on a more serious note



Originally posted by old.Charonel

correct, you dont need to spec blades and celtic spear or anything (like slash and polearms for armsmen), just celtic spear, nothing else, and you'll get full use from the spear :)

True and you get only Thrust dam. weap....


karam want to try a challengue on me?

i am a mana eldrich and i want to test a new combo want a challengue? you will earn a lot of rp and i will se my new combo in action..... if you win


Originally posted by K0nah
Hibernian realm is unbalanced without a doubt. In most if not all areas. Main thing needed for "ubar rp pharming m4dskillz" is crowd control, tbh if u have that and either someone with some skill/intelligence pressing the WIN button, or alot of ppl who have the spell, i.e. bards/all hib casters, then making ubar rps is absolute childsplay and _almost_ skilless, its whack a mole. Anyone 40+ in hib who isnt RR4 by now just hasn't played RvR much, really is as simple as that.

Wtf we havent even got our WIN button yet. Hib has no insta mezzes..yet.. Fear 1.52 other realmers.. then U will feel the powah of insta CC (like we have been doing since release I might add)


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
...hibs are supposed to be the fucking magic homo's of the game, if anyone should have a tank that can last that long it should be mid!...
I agree we are the magic realm, thus albion should not even be allowed to use any ra's, I mean common, seriously they are magic skills. And thin (cans) just don’t cut it, when it comes down to the magical stuff, btw Hero's will own even more on PvP server. Then one spec line gives you access to all dmg types. There's only one thing ppl need to see now, which is that Hero's should be given a limited ability to ress, I know all realms will agree on this.


Originally posted by Novamir
some facts first:

this is uber and very fun ;).. it maybe overpowered but healers are overpowered in my opinion (NOBODY should get aoe stun +4 insta CC spells, 2 insta heals and chain)

HAHAHA healers overpoewered LOL :clap: :clap:

That is the most funniest thing i have ever heard :clap: :clap:


I cant believe ur trying to discuss with karam. The only thing that works is SOMEBODY GOT OWNED /claps @ karam. Novamir! dont lie about ur personal life admit it ur a geeeek. :m00: :m00:


because i dont play. i work..

I hardly call your paper round a real job...


Well, Heros are the best Tank class in the game currently, but there still is no need to be soooo aggro and hostile to the other players :cool:

The warriors is still the worst of the 3 tanks but eventually mythic will adress this in a later patch ^_^

And then again this is not a 1v1 game and when you fight in groups it does not matter alot who is the strongest tank class... except for in some cases..

thats my opinion :p


Can Heros still m000se in Ligen and go out to Emain with +45% HP? If they can then I have to agree that it's just a tad overpowered :D


Karam kinda makes a point, although I suspect he is motivated by the fact he gets owned so much ;)

Problem with Heroes is that they have uber dmg output AND uber defense with moose. No other class combines those two as well as the hero. But no way should Heros be nerfed. All that needs to be done for primary tanks is some loving for Warriors, cos they are clearly the gimped heavy tank of daoc.

Hero > Armsman > Warrior.

And Novamir, give Healers a break please. Sure they look overpowered to you, but they have zero offense (at least until 1.52 and the changes to augmentation, but even then, there offense is totally crap compared to almost everyone else) Healers are overpowered as a support class right now (maybe), but I would say Bards are almost as versatile as Healers once they get AE mezz (speed+end song+power song+ae mezz+st mezz+dd's = a v.nice class kthxbye)


okizz ..

So Healers are overpowered as a supportclass .. (agree)
and soon Bards will be... (agree)..

/em looks around for desent AE mezz in Albs...
/em still looking...
/em looks really good ....

i would say in 25% of the groups im in we get so lucky to have an AE mezz'er ..

and thats mostly a crossdress who eats grass after 2 novamir hits or a bolt or.. something else

how many times does hibs enter Emain whitout a mezz??
im very happy that not all mid groups got a healer .. but still i guess they got a healer in far more than 25% of the groups


Just a few months ago, EVERYONE agreed that Hib, and it's classes, we're very gimped. Hib was regarded as the gimp realm and RvR would be dominated by Mids and Albs. Since then, Hib hasn't really gotten much love (that comes in the next patch) but suddenly we're overpowered? Hell, that's not really fair. Admittedly, we've got more high level players now than we've had before and everyone is getting better at RvR each day, but why does that make us overpowered?

