Oh the events....


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

Your point has been lost, and you may as well write the whole subject off.

That is exactly what happened...

I find it somewhat amusing, though, that the whole discussion went off topic as soon as the E&E's started participating...

And yes... I tend to lose it after trying to explain myself several times. My apologies to Jupitus, said post has been edited.

Wonder what I really expected when I wrote my original post.
A proper discussion? Eventual changes? I think not :(

...oh... and I don't really think that it was me moving the focus of this thread. There has been worse swearing on these boards before. I would rather say the discussion lost its focus when Brannor & Co. felt the need to jump into the breach for GOA...


or possibly, you brought this on your self.

after all, you have done little but flame/belittle/stupify everybody since you started posting here.

so when you finally want to be taken seriously, you expect people to accept that? when i saw the topic, and i saw it was posted by you, i figured that this was just another Sicko thing.

it wasnt, apparently, but it is now. Well done :)


Its obvious to me reading this thread that peoples responses are based upon the posters name, as opposed to what the poster actually writes <sighs>

This was never an 'events suck' thread. In any game such as this, the only way to improve the quality of events and such is to feedback to those organising it the feelings of players. Read this thread while sitting on the fence and it is obvious this specific aspect of the event (out of context mobs infesting lowb dungeons) has upset some players. Those firmly on the 'the events rule!' side of the fence are on the defensive because they really want the events to be successful.

Any criticism of this specific part of the event shouldn't be seen as an attack on all events. I like to look at it as customer feedback, quality control. This thread could easily have been interesting and useful for the event team, to gauge perceptions of the event and try make the next part more accessible to all or less intrusive to lower levels or those not wishing to take part. Instead it has become another us vs. them thread with the same old faces insulting each other.


Koalinth cavern sounds much like Tepoks - noone goes there...

Tepoks got invaded and taken over - doubt many would have missed it if it hadn't been cleaned out.

Unfortunately for sickofit your realm managed to stave off the invasion into the unpopular dungeon, but didn't stop the one into the popular one.

Would it have been nicer if the army was the same level as the spraggon den? let the little-uns join in?


But what do you think would have happened if 300 level 30 monsters had invaded... one group of 50s would have wiped them out. The ideal of 'lots of level 30s' would not have been seen.... "out of the way" yells MrBigHero, "I'll deal with this."
*chop* *slice* *hack* *slash*

Hardly an epic event. And still nothing for the low levels to do.
It's a fact of virtual life in this game that things will have to be low key to be low level... (unless they can activate the dungeon level limits from the PvP server on the RvR ones for the events? :) that might give a bit of leeway)

PS. This thread has gone silly - wonder if we can start a new one. And sickofit... you can't complain at Alrindel etc. for responding to your post in a silly manner - not like you've never done that ;) cf: post on CoC ;)

Think everyone's gotten their backs up a little here... chill out folks.

Then again... don't chill! this is superb reading! :clap: :clap:


I am sure with some imagination they could have made it so high lvls couldn't hit/harm the mobs, or maybe posted guards that only aggro lvl40+ at the entrance to the lowb dungeons or something. That way the normal lvl range of players in those dungeons could have had some fun.

I know Koalinth is almost the same level as Sprag Den, but I always found soloing or working in small groups in Koalinth was always a bit tougher because of faster spawns and lots more baf/adds and those pesky guards at the entrance, making escape to the entrance a bit of a bummer.

Also I see alot of threads on realm specific boards about quest mobs in and around dungeons dissapearing due to the event pop. This is a bit annoying to those affected, as often the only tangible reward for reaching a landmark lvl (20,30,40 etc) is the fun of the epic and the reward...


My opinion on this event (and specifically on the high level mobs in Spraggon Den):

An event was created in which a large force of mobs invaded part of our realm.

In order to keep such a invasion contained (no wandering mobs that aggro players who happen to wander around the invaded area), one (or maybe two, counting Koalinth Caverns) dungeon was invaded by said force.

The event has a puzzle-part in that players who chose to participate in the event have to find a way to clear the mob out of the dungeon.

As has been demonstrated brute force didn't make the mob go away.

If the mobs had been level 30-35 (for example) it would have been far easier to clear the dungeon and keep it cleared, but it still wouldn't have solved the puzzle.

Another dungeon could have been chosen, leaving another level-range of players without their favorite hunting-spot, but the effect would have been the same.
Another non-dungeon-area could have been chosen for the invasion, with the same effect and even bothering players who would happen to wander around the wrong area.

All in all an event can never be perfectly planned:
- some players care about participating in events, some don't
- some players feel their gaming-experience is enriched, some feel hindered in their playing-experience

just my two cents, although I can certainly relate with the original reason for this post (having a level 24 hero-alt).


