OMG unbuffed BD killed a grp of 3 albs!!!!!nerf!!!1oneoneone


Dec 23, 2003
well if daoc doesn't require any skill at all, i dont see why fps games such as halflife or quake should as well.. fucking buttonsmashers that think they got skill :mad:


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Bonehead said:
Can you plz define the word 'skill'? As far as i can see from your post, you don't know what it is. I'm not ironic.
It looks like you REALLY don't know what the word 'skill' means... :p

skill to me means a developed talent. ok, maybe you could say pressing buttons in a simple way is a devloped talent to you. to me that is not skill. people who throw 180 in darts is skill, its a talent that someone developed for them selves. pressing heal in daoc when health isnt 100%, to me personally, is not a skill. standing behind a bunch of pixels pressing rear position style is not talent, you dont need to develop that in anyway. mezzing someone is not talent - you clicked a dude and you clicked another button. is that really talent?

well if daoc doesn't require any skill at all, i dont see why fps games such as halflife or quake should as well.. fucking buttonsmashers that think they got skill

ok and again, you say pressing buttons in daoc in a very simple fashion is talent. having hand/eye co-odination is actually not much to you? you know hand/eye co-ordination has to be developed? do you even know what hand/eye co-ordination is? accuaracy is a skill, fucking artists no skill mofos. with all their co-ordination but clearly thats not skill. being co-ordinated is no skill man what the fuck am i thinking! if you can press buttons simply in a game then it cearly means you have skill but picasso doesnt have skill. i mean wtf?!

maybe in some very low way, i could possibly agree with you that pressing buttons is a skill. you havbe the ability to press buttons which the dictionary would also class as skill - having ability to do something.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
wow still nr3 thread :worthy: Only skill in daoc is knowing what every button does and which enemy to kill first, not a hard game atall.
Its true theres no way a solo melee class can kill a buffed bd, even without pets its hard, but any caster who uses MoC can kill me with no problems, unless i find a building or tree to hide behind untill the timer expires.
But Sorc with Paladin and Merc against unbuffed bonedancer loosing?
WInning that battle didnt need skills, only common sence and cool nerves!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Whilst there may be a certain degree of skill in the game I don't think its the biggest part of whats a good or bad player, I consider the game to be far more based on player knowledge, the only 'skill' as such is reaction time and not fumbling keys, the biggest factor in winning a battle though is 'knowing', knowing what your class can do and what the enemy class your facing can do and knowing how you can counter that. The more you know about the game, the classes, the abilities and whats availible to you, the more chance of winning. Some may call that skill I think of it as more simple knowledge.

As for the bd killing 3 noobish Plenty of people here of killed more enemies that out number them when the enemy have screwed up and acted noobish, I killed 3 nightshades at once in odins the other night because they screwed up, im not about to make a video of it, nor are they likely to yell nerf, these things happen every day.

Sure bd's are over powered and I do think the class needs toning down, but killing 3 enemies at once isn't any big deal if there noobs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
tigekala said:
WInning that battle didnt need skills, only common sence and cool nerves!

And albs in epic, as usual :)

Are i mighty impressed by those cool nerves and that act of pure skill? Yes, i is!


Dec 23, 2003
skill in daoc is;







master all of these and you will be a good player.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
vintervargen said:
skill in daoc is;







master all of these and you will be a good player.



Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
It seems like some people are defining the term "skill" in a very limited way that is inappropriate (IMHO) of the concept. For instance, Kagato makes a distinction between "simple knowledge" and "skill" whcih I do not agree with--knowledge is theoretical, whereas skill is the practical application of the knowledge in a real situation. Thus, skill means so much more than knowing when to press heal at a specific point in time, or indeed how to turn your wrist so that you are able to throw 180 in darts; it is a much broader concept undeserving of the simple generalizations made, in particular, by tris- in this thread.

DAoC doesn't require skill? Then ask yourself why there is any difference in the performance of people playing the game at all. Given the choice of two people playing a specific class needed for a group, why do people tend to consistently choose one player over the other? Because of their "skill", is the natural answer.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
people do better because they either have a bot..

or they know when to press a button

one person doesnt have skill because they mez and the other guy didnt. the other guy is an idiot if he doesnt know how to click an enemy and press mez. that doesnt mean the other guy is more skilful, just he isnt an idiot.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
this is all imo ofc. imo, this game isnt hard, you dont need to think hard about what you do therfore its imo ofc that you dont need skill tbh imo ofc.
imo tbh fyi afaik ofc .. whatever ;x

tris- said:
i have no skill in daoc, because daoc does not need skill.

tehee.. that made me giggle tbh ;>

Thats why we have grps with 7 palas, 1 necro or smth being killed by a duo.. thats because daoc takes no thought nor skill to play ^^


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
tris- said:
people do better because they either have a bot..

