Open Thread


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
1st off, kudos to merc for making this thread and not carrying on over the ML thread. /salute

Now for my 2 pence worth !!! hehe ....

Dosent matter how well educated ppl are, dosent matter what age, sex, colour or creed they are. Dosent matter about freedom of speech, game playstyles, how many MLs ppl have lead, realm ranks or how you like your cornflakes in the morning :p
What does matter, in this case, is that DAOC and attached forums are a community of like minded individuals trying to co-exist with the game DAOC being the central theme/hub.

Theres a set way of behaving, hell even a pretty much set language thats spoken. Dosent matter if its fair or not, no one really cares until someone breaks the norm. People can try to justify themselves as much as they posibly like, quoting left right and center and proving their points beyond a shadow of a doubt... Its pointless and believe me I know from trying to justify my play style (im just a worthless adding zerging scum who dosent deserve my rps/realm ranks) as you are judged by your peers (in this case fellow forum addicts)
People are people and its the diversity that makes for a great game/community. we have our ranting FGvFGers our screaming Hardcore soloers, Our twisted ML leaders, our Whiners, our skum sucking adders and zergers, leet kiddies, our well educated types and our idiots! but we all try to stick to a type of uniform conformity within these forums.. break that mould/steriotype and we are where we are now within this thread.

I personally think that after the 1st few posts, things have gone tits up and we are at the stage where peoples egos just wont allow them to back down.. hell everyones out to prove a point! and I can imagine leaving this thread for a few weeks comming back to it and finding 4-6 more pages of mindless drivel of quotes/sub-quotes/textbook refrences/dictionary quotations etc etc

Comeon guys take a step back lol are we really resorting to quoting dictionarys and arguing over quotation methods within forums? lmao

As well educated as most people posting in this thread appear to be (not just merc) I feel its time some people should stop trolling the forums, maybe take a break from DAOC? get out into the world and experience life for what it is.

No amount of education is ever going to enrich your life and perspective of things than the real world.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Golena said:
There's also knowing how they are used in certain contexts. Yet this seems to of escaped you.

I neither like or dislike you. Again if you stepped back and stopped being so worked up, which you obviously are however much you try to deny it, you might realise this.

Here's another go at Vavi? Didn't you have a huge go at him earlier about how you shouldn't quote an entire post, but select certain bits of it instead?
Only quoting a bit of someone can be just as misleading as highlighting or underlining a bit, probably more so.

And you ran your own raids instead because you disliked it? No you just kept attending his, so your as guilty as everyone else for the loot claiming. Now get over something that happened what, 2 years ago, and move on. You said that Vavi was the only person organising raids.. all it would of taken was one person doing none pre-claim raids, and most would probably of stopped attending the pre-claim ones.

How am I attacking your gender, please explain this one to me!! Your gender shouldn't be an issue, as I tried to say. It's you that keeps bringing it up, and up and up. I'm also not attacking your ideas, more the way your trying to put them across.

Yes, they are both Legit methods of doing raids, and I haven't talked about them because I don't use them. If other people want to use those rules for raids then I have no problem with that. I have no notions of what a raid should be, just of the type that I try to lead. I've attended plenty of FFA raids in my time. If it's a raid that doesn't fit in with my notions, like most of Vavi's have been then I simply won't attend. If other people enjoy them, then what's the problem.

You hijacked a ML rush thread, so my comments were based on how ML rushes tended to be held in the other realms, and ones i'd done. If you want to talk about other types of raids, then maybe pick a different place from a ML rush thread to do it? I don't think that lotto's work well on an ML rush, I wouldn't flame someone if they wanted to try it tho. It's my opinion that they are better without, if someone else disagrees, it's not hard for them to run their own and attend that one instead now is it.

That would be the last 50 ML raids i've lead, thanks for asking.. If a immo ring or ring of the heavens drops then it goes to someone there hitting the mob. When you've explained how this is less fair than someone lottoing it 20 seconds later between the same players then i'll accept you have a point.

There's a lotto because there's always a lotto. Well i'm glad we've got a good reason! I can't think of any reason why a lotto on ML10 would be needed. Take 3 balanced full groups and everyone has the same chance of getting an item as they would if there was a lotto. You can do it either way without any real issue. It's down to preference, there's not a right way or wrong way.

Or in your very first line of the post.. I'm a girl, look at me!!!

Yet after all that ranting you've still failed to answer the simple question, why is the lotto so important.
What is it about typing /random 100 instead of letting the random number generator that the game uses when the loot is picked up that makes it so special.

What i've realised is that your actually far more interested in arguing with people and causing a scene than you are in any content your actually saying.. cya same time next month?

