Number 2

  • Thread starter old.pala hellraiser
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old.pala hellraiser

Ok so this is a second post of the 'GOA/MYTHIC U FUCKING WANKERS' thread: I swore alot on that because I was pissed off;
I have been suspended for 7Days. Which is unfair, no-one else was suspended, this happend in the Unity Alliance on Prydwen/Albion:

Me and my bro made a funny comment on /as and we actually got praise for it saying how brave we were, we had alot of followers. That was cool, and through this I was already in trouble so why stop? About 5mins later Rigante members come to me and start to kill everything I pull, now that *IS* against the CoC.

All I did was swear and spam a bit on /as line, but you all know that it's easily fixed.

1) /filter - Disables swear-words.

2) Turn of the chat all together.


what type of swearing? is there rules for swearing on AS in your alliance (unity?)


The thing you dont seem to realise is why should every member or your alliance have to do /filter or /ignore just because you wanted to have a tantrum. Just try and treat people in the same way that you wish to be treated yourself.

old.pala hellraiser

Word's like 'fuck' and yes there is - There is ridiculous rules in the Unity Alliance, hence why I did not care if I got kicked from the Unity Alliance (but I left before that happend) Yet they just have to persue it mate.

1) YES it is against the Unity Rules.

2) NO it is not against the CoC of Mythic/GOA (DAoC in general)

3) It being against the Unity Alliance's rules would not effect DAoC's Rules.

old.Gombur Glodson

Coming up next on daoc the soap opera :m00:

old.pala hellraiser

lol - There is a funny side to it and I am glad you can see it.. But you must also see it was not fair?


Swearing on the open /as channel is against the CoC/EULA if you take into acount the statements about abusing others.

However, if Rigante members did attack mobs that you had pulled - then they should be treated with the same disciplin and face any actions deamed necessary by GoA - report any breaches with screenshots to RightNow.

old.Gombur Glodson

To be honest I don't really care :mad:


For someone who doesnt care that he got kicked, you sure made 2 rather fucked up posts :)


Ive seen the future, someone is going to have an affair, and someone close to this post will fall in love!


Mitsur/Mitsurugi - Considering you are one of only 3 guild members I've ever had to kick from a guild, and that was for griefing low levels in Mithra, I'm not suprised about this occurance at all.

I reckon an outburst like you caused on /as would count as harrassment and it is further proven by your attitude here.


Originally posted by old.pala hellraiser
Word's like 'fuck' and yes there is - There is ridiculous rules in the Unity Alliance, hence why I did not care if I got kicked from the Unity Alliance (but I left before that happend) Yet they just have to persue it mate.

1) YES it is against the Unity Rules.

2) NO it is not against the CoC of Mythic/GOA (DAoC in general)

3) It being against the Unity Alliance's rules would not effect DAoC's Rules.

Don't know which CoC you've been reading, unless you count /AS as a 'private' channel, either way I think you'd still wouldn't have a case if you insulted any parties including GOA in your rant.

Roo Stercogburn

One of the most important things about alliances is that you keep the spirit of cooperation going. One of the things that contributes to this is an atmosphere of mutual bonhommie, for want of a better description.

It doesn't matter how you try to dress it up, swearing, or even internet shorthand for swearing, on alliance channels degrades this and can create tension if not outright annoyance leading to friction. Even if chat filters are enabled, because of the replaced letters its obvious that you are swearing, and sometimes even easy to make out what is being said from the context around it.

If, as was said in the previous thread, you were asked to stop and kept on going you deserve everything you get.

Coming onto BW to take a pop at your former alliance (and guild?) members only damages your own credibility, not the people you are taking a dig at. In the long run, you'll find you just made your own in-game time a lot harder and no matter where you want to lay the blame, ultimately it lies with yourself.

The only thing that would possibly shift any kind of blame onto others are complete and unedited chat logs that can be verified. I suspect we aren't going to see these, but then, I don't think enough peeps are really that bothered ;)

Happy gaming. Might see you around the frontier in seven days then. Feel free to come and gank me, but hey, just join the queue of people queing up for a nice squishy caster :D

Roo Stercogburn

Interesting choice of thread title. In the UK "Number 2" is often a euphamism for taking a shit :D


No wonder people tell me Unity sucks arse :eek:

ps: IBTL :)


looking at your last thread i'm not surprised

(how much you wanna bet a thread number 3 appears?)


Being online at the moment ya did it i can only say u deserve it and im sad they even let ya come back. You cannot ignore some1 spamming /as.. god knows, i ignored u right away but where still able to see all ya BS. Then ya pointless spammed /as with rude comments and random crap.

I reported you, make 1 little mistake and ill do it again. And do not ever think ill let you join a grp im in´.

You sir, are a moron.

old.pala hellraiser

Ok. I can't really be bothered with explaining my side of it on BW, I have explained it to RightNow and am waiting a reply. I guess in reply to this I will get:

'We didn't want to know your side of it'


'I hope they ignore you'

Don't worry I can see it all coming.

old.pala hellraiser

Oh, and as a side-note:

I'll play my 2nd account ^^

old.pala hellraiser

Originally posted by Ardrias_Mid
For someone who doesnt care that he got kicked, you sure made 2 rather fucked up posts :)

Know what?

I agree :m00:


your ban is well deserved and you know it i personally asked both of you to stop very reasonably at least 5 or 6 times to which your reply was less than amicable

it`s good to see GOA doing what needs to be done on this occasion given your personal attacks on people over the course of an hour my view is you should both have been perma banned

"Ok. I can't really be bothered with explaining my side of it on BW, I have explained it to RightNow and am waiting a reply."

your side of it?

you obviously forgot about chat logs that several people including myself took of your entire tirade of abuse don`t have a side of it idiot


GOA reserve the right to ban/suspend accounts as they see fit. If enough people complained and provided evidence to your bad language then you really have nothing to complain about, regardless of whether it was a private or public channel.

I don't think swearing has a place anywhere in DAOC and /salute GOA for taking action :clap: Everyone lets off steam now and then but some of us have the intelligence not to do it into a channel of several hundred alliance members..

If you want to swear like a trooper sod off to counterstrike. Otherwise grow up and stop thinking that swearing makes you 'big'. If you were warned and persisted I'm damn sure you deserved everything you got.



SWG: Bored, Can't be bothered listing chars.

DAoC: Mitsur 41 Paladin.


your that ass that asked for PLing at L5 aint ya

old.pala hellraiser

Both should have been banned? I take it you are on about my brother who made a few comments on /as that didn't involve swearing or taking the piss out of someone? LMAO this is why Unity sucks, yeah permaban a guy for breaking alliance rules by saying something that wasn't based around rvr.


i thought you got a 70 day ban at first. 7 days ban for losing it is fair enough, i worry that one day i'll try to set the world to rights on the CF alliance chat . hasn't happened yet, but surely kicking someone from an alliance is good enough? without running to the gms to get him banned utterly, but maybe it was really really bad.

i guess what im saying is: SOMEONE POST THE LOGS!!!

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