on a more serious note




they're FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR to over powered for my liking.now before anyone starts (like novamir/wuren), its not the player that makes the char good, its the over poweredness that mythic have supplied them with, so dont start thinking your any good.

anyway, yea, heros', have 2 full instant in combat heals, more hp than armsmen and polearms. i saw one hero today last about 3 minutes against 6 lvl 50 alb tanks. thats just not right. thats wrong. hibs are supposed to be the fucking magic homo's of the game, if anyone should have a tank that can last that long it should be mid!

give me an answer to this. and make it a serious answer. WHY do heros get moose? they couldnt need it less. if anyone needs something like that its paladins. IF hero's have to have insta heals, they dont need polearms, or visa versa. its just plain unfair on the rest of the games population.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

anyway, yea, heros', have 2 full instant in combat heals, more hp than armsmen and polearms.
So how many hitpoints does your polearm have?


Re: Re: on a more serious note

Originally posted by old.Eleasias
So how many hitpoints does your polearm have?

great come back.


He has got a bit of a point - Now with RA you can stand there chopping away at a hero for ages before it goes down, seen it many times today.

Moose, In combat Insta, out of combat insta...

It might have been nice to give us gimps something like an angelic form that confers some bonuses. At the moment we're walking target practice a lot of the time :)


Karam I think I speak for every hib Hero when I say

Fuck off and die.

Hibs are already totaly outnumbered and outmatched by most classes and you start spouting that someones better than you?
Well good I hope those Heros stomp on you a bit

Heros dont have instas, they may have with RA's

Minstrals, a stealth class with dds and mez, your armsmen are more versatile than Heros, a elementalist well specced are better than void eldies, and we are supposed to be the best magical race. Your armor is better than our scale crap, which only 4 out of 11 of us can use, you got polearms, crossbows etc.

Albs are little boys in tin cans, hibs and mids are bred fighters and are therefor blessed with moose and bear form.

You got a problem with a hib class who is semi good in rvr bitch to someone who cares :sleeping:


Originally posted by old.Rahvinn
Karam I think I speak for every hib Hero when I say

Fuck off and die.

Hibs are already totaly outnumbered and outmatched by most classes and you start spouting that someones better than you?
Well good I hope those Heros stomp on you a bit

Heros dont have instas, they may have with RA's


wtf is moose then you idiot. omg biggest noob i've ever seen.


I was including RA when I said about the insta heals. Granted, I can get 2 instas and will if I ever get the RP for it. Still don't get ye mooser though.

Just find it amusing chopping away like hell on heroes :) And envying the quite nice staggie animation :)



U started a (somewhat) serious/interesting thread for once Karam, but if u want ppl to discuss with u on a mature level and not flame/ridicule, I think there are better ways to expressing yourself than the above.
This thread started out looking reasonable interesting.....


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

wtf is moose then you idiot. omg biggest noob i've ever seen.

Moose is a hero ability, insta is reffered to as short for 'Insta Heal'
lol Karam you should've been killed at birth, supposed as your parents are brother and sister thats means you must be so inbred they pitied you.
And biggest noob you ever saw? I doubt that Karam

You probably collapsed from a seizure so get out of your little room with our pc and bed and go get a life

And btw


Those bad hibbies hurt me mommy!!!



But correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't it insta heal the mooser?

I.E. it's an instaheal.

Maybe you hibbies have a different name, but as far as I'm concerned moose is an instaheal.


Moose IS a 50% Insta heal at lvl 50

No offence rahvinn of cause :rolleyes:


ROFL @ KARAM how old is that child?
go home whiner boy. :touch:

over and out


Moose = 75% at lvl 45 according to the spell lists I have been reading


karam is so yesterday,
the new uber b-boy old.Rahvinn is here

\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/


some facts first:

first moose is a 50% insta heal, which is a very nice butt saver. the downside is as soon as any enemy in the surrounding 100 yards sees a moose they start attacking him/her/it.

what moose does which is lethal when combined with ignore pain is takes the hero's max health up to 150% of regular... meaning in the duration of moose you can heal for sometimes over 3000 HP with ignore pain.

