Oh the events....



i agree 100% here.

there were instances of events on alb-prydwen interfering with the guild of shadows level 50 epic mob.

sprags den on excal-hib is infested with PURPLE con mobs (i mean christ, please, at least make them the appropriate level).

i am not a roleplayer, i do not disrespect roleplayers or those who wish to roleplay - however these events should not be intefereing with day to day playing of daoc. why can i not go in sprags den on my level 27 manachanter?

please, server wide events that effect minor spawns that are not commonly used (like faerie frogs in sailsbury plains), or out in the frontier in areas with no major spawns are not a problem. spawning a MAJOR dungeon like sprags den or tepoks mine with purp con mobs (they are blue to my 50 char - thats level 40 mobs at the enterance to a low level dungeon?). its not on, really.



i disagree with epics being temporarily buggered, is prolly a pain in the ass for those concerned

as for the location i think its as good a place as any, the danger of it being out of the way is noone would notice nor worry, however in the high profile areas there are people more inclined to try to solve the problem because it is in the way. this is an RPG, and it should be in an evolving universe surely? so these temporary storylines as annoying as they may be must be lived out. noooow solutions

you mention a level 24 manachanter, take it to Koalinith Caverns. apart from up at the entrance where theres neutral mobs this is unchanged by the event, and is a perfect place for chars of about that level to go solo. just kill the blue\greens up at the top en masse, and if you feel like it move to bouncers and\or the mobs in the bridge room (beware the mobs in bridge room n00k, but die fast). koalinith caverns is imo better than sprag, but noone ever goes there because its a bit less safe. give it a go and i doubt you will be disappointed, even take a 5/6 person l24ish group down to the bottom and pbaoe xp on the crabs, its where i leveled my manachanter from approx 20-25 in no time

i and others in CF i know for a fact are trying to rid the dungeon of these strangers, and i am sure plenty of others are also if the other posts on BW are anything to go by, so the best thing to do is either just wait, or to keep your eye out, read the posts on the www.camelot-europe.com news, and see if you can think of something that might help :)

anyway :D sleep time


Originally posted by Alrindel
I guess "someone" would be me.

Next time I'll just derail the thread immediately with a picture of the pancake bunny.

Mmmmmm .. rabbit pancakes.:)


Originally posted by Aeiedil
pancake bunny?


something like that?


Originally posted by Jenkz
i agree 100% here.

there were instances of events on alb-prydwen interfering with the guild of shadows level 50 epic mob.

... well it seems GOA have listened and taken action regarding disruption to people's epics... sadly we didn't manage to clear Tepoks on Alb/Pryd last night, but I can happily report that Overseer Tepok was quite happily camping outside Tepoks rather than at the bottom. Now, for those who want the authentic deal of trying to find him deep inside, I guess you'll have to wait a bit, but for those wanting to just get on with the quest he is available (and no I'm not telling you exactly where, although he isn't hard to find ;))... I guess that's a happy compromise.

Of course, the sad part is that apathy will take an even firmer hold, and more of the high level players will stay out on their RP-farming zergs rather than coming to try to clear it given that their own guild-mates will not be stuck for their epics.....


Ah well.... I did the real test on Gorre, so I am happy to just kill Tepok outside and now I am happily carrying on running around on my epic again.....



woot :D compared to the duracell bunny that rabbit is uberleet :D


Originally posted by Alrindel
I wrote you a defense of my position that the takeover of Spragg by high level mobs was justified in the context of the campaign and that I didn't think low- and medium-level players were being excluded from the events being run by GOA.

Your 2-point rebuttal went something like this:
1) I'm lobotomized, and too stupid to understand your original post
2) I'm a brown-nosing fanboi GOA employee Eyes and Ears who wouldn't listen to anything negative you have to say anyways

I'm surprised you didn't play your trump cards: that I smell funny and my mom is ugly, to slam dunk it; perhaps you're holding them in reserve.

Since you believe that anybody who disagrees with you is too stupid to bother with, and since my mother IS kind of ugly, and since it's a rather dull day at work this morning, I wrote you a story instead. Enjoy!


That night the Company slept upon the ground, much to the satisfaction of the hobbits. The Elves spread for them a pavilion among the trees near the fountain, and in it they laid soft couches; then speaking words of peace with fair elvish voices they left them. For a little while the travellers talked of their night before in the tree-tops, and of their day's journey, and of the Lord and Lady; for they had not yet the heart to look further back.

