Oh the events....


Uncle Sick(tm)

I think I vented my disdain about the fact that the so-called events (filling dungeons with mute aggro npc's, norseman merchants hanging out in every village - mute, of course) don't seem to involve the idea of low/mid level ranges participating in them already... though I dimly remember GOA's event team claiming that all character ranges would be able to take part in the events.

Well, today I decided - why not checking out the Spraggon Den with my ickle l23 bard alt? Good idea - so I rode there all the way from Druim Cain.
"Earth crafted armor.. yummeh for a bard!" I was thinking after entering the Den, buffing my char.

Running down the ramp, I see a whole bunch of "Sentinel" NPC's.
"They won't aggro me... after all my l38 Enchanter doesn't get aggro from the hostile NPC's in front of the Coruscating Mines... and I didn't get aggro from the hostile NPC Overseer in Koalinth..."

Wrong. I got smashed.

Now- I don't mind the event involving zounds of aggro NPC's hijacking a dungeon where the mid/low levels xp...... but shouldn't those guards be yellow/orange to someone at 23?
... so...*gasp* I might participate in freeing Hibernia from them ewul invaders?
And events... events. Sure there have been some nice events - don't want to slag off the event team completely.

But the whole "strangers hijacking an l20-28 dungeon, so that the l40+ players have something to do...".

Give me a break.


Your so right, my 27 NS is a bit stuck now without Sprag Den.

Do the lvl45+ chars give a damn? No, why should they, they dont need to go in there! If CS had been hijacked the quest would have been completed on the night. I have heard quite a lot of people say they dont want to go in there because the XP loss is too great, and if they are going to gain nothing from it, what drive is there?


Methinks bad things shall happen to Hib/Pryd then :(

Reading the camelot-europe it looks like there's gonna be different endings depending on what happens :)

Choose your own Geersha Adventure I guess :)


I felt a bit like a spare wheel too and was disappointed in that respect. All my chars were level 24 at the time. The best I could do to join in was to get my druid out and heal level 50s for 1/20th of a bar at a time and be too low to rez anybody. It was interesting to watch and funny at times (my first ever NEED to do /effects none) but GOA needs to remember we werent all here on day one, have 100 days /played and have a lvl 50 to whip out for special occasions.

PS I got owned in Spragg Den too

PPS It would be nice to be able to return from Moher by HORSE!!!


Would be nice for there to be some lower level bits to the event... but that might be coming.

Nice to see that there's a lasting effect on the world from them though :) they ain't pullin punches.


So you don't want events that are too big because then it's just hundreds of people running around in utter chaos and you don't want events that are too small because then only a few select elite players get to enjoy them and everybody else and you don't want events that are medium sized because then it's just limited to one guild or alliance and the high levels squeeze everybody else out and you don't want events that are too hard because you might get killed and lose experience and you don't want events that are too easy because they are pointless and boring and you don't want events that are too mysterious because it's a pain having to unravel all the clues and you don't want events that are too obvious because then it's just another quest to go here and do this and that and pick up your reward and you don't want events that change the state of the realm because that interferes with your normal exping and you don't want events that don't change the state of the realm because then they are just a pointless waste of time and not in the spirit of a roleplaying campaign and you don't want events that involve killing mobs because that's boring and you do tons of that anyways while exping and you don't want events that don't involve killing mobs because they are boring with no action and nothing to do except stand around listening to some NPCs talk.

But GOA better deliver those events they promised us! And they had better be good!


I'm more annoyed by...

the four bloody blodfelag dreng that have started patrolling around the middle of Hugginfel to be honest.
Ie my char dies to a roaming dirge having being jumped on the run between Hugginfel and Audliten - fine that's me own fault and serves me right for not taking a horse or watching where I was going.
No chance of a rez in the middle of nowhere so I release back to the Hugginfel bindstone where I'm immediately bloody killed by these four sodding dreng - now that I do mind.

What the you know what are four dreng doing in the middle of a town with a bindstone actually patrolling - not just passing through like the irritating but avoidable Mr Toestubber?

So from being one kill away from levelling I'm now much lighter in the pocket and back to three blobs off the level - can you tell I'm more than a little bit annoyed?

Besides which, they don't appear to be actually doing anything other than getting in the damn sodding way of lowbies trying to go about their lawful business.
They aren't geeshans so they aren't directly quest related and no-one seems to have a sodding clue what they are doing there.