The strange and, to me, ironic thing is that Sickofit's original point is just the sort of thing that the Eyes and Ears team will take back to the E&E forum to give direct feedback to Kemor and Zargar, and thus directly to GOA, without going through the faceless RightNow process.

THAT's the sort of thing the E&E do, Sickofit. That's why they're called the Eyes and Ears. They see and hear things from the player base that wouldnt normally get back to the GM's.

They aren't the GOA cheerleading team, you know. They are committed players, who have volunteered to give a bit back to the game that they love.

They, as you, want it to be better. They, as you, see faults. But they are at least willing to try and appreciate the fact that GOA will NEVER be able to please everyone.

You seem to have such a problem with them. Why is that?

Uncle Sick(tm)

We-ell... Brannor is part of E&E. Correct? He goes into defense mode as soon as anyone critizises an event/his CoC rampage.

Alrindel's post. Just the same style - he might have valid points in it but still, it had nothing to do really with my topic.
It was rather a 'GOA has a hard time making events fun for everyone, so better be grateful that you get something'.
The fun part is: I only critizised a specific point. Not GOA, not the event/s as a whole.

Jupitus' "XP elsewhere or switch to US servers" comment. Come on. I apologized for insulting him... but I still think it's an ignorant comment. No?

To be honest - it didn't appear at all like it would be taken to the E&E forums as a topic to discuss.

I do know that GOA cannot please anyone. It's the small things you can change. Chesnor and Fingoniel amongst others made some very good points how it could be changed to make lower levels feel less left out from the events.
Re-read it, good Lunar - up to the point where I had enough and flamed Jupitus... how long can you kick the dog before it bites back? (Oh... can't wait for all the "stop whinging now, you bastid" wannabe flames...)

It's also quite amusing that I get those "you are Sick(tm) and all you do is ramble, rave and insult people" therefore you get what you deserver yada yada.
I would like to comment that with an "LOL" - I might have posted like that in the early days of my Sick(tm)-ness but animul stays in the box most of day lately.
So that's not really a valid argument.

Kind of funny, too, that I also get "you had a valid point initially but destroyed it once you flung mud at Jupitus".
Pardon me, but none of the so commited E&E's felt inclined to come up with a proper reply. It was people like Chesnor and Fingoniel coming up with constructive arguments.

Blasting me with the Blamethrower(tm) now and giving me crud like "be grateful for the events", "be grateful for the commitment of the E&E's" is hypocrisy. I didn't start out critizising E&E or GOA's event team as a whole. I voiced my disdain about an imbalance. It was Brannor&Co. jumping the thread in defense mode.

What's my problem with the E&E's?
I would put it:
What's the E&E's problem with constructive critizism?

In the early days of E&E you had Para Medic, for example, who had to insult players who had 'owned' him in RvR in a quite vocal way.
You have ol' Brannor with his high and mighty attitude etc. etc.

They are not the only ones loving DAoC. They are not the only ones commited to their realms.


hate to tell you this sickofit... but I'm one of the "GOA fanbois" too apparently ...

well I'm E&E anyway ..

don't advertise it (arse too late) :) but don't try to hide it either...

Brannor is brannor, hence his reply :) being E&E doesn't make him any less Brannor.
and last I checked Alrindel wasn't E&E... so his reply is most certainly as another player.
Not that I post as E&E... I post as me.

Now this probably points to a need to post what the E&E do, what they're meant to be doing and who they are I guess :) but please - I'm not a 'fanboi', I say when I agree with something GOA does, and I say when I disagree. I just have this curse of being levelheaded and too damned nice! (see previous posts on my attempts at being mean... just didn't happen)

If people raise concerns I do my bit: filter out the noise, pass on the message :) (hopefully without tainting it too much)

would be nice to be Judge Dread (although I'm more of a Judge Death fan) but I think I'm more market research :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

You could be the Pope for all I care, Fingoniel;)

... I re-read my posts and wonder: why is it so difficult to get a point across?

I was talking about the general impression the E&E left on me.
There is no secret list with the names of all the E&E's in my possession - so I can only judge the ones I know, right?

Glad you took a constructive part in the discussion about TEH (goddamn) topic(tm).
The E&E known to me didn't.

If there is a little team of E&E pixies being all constructive making the game a better game - fine for all I care.
*waits for the next post and more need for even more explanation work*
Bring it on, people.


I am the... oh no maybe not.

Problem with general statements ;)

"All minstrels are idle powersong players" - you'll piss people off ;)

Heh I can tell you for one that Brannor ain't a brown-noser, he's posted enough angry threads holding GOA to task in his time..

However, he's obviously not a sickofit... fan ;) probably one too many "animul" posts as you call them in the past.