or they know when to press a button

one person doesnt have skill because they mez and the other guy didnt. the other guy is an idiot if he doesnt know how to click an enemy and press mez. that doesnt mean the other guy is more skilful, just he isnt an idiot.
I can see arguing with you is a lost cause since you will just continue rehashing your initial arguments and not respond to any new points put forward here. I say again, your definition of skill is much too limited. How is an FPS player "skilled" when a DAoC player is not? The only difference lies in that some practicalities have been abstracted out--i.e. you don't have to aim, hack, and slash at your opponents manually on account of this being a roleplaying game. Instead, the level of abstraction lies on a higher level, but still requires skill (although not of the basic hand-eye coordination kind you've constrained your thinking to, and which I would argue is actually a "lower" kind of skill than more abstract kinds).

For example, AFAIK Formula 1 drivers no longer have to use a clutch to shift gears up and down--they have an automatic clutch. There is still plenty of things left for them to do driving their car. Would you now call a Formula 1 driver "unskilled" because of this change?


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
have to agree with belomar and in part with vintervargan. reaction time, communication and common sence are what i would call skill in DAOC. though saying that playing a class that suits you also helps. main CC'er needs very fast reaction speeds to "win" the mezz. tanks need to quickly decide which target is a support/mage class (through practise, not skill) they need to be in the right place if playing defence (who in your group will get attacked 1st) again through practise. DAOC is easy to play, but to excel you need common sence, teamwork and practise.

Most mage classes are a piece of piss to play but to truly excel they are very hard, the same for any class really.

On my hero i can kill any class (except a moccing caba or sorc) but thats not 100% down to skill its down to spec/SC/RAs/end pots and a whole host of things, obviously if all i did was spam taunt style i would lose against the harder enemies (yes i have had an pallie spam anytimes on me to try and get me off a cleric (pointless) ) but its knowing when to slam, which styles do what.

Its not rocket science but there is some skill required in this game to win.

sorry if i rambled i am a bit drunk :)


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
there are classes in this game that require very little skill to play (2/3 buttons) necro/BD/animists all 3 have situations where they can be very very easy to play. necro - solo, mana tap, af debuff life tap, win. BD press insta life tap every 4 seconds. animist stick a coin in your shroom key at a mile gate and go and make a cup of tea. though in a group situation all three classes have a different role. animists, BT, bombers lifetaps etc. necromancers, mana distribution, life taps, interupts. BDs, spam life tap every 4 seconds errr hmmm dunno. pre DF nerf infils spam DF and backup, win. pre LA nerf zerks/SBs well say no more.

Cambridge Dictionary said:
skill [Show phonetics]
noun [C or U]
an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it:
Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.
I have no skill at/in sewing

its all down to practise, though some classes require far less practise than others.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
i agree with Belomar et al here. Daoc does require skill to play well. Speaking from a skald point of view, ability to lead fgs+ through zones without getting aggro, knowing when a healer/caster is getting hit and snaring the other player. Identifying enemy classes and killing the right ones first. Its not a simple matter of hitting f8 then mashing your style button(s)

Skill means u know how to catch a mincer one on one when they sos or killing a pally. If u just button mash u die, with thought u can win. You know when you have played well, you also know when you have played like a total noob(ie decided to use nose to press keys) you live and learn. Next time u will be better because you have learnt (hopefully). So skill is important


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
I can see arguing with you is a lost cause since you will just continue rehashing your initial arguments and not respond to any new points put forward here. I say again, your definition of skill is much too limited. How is an FPS player "skilled" when a DAoC player is not? The only difference lies in that some practicalities have been abstracted out--i.e. you don't have to aim, hack, and slash at your opponents manually on account of this being a roleplaying game. Instead, the level of abstraction lies on a higher level, but still requires skill (although not of the basic hand-eye coordination kind you've constrained your thinking to, and which I would argue is actually a "lower" kind of skill than more abstract kinds).

For example, AFAIK Formula 1 drivers no longer have to use a clutch to shift gears up and down--they have an automatic clutch. There is still plenty of things left for them to do driving their car. Would you now call a Formula 1 driver "unskilled" because of this change?

I still don't really class that as skill, its just quick reactions, which can be applied to anything, its not really what I think of as skill, your reacting based on your knowledge of the game. The only real skill i'd consider here is the ability to read a situration in RvR and predict the progression of the battle and what will happen next, dealing with that situration though again comes down to knowledge and reacting to it.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
vintervargen said:
"ill just smash all these buttons and we win!!!11"

yea pretty much.. and for most alb tanks its Amephyst Slash 4tehwin.....


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Hanni said:
imo tbh fyi afaik ofc .. whatever ;x

tehee.. that made me giggle tbh ;>

Thats why we have grps with 7 palas, 1 necro or smth being killed by a duo.. thats because daoc takes no thought nor skill to play ^^

i never said the game requires no thought.