Bah events are superb if there is some means of finding out just what the hell is going on. Four hostile NPC drengs in the middle of Hugginfel doesn't qualify in my RP book.


Originally posted by Alrindel
So you don't want events that are too big because then it's just hundreds of people running around in utter chaos and you don't want events that are too small because then only a few select elite players get to enjoy them and everybody else and you don't want events that are medium sized because then it's just limited to one guild or alliance and the high levels squeeze everybody else out and you don't want events that are too hard because you might get killed and lose experience and you don't want events that are too easy because they are pointless and boring and you don't want events that are too mysterious because it's a pain having to unravel all the clues and you don't want events that are too obvious because then it's just another quest to go here and do this and that and pick up your reward and you don't want events that change the state of the realm because that interferes with your normal exping and you don't want events that don't change the state of the realm because then they are just a pointless waste of time and not in the spirit of a roleplaying campaign and you don't want events that involve killing mobs because that's boring and you do tons of that anyways while exping and you don't want events that don't involve killing mobs because they are boring with no action and nothing to do except stand around listening to some NPCs talk.

But GOA better deliver those events they promised us! And they had better be good!


... and we'd better get s0m3 t0tally ub3r dr0ps t00!!!!!



Sickofits initial rant was justified. He didn't specifically state any of the whinges specified in Alrindels "hilarious" post. Just pointed out that lowb exp grounds have been hijacked for the events which the lowbs can't actually particicpate in. Double whammy.

That said, Alrindel is right. Designing a perfect event must be difficult. I just have the feeling that this one is overly ambitious and has aspects that alienate some lower level players (lowb dungeons invaded by aggro mobs outside of the normal level range of that dungeon just plain sucks, sort it out). I would much prefer to see smaller scale events run by GOA employees that mean real interaction. Not 'strangers' popping up that won't talk, interact or will only speak to chars of certain levels/class.

The potential of events for laid in interaction, NPCs controlled by GOA employees responding to my/my groups actions. Not a static out of context NPC who reels off the same cryptic nonsense over and over. But hey, I'm sure some of you enjoy it.


OK then, to lay out my arguing points more succinctly, in the off chance that anybody is still reading:

1) The mass confusion invasion event was only one event in a campaign that has been slowly unfolding now for over two months and could continue for several more as far as we know. Complaining about that event as if it were the entire campaign in itself seems very silly to me.

1a) There have been plenty of smaller events in all the realms on all the servers where GMs have controlled NPCs and engaged small groups of various levels, low medium and high, to give them tasks to do, to drop hints and clues about the campaign. Some we have heard about, when the people who were involved write up their experiences on this forum, some we have not heard about, because the players who participated never told anybody, and some never happened because the players ignored or killed the NPC. Event over.

2) The invasion event was run simultaneously on every server. There aren't enough GMs and volunteers to run NPCs interactively under those circumstances... but it had to be that way, because if they had done it one at a time then the other servers would have known what to expect. Hibernia on Prydwen got a GM-run event based around Velfaur the Astrologer that we never got (as far as I know)... and when this one started, I thought that's what we were getting too, and I thought I had some idea of what was going to happen. Well played, GOA! :clap:

3) The outcome of the event was not predetermined. We could have saved Spraggon Den and Koalinth Caverns if we had figured out what was going on in time. We didn't, and the status quo of the realm has changed accordingly until we manage to do something to change it again. I think that rocks. If the end of every event is just a big reset button and a boss mob with drops then GOA can keep them. Yes, it's inconvenient for lowbies who want to exp in Spragg... so that's a good motivation for us to figure out what is going on and fix it. One of the things that many people have reproached DAoC for is not being the persistent, changing universe that UO is (to take an example). I don't think it ever really can be, the game engine is not designed that way, but now at least we (GOA subscribers) have a certain depth to our Hibernia that Mythic subscribers currently don't: our Hibernia can change (a little) and probably will change some more as the events continue.

4) Last but not least, the mobs I encountered at the invasions at Ligen and Moher ranged from orange to grey. Pretty much everyone who was there over level 20 had an opportunity to contribute.

So in conclusion, giv more campaign goa kthxbye.


so level 50's dont care? i spent hours in spraggon den with some 50's (who incidentally dont care about the den) trying to get rid of the mobs, although only 10 turned up. the den is nothing to me but i do want to get to the bottom of this, and there must be something we can do, we just have to find out what if you are around hibernia and you see a new camp that goa put there please post up a loc in the hib forums, because i am sure that somewhere is an npc or something that will give something to free the dungeon. as it is we saved koalinith from being overrun, we only have sprags to worry about :)


I am glad you enjoy the events Alrindel. Just so happens some people don't and others are indifferent or totally ignorant. Live and let live I say. You wan't Hibernia to change shape based upon the outcome of this event. Thats cool. All I ask is that this event doesn't adversely affect those who don't give a monkeys. Just really annoying for a sweet exp spot to be hijacked for an event in which I have no interest.


