Once again


old.Rei Ayanami

Good job owning our NPCs ! OWNAGE FROM ALBION!


When will we realise that Albion do not play honourably and they do not understand the concept of fun or achievement. Their strategy is simplistic in order to gain maximum results with no resistance, and this has been the same structure for as long as I can remember which is :-

Attack as late as possible when as many Mids are offline asleep.

Plain and simple. :(

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by old.Rei Ayanami
Good job owning our NPCs ! OWNAGE FROM ALBION!

u do the same thing if we dont defend our relic. :m00:


Five hours earlier, we would have been able to put together a force to beat you so you would only have gotten your own relic back. At 2 am cet, we didn't have enough people online to make a stand against even 1/3 of your army. That's just sad.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Zilly
Their strategy is simplistic in order to gain maximum results with no resistance, and this has been the same structure for as long as I can remember which is :-

wars are won the same way :m00:


i work i have a job i finished tonight about 9pm gmt i have work again tommorow at 10 gmt so stop whining about time ffs. jesus christ the amount of hibs we hit at amg was staggering and there where plenty of mids in emain cos we got reports saying so maybe youre forgetting alot of peeps who play albion myself included work by gmt not cet so thats not our problem its yours live with it your playing on the english server if u think the brits are gonna arrange everything round cet think again mids have taken relic at this time before so stop been a bunch of hypocrits


Originally posted by Seyrcim
I did a who 40 50 at ~ 2am and we had 65 peeps.

So that's the prove. You just got mooned Midgard, 65 peeps should be enough to organize an intercept defencearmy..


from a realm that attacked twice during world cup final and england match.give me a break.
so some folks sacrificed sleeping to go take your relic.you sacrificed watching a once in 4 year event .so big deal relic gone bet you take it some other time.
quit whine its rather irritating.my 2 year nephew whines less.


Originally posted by radghast
Creep the only reason relic was taken at weekend was the fact that nobody spotted mids in time.

So all u guys did was what we just did in fact u had it easier as u didnt have to fight through 2 forces to get them back.

The key to a succesful relic raid is suprise, has anyone managed to take a relic away when the keep is being heavily defended? cause if they have grats to them!

this just seems like the usual moans :/

Radghast <lvl 50 wiz>

Only difference is taking the chance of being spotted and running into defence ( like mids did) or just avoiding this risk by attacking later with more people than the other realm has online at all ( like albs do)


Originally posted by Chenuba

So that's is the prove. You just got mooned Midgard, 65 peeps should be enough to organize an intercept defencearmy..

So, you think all 65 showed up hmm ? Even if they would have (at least we got more than 50% of them to show up) we got run over by at least the double amount of albs.

old.Rei Ayanami

Originally posted by Sharp Thing

u do the same thing if we dont defend our relic. :m00:

Ok... let me change that. Good job owning our NPC in the middle of the night mid-week.

I'm tired of waking up and finding my relic in alb or hib hands.

!>> I'll whine if i have to, and right now i do <<!


Originally posted by old.Leel
Five hours earlier, we would have been able to put together a force to beat you so you would only have gotten your own relic back.

I think he just answered why we attack late at night what a plonker HAAHAHA


i guess it was too expensive to keep paying for your second account on albion to spy us? :p


Hey Leel, maybe if your arrogant "manpower" had gathered at uppland gate instead of all charging in 2's and 3's to be filled with arrows from our stealther blockade on the road?

Hibs had 40+ at gate when the 2nd two relics were coming through.
Mid could have had 30 easily had they actually gathered together and not wandered out into stealth crews on the road.
Alb had uppland, yggdra and odin's scouted by 9:30pm.
Alb army moved at 11pm.

Stop moaning about the time. Next time stop camping ATK in emain for RP's until the last minute. Not that you were of course, it being 5am in the morning and you all working from 7am in the morning till 10pm at night
Hey Eblessair, try and make a post that doesn't include some comment about albs zerging. Go on. Just once. You might like it!

