'm just grateful to the country that has given me so much. Their intentions may be shady (as Helme mentioned with natural resources) at times - although I do not believe that this is the primary reason for the war - I trust America more than anyone else. I have no idea what the world would be like if the most powerful country in the world was China or Russia.

But I am sure I am just repeating myself. I know this is a sensitive topic, and I'm supposed to behave myself, so I am just respecting your opinions; and I completely understand where both of you are coming from (and agree with you in a way), I just hope you can respect mine too, however wrong you feel it may be.

To be honest, there is a lot of things about America, the war and Osama Bin Laden that we do not, and never will, know.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
i dont get why people wanna disgrace his body tbh, fine hes dead. Let it be that.

Glad hes dead tho, dont need proof, it would be stupid of the americans to fake it


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
i dont get why people wanna disgrace his body tbh, fine hes dead. Let it be that.

Glad hes dead tho, dont need proof, it would be stupid of the americans to fake it

Wouldnt be the first major incident they have faked



FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
i dont get why people wanna disgrace his body tbh, fine hes dead. Let it be that.

Glad hes dead tho, dont need proof, it would be stupid of the americans to fake it

And now chucked at sea so there can be no sight of worship for him.. booyah.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
And it all boils down to that. al-Qaeda have their own definition of freedom, as do many other countries. But I am a westener, and America's definition of freedom and democracy is what I believe is right, .

Do some research on Iraq before and after team america waged an illegal war on their country in the name of freedom and democracy. The pretty picture fox news paints about how much better off Iraq is now that Saddam has gone is as far away from the truth as could be. This is even before you take into account the 850,000 innocent iraq's slaughtered by the american war machine in the name of $$$$$, sorry, in the name of freedom and democracy.


Apr 20, 2011
Do some research on Iraq before and after team america waged an illegal war on their country in the name of freedom and democracy. The pretty picture fox news paints about how much better off Iraq is now that Saddam has gone is as far away from the truth as could be. This is even before you take into account the 850,000 innocent iraq's slaughtered by the american war machine in the name of $$$$$, sorry, in the name of freedom and democracy.

My question to you is why are you so keen to discredit Fox news? How reliable is your source that tells you of all this turmoil in Iraq? How do you know your sources are true (unless you have witnessed this first hand in Iraq)?

Is this a case of people chosing what to and what not to believe?


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Listening to Fox News is just like reading The Daily Mail and agreeing with everything they say


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997


Apr 20, 2011
But what of the other sources? Anecdotal evidence? Al-Qaeda propaganda?

I wonder how many of these civilian deaths can be attributed to al-Qaeda. No doubt those figures, if they have any substance in them, would have counted suicide-bombings since 9/11 - which have hardly anything to do with America.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Cool just wondering, wasnt any real reason just interesting to know where people come from in discussions

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