From Karam:
but i have no respect for anyone in daoc, because it takes NO SKILL!

Then piss off and play something else, you utter fuckwit.

In fact, how about bringing your uberness and duelling me? Maybe getting owned by a Warden will be enough to convince you to sod off and finally put you out of our misery...


Chesnor, bards already have AE mezz, perhaps you mean insta-AE mezz? I agree, hib is one patch away from domination, because seriously, I don't think there's any other AE mezzer as popular as the bard, I know for a fact how hard it is to get a healer in RvR as a Mid, and when they start zooming in at Mach 5 and insta-mezz coupled with the 9-sec baseline stun on ALL hib casters Alb and Mid will be in deep doo-doo.


Verata if you dont think AE mezz is power... well then ask you bards not to use it for a few runs in emain ....

try to be alb..

btw ... your ligth speced eldritc's should be the only AE mezz's if you wanna play alb for a bit


Alb = the zerg

the zerg = no insta AE mezz...ever :p


If you go check the American Servers the Hibernians are now the dominant race, they are super uber, they gone from shit to amazing

And there are whispers in the wind that they will be nerfed due to the power of their heros, mage classes and ranger class

Not my words, words of the American public, which Mythic occassionally listen to

Me personally I think its fair cause their land is utter boring pap and their models have to be some of the ugliest looking ones

Plus the fact that they have the smallest population



so funny reading how everyone gets so heated over a game :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Feldegast
Wtf we havent even got our WIN button yet. Hib has no insta mezzes..yet.. Fear 1.52 other realmers.. then U will feel the powah of insta CC (like we have been doing since release I might add)

Wtf needs a WIN button when you have 2 AoE mezzers in every group?


Originally posted by old.Verata
Just a few months ago, EVERYONE agreed that Hib, and it's classes, we're very gimped. Hib was regarded as the gimp realm and RvR would be dominated by Mids and Albs. Since then, Hib hasn't really gotten much love (that comes in the next patch) but suddenly we're overpowered? Hell, that's not really fair. Admittedly, we've got more high level players now than we've had before and everyone is getting better at RvR each day, but why does that make us overpowered?

also noticed this. I still think that we at the current patch has the weakest classes overall. Therefor whine about hib beeing overpowered atm is making me smile.


If you hate it that much and seem to think UO i soo much better ... with people with so much better skill....

sod off there then...

I am sure there are people who would buy your account from you. As for Hero's being over specced, before passing judgement, just because you got outskilled by one, try playing one first.

The Moose ability is not just about "RVR", if you ever bothered to play Hib you would understand that Hero's are actually the main damage taker in Hib (ie: Try taunting 3-4 Con Purp mobs to a Lev 47 off your casters without some form of abilty to survive).


it maybe overpowered but healers are overpowered in my opinion (NOBODY should get aoe stun +4 insta CC spells, 2 insta heals and chain)

Well, they dont have ANY dmg or even harmful spells to match up for that, only an attackspeed-debuff


Originally posted by JawZ
The warriors is still the worst of the 3 tanks but eventually mythic will adress this in a later patch ^_^

What are they going to do for warriors then?

They should give them a third arm, for dual wield zerker damage + shield :D


blah blah blah

Everytime you get your ass whupped, you come here with a nerf thread. Even if you are taking the piss, enough is enough, find a new method, this one is as funky as a fat mans pants...


Back on the original heros vs armsmen point... The extra absorb is BS.
Heros get shield/parry spec, evade 1 and 27% absorb armour.
Armsmen get shield parry spec and 34% absorb armour.
Taking the shield/parry out we get hibs with 32% effective absorb (as the evade is effectively a 5% boost) and armsmen with 34%. Oh wow 2% difference! Then take into account that heros have an easier time speccing and the moose and you can see why they are better than armsmen.