They misinterpreted your first post as a whine - given your history with these people I don't blame em. I imagine you see a Brannor post and make certain assumptions, they probably do the same.

(I think I used to do that - but too many amusing picture posts has mellowed me ;))

I've certainly read a post once, fired off a reply, read the post again and realised I've been barking up the wrong forest.

And it's hard once flamed not to flame back - you get your back up and fire back, they fire back, escalating - whole place burns down. Then it dissolves into silly (patronising?) posts like this analysing why the flames started ... oh well ;) something to do whilst bored at work I guess.

for yer info we've passed on about 'more stuff for little folks would be good, sucks a bit that you can't help on the big stuff' and the various suggestions voiced around here....

Uncle Sick(tm)

Good reasoning and I shall rest my case, yer honor.

Originally posted by Fingoniel

"All minstrels are idle powersong players" - you'll piss people off ;)

Why deny a fact?
Bards are even worse... Roll BattleBards(tm), fs. :D


I wrote you a defense of my position that the takeover of Spragg by high level mobs was justified in the context of the campaign and that I didn't think low- and medium-level players were being excluded from the events being run by GOA.

Your 2-point rebuttal went something like this:
1) I'm lobotomized, and too stupid to understand your original post
2) I'm a brown-nosing fanboi GOA employee Eyes and Ears who wouldn't listen to anything negative you have to say anyways

I'm surprised you didn't play your trump cards: that I smell funny and my mom is ugly, to slam dunk it; perhaps you're holding them in reserve.

Since you believe that anybody who disagrees with you is too stupid to bother with, and since my mother IS kind of ugly, and since it's a rather dull day at work this morning, I wrote you a story instead. Enjoy!


That night the Company slept upon the ground, much to the satisfaction of the hobbits. The Elves spread for them a pavilion among the trees near the fountain, and in it they laid soft couches; then speaking words of peace with fair elvish voices they left them. For a little while the travellers talked of their night before in the tree-tops, and of their day's journey, and of the Lord and Lady; for they had not yet the heart to look further back.

All of them, it seemed, had fared alike in their interview with the Lady Galadriel: each had felt that he was offered a choice between a shadow full of fear that lay ahead, and something that he greatly desired: clear before his mind it lay, and to get it he had only to turn aside from the road and leave the Quest and the war against Sauron to others.

Suddenly the stillness of the night was broken as Sickofit leapt up from the corner where he had been brooding, and began to shout in his shrill, harsh voice.

'This fooking quest fooking sucks, it's just fooking stupid. Days of walking around aimlessly and running from fooking purple con riders, then one crappy riddle to get through the door at Moria - nice imagination, GOA - and a fooking purple tentacle mob that eats half our equipment, and for what? More days of wandering around inside the fooking dungeon to be attacked by a million fooking orcs that respawn every five seconds when you kill them - and then that fooking Balrog that was like level 99, wtf? I couldn't even hit it, and it takes out our only fooking nuker even though we tried to run!'

Sickofit's face grew redder as he began shouting faster and faster. 'So now we're supposed to do what, get to this fooking Mount Doom which knowing GOA is probably surrounded with purple aggro and another million fooking orcs, we have no nukers and no healers, but four luris, two tanks and two rangers - and one of those is a fooking Elf. Nice fooking party!'

At this, Legolas looked angry, and Sam drew in his breath to speak as he would to a young hobbit who was giving him what he called 'sass', but Sickofit continued to shout, his voice rising ever louder.

'Well, nice fooking event, GOA, that's all I have to say. Moria used to be a great exp spot for lowbies, especially D0rfs, but now the back entrance is blocked and even if you could get in you'd get zerged by orcs in two seconds, never mind that fooking Balrog! I've lost two bubbles since this whole crappy waste of time started, and I've had enough! Obviously there's no stable master anywhere within miles, and I'm fooked if I'm walking all the way back to Bree! Fooking GOA!' And with that, before anyone could stop him, he ran out into the forest where suddenly six huge trolls that no-one had noticed leapt on him, and began ripping him to pieces. The hobbits cringed and covered their ears as Sickofit's horrible cries rang throughout Lothlorien, until finally, with one last gurgle, he fell mercifully silent.

Galadriel's soft voice startled the Company out of their horror, as none of them had heard or seen her approach. 'I can still revive him, if he is willing to rejoin,' she said, sadly.

'No,' said Aragorn grimly, 'even now it is already too late. Look!'