Well I totally supported Alrindel's post and yet I was on my way to Tepok's to do my own epic there and now I am stuffed in that respect - that's some healthy xp I am missing. Sure that pisses me off, now least because xp is bloody hard to get as an infil. However, I think that on balance GOA should be supported for doing their best to try to give us interesting new content and challenges, not whined at here for doing what they promised to do at the outset.

Find somewhere else to hunt, or play in the US.

Uncle Sick(tm)


basically what Chesnor said.

Alrindel... Brannor... Jupitus. I know you guys are big GOA fanbois but ... were you selectively lobotomized?
Someone dares to voice criticism on GOA and you (for the most part) three feel inclined to make your little sarcastic remarks and witty comments why the poster of said criticism is a little crybaby and deserves nothing but a sneer.

I did not blast off on the event team/events in general.
It was specific critizism of certain points. Get it? Got it?

Me no say GOA all bad!
But me no say GOA all good either!

I was saying: High level, super aggro NPC's in a mid level range dungeon is bullshit.
I didn't say all of our l50'ies give a damn... it was 3pm in the afternoon. Shall I message a select few high level players to clear the way? Or bring my main all the way from the Coruscating Mines, so my little bard can get some items and xp?
How funny... how very exciting. I would much rather ae mez them and then try to whoop some stranger arse. But a bard won't last long against 40+ mobs.
Get it now?

You can really tell who the eyes and ears are.
Eyes, Ears and brown noses to be more exact.
kkthxbye yourself...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus
Well I totally supported Alrindel's post and yet I was on my way to Tepok's to do my own epic there and now I am stuffed in that respect - that's some healthy xp I am missing. Sure that pisses me off, now least because xp is bloody hard to get as an infil. However, I think that on balance GOA should be supported for doing their best to try to give us interesting new content and challenges, not whined at here for doing what they promised to do at the outset.

Wowee... poor Jupitus lost some xp! You know what? I didn't even complain about my xp loss? I complained about mobs too high in level to be taken on with a level appropriate character in a level appropriate environment.
.... I think I'll give up on trying to explain it to you.

Originally posted by Jupitus
Find somewhere else to hunt, or play in the US. [/B]
.... hmmm... that deserves a special comment. How about: ignorant There... edited out the unnecessary profanity. My apologies to Jupitus... I leave the 'ignorant' in, though.


What can i say? Alrindel wins again :>
Atm the invasion of Tepok's is blocking my alt's high-lvl epic quest; extremely annoying. But... frankly, I don't care. Is hibernia really so poor in exp-spots that you can't manage without that dungeon? :/
I'm not saying that it isn't, i don't have sufficient experience in hib to say that. But... well, i find it hard to believe really.

Uncle Sick(tm)

... are you people reading and comprehending the original posts? I start doubting it.

I was not saying there are no other spots to xp, fucks sake. There are plenty of other spots.
It was about the level of the event mobs in the Den.

Alrindel wins... is it about winning in debate class now?
In my opinion it is constructive critizism when I say:
"The mobs in the Den are too high in level.. give the lower levels a chance to be part in the big event."

Do I need to make you a sketch? Or did you get it now?
Yes... I am getting pissed at the ignorance/inability to comprehend simple information some choice individuals show here.


Is it being reasonable to call people arsehole's and swear at them? Sometimes you can be intentionally funny ... but you're much funnier when you're being serious !!


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Turamber
Is it being reasonable to call people arsehole's and swear at them? Sometimes you can be intentionally funny ... but you're much funnier when you're being serious !!


... uhm. Hats off to you, if you can stay all calm and collected after trying to explain something, politely phrased (wasn't it?), for the third (or was it the fourth) time?
I feel like dealing with retarded children in this special case.

Did I start this thread angry man style?
I would give it a clear "no".

You're a hypocrite, Turamber. Now off with you to play holier than thou in another thread.


I must say i agree with sickofit... Since the high level mobs have invaded the dungeons the lower level players cant really hunt there. Sure there are other places to hunt, but people have places where the enjoy hunting, if a group of level 3x people like killing gremlins in tepoks, there inst a thing they can do about it, they will need to find an alternate hunting spot.