this is uber and very fun ;).. it maybe overpowered but healers are overpowered in my opinion (NOBODY should get aoe stun +4 insta CC spells, 2 insta heals and chain), as are smite clerics (primary healer with stun, castable DDs, pbaoe mez and pbaoe insta smite/stealth finder ??). we get +750 HP and a sign around our necks saying HIT ME, you get 5% more absorb and kickass helms :p

as for 'its the uberness of class which determines how good in rvr' comment, thats a load of crap. if you are a clever player, you will know what groups will kill a lot, and how to make RP. if you are a stupid newbie (Karam) you will know only how to die a lot and get zerged. it's not our fault that you are a stupid newbie :) refer to Huma for tips on playing an armsman in rvr.

There are 2 elements which decide how much RP a player has: skills in RvR, and time available to play. if you lack one of those two, you won't be able to lead the RP scoreboards (though to be honest to have as low RP as you, Karam, is positively hard to achieve).


why cant champs lose some of their debuffs and turn into a badger or something :p


50% more HP in the wrong situation is nothing, take it from someone who plays with alot of HP and instaheals, but in the right situations (duels being the extreme) a winning ability.

No other class with instaheals get First Aid, to avoid them being uber-tanks. That FA plays into the heroes hand further by during moosed mode restoring up to 150% HP is... insane.

The reasons for why Heroes have Moose at all is questionable. They aren't lacking in any direct way compared to any other realms primary tank. It does serve to reinforce Hibernias status as the magic realm somewhat, but as Heroes are meant to be the only Hibernian class without it? Also heard (and as above) seen arguments that this and other Hib love has been to help out the underdog realm, a form of social engineering bound to fail.

Clerics used to have very good utility if so specced, but couldn't both act primary healer, primary buffer and strong offensive on the same spec. It really doesn't matter though, the nerf is total and already introduced. Not a valid point to bring up.

Healers are a bit stupid, but with Hibs gaining lots of insta-CC it's no longer an issue about Healers being overpowered but Sorcerers and as an extension Albion being underpowered in CC.


Originally posted by Novamir
some facts first:

first moose is a 50% insta heal, which is a very nice butt saver. the downside is as soon as any enemy in the surrounding 100 yards sees a moose they start attacking him/her/it.

what moose does which is lethal when combined with ignore pain is takes the hero's max health up to 150% of regular... meaning in the duration of moose you can heal for sometimes over 3000 HP with ignore pain.

this is uber and very fun ;).. it maybe overpowered but healers are overpowered in my opinion (NOBODY should get aoe stun +4 insta CC spells, 2 insta heals and chain), as are smite clerics (primary healer with stun, castable DDs, pbaoe mez and pbaoe insta smite/stealth finder ??). we get +750 HP and a sign around our necks saying HIT ME, you get 5% more absorb and kickass helms :p

as for 'its the uberness of class which determines how good in rvr' comment, thats a load of crap. if you are a clever player, you will know what groups will kill a lot, and how to make RP. if you are a stupid newbie (Karam) you will know only how to die a lot and get zerged. it's not our fault that you are a stupid newbie :) refer to Huma for tips on playing an armsman in rvr.

There are 2 elements which decide how much RP a player has: skills in RvR, and time available to play. if you lack one of those two, you won't be able to lead the RP scoreboards (though to be honest to have as low RP as you, Karam, is positively hard to achieve).

so so wrong lol. there is NO fucking skill in this game. there couldnt be any less. there really really isnt lol, seriously, there just isnt. the reason is, because there just arent enough spells etc. in UO, pvp is 'so' skillful, a good 1:1 pvp fight has so much skill its almost painful to watch some times.

THE reason UO pvp is SO skilful using mages is because there are 69 (roughly) spells in the game, and in a good pvp fight you'd use about 30 of them. thats 30 different macros on your keyboard that you have to memorise and use while running with your mouse. <shudders> i actually admire some pvpers in UO, i'd be proud to shake they're hands in RL, simply because they are SO fucking l33t. but i have no respect for anyone in daoc, because it takes NO SKILL!

there isnt a jot of skill in this game, kid yourself as much as you like novamir, but your playing a game that takes no skill what so ever, the number of RPs you gain rely souly on the class you choose, and maybe how often u can play.

i dont have many rps, because i dont play. i work.. and socialise, i dont play this shit 24/7 like some sad cunts (you). and im bloody glad i dont.

btw, one thing i want to know novamir, is whats your /played <grins>


does this post have anything to do with your little "adventure" at mmg today? :)

Why the hell do u run around solo in emain? When i saw u coming i couldnt be arsed to do more then /laugh at you.


