Once again



Sigh I think I have to repeat this over a hundred times before people even remember it even...

Albs did numerous of runs at prime time. They all failed. I find this just plain ridiculous of people saying we never did. Even Finster knows, Tomasks knows and all the other well known people and still they come with lousy arguements... Getting really sick of some people saying things they don't know or have forgotten on short notice already.

And this thread shows that not only some Albs have big mouths..

(Btw. you know they found out that playing pc games a lot each day lowers brain activity and creativity? They tested it on Japanese people and found some remarkable results.. Also people get more agitated by playing to much stressing games.. It's called computer aggression. And NO I'm not joking!)

Madonion Slicer

So if your so muture why complain when you lose a relic that has no bearing on you real life, you all seem to get pretty upset when you lose in a GAME, yet you all so grown up to have familys.

I am 22, i work a network manager i am currently buying my own home with a girlfriend, this is just before you try and say that to be an Albion you have to such and such a person.

Why when any realm takes a keep cant the others just say well done you gits we will be back, instead of say thats not fair i was in bed.

Your so right this is a game, and as for importance it comes bottom, which is why i will never have a lvl50 character, but for a GAME it does indeed upset a lot of so called Muture people.

And dont give me a sob story about your family and work, we all have to do it get on with it.


I didnt have the willpower to cut through all the bs in these threads but i must comment on ONE subject ;)

Excalibur is NOT a UK server its a ENGLISH SPEAKING server... its not located in the UK its located in paris France (oh my gawd).

And the WC attack.. PFFFFFTTTT i could care less about sports, and the jocks that come with it.

But finding any pride (that -Light- does apparently) for repeatedly taking the relics the way you do? ... hey ill be the first to signup for a 0300 raid at an realm with an skeleton crew is a strategic/smart/easy/alby/good/blabla/blabla/ way to go, but atleast i feel a little proud when our raids has been succesful even under massive resistance ,like last time when we got intercepted at the MMG by two huge armys(tho that couldve been avoided if not you-know-who picked up the you-know-what) those are the things that gets remembered.

If Alb or Hib did the same (im sure Hib will ...) it would be equally cool, but as it stands now its nothing more than stealing napkins at mcdonalds.

Oh .. i went from 1 point to 3 points and added fuel to the fire.. im sorry:rolleyes:


Well 6hrs sleep from 1.30 am would be oooh 7.30am :p Now as the average job starts at 9am, I reckon thats ample time to get ready for work, is for me anyway.

Though I suppose a lot of people on excal aren't on GMT time, but then why should those of us that are on GMT cater for them and likewise those who are not for us? If the guys that play on Excal who are 1, 2, 3 or more hours ahead of the UK start RvRing, claming keeps, etc before we get back from work we have no right to complain, just as they don't when we stay up too late for them.


Originally posted by Hulbur
You albs proven what a sorry bunch of loosers you are.

When are you gonna try and facing us, instead of theese mid-week, past midnight raids?

Are you really so poor at this game?

I wonder?

i think you mids shoulod just stfu and stop complaining about time of raids . most of you are hypocrytes anyway , we take your relic at 1am you flame us badly .. hibs take your relic at SAME time of night and you congratulate them .
which to me shows u all two faced fags :)

as for raids you have to remember this is a TWENTYFOUR HOUR GAME . the game doesnt go on pause . it doest put itself on hold until mids/hibs get home . 12-1am isnt that late .

end of the day this is war . what do you want us to do ? put apost in forums sayin g "hello mids were coming for your relic this evening" cos the amount opf people who exp in yddgra and upplands would be like doing so .. in war anything goes "except abusing bugs" . catch your enemy when he aint ready for it . or when they are at there weakest ,

when people get exp killed by an enemy you guys tell em to stfu moaniong and not goto the frontiers if they dont wanna get exp killed . well ill say if you dont wanna lose relics that time of night then dont goto sleep :)

Madonion Slicer

Yoda get LSD up a few lvls i need her protection in BG's again, lets just hope it does not end so quick again.


Originally posted by old.Saborion
. Sure, we attacked during the WC finals. So? Not everyone is interested in sports,

maybe thats why trolls are so fat))
and to guy saying excaliber is not english server.yes its not but ask yourself this how many germans or french speakers play excaliber?even if it is located in central african republic its still an english speaking server meaning all the uk population is basically on it or prydwen.
but like someone posted we all got our lives how we live is up to everyone.when u come into the game you play your time and how u want so far in the rules.
what gets me is why do people whine.sure you have right to whine but its only a game after all why not just go take the relic back you taken relics before.
why do you have to whne every single time in a game.i agree with above guy not everyone is into sports thats why they lack the concept of sportsmanship.
to everyone their own.i felt watching world cup is worth more then a few hours sleep.
some feel sleep is more important then watching world cup.
so?why come out with this lame flames because of a game.
you think we jocks i think you are nerds .enuff said.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Oh well its a war game
let the Albs feel proud over there npc raid, we all know albs got no pride or guts to do a real relic raid, so I dont know why ppl even borther about this anymore ?

Edit: bragging about a npc raid lol.... yay, I can tell you that I wouldnt even borther to mention it if I was apart of a npc raid...