I started running raids without claiming, after cluster i heard ppl from excal always claimed an item, if im not mistaken bluesky takes an extra set of stones from his raid as well (i do not object :)) I started to "state" that i might claim an item and only i need.

Now ppl who have ben on say like my last 20 raids have seen that i mostly said not claiming anything i dont need it, and in between were some very good drops, just i didnt took em caus ei didnt needed em and im certainly not gone claim out of greed to sell it. The best item i claimed was prolly the antalya in the last year. And that i am wearing on my valkyrie. And the only item i claimed in like 20 raids was a cloth pants from a GS mob.

Its not like i went haywire claiming something out of greed each raid.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
vavires said:
I started running raids without claiming, after cluster i heard ppl from excal always claimed an item, if im not mistaken bluesky takes an extra set of stones from his raid as well (i do not object :)) I started to "state" that i might claim an item and only i need.

Now ppl who have ben on say like my last 20 raids have seen that i mostly said not claiming anything i dont need it, and in between were some very good drops, just i didnt took em caus ei didnt needed em and im certainly not gone claim out of greed to sell it. The best item i claimed was prolly the antalya in the last year. And that i am wearing on my valkyrie. And the only item i claimed in like 20 raids was a cloth pants from a GS mob.

Its not like i went haywire claiming something out of greed each raid.

No offense vav, but Bluesky's claiming of 2 stones in his raid is perfectly justificiable act, since its a setup raid. Not a ffa raid, in a sence that everyone can join. There's a difference ;) I've heard many times in vent when bluebeard tries to get ppl to fill the spots with ppl due the reason that ppl didn't showed up. Due all that extra work, its perfectly justificiable act to claim two stones for the work, which not many will thank him for right?

Your raids are of different category in a sense that your raids are ffa raids, which have always been a success in a sense that you always have had enough ppl, so the raid can be a success in that sense.

I am not saying you shouldn't be rewarded of the leading of raid and all that work and trouble you see when you host the raid. But like has been stated here, that some ppl got no choice but to join for those ml raids to get the loot they desire. If raid leader doesn't mention either in the raid starting thread or in the beginning of the raid that (s)he is going to claim item (and specifically which item if its possibly do drop), IS F*CKING LAME TO ME.

/rant off ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Just to clarify my claiming items for anyone that doesn't know on my 23 player dragon raids I claim 1 extra pair of stones from a haul of 25 pairs dropped from Gjalpinulva along with remains and 4 mp named unique drops. The final pair of stones, remains and 4 mp drops are always FFA lotto'd.

I have never claimed a named unique item from any of my dragon or any other raids such as a Dragonstorm or Dragonscale Bracer which are 2 of the 3 most desirable drops from Gjalpi. Claiming unique named drops I personally see as a different thing to 1 pair of extra stones.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 10, 2004
Hmm, this seems an intresting threath, but i'm gonna wait for the movie i think, way too much to read :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Bluesky said:
Just to clarify my claiming items for anyone that doesn't know on my 23 player dragon raids I claim 1 extra pair of stones from a haul of 25 pairs dropped from Gjalpinulva along with remains and 4 mp named unique drops. The final pair of stones, remains and 4 mp drops are always FFA lotto'd.

I have never claimed a named unique item from any of my dragon or any other raids such as a Dragonstorm or Dragonscale Bracer which are 2 of the 3 most desirable drops from Gjalpi. Claiming unique named drops I personally see as a different thing to 1 pair of extra stones.
blue matey, sorry if i offended you with using you as example, I have nothing aginst it ofc as i respect you most of all the rl's on midgard. Just wanted to give another example about claiming stuff.

@ ix, imo u shouldnt join a raid for an item alone, i mean with that, uve been on most of my raids right? U know the average ppl joining are 80-120. What is the chance that 1 persons wins the lotto when that item is being rolled? Very low :). And while u need a certain amount of ppl for the dr, an ml raid can take evenly amount of effort. and that u know to.

Merc just pointing her finger to me for the so called 'i brought claiming stuff to prydwen".

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
mercury said:
Oh, fer crying out loud....
Chin up girl, you had that one coming with your "I'm a girl" in every post :)

also, before vav claimed loot, I also once claimed one item from my ML9 raid. The remains of the phoenix. But even then I wasn't the first to do so, so don't keep picking on vav.

Blue, even if you claimed half of all the stones I'd still come to your raids... They're just too much fun (although I do still wish you'd let me take the west route once again ;))

Ixoth, there's a lot more that differs a FFA raid and a closed raid. Both have their tricky parts and both have they easier parts. Can't just compare their difficulty by taking one aspect of them.

