on a more serious note



.e. bards/all hib casters, then making ubar rps is absolute childsplay and _almost_ skilless, its whack a mole. Anyone 40+ in hib who isnt RR4 by now just hasn't played RvR much, really is as simple as that.

KOnah Go and get yourself a Bard and see how many RPs you can get if you mean by this post that its easy to get RPs if you are a Bard well my Friend you just dont have a clue what your talking about...
Bards maybe would be able to get RPS easy if they got Rps for mezzing but they dont and all Rps that Bards get they have to earn them and ill explain how they do so.

Goto Drum Ligen and i get /tell normaly all the time for a group as somone quite right pointed out most groups have or really NEED a Bard to go R v R .SO i get in my Group we Run to Crim we Buff up and i lead the Group around Emain loooking for People to kill and as soon as we see Albs or Mids usualy i will Run straight in a Aoe Mezz and play End and stand and watch as everyone else in my Group kills everyone and in between maybe throw in a few heals for good measure not exactley Exciting stuff it ?....

Rinse and Repeat...

All in all Bards are probably the best Support Chars in the game but dont come on here Albs and say that we always win because of Bards that it total bullshit Also on another point is it our Fault that YOUR Realm have very little Scor to AOE mez ? i tell you fucking what i would rather play a Scor than a Bards anytime because they have far more Options in R v R they Can Solo if they so choose they can group and have fun to name but a few take a good look at your best Scor Ever Veeshan and tell Him / Her how to show your other Scors how to play and dont come on here Moaning about Bards in a Nerf Hero Thread...

Last Point think about this you have 20 % Pop more than Hib and you have 17 Level 50 Scor OMFG no one to blame but yourself..

Regards Nicky.


sorc would be lucky to have 700hp, and they lose it a lot faster. 1.51 bard IS a grounds for complaint, there's just no way around it. I don't think bards are currently overpowered or an unskilled class (/respect Gargo, nicky, few other really annoying bards) but when that instamezz arrives... ugh
they should have left bards as they were imho :|


Landshark they done it because we had no way to Defend ourselves at all i mean nothing if a tank starts whacking on me ill prob die in 3 or 4 hits and and can do nothing but stand there and look stupid :D i can understand Ranger being Arse for Scors but Aoe Insta mezz will not be as bad as you think simply because its has a very very low Radious 10 min timer and wont be really used much unless for defence so i woulnt panic just yet...

Also when in later patches mezz duration is lessend from the Center of the mezz outter it wont be half as effective..

Regards Nicky.


sorc would be lucky to have 700hp
lol.even me,a elf with 40 base con can have more than 1000hp. most sorc have 60 base con,and they can get 1200+ hp if they want. i used PA veeshan by klazart's ns,but a minstrel stoped me ,before i dead,i had already do more that 1250 damage to veeshan but he wasn't dead :((in 1.48,no df items and RA!)


nicky said it all really....

i just laff at every alb who whines about how few sorcs they have, ITS YOUR OWN F-ING FAULT

tell your realm its a good class (it is), start sorcs yourself, LEVEL YOUR LOWISH SORCS

but ok, dont, i have no need for more sorcs in rvr ;)

noone else but yourself to blaim, period


This thread was way to long to read so i only read the beginning ;) but this caught my eye ;) (nothing personal tho Kagato
Originally posted by Kagato.
Armsman versatile ? come on we are the least versatile of any tank. Ok we get to pick from a variety of weapons, but thats it, thats were the versitality ends. Unless you count the scarey crossbow lol.

Try a warrior .. now theres lack of versatility, one good weapon with one good style (hammer/provoke) and thats it.. good at blocking/parry which isnt usble in RvR.

So once you hit 50 and (supposedly) go to RvR you get so owned its painful. the times i got most RPs (got a whooping 13k) is when i get stun/mezzed and the rest of the grp racks in some rps. In a 1 on 1 against ANY (even con) class the warrior looses.

All i use my warrior for is lvling guildies.

Yes we dont have to specc in 2h we get it for "free". With "free" i mean we do less dmg than any dual-speccing tank class.

Heck our epic armor got 0% thrust resist and how much crush resist has the epic armsman armor?

Each type i type /release i wonder why i listened to Mythic and rolled a warrior AND lvld the bastard to 50 :(

and fyi the crossbow is better than any of our thrown weapons ;)

but the good news is that we get to play poker in the next patch!
:clap: something to do when im face down in emain (again ;)).

No flame no personal attack, just some whines ;).


oo aint gonna be fun to be other than hib after 1.52 :) gonna be fun to see 1 hib group kick all zerg albs can get to emain.