Originally posted by Dannyn
Back on the original heros vs armsmen point... The extra absorb is BS.
Heros get shield/parry spec, evade 1 and 27% absorb armour.
Armsmen get shield parry spec and 34% absorb armour.
Taking the shield/parry out we get hibs with 32% effective absorb (as the evade is effectively a 5% boost) and armsmen with 34%. Oh wow 2% difference! Then take into account that heros have an easier time speccing and the moose and you can see why they are better than armsmen.

Err, nice math there....

You can't just add the 5% chance to evade to the absorb, it doesn't quite work like that :p Without dex/qui modifiers, a hero will evade one hit in 20. So if you do the math, you will notice that over time an Armsman absorbs more dmg.

E.g. 20 hits @ 100dmg before absorb

Armsman takes 20 x (100-34) = 1320 total dmg
Hero takes 20 x (100-27) - (100-27) = 1387 total dmg

Also its worth pointing out that highlanders have base 70 cons, firbys only get 60. And the speccing argument is bollocks too btw. Heros have shed loads to spec, shield/weap/parry/LW/CS = 5 lines. Armsmen get shield/weap/parry/2h/pole/crossbow = 6 lines, but quite honestly for the sake of this argument (karam started this) and offense armsman speccing crossbow is gimping himself from day 1.

Only thing that sets the hero apart is moose, end of.


Originally posted by old.chesnor

Also its worth pointing out that highlanders have base 70 cons, firbys only get 60. And the speccing argument is bollocks too btw. Heros have shed loads to spec, shield/weap/parry/LW/CS = 5 lines. Armsmen get shield/weap/parry/2h/pole/crossbow = 6 lines, but quite honestly for the sake of this argument (karam started this) and offense armsman speccing crossbow is gimping himself from day 1.

Only thing that sets the hero apart is moose, end of.

Surely it's not about the number of lines you CAN spec, it's what you need to spec to be equivalent

I don't know the ins and outs, but from this thread the Hero only need spec in CS, for full effect. The Armsman has to spec base and polearm.

So the hero spends 50 points in CS, then 50 parry
Armsman has to spend 50 slash/thrust/crush and 50 polearm, so he can't get parry to 50 (More like 27-28).

Therefore the Hero can spec more.

As for skill in DAoC, I think we need another concept, knowledge. Knowing what you should do is not skill, it's knowledge. I don't believe there is too much skill in this game, once the fighting starts, especially as a tank, you hit /stick and hit your styles (It's not totally without skill, but it's pretty much routine stuff). However knowing when to get into the fight is the deciding factor, but that's not skill it's knowledge. AoE mezzing and stun killing one by one is not skill, but knowing that's how to get rps is knowledge.

I think there is a line here between certain sets of gamers, those dedicated to achieving, who set out to aquire such knowledge (That animation is the spell from a sorc, so he might have AoE, kill him first etc...) and use it to the full, and those who just like to play and deal with things as they come (You obviously learn some things as you go, but it's just a game and you don't make notes etc...). Personally I'm the later, it's not just a DAoC thing, it's a lifestyle thing, if I'm thinking about how well I'm doing something, whether this is the most effective way to go, who I should get in the group etc, the fun disappears. Other people enjoy aquiring and using such knowledge.

An anology is how I bowl (10 pin bowling), I like bowling, I'm reasonable at it, but I'm inconsistent because I have no set technique, I don't use the little arrows on the floor, I don't stand in the exact same spot before I make my run up each time, I look at the pins and I throw towards them, it's fun. If I started to take into account where I stand, where the little arrows are I would get very bored of bowling. My girlfriend on the other hand uses the arrows, stands in a set position and has a much more consistent technique, she enjoys playing like that and her scores are a lot more consistent. Each to their own

Next week: DAoC is like flower arranging because... :)




sorc mez > bard mez in this patch, you're already crying we're overpowered when we even dont have insta mez yet :D

healer > bard and wtf cares if healer doesnt have any offence? bard isnt excactly the damage dealing class either

2 months ago people were saying hib is the gimp realm, what have we gotten after that, that makes us overpowered now?


Originally posted by old.Eleasias
2 months ago people were saying hib is the gimp realm, what have we gotten after that, that makes us overpowered now?

Realm Abilities, but god forbid anyone should realise that all realms get them :p

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