All of them, it seemed, had fared alike in their interview with the Lady Galadriel: each had felt that he was offered a choice between a shadow full of fear that lay ahead, and something that he greatly desired: clear before his mind it lay, and to get it he had only to turn aside from the road and leave the Quest and the war against Sauron to others.

Suddenly the stillness of the night was broken as Sickofit leapt up from the corner where he had been brooding, and began to shout in his shrill, harsh voice.

'This fooking quest fooking sucks, it's just fooking stupid. Days of walking around aimlessly and running from fooking purple con riders, then one crappy riddle to get through the door at Moria - nice imagination, GOA - and a fooking purple tentacle mob that eats half our equipment, and for what? More days of wandering around inside the fooking dungeon to be attacked by a million fooking orcs that respawn every five seconds when you kill them - and then that fooking Balrog that was like level 99, wtf? I couldn't even hit it, and it takes out our only fooking nuker even though we tried to run!'

Sickofit's face grew redder as he began shouting faster and faster. 'So now we're supposed to do what, get to this fooking Mount Doom which knowing GOA is probably surrounded with purple aggro and another million fooking orcs, we have no nukers and no healers, but four luris, two tanks and two rangers - and one of those is a fooking Elf. Nice fooking party!'

At this, Legolas looked angry, and Sam drew in his breath to speak as he would to a young hobbit who was giving him what he called 'sass', but Sickofit continued to shout, his voice rising ever louder.

'Well, nice fooking event, GOA, that's all I have to say. Moria used to be a great exp spot for lowbies, especially D0rfs, but now the back entrance is blocked and even if you could get in you'd get zerged by orcs in two seconds, never mind that fooking Balrog! I've lost two bubbles since this whole crappy waste of time started, and I've had enough! Obviously there's no stable master anywhere within miles, and I'm fooked if I'm walking all the way back to Bree! Fooking GOA!' And with that, before anyone could stop him, he ran out into the forest where suddenly six huge trolls that no-one had noticed leapt on him, and began ripping him to pieces. The hobbits cringed and covered their ears as Sickofit's horrible cries rang throughout Lothlorien, until finally, with one last gurgle, he fell mercifully silent.

Galadriel's soft voice startled the Company out of their horror, as none of them had heard or seen her approach. 'I can still revive him, if he is willing to rejoin,' she said, sadly.

'No,' said Aragorn grimly, 'even now it is already too late. Look!'

Aragorn pointed to where Sickofit's body had lain moments before, and the travellers were amazed to see that a stone marker had appeared from nothingness, the only sign that there had ever been a tenth in the fellowship. Galadriel bowed her head, and disappeared into the nearby woods, as the remaining adventurers returned to their musing, whispering quietly amongst themselves. Sam could overhear the two young hobbits muttering, 'what do you suppose fooking means, Pippin?' and Legolas angrily explaining to a dubious Gimli, 'I do just as much damage as Aragorn, though I strike for less, my blows fall twice as quickly.' And Strider, staring up at the stars, speaking as if reciting a strange elvish song, 'GOA, GOA, what new evil is this?' But Boromir sat alone, a shadow on his brow, and to Samwise it seemed certain that Sickofit's warning about fighting alongside an Elf ranger had not gone unheeded.

lol, nice story, whatever would we do without you Alrindel ;)


wither and dispair.

oh and by the way Jenkz? WTF is the Faeri frogs on salis plains? I ain´t ever seen a mob like that there


Originally posted by Octanion
WTF is the Faeri frogs on salis plains? I ain´t ever seen a mob like that there

Over the river opposite the Merc tomb raiders, they are only there in the day. Change to skeles at night .. and they BaF


Originally posted by Aeiedil
this is an RPG, and it should be in an evolving universe surely? so these temporary storylines as annoying as they may be must be lived out.

i wish this was the case, but very few people at least on albion prydwen are really really interested in helping clear tepoks (its not really a major dungeon so why bother).

unfortunatley daoc is turning into realm point farming for RAs and for top 50 lists - many many people are more interested in being bored to death in emain to farm a couple of thousand realm points an hour than do anything remotely interesting. with mythic activley encouraging this sort of behaviour by adding abilities which require excessive realm points people obviously will be farming for those abilities.

it maybe labled an RPG, but really, the people who are capable of ridding dungeons of large numbers of highish level agro mobs are sitting in emain and really no interested in RPG at all - but RvR.

Originally posted by Octanion
oh and by the way Jenkz? WTF is the Faeri frogs on salis plains? I ain´t ever seen a mob like that there

that was my point, no1 knows them, no1 cares..... great place for an event which doesnt screw up dungeons.

they are in the far SE corner of plains. afaik they are the same mob as the elly faerie frogs in snowdonia and pennines, and take the same ellyon faction hit.