Filip guessing U are a minstrel I actually dont wory to much about you. Its the casters I worry about (pls all sorcs wear ur epic armor)

About bard hiding in there groups-- U are a really bad player if u cant make out a bard in a group.. who is the one holing a lute and sparkling as the stars in the sky (no more NoD's tho).
Of course I hide in the group what do you think I should run out and get insta mezzed by the freaking skalds or minstrels.. that my friend is called tactics... I know I have a linger range then U thats why I play this way.. im not stupid you know.. I always tell atleast one tank to rush the minst (usually) so they spend the instant on them (if U dont U die) again thats called tactics.. learn it FFS AND STOP COMPLAINING, AT PATCH 1.50 HIBERNIA ISNT OVERPOWERED AND BARDS ARE THE SAME AS THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN.. thats a fact. How come that Mids and albs have taken turns in ruling RvR before.. nothing has been done to hib CC in patch 1.50 so please stop using empty reasons for you loosing in RvR.. we kick your ass and its all up there <points to the head> And I know most Hibs back me on this..

Learn to do RvR the way it was supposed to be played (with knowledge) then come cry again when we see 1.52 patch!

(A drunken Feldegast goes to bed hoping to see less alb whine tomorro)


Originally posted by Feldegast
nothing has been done to hib CC in patch 1.50 so please stop using empty reasons for you loosing in RvR.. )

na grp purge is nothing :p

2 bards ina grp = 2 grp purges wow one every 15 mins even if just one bard grp purge is still sickj as most tanks i expect will still get single purge and maybe even the bard

so hey nothings changed in cc cept you have best mez and its getting better and you cant be mezzed hmmm ........


FFS get ur facts straight druid's get group purge not bards..

(I agree that grp purge is a mighty tool and should not have been given to hibs, but I also think that SOS shouldnt have been given to Minsts so..)


Originally posted by Vireb

na grp purge is nothing :p

2 bards ina grp = 2 grp purges wow one every 15 mins even if just one bard grp purge is still sickj as most tanks i expect will still get single purge and maybe even the bard

so hey nothings changed in cc cept you have best mez and its getting better and you cant be mezzed hmmm ........

Well, if you see two Bards in a group using group-purge i would start my RightNextYear straight away and report them for bug-abuse, as it would be strange to see Bards with a Realm-Ability that only Druids can get...


Originally posted by Vireb

na grp purge is nothing :p

2 bards ina grp = 2 grp purges wow one every 15 mins even if just one bard grp purge is still sickj as most tanks i expect will still get single purge and maybe even the bard

so hey nothings changed in cc cept you have best mez and its getting better and you cant be mezzed hmmm ........

SoS is abuot 100% more uber the GP + its dr00ds that get GP and there is even less lvl 50 dr00ds with enugh rlmpts for GP then theres bards ! you got about 60-70 minstrels with enugh rlmts for SoS and you cant complain of lack of minstrels in albion coz you all now you got so many of em that instastun dd dd singel movecasteble mess is a very common sight. so just STFU plz


Originally posted by Vireb
2 bards ina grp = 2 grp purges wow one every 15 mins even if just one bard grp purge is still sickj as most tanks i expect will still get single purge and maybe even the bard

so hey nothings changed in cc cept you have best mez and its getting better and you cant be mezzed hmmm ........

Made urself look a bit daft?

Well as they said it's only druids that get group purge, not bards. And as a regular RvR player i can assure u the majority of players dont get 2 bards (really lucky to get one lvl 45) in their group let alone 2 druids (with group purge)!!!

There is a distinct lack of high lvl bards in hibernia, and even less high lvl RvR druids to choose from.

I aint being biased, but if u ever have the misfortune to stand in DL waiting for a half decent RvR group you would know what i am talkin about.

It's all well and good complaing about how "uber" the hibs would be with such n' such in thier group.... but it just dont happen. Most groups that leave DL are gimped before they even get to Ailinne.


Hib CC isn't particularly overpowered in this patch, though i still maintain that no class - that includes clerics i might add - should get a BASELINE stun, certainly nowhere near as long as 9secs either. Cleric one is short range at least.
Speed of Sound is an excellent ability despite the long, long timer, but i don't think group purge is far behind, and i don't think druids are rare either. Atm i think it's balanced and i think we can blame the lack of coordination (or perhaps lack of willingness to be coordinated) amongst Alb emain-goers for hib often thrashing us....
you just wait for 1.51 though feldegast, and tell me you don't have the advantages then


Bahh feld .. we rape you often ... and ofcause i can tell you are a bard when you hold the lut ... but you seem unable to see things from the other point of view...

you have to target just some1 .. minstriels/casters have to pick you out, in the group, before we reach the 1500 range ... if you cant see the diffence in that you must be so stupid i regret i postet in this tread ..

well i nm .. i guess you have never played other realms than Hib in rvr ..

btw i allso think it is funny when bards whine .. waa waaa we cant defend our self ... go make a sorc on some server and defend you self in underwear..

and the last side note .. dont think you are so uber elite when you are not sure about the class's in you own realm...