I personally would of liked to see several smaller invasions of different level mobs. For example an invasion into Mithra, say mostly level 7 - 12 mobs. An invasion into keltoi with 18 - 26 mobs and so on... Now the problem is stopping some level 50 comming down and killing all the greys, i hav'nt got a clue as to how this could be prevented, thats possibly why GOA made the event how it is.

Now i know the mobs in tepoks have been there for a while, and not many people care enough to take action (recently talks have began about clearing the place, and i believe there is an attempt tomorrow) i suppose its just location, tepoks is a rarely used dungeon... On the other hand if the mobs had invaded lyonesse i can guarentee that they would of been cleared out with a few days...

I think GOA have done a great job with the event, organising it and scripting etc. This was the first one they have done, so they will take notes, ang guage the reactions of people, and possibly the next event will be different, and meet the needs of every level range...


As usual whenever anyone posts anything here the wiseass combatants wheel out their highly eloquent and cuttingly witty responses and it all ends up as yet another flame war. Shame because this thread was personally interesting to me and was a very valid moan imho. Wierd that most of those posting in favour of lowb dungeons being infested with purp cons aggro event mobs are the very people who A) are of a high enough level not go to those dungeons, and B) are of a high enough level to go to those dungeons and easily kill said mobs with almost no risk.

Sickofit. Ignore them all. Of course it sucks putting purple aggro mobs in lowb dungeons, regardless of the significance of the event. It sucks because it makes the pain of levelling even more painful for people who couldn't give a rats ass about this event and are just going about their normal business. And the people who are indifferent, uninvolved or blatantly ignoring the event represent a larger and sadly less vociferous proportion of the daoc 'community' than the people who post to these forums.


Originally posted by sickofit...
You're a hypocrite, Turamber. Now off with you to play holier than thou in another thread.

Blah, blah, you arsehole ... blah, blah you ***ing idiotic ****. Damn i can't bring myself to swear in a post even to wind you up. Any semblance of being reasonable disappeared the moment you swore at Jupitus.

It so happens that people don't agree with you. Shock, horror, that happens in Barrysworld y'know... The events will not be carrying on forever, just xp someplace else for a bit. It's hardly the end of the world is it? Let's face it if that's the only thing you've got to worry about in life you're a damn lucky man.

Using profanities over a game? Grow up.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Did I demand lost xp back? Did I demand the immediate removal of those NPC's? No.
What is a forum? A forum is a place where people meet to exchange thoughts and discuss.

Alot of people seem to think that placing high level, aggressive NPC's in a lower level dungeon is a design flaw in the 'big event'.
They voice there opinion in this thread in, lets say - a normal, open minded discussion. No one cried "GOA AER TEH Suxx0R or anything."

The flaming started when the concentrated GOA fan entourage decided to jump on this thread to patronize the heretics...

I have never been a follower of the political correctness idea, Turamber. If I feel the need to swear, I swear. Call it an amplifier.

If I can't stand one thing, it's patronizing. That's what Jupitus did... and he got the answer he deserved............. all in a box labeled "My opinion".


Originally posted by sickofit...
The flaming started when the concentrated GOA fan entourage decided to jump on this thread to patronize the heretics...

Sicko (tm).... your seeming suprise at the people who try to help make this game enjoyable for all by taking an active part in passing feedback to GOA about what is going on from a first hand perspective is really unjustifiably hostile. Of course those people will be browsing the boards and active there, because they are the people who care about the game.

Don't assume you will get a one-sided argument in your favour just because we are afraid that you will call us 'brown-nosers' or something. I disagree with you not because I love GOA but because I have my own brain, thoughts and opinions too. I don't like people whineing about events when that is what GOA have promised to deliver and are doing so, simple as that. You need to lose that chip on your shoulder.



Originally posted by sickofit...
What is a forum? A forum is a place where people meet to exchange thoughts and discuss.
Ah so obviously swearing and insulting people counts as a discussion...

I think Alrindel had it right with his first post- Some people are never satisfied and will take any opportunity to start an arguement - Maybe that's your idea of fun...

You might have had a valid point in the beginning Sickofit but you gave up any pretense to a discussion with the flaming and personal insults in your replies.

I'm glad they've introduced this campaign of events - It makes a difference to the level grind and zerging in emain and might actually have some effect on the realm making it more dynamic.