When the hell did someone do a succesful "real" relic raid. imho a real relic raid includes a solid defense to overcome, to my knowledge mids have not come up against this and triumphed.

U gys pride yourself in sneaking in during prime time so u dont have any one in defense to worry about. This dosn't bother me as its a bleedin game and u do what you must to increase the chance of victory. What bothers me is the dobule standards its ok for u to do it but if anyone else does it FOR SHAME!!

and it has already been established that there were more than enough high lvl mids to form a solid defence but they were too busy with our diversion in emain,

GJ ALBS :) :) GROW UP MIDS :( :(

radghast <lvl 50 wiz>


lool average job starts at 9am :). haha ffs what kind of job do
you have :)! I wish i could start at 9 would be great to sleep in everyday :)!

Madonion Slicer

Just a point not a flame, but i would assume the national average working time is 9am to 5:30pm wiether or not that is your working does not matter, average are not precise with everyone why they called it an average.

Again i see alot of post complaining about real life issue like Family and Work, we all have to do it and luckly for the game fanatics in us the game runs 24/7 so there is always a time that anyone could play, just because one groups of times does not suit another does not mean they are lame for playing it is the simple fact that is the time they have.

I was finding all rants and raves funny early but now it is boring, play when you can defend your realm and attack others, in the end none of it matters if your having fun carry it on.


bah different times so what albs raid at that time instead of a few hours earlier beacuse they KNOW there wont be any defense and they can easily take more then 1 relic! wouldnt suprise me 1 bit if u all take a nap before raid and put alarmclock so you all can go when the middie nation is asleep.


Originally posted by old.mcmilliam
and to guy saying excaliber is not english server.yes its not but ask yourself this how many germans or french speakers play excaliber?

Well Einstein maybe because they have servers int the native language? If they had a swedish speaking server id go there if there was a russian server the russians would play there.. your point is as stupid as it gets.

Oh why do i even bother coming here :(


Originally posted by K0nah

I'm 6 foot 3 inches tall, 19 stone, martial-arts trained and got a murderous scots temper, when u wanna meet? ;)

I'm 5 foot 7 inches tall, have no training in martial arts at all (am I the only one??) and cant run away very well, on account of smoking too much.

So I'll pass on that one if you dont mind :D


For christ sake this is not war .... its a game.
War is when someone goes to your country with big bloody guns and go round killing anything that moves. DAoC is a computer game no one actualy dies by playing it, unless you are realy unlucky and have the printer fall on your head.

So taking a relic at 11pm even is late. And there is no way I consider it prime time during the week. Prime time in the week is about 7 pm to 10 pm, as most normal people have to go to work in the morning and such like.

To me it seems Albion is full of wasters that call themselves students. Not once have I known Albion to try a relic raid during the weekend.

So Albion go away and grow up, yeh so you owned a few npcs so bloody what?
Go and get a life. And do us all a favour.


Shouldn't really add any fuel to the fire but....

1. Albion naturally attracts UK residents (gmt time zone)
2. Midgard draws mostly scandinavians (gmt +1)
3. That means an 11 to 1:30 raid to you is a 12 to 2:30 raid to us
4. Albs planned this raid so alb players could calculate this into their time/sleeping schedules.
5. Middies would have to stay on a constant vigil meaning 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Could be done by a duty roster but what's the point if there are not enough aoe casters online.
6. Im a lover of strategy/tactics so gratz to Albs for using all the advantages they can use.

P.S. Stop whining about grey ganking all 3 realms do it. Use alb tactics instead, go xp late at nite or early in the morning. Even gives a xp bonus 'cause mobs have been left alone for a while (1.2 mil bonus to me at lvl 36 usually)

P.P.S. Has any1 actually made it far enough to read my post?


/me wonders who can be arsed to read all this crap.

Has been discussed to death already in like 1000000000000000 other threads :rolleyes:


n1 Riddler , you got me =P

anyway i still dont care about relic (now i know its only melee dmg :D )

old.Im pac man!!

guys dont worry soon LAMUS is 50 you wont have to worry about any more relics, he will conquer and defend them all . Anyway the way this argument is going soon anything hapenning outside an established timetable will be considered as an act of cowardice or lameness. Imo RvR and everything included has no hours, you strike whenever you wish and whenever you are prepared to do so.
IF all 3 realms start camping their relics keeps at the so called "prime-time" hours, no one will conquer any relics. So whoever started the argument about taking relics at odd hours, think about how much fun it would be if there was 50 albs in castle excalibur from 7-11pm everyday. How many relics would you be able to take then?


lool average job starts at 9am . haha ffs what kind of job do

Now I'm guessing you don't work in an office, shop or any of the places most of the population work in, as you might have had heard of the phrase "nine to five"... duuuh

Guess you have to get up pretty early for the paper round huh?


no bootae unlike you i dont work @ mcdonalds and no i dont want fries with that.

9-5 is not a term commonly used in europe.

a very small part work thoose times. most ppl start work between 7-8.


ahhhh but I made them extra salty for you

Ahh rest of europe starts a bit early eh? Didn't know it was just us and the yanks doing 9-5. Though at least half the server poplation know what I meant.

Out of interest what times u guys finish then?

And sorusi 90% of this board is crap m8, its just a place to laugh at whining and come get in flame wars :p

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