Vav, you learned well my young padawan :D
Your raids are effective and good, so less defending yourself.. you don't need to :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
I see ml's as just something to get done tbh. I am not a fussy person when it comes to raid leaders I can put up with all sorts of crap and poor raid leaders to get my ML's done. I dont agree with preclaims they sux, but at the end of the day I wanted me ML's so when I saw vavis ml rush I was like cool I can get it all done.

however the first ml raid I joined with Vavi was ml1-3. I was so shocked at the poor level of leadership, I thought to myself, seriously fook that just get 3 FG and lead the raids yourself then you dont have to put up with this tit. When I say tit I mean someone that really has no clue how to lead people and basically how to command a large amount of players. Vavi is one of these raid leaders that has zero control over the zerg (or very little control), doesnt know how to keep the zerg focused and how to get them working correctly (to be fair its not always easy though, but theres some basics). doesnt communicate well when moving and holding, time after time we finish a step and burn off with zero info coming from him in BG. Then he would like stop and half the zerg would keep going and then he would go mad in CAPS saying GET BACK HERE NOW OR GET KICKED. All the way through the raid, there was no control of the zerg because the communication would always come too late. I find the best thing is to keep talking keep people reading, keep telling them about time targets, keep remind them to stick. but do it in a nice way.

The eptiome of this chaos was near the end of the raid, the zerg got broken up big style (which again WAS partially his fault for crap communication). He went absolutely nutz charged into the second split zerg randomly kicking people from the BG who were like not afk but stuck to their GL's or other people in their group etc. Sure in an ideal world zerg would auto stick the RL all the time and it would be sun and sand castles. But it doesnt work like that as RL you have to almost shepard and herd them, but the way he steamed into this big split bunch of people and started randomly kicking, stunk of newb to me. And I had to go out of my way to help the peeps that didnt get credit in subsequent raids. IT was all totally uneccesarry.

On the other hand I went to one of skua's/mercs raids and understood about control and how to communicate instructions to the raid and keep people on the ball. that gave me a good respect for him, he also didnt preclaim anything.

Its all down to the choice of the player at the end of the day. You can go on a raid with a complete lemon like vavi, or you can make your own or do them with someone with half a braincell and a generally nice personality.

In terms of this debait. Merc for me is a sound person and player. Vavi is a lemon and a dangerously clueless raid leader. (tbh wouldnt even call him RL, just someone thats tweaked on he can get 20 plat loot items and leftovers and his ml's done at same time)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
I've always thought that the name "Discussion Forums" was misleading; boards such as this are good for posting information but do little for reasoned discussion.

I'm not going to get involved in the argument here other than to say that the main provocateurs of this post are taking it far too seriously, when such bright and resourceful people could be making far better use of their time.

Now I'm all for freedom of speech and each individual's right to express their opinion but these boards are not the most enlightened place on the internet so I can't really understand what you hoped to acheive. If you were looking for a mature conversation then I can only admire your optimism, even if it is hopelessly misplaced.

Blue has voiced the best sentiments here in that he always thinks the best of people, and I do the same, despite evidence to the contrary.

Through experience I have found that you can only influence people by your actions, telling them what to do will more often than not acheive the opposite.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
mercury said:
And you know the funny thing? I cannot ever imagine that a post like yours would ever have been written by a woman. Now I wonder why I might think that?

Have you ever considered that you may be wrong on this point? I actually happen to agree with a lot of what he wrote. The players of DAoC agree or disagree by voting with their feet, that's all of the people it concerns, not just you. This is a discussion forum, however, the tone of 90% of your posts come across in my opinion as either overly defensive or dictatorial. Have you not considered standing back and admitting that maybe some people do have a point? For example your continued hounding of Vavi is verging on childish, when you yourself admit you have voluntarily chosen to go on a number of his raids. Despite your many months of complaining about the status of Midgards ML rush leaders I have failed to see a post of you leading one. Not that I would like to turn up to one, but since you are high on principles, but low on action it is a fair point.

Should people be warned if a raid leader advises all loot will be lottoed, then at the end of a raid say's, "Right, thanks for that folks!' and logs. Yes.

Should you choose to write a post expressing your dislike of a clearly stated raid leaders rules where everything is clear and upfront in the sign up post. No.