As an Albion Tepoks seems the best choice for a dungeon to be taken over - It's level ranges are covered by other dungeons already, it's little used and the goblin dwellings must make the Geersha feel right at home.

From a roleplay point of view you're whinging because some enemy has invaded your realm and is camping in your backyard. Oh didn't they like it when you tried to explain that this was your backyard and would they mind camping in the dungeon over there not this one...

They voice there opinion in this thread in, lets say - a normal, open minded discussion. No one cried "GOA AER TEH Suxx0R or anything."

The flaming started when the concentrated GOA fan entourage decided to jump on this thread to patronize the heretics...
Normal open minded??!!!! Sorry you weren't refering to yourself were you? Sarcasm practically dripped off your first post so are you entirely suprised when people reply in kind - Oh you must be since then you start to flame, insult and swear at people. Oh no sorry again - I forgot you're a forum troll and thats normal behaviour.

If I can't stand one thing, it's patronizing. That's what Jupitus did... and he got the answer he deserved............. all in a box labeled "My opinion".

Well it just proves the whole arguement when you insult someone as level headed as Jupitus - I know whose opinion most people would listen to...

Well enough feeding of the trolls has been done by me for now.


Sickofit do you ahve to get so wound up about this ffs. my opinion on the event from the hibbie pov

1 : sprag is out of reach, big boohoo, theres koalinith caverns for the same level range but OOH LOOK better xp, of course noone ever goes there apart from the odd few so not many would realise this. it is also now itemised, it never used to be but is now, so go hunt there

2 : as i have said before it is not permanent, when someone figures out how to chuck out the strangers then they will be removed for the time being

3 : on the back of the box it says "Take part in quests set by the gamesmasters". these events vary in size and level range. i have taken part in events for any level range POTENTIALLY. one of them required no killing, entirely rp, coulda been done by a level 1, but the only people willing to listen to my charachters plight were a group of level 50's. some quests are small, some are big, and atm goa are running this very big event. it is part of what makes euro daoc different to us daoc, besides being a couple of patches behind, having no 24-hour appeal, and having the option to play in 3 languages (which may not appeal to you but to the french\german speaking populace of the game im sure it is nice).

4 : whats your obesession with calling ppl fanbois for voicing opinions, are opinions that differ with your own automatically invalid? are all your e&e-aimed insults nessecary to stress a point? i doubt it

5 : why the goa hatred? in the past the game was run terribly but it has come on very well since the beta days, and now is almost caught up with the US servers patch-wise, has a stable server (at least i rarely lag when its not my brothers fault), and are running events. hate goa all you want but dont insult those that don't

on a tangent i played scrabble earlier on the net, and the words that first came up surprised me, they were "FOUKGOA" :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: think the aol games thing is run by sicko? :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus

Sicko (tm).... your seeming suprise at the people who try to help make this game enjoyable for all by taking an active part in passing feedback to GOA about what is going on from a first hand perspective is really unjustifiably hostile. Of course those people will be browsing the boards and active there, because they are the people who care about the game.

Don't assume you will get a one-sided argument in your favour just because we are afraid that you will call us 'brown-nosers' or something. I disagree with you not because I love GOA but because I have my own brain, thoughts and opinions too. I don't like people whineing about events when that is what GOA have promised to deliver and are doing so, simple as that. You need to lose that chip on your shoulder.


Look... as I said - I did not expect to have everyone 'on my side', therefore I am and was not surprised to see counter-arguments.

What surprises me, though, was Brannor's post filled with content, Alrindel's rant and your not-so-witty comments.
Sure, I lost it after explaining myself for the third time.. and already apologized to you.

Dunno... I think GOA gets enough lovin's for doing a good job lately... therefore there is no need for the E&E's to be that defensive because that's what you guys do. Somebody voices critizism - and gets slagged off for it. At least that's what I think.

And I didn't whine about the events... I was saying that it's kind of numb to fill a lowbie dungeon with freaking terminators.


*points up*

goddam this thread is filling up as i wrote my last response lol


Ok, Sickofit, so you aren't impressed with the high level mobs in a low-level dungeon. That's a valid concern, and one that could have been discussed properly in this thread.

Whether you felt patronised or not, you have now totally moved the focus of this thread, as it has turned into a debate as to whether you should or should not have sworn at and personally insulted Jupitus.

Whatever anyone posts to this thread now, they will have had to read through the pointless slanging match between you and the "GOA fanbois".

Your point has been lost, and you may as well write the whole subject off.

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