Would you now call a Formula 1 driver "unskilled" because of this change?

no and i also have no idea what the hell your trying to get at.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Just what I expected, a retarded answer. Well, have fun, hope you have more luck arguing in real life.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Even I killed 3 ppl once with my paladin ;p

Skilled Player >> Noobs :p

And plz, BD is soooooo easy mode... Tanks in T-shirts...

I once whacked for 10 mins on a lvl 48 BD with my paladin, he always healed the amount dmg I delt and I resisted alot + twisting filled my hp back up...

Just had to /wave , and end + sprint to get rid of em :p

1 vs 1, BD wins 90% of the time...

And playing BD's on camlann to grieve ppl, is being sad++


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Ctuchik said:
yea pretty much.. and for most alb tanks its Amephyst Slash 4tehwin.....

well why use anything els when it is better then most of the other styles and have a nice lvl 50 follow up style ?

... and to the clueless guy who made this post, grats on killing 3 clueless unbuffed ppl in odins with a 1 button class ;)

if I get the jump on 3 clueless ppl like that I can kill them with my mincer :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
Raven said:
there are classes in this game that require very little skill to play (2/3 buttons) necro/BD/animists all 3 have situations where they can be very very easy to play. necro - solo, mana tap, af debuff life tap, win. BD press insta life tap every 4 seconds. animist stick a coin in your shroom key at a mile gate and go and make a cup of tea. though in a group situation all three classes have a different role. animists, BT, bombers lifetaps etc. necromancers, mana distribution, life taps, interupts. BDs, spam life tap every 4 seconds errr hmmm dunno.

Lem'me help you: Dark nuke, strenght debuff, dex debuff, body debuff, root, quic cast. I think thats more buttons a runemaster is using ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2004
The reason i think Vallewalkers are op is the same people think bd's are op, i havent played VW but 1 killed my shadowblade and another SB i was duoing with.
Mythic made SI classes good so people would buy the expansion and thats all, nothing we can do against it. Looking forward to see what "Catacombs" new classes are like ;)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Belomar said:
Just what I expected, a retarded answer. Well, have fun, hope you have more luck arguing in real life.

Belomar said:
I can see arguing with you is a lost cause since you will just continue rehashing your initial arguments

what are you trying to get at asking if a F1 driver has less skill with no manual clutch? why would they have less skill when they are still driving hundreds of MPH. if thats a retarded question then so is everything you said. thats just going by your logic ofc.

arguing about this in RL, well the people i know would agree. i dont know any sane person who would agree its skill to press a button in a game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
tris- said:
what are you trying to get at asking if a F1 driver has less skill with no manual clutch? why would they have less skill when they are still driving hundreds of MPH.
Why would a DAoC player have less skill than an FPS player when they are still battling real enemies playing different classes with different abilities? I had thought the conceptual leap between my example and DAoC would be small enough for anyone to bridge, but it would seem not. What I am getting at is that by saying FPS games (where you are in charge of aiming and shooting) require skill, whereas RPG games (where you leave the aiming and shooting to your character) do not, you are constraining your notion of "skill" to mere hand-eye coordination. I am saying that the only difference lies in the abstraction levels, but that there are plenty of other things to busy yourself with in a PvP RPG like DAoC.

i dont know any sane person who would agree its skill to press a button in a game.
Agreed. Actions happen in context. We could describe playing an FPS game as "moving the mouse and clicking the buttons", or throwing darts as "moving your hand in a forward motion and releasing the dart", but we both know that does not capture these activities by a long shot, and trying to imply otherwise is frankly downright inane. Playing DAoC is not just randomly pressing buttons.

Someone else described this pretty well, but it seems to me that different DAoC classes have different skill potentials. A cleric, for instance, has a fairly limited set of abilities, and thus may been seen as a "simple" class to learn. However, even playing a cleric well in RvR (i.e. not just hitting spreadheal or BoF at the right points in take) takes skill--this includes positioning, power management, hiding, moving, interrupting, communication, RA/ML/artifact use, etc. Other classes have different abilities and may thus be harder or easier to learn, but accordingly have greater or lesser potential. I would say that the rule of thumb is that the more flexible a class is, the more "room" there is for a skilled player to show his mettle.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Belomar said:
A cleric, for instance, has a fairly limited set of abilities, and thus may been seen as a "simple" class to learn. However, even playing a cleric well in RvR (i.e. not just hitting spreadheal or BoF at the right points in take) takes skill--this includes positioning, power management, hiding, moving, interrupting, communication, RA/ML/artifact use, etc.

You forgot about smiting!


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
I did say "interrupting", that's all that specline is good for. :m00:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
1 v 1 situations.. mins gets jump on BD normally pretty easy win as long as you keep out of range for the pet mez, other way round /rel unless sos is up

although a resisted stun if they moc will also = /rel

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