Originally posted by Jenkz
i wish this was the case, but very few people at least on albion prydwen are really really interested in helping clear tepoks (its not really a major dungeon so why bother).
Hey I was interested but if people plan things early in the evening then they're going to exclude people who work... :p


depends how late you work ;)

most people work during the day... so planning them then is bad for those people (expect they'll spread them around at different times though)


i think they should put rewards into the events to attract more attention like a unique sword or armour,staff etc.


Originally posted by old.Kladen
i think they should put rewards into the events to attract more attention like a unique sword or armour,staff etc.

... hehe I knew there'd be one ;)

Kladen... read my first reply on the thread... you walked right into it :p


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus

... hehe I knew there'd be one ;)

Kladen... read my first reply on the thread... you walked right into it :p


You catch mice with cheese, don't you?;)

On the other hand... it would be to the disadvantage of lower levels/the ones who don't get the uberdrop.

So you are probably right.

How about special titles?


I reckon its extremely hard to balance... sure, drop some uber items for the participants, and have low level players missing out but attract people to the event... drop unique items and only one player gets it and others want it, 'unfair!' they cry... don't give out drops and people don't bother going... it's simply the age old 'all of the people, all of the time' thing.


Originally posted by Dannyn

Hey I was interested but if people plan things early in the evening then they're going to exclude people who work... :p

you could always plan sommit yourself you lazy minstrel :p


Originally posted by Aeiedil
you could always plan sommit yourself you lazy minstrel :p
Have to live up to my lazy drumwhore rep. :D


ahh it's ok dannyn, nobody thinks your THAT bad :) i mean, it's not like you pulled a karimkazi and actually went to sleep!!!!! while playing mana song at gobbo's :)

whoops! did i say that out loud? :D


Originally posted by Jenkz
...very few people at least on albion prydwen are really really interested in helping clear tepoks ... daoc is turning into realm point farming for RAs and for top 50 lists - many many people are more interested in being bored to death in emain to farm a couple of thousand realm points an hour than do anything remotely interesting ....

it maybe labled an RPG, but really, the people who are capable of ridding dungeons of large numbers of highish level agro mobs are sitting in emain and really no interested in RPG at all - but RvR.

About 100 people showed up last night to clear Tepok's out. I wouldn't say that's "very few people" Jenkz. Moreover, even if RvR doesn't 'float your boat' there is no need to criticise those that enjoy it.

Lets face it the RPG content of clearing Tepoks consists of getting 100+ to rush in, hit monsters, and kill them all. Very little role playing content at all actually.

Some parts of the events have been very interesting, the clues, some of the weird and wonderful npc's wandering about. But having to hack through ten million monsters and calling that roleplay....


... for me anyway.


Originally posted by old.Charonel
ahh it's ok dannyn, nobody thinks your THAT bad :) i mean, it's not like you pulled a karimkazi and actually went to sleep!!!!! while playing mana song at gobbo's :)

whoops! did i say that out loud? :D

pretty sure I've been asleep whilst killing gobbos.. hard to stay awake..

was still hitting, killing etc... the lights were on but nobody home... ;)
so not a very relaxing sleep :( bout as much brain activity though.

boo to goblins


I think it sucks

This is a damn lame "event", if you ask me. Pretty lazy way to go about it, and really screws over the lower players. Put in another mine entry and run your story!

And lots of the big guys on Excal HAVE tried to right it...once seemingly just because I asked em to :), but to no avail.

And here I am after waiting 8 months to get the game, then they muck it up.

I can see having a few days or a week of this tripe for fun, but it has gone beyond that now.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: I think it sucks

Originally posted by old.Glendower
This is a damn lame "event", if you ask me. Pretty lazy way to go about it, and really screws over the lower players. Put in another mine entry and run your story!

And lots of the big guys on Excal HAVE tried to right it...once seemingly just because I asked em to :), but to no avail.

And here I am after waiting 8 months to get the game, then they muck it up.

I can see having a few days or a week of this tripe for fun, but it has gone beyond that now.

*waits for poor Glendower to get divebombed* :(


Lazy? Not really. Somewhat uninspired, certainly. They wanted it easy, they’d put the bloody dragon on crossroads near Nalliten and be done with it. Imagine the uproar and scramble after first few people get burned off their horses! More fun any day than seek and destroy 1000 greycon mobs.


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