they're FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR to over powered for my liking.now before anyone starts (like novamir/wuren), its not the player that makes the char good, its the over poweredness that mythic have supplied them with, so dont start thinking your any good.
anyway, yea, heros', have 2 full instant in combat heals, more hp than armsmen and polearms. i saw one hero today last about 3 minutes against 6 lvl 50 alb tanks. thats just not right. thats wrong. hibs are supposed to be the fucking magic homo's of the game, if anyone should have a tank that can last that long it should be mid!
give me an answer to this. and make it a serious answer. WHY do heros get moose? they couldnt need it less. if anyone needs something like that its paladins. IF hero's have to have insta heals, they dont need polearms, or visa versa. its just plain unfair on the rest of the games population.
they're FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR to over powered for my liking.now before anyone starts (like novamir/wuren), its not the player that makes the char good, its the over poweredness that mythic have supplied them with, so dont start thinking your any good.
anyway, yea, heros', have 2 full instant in combat heals, more hp than armsmen and polearms. i saw one hero today last about 3 minutes against 6 lvl 50 alb tanks. thats just not right. thats wrong. hibs are supposed to be the fucking magic homo's of the game, if anyone should have a tank that can last that long it should be mid!
give me an answer to this. and make it a serious answer. WHY do heros get moose? they couldnt need it less. if anyone needs something like that its paladins. IF hero's have to have insta heals, they dont need polearms, or visa versa. its just plain unfair on the rest of the games population.