Also Its the mentalist who is the secondary mezzer, not the light eld (well they might be able to also but Menta is secondary according to mytic)



I see tha envy on my brother bardz, so of course i made one, to support their cause.


Baseline stun im not gonna get into (gonna let a caster into that)

First Landshark: Weee some1 who understand my points on albs and why we beat you (have been a bit drunk/cranky so I might have used more the neccesar agression in my writing :p
A well organized zerg would be a frecking hard thing to beat imo. Good thing that many ppl are hard to organize ;)
also 1.52 is the patch that you should fear.
Im gonna state it again: The bard community did not ask for this uber freaking spell, mythic apparantly can take advice.. (pbaoe mezz would have been better)

Haha Filip, you are not supposed to beat my mezzes (minstrel beeing the secondary mezzer and all :rolleyes: ) If im up against a sorc he has the same abilities as me, except he's got 50 more radius on the mezz.
Sorc cant defend them self.. QC...?? also the have a whole lot dmg output possibilites then me and I die just as fast cause no BT
Spearo hits a Sorc 1st blow is absorbed by BT.. sorc quickcastsmezz and gets out of there.. im just as dead as the sorc if the get close to me tbh

lol @
and the last side note .. dont think you are so uber elite when you are not sure about the class's in you own realm...
Fucking lamer, oh what a valid point to add to this discussion. Do you think I have played many other classes? I concentrate on the one play mainly (an also try a find a light eld, I do not know many)


Originally posted by nicky-nook
Landshark they done it because we had no way to Defend ourselves at all i mean nothing if a tank starts whacking on me ill prob die in 3 or 4 hits and and can do nothing but stand there and look stupid :D i can understand Ranger being Arse for Scors but Aoe Insta mezz will not be as bad as you think simply because its has a very very low Radious 10 min timer and wont be really used much unless for defence so i woulnt panic just yet...

Also when in later patches mezz duration is lessend from the Center of the mezz outter it wont be half as effective..

Regards Nicky.
I wouldn't call a 300 radius AE "very very low" myself, it's bigger than minstrel's castable AE (which is 250 radius).
I agree with feldegast, it should have been a PBAE, it stops a tank beating on you, but doesn't make it such an offensive ability.


sad thread.

Karam: Sth aint working when u find out u were wrong about a subject (hib sucky realm in that case) and then u whine and flame cos things are not as u tho they should b... U failed, accept it, u rolled a "uberpole-elfslayer" to own those hibbie suxors (yes elfs are ghey, they all must die) and then u found that celt/firbolg impaling ur ass... :m00: Ur sight bout Hibernia was wrong.

Bout realms balance... that may help:
- Till i rolled my minstrel @ prydwen i always tho it was the most overpowered class in daoc, after playing it and really knowing how do they work i know its a really funny class with a real high versatility, no overpowered.
In other words: things look difference (usually better) from the
other side of the line.

So IMO: All realms can make sum kick ass if u get the brains to combine/spec/play the right classes, and ofc there are classes easier to play than others...
Only instas usually make the difference and Hibernia has always gotten a huge lack of em.

ps: And still, i rolled my favourite class Champion in my favourite realm Hibernia. Hib KICK ASS, live with it. :cool:


Sorry, deleted my exc/alb minstrel, never going back there. If I want to play alb, I have my 50 minst on prydwen after all. :)


wouldn't call a 300 radius AE "very very low" myself, it's bigger than minstrel's castable AE (which is 250 radius).

Ahh but you can Stealth an mezz from werever you like :D..

Regards Nicky.


how the hell did this thread get into a bard debate. hero's need nerfing. nuff said.


Originally posted by Dannyn

I wouldn't call a 300 radius AE "very very low" myself, it's bigger than minstrel's castable AE (which is 250 radius).
I agree with feldegast, it should have been a PBAE, it stops a tank beating on you, but doesn't make it such an offensive ability.

The fact is that most bards will NEVER get 300 radius AE mezz, as it will gimp either their nurture or regrowth line (which is a bit gimped as it is, usually :p ) as it require speccing 47 points into music (...and then there is of course the weapon spec too). Most if not all will get the 150 radius AE mezz though.

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