Oh, and FYI Middies, alb stealthers watched orange con (to me at 46) hunters/skalds run from uppland gate to relic. Oh, and the guys who logged inside the relic keep? We had infs watching them too.
Excellent scouting work from all involved on the alb side, and utterly pathetic scouting work from those on the middy side. Time? Balls.


give it up hulbur, I see pride in the raids we midgards do, I still cant remember any relicraids from our side after 01.00 (perhaps some have been finished later, cant remember) and I think that many envy us that we can pull it off. I'd rather do 10 raids on a realm primetime and then finally succeed one, than trying once in the middle of the night and be almost certain of success.

Let them play the way they want to, it seems that we cannot flame them into stopping the dirty tricks =)

on a side note, I find some albs extremely childish and immature, topic lines like "In your face midgard" and tons of comments similar to that.
We all enjoy getting a relic home, its a nice feeling. but .. well.. get over it already alb, the higher u fly, the deeper u fall.

I forgot that, its one of the new thread topics. so mature.


Originally posted by old.Leel
Yes, we take them during primetime, that's deserving of a big congrats. Taking relics when most people are in bed isn't.

And please don't compare a GAME to real life.

Most people in bed ???
About 800 peeps online on excalibur at 03.07 CET, so cut the crap. that's almost half the serverpopulation.

Whine ahead poor loosers, that won't get you, those relics back.
I Hate Whiners...


Well done ALBS for doing what u did tonight, IMO time was ok-no problems there, but the amount of people u had just goes to show how unbalanced(numbers) the realms are.

Well ZERGED !!

PS-Did u even bother taking rams? Surley it would have been quicker with just your 100 force of tanks alone banging on the doors.

Oh and dont get too comfortable with that 20% melee coz it aint gonna last long........FACT.


guys ffs stop the wingeing, only peeps to blame r our selves and no one else, peeps knew about the numbers in odins and didnt report, mm makes me tink, ne way who gives a fuck this game is past its best for me, why should i care if fellow mids dont. Same old story we can take relics but not defend properly only ourselves to blame. So either we buck up our ideas and start to get passionate about this or we may as well say goodbye to relics.

Over and out

Sharp Thing

4rams one the first 2doors i believe, just 2on the third inner door

and i dont whine about zrrging, i always get it done to me by mids or the occasional hibbie zerg, do i whine?


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Hey Eblessair, try and make a post that doesn't include some comment about albs zerging. Go on. Just once. You might like it!

pies are goooooooood


nah, doesnt feel the same :(



Light: It doesnt take skill to zerg a force 3 times smaller than your own.

Krane: Yes you owned our NPC guards.

Sharp thing: dont compare the game to real life, try getting more.

Aussie: reason why mids get grats is because we do it before half the server logs - lol try taking 3 relics in a row in prime time, you wouldnt stand a chance in hell, doubt albs could pull off 2 prime time raids in 2days so shhh kiddo.

I will grats the few mids that tryed bravely to stop the Albs though :clap: :clap:

anyways its :sleeping: :sleeping: time

Edit: btw, if you read the replys its obvious Albs dont know the meanings of things such as, ownage, skill, fun, reality. So now your getting the cow, sorry. :m00: :m00:


i notice how all these middies are awake enough to whinge here, shouldn't you be getting to bed in order to be well rested for your amazingly full social lives and 9-till-5 jobs?

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Release
Sharp thing: dont compare the game to real life, try getting more.

yes its a game, the only thing that bothers me is the whinig, whining, whining. only person that acted descent tonight was sub, he didnt whine so far


no need for this post Hulbur accept that we took relics and instead of whining about time think of how u will get it back.


Here we go again, mids <cough> WORLD CUP FINAL <cough> whine about our timing.
Its pathetic.


bjodald how can u say something like that? its complete bullox, I'd say the word of a lamer! yes we failed in defending, but we sure as hell didnt fail in scouting, our alliance has been nearly spammed with reports of mjollnir clear since we took the alb melee. Ofc u wouldnt know that u got ur own alliance....

U donno what u are talking about, dont start flaming midgard for being bad at defending. We had no chance here. we did our best and we fought bravely, especially the forces in for. sauvage.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by Subbiz
we did our best and we fought bravely, especially the forces in for. sauvage.

/em remembers sub going for kesha (me at the time being) and stun him, then going into /lmao mode :D

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