Armsman versatile ? come on we are the least versatile of any tank. Ok we get to pick from a variety of weapons, but thats it, thats were the versitality ends. Unless you count the scarey crossbow lol. We don't have any buffs or any 'get out of jail free' cards.

Im not digging at any class and/or players here, just stating an opinion in non-flaming manner, Armsman are not versatile, not even with a bucket load of RA's which have done little to flesh us out.

As for heros, correct me if im wrong, I never bothered or cared to learn much about the enemy classes, but don't hero's only need to spec one line to use their spears/polearms or whatever? Armsman are forced to spec 2 lines all the way to 50 to do that kind of damage. Again I could be wrong with this or thinking of a different class, so don't bother flaming.


<-- played, no sorry, lived UO for 3 years, found out a few things,

yes there are 70ish spells, no you dont use 30 of them in a battle, normally 10ish.

there is some skill in it, not much though,

..... melee char its just hit hit chung pots, hit hit hit,
......mages its weaken blah blah blah, expo,posion, ebolt, harm, poison, and if they are still standing ebolt or lighting,

UO pvp is near enough purely based on connection, and if you still want to be shown how to die, worse than you do in DAoC, by all means challenge me to a UO pvp fight :rolleyes: i will be waiting....

(yes it is kinda toasty but i have some strong feelings about UO, it kinda, well uck it, it did mess up 99% of my life during my playing times, those who knew me then will know <pokes notable>)


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

so so wrong lol. there is NO fucking skill in this game. there couldnt be any less. there really really isnt lol, seriously, there just isnt. the reason is, because there just arent enough spells etc. in UO, pvp is 'so' skillful, a good 1:1 pvp fight has so much skill its almost painful to watch some times.

THE reason UO pvp is SO skilful using mages is because there are 69 (roughly) spells in the game, and in a good pvp fight you'd use about 30 of them. thats 30 different macros on your keyboard that you have to memorise and use while running with your mouse. <shudders> i actually admire some pvpers in UO, i'd be proud to shake they're hands in RL, simply because they are SO fucking l33t. but i have no respect for anyone in daoc, because it takes NO SKILL!

there isnt a jot of skill in this game, kid yourself as much as you like novamir, but your playing a game that takes no skill what so ever, the number of RPs you gain rely souly on the class you choose, and maybe how often u can play.

i dont have many rps, because i dont play. i work.. and socialise, i dont play this shit 24/7 like some sad cunts (you). and im bloody glad i dont.

btw, one thing i want to know novamir, is whats your /played <grins>

blablabla etc

of course there is skill in daoc rvr

firstly, know how to setup kickass rvr grps (all realms can do this, as the game is designed)
second, know how to play in a group and "cooperate" with the other classes in the grp (ie. not fking up the grp-play)
third, well, know how to survive, not getting ganked by zergs and, concider ur chances against this zerg and that zerg and that grp and this 1v1

even partially gimped chars can do well if they use any "skillz" as u like to call it, and tactics

hell...even using your styles right is a skill

is your lowish rr2 at lvl 50 (u have enough playtime for lots more) caused by lack of these skills?, maybe?, no? :m00:


Why nobdy complained bout moose before ? If I am correct nearly every melee class can get IP ( I am not in the realm abiltity thing that much so correct me if I am wrong).
So before nobody had ip, but hib heroes had moose, armsman had higher absorb and moose is on a 30 min timer... you have your higher absorb anytime.
So we had the moose as bonus now as every main melee class has IP ( if I am right with that), we still got the moose as bonus. nothing has changed really... take IP away from both tanks and you have the old version.



my problem is.. i think armsmen are too overpowered.. and the whole albion too.. they got the overpowered "ubertank" that-cant-be-keeled-Karam.. im gonna report this overpowering thing of every class.. Skalds,Heroes and so on.. especially armsmen.. they have got scimitars thats too much for me skald