Aragorn pointed to where Sickofit's body had lain moments before, and the travellers were amazed to see that a stone marker had appeared from nothingness, the only sign that there had ever been a tenth in the fellowship. Galadriel bowed her head, and disappeared into the nearby woods, as the remaining adventurers returned to their musing, whispering quietly amongst themselves. Sam could overhear the two young hobbits muttering, 'what do you suppose fooking means, Pippin?' and Legolas angrily explaining to a dubious Gimli, 'I do just as much damage as Aragorn, though I strike for less, my blows fall twice as quickly.' And Strider, staring up at the stars, speaking as if reciting a strange elvish song, 'GOA, GOA, what new evil is this?' But Boromir sat alone, a shadow on his brow, and to Samwise it seemed certain that Sickofit's warning about fighting alongside an Elf ranger had not gone unheeded.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hehehe :D

Like it... not the part where I get mauled by the fooking purple trolls, though...
I would have ae mezzed them - then yelled at Aragorn and Gimli to get their lazy tank arses over etc.etc.


And no doubt shouted..




I think what GOA are doing is great

Why should it be cookiecutter realms, where everything is the same old familiar stuff.

So they change a low level dungeon to a high level dungeon, imo thats a great idea, i would love to revisit Nisse Lair to find level 50 Tomte Pillagers etc.

So they change some quests.. have you checked the quest text? or are you just going from the quest describtion on warcry? (quests werent meant to be easy in the first place).

Just step back for a second, and ask your self if you would prefer to live in a realm where nothing ever changes, or would you like new stuff to happen around you, and be able to go explore again.


bah, this was a nice flamewar, I fear I may have done something to mellow it
but it was probably Alrindel's story that did it :)

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by old.chesnor
I am glad you enjoy the events Alrindel..

It always amuses me that DaoC is a Role Playing game yet 1% of the population do that or seem to remember the game should be about more than [move, pull, press 4,5,3,6, sit, stand, pull .... etc.]

The events are great .. all credit to GOA! US server peeps are actually jealous of us for a change.


But Sickofit IS a roleplayer... Aren't you Sicko (tm)?

Er.... aren't you?? :eek6:


Originally posted by sru

It always amuses me that DaoC is a Role Playing game yet 1% of the population do that or seem to remember the game should be about more than [move, pull, press 4,5,3,6, sit, stand, pull .... etc.]

This is a Roleplaying game if you roleplay. If you don't then all this game is about is "[move, pull, press 4,5,3,6, sit, stand, pull .... etc.]", exp, RP, ITAMS ^^ and gold.

Please don't forget many, many more people play this game who DON'T roleplay, than those that do.


ahh but events are part of the game (it says on the box)

If you always assume the world is going to be the same today as it was yesterday... you may have problems.

99.999% of the time it'll be true....

"The sun rose yesterday, it rose today, doesn't mean it'll rise tomorrow."

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
But Sickofit IS a roleplayer... Aren't you Sicko (tm)?

Er.... aren't you?? :eek6:

I am. Don't mistake my little rant about something that is unbalanced (in my opinion) with a complete dislike of the events.

I remember running across Prydwen Bridge with a friend during beta, when Frip hailed us all of a sudden... spinning his story about a lost father and an evil brother.
And while people mindlessly ran after some xp, my friend and I rped with little Frip, chased him around and finally killed his daddy;)

I had several small scale encounters with in-game with GM's (who are superb rpers by the way).

So... don't mistake my disdain about something comparably small with a dislike in rping or events.


whats this thread about now? like many long threads its got mutated somewhere in the second page :)


Dunno Aeie, I'm still laughing at alrindel's post. :D


Perhaps I can summarize:

1) Sicko (tm) posted some feedback about events, in particular about inapproriate level mobs in a particular dungeon.

2) A few people agreed or disagreed.

3) Someone made a funny but sarcastic reply.

4) A few people agreed or disagreed.

5) Sicko (tm) transformed into Sicko TEH CWOSS!!!!!111 (tm).

6) Everybody argued.

7) Everybody hugged.

8) Someone wrote a funny story.

9) Sicko TEH CWOSS!!!!!111 (tm) transformed back into Sicko (tm).

10) The GMs read the feedback and <nodded sagely>.

.... don't you just love happy endings?



I guess "someone" would be me.

Next time I'll just derail the thread immediately with a picture of the pancake bunny.


back to the topic i think that its a good job that the event team put in a story into the game because it was just infinite killing in frontiers and level for no reason.

pity there are epic quest mobs in there, thats the only thing i dont like about the current event.

we should be happy US servers never experienced a event.


Sickofit you smack right on the target..Nuff Said.. I been trying to interact with the diff npc's around , but they either just say the same each time, or nothing at all...GEEE maybe they not " activated yet " well then bloody dont put em there... If i run by a npc thats looking weird or where not there yesterday ill inverstergate it, but if the npc dossent responds , or atleast give some info the first 3 or so times i click em , I just stop ..simple as that....I done a gazillion of events on UO in the 4 years I played there , and even the bad one's where better than this..

Boy I more and more wish they had not ruined UO :(

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