In all the time I have known you and known of you I have not once heard you either 1, apologise, or 2, admit to being at fault. Your comments that sparked this whole discussion were clearly in the wrong place (it was a sign up post) and should not have been made. The person who posted the ML rush clearly deserves an apology from you.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
lol what a load of crap tir. just vague waffle and making vague points u could apply to any person or poster. christ your worse than epeenzer.

read my post. that says it all. based on facts from what actually went on.

vavi is an out of control control freak etc...

being clueless is a deadly combination with that many people under your control.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
censi said:
lol what a load of crap tir. just vague waffle and making vague points u could apply to any person or poster. christ your worse than epeenzer.

read my post. that says it all. based on facts from what actually went on.

vavi is an out of control control freak etc...

being clueless is a deadly combination with that many people under your control.

What right do u have to judge me?
U dont even know me, Best judge of caracter i had a bout you is that ure arrogant and ignorant. You just need to look to a suggestion i made in 1 of ure threads. Lol there u went attacking and flaming. Ure just as offensive as ure sweety.

But please go ahead with ure accusations,
ill always me ure dear mr Lemon. /bow


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Tir said:
Have you ever considered that you may be wrong on this point? I actually happen to agree with a lot of what he wrote. The players of DAoC agree or disagree by voting with their feet, that's all of the people it concerns, not just you. This is a discussion forum, however, the tone of 90% of your posts come across in my opinion as either overly defensive or dictatorial. Have you not considered standing back and admitting that maybe some people do have a point? For example your continued hounding of Vavi is verging on childish, when you yourself admit you have voluntarily chosen to go on a number of his raids. Despite your many months of complaining about the status of Midgards ML rush leaders I have failed to see a post of you leading one. Not that I would like to turn up to one, but since you are high on principles, but low on action it is a fair point.

Should people be warned if a raid leader advises all loot will be lottoed, then at the end of a raid say's, "Right, thanks for that folks!' and logs. Yes.

Should you choose to write a post expressing your dislike of a clearly stated raid leaders rules where everything is clear and upfront in the sign up post. No.

In all the time I have known you and known of you I have not once heard you either 1, apologise, or 2, admit to being at fault. Your comments that sparked this whole discussion were clearly in the wrong place (it was a sign up post) and should not have been made. The person who posted the ML rush clearly deserves an apology from you.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
What right do u have to judge me?
U dont even know me, Best judge of caracter i had a bout you is that ure arrogant and ignorant. You just need to look to a suggestion i made in 1 of ure threads. Lol there u went attacking and flaming. Ure just as offensive as ure sweety.

But please go ahead with ure accusations,
ill always me ure dear mr Lemon. /bow

You been stealing pips illiteracy pills?

You dont need rights to judge. I am judging you, and you are guilty of suxing balls whether you like or agree with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Sat Nav broken

Tir said:
For example your continued hounding of Vavi is verging on childish, when you yourself admit you have voluntarily chosen to go on a number of his raids.

History. Search for 'rude'

Not that I would like to turn up to one, but since you are high on principles, but low on action...

Wrong. Go look in this forum

Should you choose to write a post expressing your dislike of a clearly stated raid leaders rules where everything is clear and upfront in the sign up post. No.


In all the time I have known you and known of you I have not once heard you either 1, apologise,....

Go look

......or 2, admit to being at fault.

Your comments that sparked this whole discussion were clearly in the wrong place (it was a sign up post) and should not have been made.

Wrong thread. Read first post.

The person who posted the ML rush clearly deserves an apology from you.

Go look some more.

Don't mind people turning up late, not even after the concert, but when they turn up on the wrong day and to the wrong venue, expecting Classical when its Jazz, now that takes some doing. Seems to me reading the Programme would help.

Dick Tater


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
mercury said:
Wrong thread. Read first post.

I'd read that first post just once more yourself if I was you...

mercury said:
I have no objection to anyone joining in this thread, or not, as they wish, and expressing any opinion, whether or not I might consider it worthwhile


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

Wasn't trying to stifle her or send her away, dimbo. Just directing her to the place where those things had been done to death, as you're so fond of telling me.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
As far as i see it, the raidleader sets a pair of rules and people can chose to follow or not. if there's no people there's no raid.



Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Jerelyn said:
As far as i see it, the raidleader sets a pair of rules and people can chose to follow or not. if there's no people there's no raid.


Theres the nail..

theres the hammer.

And that's Jerelyn smashing the F*** out of that nail, right on the head. :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
why is it so hard to stop scratching your nuts once you start ?


Regular Freddie
Mar 10, 2005
i never post on this forum, well maybe this is my second post ever, but i found this, well all of this one of the funniest and possibly the sadest things i have ever read.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
merc, this is freddyshouse, what did you expect ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004

toxii said:
merc, this is freddyshouse, what did you expect ?
I expected :flame: and I got :flame: but it's been .....interesting.

I can handle stubborn ignorance, but ignorant stubborness is something else again..

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