+ a big LOL in here and there



why cant armsmen moose.. they are already as stupid :) (if u look at the uber-cant-be-keeled-armsman)


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

hibs are supposed to be the fucking magic homo's of the game, if anyone should have a tank that can last that long it should be mid!

haha :D


Karam its simple, hibb got to have the best classes, why would they have all the best classes in this game, with a few exeptions (Blademaster, Nightshade)

But hey they got:
(this is if you specc right for some classes)

Hero (best tank ingame)
Champion (best hybrid tank ingame)
Bard (really good support class)
Warden (another really good support class)
Mentalist (stun,extremly versatile caster)
Eldritch (stun,Nearsigth, bolts, nukes, aoe mezz)
Enchanter (stun,bugg-uber-pet with snares, pbaoe, dds)
Ranger (self buffs, Good bow/best archer if you havnt gotten a buff bot)
Druids (buff thingies, dont know about them really, seem to heal ok tho, with some aoe root and maybe dot - dont know really)

Blademaster, Nigthshades arnt that good as infs/zerkers

see a pattern? - us is dominated by hibb, mythic did all roll hibb chars now - before they were clerics (some are minstrels aswell thats why they keep getting love) :p

Ill soon hear how uber the alb minstrels are or so or scouts with their longbows :p


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

so so wrong lol. there is NO fucking skill in this game. there couldnt be any less. there really really isnt lol, seriously, there just isnt. the reason is, because there just arent enough spells etc. in UO, pvp is 'so' skillful, a good 1:1 pvp fight has so much skill its almost painful to watch some times.

THE reason UO pvp is SO skilful using mages is because there are 69 (roughly) spells in the game, and in a good pvp fight you'd use about 30 of them. thats 30 different macros on your keyboard that you have to memorise and use while running with your mouse. <shudders> i actually admire some pvpers in UO, i'd be proud to shake they're hands in RL, simply because they are SO fucking l33t. but i have no respect for anyone in daoc, because it takes NO SKILL!

there isnt a jot of skill in this game, kid yourself as much as you like novamir, but your playing a game that takes no skill what so ever, the number of RPs you gain rely souly on the class you choose, and maybe how often u can play.

i dont have many rps, because i dont play. i work.. and socialise, i dont play this shit 24/7 like some sad cunts (you). and im bloody glad i dont.

btw, one thing i want to know novamir, is whats your /played <grins>

Karam, it's so easy to argue with you, because ya talk such crap. First of all, of course there's skill in the game. Doing ANYTHING involves a degree of skill. You really should just accept that you suck at daoc :)

In my previous post I already stated that it takes time to play to get the RPs, there's no doubting that.

If you loved UO so much why don't you crawl back there? Fuck, I'll even pay to reactivate your monthly fee.

And LOL at you getting personal about me IRL ;) . I'm on my gap year before uni. My current play is 64d. I work a bit, go out with mates a few nights a week, and enjoy playing daoc as much as i want, and lying in til 1pm :) I'll be studying medicine at one of the best universitys in the country from September. Yes phear Dr. Novamir...

I still maintain a monkey with the ability to type and /stick would have more RPs than you Karam. Just accept you suck at daoc... it's no big shame! We'll all like you just as much ;)


Originally posted by Kagato.
As for heros, correct me if im wrong, I never bothered or cared to learn much about the enemy classes, but don't hero's only need to spec one line to use their spears/polearms or whatever? Armsman are forced to spec 2 lines all the way to 50 to do that kind of damage. Again I could be wrong with this or thinking of a different class, so don't bother flaming.

correct, you dont need to spec blades and celtic spear or anything (like slash and polearms for armsmen), just celtic spear, nothing else, and you'll get full use from the spear :)


Hibernian realm is unbalanced without a doubt. In most if not all areas. Main thing needed for "ubar rp pharming m4dskillz" is crowd control, tbh if u have that and either someone with some skill/intelligence pressing the WIN button, or alot of ppl who have the spell, i.e. bards/all hib casters, then making ubar rps is absolute childsplay and _almost_ skilless, its whack a mole. Anyone 40+ in hib who isnt RR4 by now just hasn't played RvR much, really is as simple as that.

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